Avatar of BranchOfSin
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 899 (0.26 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. BranchOfSin 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Last year in middle school and studying over seas, Saddened that I won't see my friends anymore....
9 yrs ago
Good Night Minna-san!
9 yrs ago
To all Me Roleplays, If I didn't respond today it was because I was in the hospital because of a stroke I had, I'll be okay for now and will get back to you shortly
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9 yrs ago
Just an FYI, From Monday to Friday of every week until 4pm Eastern Time Zone, I will be im School sorry If I don't respond as much
9 yrs ago
Yuno is my waifu!


Hello everyone my name is BranchOfSin, just call me Branch. I'm 16 Years Old and I am in Eleventh Grade. I roleplayed here a few ages back on a different account, around 2012 or so. I'm currently in some bad ass roleplays which words cannot describe. I enjoy some fantasy, sci-fi and crossover roleplays between free and casual. That's about it, stay cheesy.

Most Recent Posts

Luke started to feel a bit warm inside. It wasn't because it was hot or anything, he knew it was something else but couldn't quite pinpoint the reason as to why he felt this way. The only clue he had was that he felt this way everytime he saw Alice from afar. He decided to shrug it off. He attempted to talk.

"He- Hello Alice, n- nice to see y- you." Luke said.
Why am I stuttering? Calm down Luke.
He then noticed Adam, and put up two fingers as a way to say hello. "Well then, Hey Adam, nice to see you, Ya know I'm not good with this kind of stuff but Happy Birthday anyways"
Alright then here we go..

What's done is done, now to see what happens...
All for the sake of plot and Character Development, Oh the Character Development... XD
I am so tempted to make a love triangle, oh dear lord. Can I? :D
Is Alice wearing her necklace by any chance, and is it visible?
Tony nodded and bowed as a gesture of thanks and farewell. He had heard that his roommate was the telepath. He had read in on telepaths. Once they master their power as a telepath, they become extremly dangerous. Luke smiled, this summer camp might actually be fun.

Tony arrived at the cabin and began to settle down, he dropped off his bag, but left his Chokūto sword on his back. It was an extremly dangerous sword that could not leave his sight. Tony then left the cabin and headed back to the instructors.
Tony had sensed most of the happenings around him. The fire, The two Telepathy users coversing, even though he couldn't hear their conversation, the people conversing around him. He also sensed most of their powers as well, which kind of ruined the fun for him. He wanted to talk to someone, but he knew that it would be useless. He walk towards the Instructors.

"So Instructors, Where's my cabin?,My name is Luke."
"Here you go, Ojou-Sama. " Luke said as he handed the shopping bags to the Elder woman. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate. He grabbed it and flipped it open, since it was a flip phone it was plain easy to find anything. Once he flipped it open he read the text Adam sent him.

Hey, bro… can you come over to the barn? Alice is here and you know how nervous I am around her. Save me!

Luke sighed and began making his way to the barn. Once he arrived he knocked on the door.
"Delivery! Yeah, Right, Open up its Luke!"
Say, anyone want to interact with Luke, He's pretty much just wandering around right now
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Acquis smiled. He hoped that he didn't have to use any lethal martial arts, all he would try to do is aim at her pressure points. Acquis walked to the center of the gym and took a defensive stance. "Well then Miss Roxy, shall we begin this Ballad?" Acquis said, as an excited expression appeared on his face. Deep Underneath, Acquis was kind of a battle maniac, this came along with him being a tactical strategist. Acquis was ready to fight, whenever she made her move.
Luke was thinking whether he should call one of his friends but decided not to be a bother. He sighed, wondering what they were up to now. Luke kept on jogging, looking from left to right at all the buildings and then he decided to stop by a fast food restaurant to pick up some food. He entered a nearby Subway, and picked up some unsweetened tea, and a salad.

It was when he was walking out of the subway that it hit him. Who did get the same necklace as him. I mean he knew he would never get a girlfriend, nevertheless someone to like him. Even more, what if it was someone he knew, it could be anybody, ranging from the guy down the street, to the lady at Wal-mart. He only ever had one special person, and that was his dog, for heavens sake. What if one of them got the same color necklace as- no don't think about it too much Luke sighed, and dashed to his house.
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