Avatar of BlueJayBaseball
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 222 (0.08 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. BlueJayBaseball 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I'm alive~ I have been recovering from a surgery last friday, but I'm here now <3
1 like
8 yrs ago
Bad headache. Roleplays will be slow.
8 yrs ago
Delays up to a day due to PokemonGo.
8 yrs ago
Back from Sioux Falls, and am now working to find more Role-plays! If you want to chat or have a 1x1 Role-play, PM me!
1 like
8 yrs ago
Going to Iowa, will not post for 2 days/nights!


[ Quick Facts. ]

Nicknames: Angel or Speckle

Gender: Female
Hometown: America Join Date: 2016

Now Playing: "Soldier"

[ About Me. ]

I first joined back in 2014. How I joined was by being really bored, and helplessly searching through hundreds of role-playing sites until I found this one, being the only interesting one. It grabbed my attention because you could role-play warriors, which I wanted.

When I first came on here, I had 2 major characters named Raiderstar, by off my favorite football team, and Angelstar, based on me. Really, I was not as advanced as I am now then back there.

[ Some Shoutouts. ]

Scarletfox: Scarlet, thank you for all these years of being there for me, and signing up at my very first thread. It meant a lot to me. I don't know how--but then suddenly---we started to PM each other and started becoming RP buddies. And also you're my first friends at this site.

AdderstarofLionClan: Adder, you aren't here right now, but thank you so much for doing everything you did. You truly mean the world to me and if I lost you forever I would be very upset. You helped with my depression and helped me create Specklelove to who she is today <3

Scourgeblood~: Scourge, oh heavens we were enemies at the beginning, but now we are great friends. I still can't believe we had wrong signals and hated each other cx It's fun rping with you, and I hope we never end.

Blacksmithgames: Black, we have been friends for a long time cx We started being friends either at my zombie thread, or it was because Branch and Angel. Anyways, I have loved roleplaying with you, and I hope we can continue it!

Dreamcatcher: Dream, we became friends because of the gatherings. I think it was me joining you and Fangirl, but it has been fun! I especially love how we made Aurora and Shadow cx

Fangirl: FAN!!! I cannot begin to tell you how much you mean to me. We have common interests, we have the same things, and everything we went through, only made us stronger <3 I have had so much fun with you and wish you never leave me <3 I wuv you!

updated June 2016

Type of threads that I'm highly interested in:

• warriors
• soul eater
• supernaturals. the show.
• hetalia
• 1x1

Type of threads that I could roleplay:

• fantasy roleplays
• action/supsense
• hunger games
• animals [ eh, depends ]
• romance.... maybe
• asylums
• post-apocalyptic
• most fandoms
• other stuffs that i don't mention

Things I won't roleplay:

• drug addiction/illness
• abuse/kidnaps/incest
• one direction. um just not a big fan

Most Recent Posts

Ivy nodded, wide green emerald eyes watching Katherine, before she pointed toward the cotton candy booth. "Do you like cotton candy..? I can pay..." She murmured through her scarf, pulling out a few coins and dollars.
@Demonic Angel
Winter murmured a quiet okay, still hiding behind Roman with red eyes. Axel was kinda scary to Winter. The glare, the brother, the damp clothes. Winter just peeked out at her from behind Roman, and when Axel glared at her, she hid behind him, not even peeking anymore.
Edited it because I failed
@KindledBeast @Demonic Angel
Winter nodded, blinking. She watched Axel. "Are you okay? I have a few bandages if you need some..." She told Axel, before looking at Darwin.
@Demonic Angel
Darwin blinked. "Well, I'm going to find something to eat. Anyone want chicken or soup?" He asked, running to find a place, before returning back. "What, why am I back here?"
She blinked squeaking when another fired. She jumped a little, fear in her red eyes. "Y-Yes, I hear it too!" She murmured, shakily getting up.p
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Maka nodded. "Alright, sounds good." Maka responded glancing at him. She bit her lip before telling him a story. "You know, I don't like being late. It was funny yesterday. I was late because my annoying father tried to make pancakes and spend father daughter time. I tried to tell him that I was late, but he insisted to feed me burnt pancakes." Maka told him, a small smile on her face.
@Mistress Dizzy
Akio slowly nodded, trying to calm down for her. She was nice. Maybe he wasn't gonna be rules and forced as a royal poop. He didnt want to wear a crown.

He just wanted a waffle right now.

And off the island.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Can I throw Roxian at Stephny for physical?
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Ava turned and walked away. She had her hands on her pockets, cuts open, sleeves up, and a calm look on her face. She walked over to her friends, who had different expressions.

Roxian had an excited and mischief look on hers. "THAT. WAS. EPIC. YOU GOT COOL SCARS NOW!" She smiled, running over to look at them.

[color=a2d39c1]Willow was scared. "You're hurt!! Did you get him?? Be nice and careful!!" Willow squeaked, running and hugging the emotionless girl.[/color]
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