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    1. Bornlucky 10 yrs ago


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- Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) -
- April 9th, 2XXX -

- Interacts with: @Tenma Tendo -

"... Well whatever was the possible outcome it didn't come to pass, so I think we can stop dwelling on the possibilities." Zentaro said flatly. Not bluntly or with any intensity, they have already dwelled upon on this topic far too long. Misaki clearly has anxiety about possible outcomes that could've transpired. Zentaro has suppressed such silly worries since such worries does nothing but slow you down and make you lose focus of the current time. If Misaki is gonna be his equals he needs help with his anxiety, that will take some time but it should be possible.

Does his smile look strange?

Zentaro thought as Misaki giggled at his smile. Might just be shock, since even Zentaro himself is not used to smiling so seeing someone as stoic and great as himself showing such a expression might be jarring and inhumane for Misaki's timid nature. They both should used to it. Okay, that was an admittedly a very gross sentimental thought just now. He's getting all gross and weird. Cool it, Zentaro.

Good, he understands.

Zentaro thought as he nodded along to Misaki's plans. Some of them were a bit gross sounding by how sentimental they were but he got the general idea down. But even Zentaro was surprised by Misaki's next action which was to jump out of his seat and shoot his hands up in the air. Zentaro looked at him weirdly for a second but just nodded and ... was that a hint of excitement he just felt, gross, Zentaro even felt the corner of his lips twitched upwards for a second... How pathetic. But maybe this is how friendship is supposed to feel like. God he hates it.

"Glad to hear it, we are now officially friends." Zentaro spoke bluntly and it sounded a bit strange for him to say he has a friend. He never really had friends, he knew how its supposed to work and that friendship was supposed to improve you but he never got anyone to endure him... No, he meant he didn't want it until now. Yes, that's what he meant.

And there's the first question of their friendship. What's his quirk.

Zentaro was finding the words to explain it. It didn't take too long not as long as it took him to answer the friendship question.
"I have a mutation type quirk like you even if its not as visible as your's." Zentaro started. "My quirk is 'Kinetic Energy Absorption' which means the more kinetic energy I give or take the stronger I get." Zentaro said while he had his thumb on his chin thoughtfully. "I can either counter attacks strikes with equal or greater kinetic force though a punch or I can use the kinetic energy from the strike to boost my own strength, durability, and speed. The Strongest I ever got with my quirk is roughly 10 times my normal capabilities." Zentaro spoke about of his quirk with clarity.

While on paper it sounds like a very useful and powerful quirk, and when its set up it is but it has a ton of issues and this is why Zentaro is always looking for ways to improve himself since his quirk is as good as he can get it, he just need to improve his base levels so that the added base also adds to his modifiers.

"So that's the basics of my quirk I can go into more detail later, but I'm curious about your quirk as well." Zentaro asked, he was admittedly curious about the boy's quirk. Was it just fish parts or was there more to it? He hoed there was more to it.
<Snipped quote by Bornlucky>
Fair. But calling a seemingly normal female peer as a "child" does seem a bit much, but kids will be kids. No skin off my back, haha.

Zen called her a child because he's an asshole lol
It's part of his character atm since he sees any displays of emotions he doesn't approve of as childish which is childish of him to do since he's a petty bastard who pretends to be more mature then he is :>
<Snipped quote by SilverDawn>
Do other child's call people of the same age a child, though? Seems a bit pretentious of them.

You'd be surprised how pretentious teenagers are lol
<Snipped quote by Bornlucky>

She's 15, Merv. She's a child.

lol you got me there

but I meant IC we had two character thought of her as a child And one who called her a mongrel and I have a feelings that this is only the beginning lol Also the last post I assumed more people called her a child then they actually did so whoops!
I find it funny everybody calls Yoshi a child even though she's not that short by Japanese standards its just most everybody else so damn tall lol

- Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) -
- April 9th, 2XXX -

- Interacts with: @Tenma Tendo -

How strange.

Thought Zentaro as the boy spoke up about his worries. Was the boy so worried about fights that he indirectly caused that it causes such anxiety? How strange, truly. His father did say people are strange and emotional beings, maybe Zentaro was too hasty to think people could be as reasonable as he was. Maybe, maybe he should reassure the boy. That's what people say when they get emotional like this, right?

"I doubt they were going to fight in the middle of a crowded hall... but if you feel that way I will not deny you your appreciation and just accept it." Is that how people accept appreciation? He normally just stays silent when people thank him. Why is he speaking? He's acting weird today. Maybe it's the energy of the school making him act up. Once he gets used to it he may act more like himself.


Zentaro didn't expect the boy's reaction to his words. Zentaro only repeated what his father told him advice he never used himself since friendship is a thing he never needed. And it was clear from the boy's determined expression and words that he was aiming the advice to Zentaro himself. Guess he has to answer him or else he has to endure feeble attempts at friendship for the next three years. If Misaki wants him as a friend he will at least set the ground rules for the forced friendship. Maybe he can even improve Misaki though their one sided friendship? How sentimental. Disgusting. Pathetic, really to focus on such useless thoughts. But it piqued his interest, shamefully. Maybe, maybe just this once he play along to such sentimentality. But he won't like it. He definitely won't.

Zentaro ran a hand though his pink hair and focused his eyes on Misaki's with great intensity, more intensity he has shown all day. How weird. To show such emotions outside of combat. "I can't speak for everybody since everybody has different needs and reasons for friendships. That's why I say you should earn it. But I can see that you want to be friends, So I won't deny you the opportunity. And I admit your determination to do so is admirable even though your timidity." Zentaro spoke ever bluntly, he didn't dance around the fact he knew the boy's intentions but he also graciously added his own positive emotions to the mix, how gross of him. "I'm always aiming to improve myself and I expect the same thing from everybody around me... especially you from now on Since you want us to be equals." Zentaro continued, before he suddenly let out his first smile of the day which is normally reserved for fights which made it look a bit more intimidating then what he intended.

"I expect the best from you and you should expect the best from me... that is my only condition to my friendship." Zentaro finally finished he hasn't spoken this much in a long time. His jaws starting to get sore. He's being grossly sentimental but maybe this is the next step in his self improvement at this school his father did say improvement isn't always how you think it will happen after all. Maybe friendship will make him better as a Pro-hero even if he thinks team work is gross and stunts growth of an individual but he can't deny the usefulness of it and Pro-heroing is about compromises after all if his father is being truthful which he always is. Plus having a short term goal is always a good thing to have. And giving one to this Timid boy is very gracious of him to do. But Misaki is also giving hims a goal. To finally have an equal. Maybe he can start with that stuttering.

"Is that agreeable with you?" Zentaro asked the boy sharply but not rudely like normal. He's already acting far too nice and sentimental to this boy.

- Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) -
- April 9th, 2XXX -

- Interacts with: @Eis, @Tenma Tendo - Mentions @Inkarnate, @FourthKing, @Kaesus -

Sidekick, Huh?

Zentaro was almost bemused by the statement, this lost child has an ego and a huge one at that. It is easy to tell that she views of herself as perfect. She is setting herself for future disappointment, shameful really. Perfection is the enemy of progress and self improvement, if she can't get past this she will never grow as a human. Which sealed his opinion on her. She is bound to fail and he will watch her fail as both a person and as a Pro-hero. Pathetic. He won't waste his time on her.

To put further pressure on his patience a girl reminiscence of an ice spirit slithered her way next to them and started to fill the air with her unwanted opinions, with such talk of bonds and connections. Zentaro knew humans on a fundamental level need such worthless things but he has lived without them he has surpass humanity's worthless need for friendship. He never needed friends before and why change that now? "Are they?" Was all Zentaro asked of the icy girl with a stoic expression. He wondered why she had such a flawed and unrealistic opinion of Pro-heroes. Pro-heroes are rivals to each other, every Hero school drills that into people's minds. Like, look at U.A. its sports festival proves while Pro-heroes have to work together but only to improve themselves and their social standing though team work. Bonds and connections only exist to make the weak stronger without really improving themselves, it was disgusting.

The fish boy seemed thankful for his intervention. Why? It's not like the two were gonna fight in the middle of the hall. If they did that would be a foolish but admirable display of honesty that Zentaro would ever see from humanity but smartly the girl seen his impeccable reasoning and stopped from further filling the air with her failure scented ranting. So this boy's thank you is meaningless and worthless to him. He doesn't need to say it, so it diminishes the meaning of the words. That's not even to begin with the raised hand. Zentaro just shot a glare at the hand. What does it mean? His father never taught him the meaning of a raised hand like that. What does the boy expect from him? Maybe he means this...

Zentaro raised the hand on the same side as Misaki's hand and he poked his hand with his pointer finger and stared at the boy intently and unflinchingly.

After a few seconds Zentaro lowered his hand and finally decided to grace the young boy with his name. "Zentaro Kobashigawa, I didn't do anything of worth, you don't need to thank me, Kaito." Zentaro said bluntly. "There's many things you should hope for, but making friends is not one of them, you should earn it." Zentaro reprimanded Misaki, while Zentaro didn't want friendships but he knew how one should go about acquiring it and 'hoping' isn't the way of getting it.

Suddenly, another voice entered the air space adding to Zentaro's annoyance. He glared at the source of the voice. Another fragile looking boy. Zentaro just swiftly ignored him, he was already getting annoyed once again that day. It was shameful really, to get annoyed so easily. The original fragile boy said the group was introducing themselves which isn't really true as it was only Misaki and the first fragile boy talking before everybody else inserted themselves into their discussion.

How rude of all of them.

Zentaro ran a hand though hair once again and let out a small sigh. This day has been troublesome already he can't wait for the action to start.

- Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) -
- April 9th, 2XXX -

- Interacts with: @FourthKing, @Inkarnate - Doesn't acknowledge but is still there: @Tenma Tendo-


Not even a few seconds of his arrival and people were already arguing around him like some kind of useless trash. Their pointless and worthless words didn't even register as human language instead to him it reminded him of the wasteful nature of humanity. Wasting such energy and time on pointless endeavors that does nothing to improve themselves in any shape or form. It is utterly disgusting. It almost makes him want to take part in their irreverent existences to make their existence worth a fraction of his own but that would be a waste of precious energy on his part. And it would be fool hardy of him to grace them with his greatness.


Zentaro let out a sigh, against his better judgement he will correct their path, if he is to be classmates with these wasteful fools he will need to correct them to what is right. It's the least he can do. These fool will waste their lives away if he doesn't do anything, these creatures truly are pathetic excuses for humans.

"Don't waste each other's time with such drivel...You already wasted enough of each other's time... and mine." Zentaro said as he scratched the back of his neck in annoyance. Hopefully, the tiny lost child and the fragile boy will heed his words. If not he will not waste anymore time on their existences.

- Chihaiten Academy, Sakai (Japan) -
- April 4th, 2XXX -

- Mentions: @Tenma Tendo @FourthKing -

"Huh, That's all?" Zentaro Kobashigawa mumbled to himself as he looked beyond the gate Chihaiten Academy. He wasn't impressed. He never was theses days. "Tch." He ran a rough calloused hand though his curly pink hair as he let out an annoyed grunt. He started to make his way though the gates and he weaved his way though the students not even giving any of them a second glance or consideration. He knew why he was here and everybody is just in his way.

As Zentaro made his way though the hall his mind started to think up useless thoughts. That he won't get into since placing any consideration on such idle sentimentality is pointless and only muddles up his mind with useless emotions that waste everybody's time. But a not so useless thought or at least consideration was how many of these youthful hopefuls are thinking such useless sentimentality like his mind tried to? All of them? A good number of them? None of them? Zentaro wouldn't know, but if they were half as good as he was they would suppress any uselessly idle emotions, he only thought of them himself because of a fallacy that he could be equals to these people. He's better then every single one of theses idle youths.

He made his way into the hall of the school. He looks to be one of the first ones of his age range. Not that his appearance would easily point to him being a first year. But many of the students looked feeble and weak. Pathetic, Really. Zentaro can't wait to beat these people down to the ground so he can stronger and stronger and surpass each and every single one of them many times over.

Zentaro walked closer to the front of the hall and he took a seat next to a boy with a mutation quirk that gave him fish like fins all over his body from what Zentaro could tell, not that impressive in all honesty but maybe there was more then meets the eye, but he doubts it. While he was taking a seat, the fish boy was already talking to another boy who looked fragile and could break if you looked at him too hard. Somehow more pathetic then the fish boy. Zentaro let out a sigh, he choose an annoying spot, but it'd be a waste of time to move, so he just has to endure their pointlessly useless social interaction.

Why do people like to talk so much? It wastes so much time and energy that could be used to get better and stronger. He can't understand it, its so frustrating.
@Tenma Tendo Yeah I can see that... Although Zen might want to use Misaki as a punching bag sparring partner to learn how to fight Quirk's that don't produces much kinetic energy, at first anyways XD I think once Zen sees Misaki's potential he'll respect him and his quirk :> which is asking a lot from him xD
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