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    1. Blop 8 yrs ago


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Male. I like 1x1 rp's as they're just easier to do. I post you post I post you post etc... I don't mind what gender the pairing is because I'm not into smut. Romantic tension is great! But when it gets weird it gets weird.

I like to RP because I like to write. And I like to read what I write. And then its been 45 minutes and I still haven't finished my post. This is another reason I like 1x1 RP's too.

I don't use pictures for my characters because I don't know where to find one I like or how to do it. So I like to do text descriptions and I ALWAYS appreciate yours as well :)

I usually take a long time to post so I'm sorry if I'm slowing down the thread :( I just like to really try when I write. I'm not good, but I'd like to think I'm at least giving it a go lol

PM your 1x1 prompts :)

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@Wick@Dark Light Well ok then I'll just go ahead with it.
Hello! I'm just looking for one female RP partner for my prompt I'm dying to play:

Update: I've found my partner and probably shouldn't take on any other RP's thanks!

A rather ordinary girl is suddenly thrust into a world of might and magic as a benevolent force comes for her death. Her rescuer and secret long time guardian explains she is the reincarnation of a goddess and heir to the throne of a once mighty kingdom brought to be raised in the mundane world when theirs was overrun by evil. Beset by danger all around her, she must come to decide whether this is all true. Does she really have magic? Is she the real reincarnation of the once powerful God Queen? And if so, can she really realize all this to fruition to save herself and her kingdom?

I like to write full descriptive bios, no picture or character sheets. Not because this isn't casual RP but because I don't want to call it advanced and say you have to write a certain number of paragraphs for me to be satisfied, if there's little to say than that's it! But that doesn't leave excuse for laziness :) And I'd appreciate the same expectation from you. If you're looking for an advanced RP, I think I can keep up, but I'm not going to force out something that doesn't feel natural.

I always encourage plot twists, bringing in new characters, and big changes so please bring it on! Please post here, don't PM me. I'm only looking for one partner for this prompt. Thanks!

@Dark Light want to take control and move us to some conflict on the south side of town? Not much to put in on my end unless you want to PM some conversation. Otherwise just throw in "Grant gets in the SUV with Kain." and take us to some made up action. Go crazy!
Still looking? :) Fox spirit prompt sounds intriguing to me :)
Can I still take you up on your offer? Male Nightwalker?
Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

Some debrief! Grant had never felt more out of place. He'd known there would be others here with powers like his, but he'd still jumped at the sudden appearance and disappearance of a teleporting girl. A key, a commlink, and orders. Maybe it was like the military and he didn't feel so out of place after all.

Grant followed out after Kain's cold shoulder and inspected the commlink in his hand. It was sleek and grey and looped to fit over his ear. It buzzed in clearly as he entered room 7, "Shotgun." Things were already moving quickly, Grant had little time to inspect his new quarters. Though he took notice there was one bunk and it was a rather large size. This was comfort he wasn't used to. The marines had him holed up 4 men to a tent in the deserts of the middle east. The 18 hour plane ride back was luxurious. This was going to be something he truly appreciated.

Thud. Zip. His green army duffel bag landed on the bed and was opened to all Grant owned in the world. Fatigues. Boots. Clean underwear. White t's and jean pants from the country, matching much like what he was wearing now. And under it all, tucked away at the bottom, a book: Introduction to Algebra. It was worn and feathered on every page from tired reading and re-reading. For a book, it took a lot of frustrated lumps it didn't deserve. It was quickly shoved under the mattress, bending another corner on its poor back cover.

Grant was out in the hallway in time to follow Tia out toward the garage. He saw Kain again by a black SUV, it's engine was already going, started by some support staff not to be seen anymore. The team was described to Grant as emergency response when things got real hairy. He wondered if it meant the cars had sirens and lights too. Regardless he would be quickly jumping into the side at a moments notice.

"Dressel, isn't it?" He said with a muted friendliness, as a complete stranger would. A thick silence seemed to impregnate their blossoming indifference. "You seem...," he hesitated about what to say that would come across as an attempt for comradery, "tough," nodding to the helpless Eddie being rescued from the flagpole. "Be sure to let me know which car is yours," he joked.

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

There was yelling around the corner of the open door. The suit leading Grant hesitated in the stark white hall. Grant's apprehension peaked. A high ranking security officer shaken by someone raising their voice? What new bullshit has Uncle Sam thrown me into now? Grant thought to himself. The placard on the door read Tia Clark. Inside was some thin looking kid yelling about who knew what and a girl taking the brunt of the outburst. Grant assumed this was Tia, the other he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Tia was different. Strange looking. Not odd or disfigured. But different. Attractively different. Grant couldn't stop staring at her long green hair. Breathtaking.

His short break of nerves relaxed and Grant's lead cleared his throat,

"Ms. Clark. Dressel sir. Pardon the interruption, Grant Finley has arrived. He needs to be debriefed."

Grant stood at attention. Tia didn't look like any commanding officer he'd dealt with in the past, and this young kid certainly lacked an authority he was used to in the marines, but best to play it safe for now. He'd speak when spoken to.

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
Hey I really don't like to do pics for my character bios. Is that ok? Otherwise, my boy is posted :) Thanks!
Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

Grant Finley: Soldier #34366609 A.K.A The Hammer

Age 23
Offensive Power: Claws, retractable, well mostly. They darken and point sharply at indestructible tips. While otherwise being stubby they only extend further outward willfully in times of danger.
Defensive Power: Super Strength
Enhanced Power: Enhanced Agility

Bio: Grant Finley led a normal life growing up in Jefferson City, Missouri. Normal parents, normal friends, normal habits. He'd hit 6 foot tall by freshman year. Tall like his old man and just as fit. 180 pounds stuck tightly on his body with defined muscle. He'd never worked out a day in his life, but his shirts were always struggling to contain his arms and chest. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a farmboy tan, he was a plain looking guy who liked nice company and good music.

In high school his athleticism seemed to know no bounds. By senior year his biggest problem was finding time to win state champion at wrestling and carry the school football team to another perfect season. The "Olympian To Be!"; the "All American Champion"; "The Record Setter" was known by every small town paper in the county and took notice round all the schools in the United States. Strength and agility to match, Grant impressed every college in the nation, full ride scholarships were offered to him and his future as a famous athlete seemed inevitable. Grant's brown haired mop head mugshot was getting famous all up to his first year of College. A state University to stay close to his parents. He was a good, christian raised country boy and didn't need a flashy named college education from somewhere he'd never been to take him away from his family. However, unbeknownst to him, Grant would not be staying near his family long, and his small town paper headline titles were changing to something very different.

He'd soon be known to the US Marine Corps as Soldier #34366609 AKA "The Hammer"

College proved to be very difficult for Grant. He'd focused little on his education, as one my expect. After failing every course at the end of his first semester Grant was banned from competing in the school's sports. Losing his ability to play meant losing his scholarships. In 6 short months he'd gone from athletic prodigy to college dropout. There seemed nowhere he could go without admitting to everyone he was completely without an education. Grant found his was to the military where he thought he could at least do right by his strength and help people in need. War was hell.

Grant detested the fighting. His power, which seemed to have been getting stronger every day since, made him a useful asset on the front. He hammered through the enemy lines earning himself a sickening nickname. Uncle Sam called him "The Hammer." He felt more like the nails. Grant found he could grow his fingernails to sharpened daggers strong enough to cut into steel! Thickened armor plating on vehicles; tough barricaded roadblocks; and bunkered down fox holes couldn't withstand the might of US Marine Corps newest weapon of war: The Hammer! After weeks of winning countless battles, Grant and his fellow marines came to a true realization; Grant was not a normal country boy. He was something more.

When the fighting slowed, and the war had been somewhat won. The league of nations came to the US Armed Forces with a proposal for their weapon. Assign him to their league of other superheroes, station him in their newest HQ base in California, and he can serve the world while maintaining a loyalty to the US. The reassignment was swift and Soldier #34366609 was discharged with a medal of honor. Grant was moved to a superhero Headquarters lead by Tia Clark.

Just a good, christian raised country boy who wanted to help people. Trained for combat and run a trial by fire. Awarded a medal of honor. Grant stepped off the plane outside the San Francisco airport. Cabs buzzed around him. The gold star medal shined in his hand. With a scowl Grant crushed it in his fist and let it fall between his boot and the gutter. A black SUV pulled up alongside him and took him to the compound.

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
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