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Mathew Frakes

Location:Danger Room

Matt gapped in open fear as the metalic wolf came toward him. Frozen in place he hardly noticed as Daniela began attacking it with bolts of electricity. As Heidi grabbed him reality seemed to come crashing in on him and a visible yellow orange glow flickering as several images seemed to dance acrossed the glow. I shall not fear, fear is the mind killer... He never could remember all of that line. He threw up what little breakfast he had eaten and with that a sudden calm came over him. He was still scared terrified beyond anything he could remember but he would die if he did nothing.

Focusing on the present he took note of the situation. He still held the chain from the door. Daniela was hurting it but not enough yet. Jasper had ones and zeros moving acrossed her skin and her eyes were closed. She must be doing something and it had paused.

Then it hit him. "The doors are metal and that thing is not our objective. Daniela hit as hard as you can we need to get inside and close the doors."

He grabbed Heidi's arm. "We need to get inside." He tried to lead her around the beast. To find an angle to get inside.
He only hoped she would follow. Your goal for this excercise is capture the flag. Tabitha's words ringing in his head.

"Only the flag matters!" He shouted as tried to get inside.
Charles Gannon

Location: Ashford Institute/Mall

Interactions & Mentions: Self, @c3p-0h

Mathew Frakes

Location:Danger Room

Taking off one glove, Matt moved toward the door, where the padlock hung. Reaching out his hand he stopped; thinking of what Heidi had said. Looking back at the group.

"I can show you the combination. This can go one of two ways. Either, the chain is electrified or it is not. Whichever, the case if... Heidi is it?" He asked quizzically before moveing on. "If she is right, then any of you with combative abilities should ready yourselves. I am not much of a fighter myself but once you pick a target keep your eyes one it and I may be able to provide a disttaction for you."

Matt thought about his discusion with Professor Finn. The Professor had asked if if he had to "rewind" and seemed to think he should be able to go directly to a desired moment. He had no idea of how to do that but drawing off every book he ever read and a couple Sciencw Fiction TV shows he figured it had something to do with concentration. He pictured the lock open in his head and focused on that image as he grabbed it with his ungloved hand, making sure the others could see the lock as well.

A wave of dizziness hit Matt and he had a sudden sensation of falling. He gripped tighter. Soon the images jumped out sharp and crisp. Matt felt like he was going to vomit and swallowed hard to stave it off. Professor Tabitha North stood in front of him clicking the lock shut. Matt realised she had just tested the lock and quickly rewound the memory. Images blurred again but only for a second. Then he let the memomry play out. Not only was she working the lock but saying the combination aloud. Matt hoped that was enough as he let go of the padlock the room returning to normal. His projected image gone.

"Tell me someone got that. I really don't wanna do that again for a bit."

He still felt dizzy but the sensation was fading fast.

Matt clumsily put his glove back on then; without realising what he was doing, perfectly copied what Professor North had just done unlocking the chain. His head lurched from the vertigo. He grabbed forward with both hands one grabbing the center chain the other the handle of the door. The room spun and he lost his balance pulling as he stumbled back, both removing the chain and opening the door.
Mathew Frakes

Location:Danger Room

Matt looked at the lockers. How real is this? Then quickly ignored them as he hadn’t thought to bring anything. Watching the others for guidance something sparked in his mind when Ronnie pulled the notebook out. Something about YouTube he thought but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He realised quickly that he was at a major disadvantage if this was a competitive exercise.
Next, The building appeared out of nowhere and again he pondered the reality of it. Did the exercise account for his abilities. Did these things have memories or were they something else?
The voice welcoming everyone and explaining the scenario just left more questions most of which were asked by the other kids. He hoped that one of them would take the lead. They were all older than him by two to three years.

Focusing on the building before them his eyes fixated on the padlock. If that is real and has been used or set in that last week. I should be able to find the combination but how long do we have and how far back do I rewind?

He waited patiently for the others' questions to be answered and kept his questions to himself. This is like a puzzle in one of those escape rooms he had heard about. This should be fun.
Charles Gannon

Location: Ashford Institute

Interactions & Mentions: Self, @Almalthia, @Damo021

Mathew Frakes

Location: Ashford Institute Grounds

Interactions & Mentions: Self,Kayllee,Finn

Mathew Frakes & Daniela Steele

Location: Ashford Istitute Grounds

Interactions & Mentions: @chev@Brioko Jobe

Mathew Frakes

Location: Ashford Istitute Grounds

Interactions & Mentions: Self

Matt woke up rested but sore and took in his surroundings. He was in his room. How did I get here? Don't think I made any friends today. Nothing to do about it now except unpack. He started setting everything out and organizing his room. His Dad had requested he not have a roommate so he could relax and not worry about touching someone. Thanks Dad what's a little more alienation to an already socially devoid life. Well you're not here and I can make friends...I hope. The people I have met so far didn't seem to want to have friends. No, not exactly, I can't let my first impressions be so stark. He finished unpacking and settling into practiced routines. Looking out the window he noticed it was getting dark and settled on grabbing a blanket and see if he could find a spot outside dark enough to see the stars.

He made a quick stop at the vending machines to grab something to eat. Dusk was setting in and the lights were coming on as he exited the dorms. The place seemed pretty well lit and he contemplated maybe going up to the roof and quickly decided that, although he would most likely have a better chance of seeing stars up there, there would be little chance of running into anybody else. He didn't necessarily want to be alone but he didn't know anyone well enough to seek them out. He found a spot out in the middle off to the side and figured he might be able to see some of the brighter stars. He set up his blanket and stared at the stars going over the day in his head.

Since he was alone he spoke his thoughts out loud so that he could hear how stupid he was. "Well you put your foot in it this time didn't you. Finally, get around people where you don't have to hide and what do you do? Basically, try to force them to fit some image you had your head of everyone being happy and getting along. You have to remember they have their own issues. you probably pushed them all away. You have no idea what they have been through to get here and they don't know you from Adam. And what was that stuff you were spouting at lunch. Did you even have a point or were you just too tired to keep your damn mouth shut. You knew better than to push yourself that hard. Dad doesn't have to alienate you do a fine job of that ALL BY YOURSELF." He grab a peanut butter cup and popped it his mouth. Taking a moment to look up a couple stars shown in the sky but not enough to make out constellations. Grabbing a soda to wash down the peanut butter. He went on berating himself. "You haven't even been here a full day. Stop judging people....stop trying so damn hard to help people before you even know if they want help. AND DEFINITELY stop thinking you have all the answers." with that he took a breathe and laid back on the blanket; he could almost make out Orion now. "Next a time I look at stars I am going to try the roof"
Mathew Frakes

Location: Enroute to Food

Interactions & Mentions: @almalthia @webboysurf@chev]

Matt followed Una and Nik taking everything in as they walked. He noticed Daneila had come along as well. He stopped for a second when Una seemed fixed on something behind them and looked for himself. Someone was watching them; no wait her, what was it about her that had everyone on edge? Matt casually placed himself in front of the mans gaze. Giving Una a troubled look he said "Where's what coming from? You alright?"as Nik asked where they were from. He let Daniela answer first before adding,
"I am from Waco Tx, we have our fair share of crazies there but it's home and most of the people are alright I guess. Come to think of it..it's been a couple years since I have had a chance to really talk to anyone outside my family. This was necessary becuase my abilities can be triggered by touch and they are usually quite apparent. So if any of you are huggers, I am not." Matt glanced back to at the group acrossed they way. The strange man still seemed to be watching. Keeping his voice level Matt went on. "So are they the staff or something?" Matting then gave a shrug as if he didn't really care and again changed the subject turning to Daniela. "So Sparkles whats your real name or do you mind if I keep calling you Sparkles? I for one do not care whats on the menu foods always a good thing."

Mathew Frakes

Location: Danger Room

Interactions & Mentions: Open, @Almalthia

Matts stomach rumbled as he watched the loud one storm off.I hope she realises she can't escape herself. Looking around the room he noticed everyone was still on edge.
He clapped his gloved hands together with a muffle thud; put on his best smile, and address everyone that remained with all the false bravado he could muster.

"Okay, well it doesn't look like any staff are here so I think it's safe to say I have missed the assembly and this little chat is getting us nowhere. So since I have been up since last night hopping plane to plane I plan to catch a bite to eat then do some unpacking and catch some sleep. Looking forward to meeting everyone in a better mood if any of you care to join me for lunch I would appreciate the company. Just a couple quick questions though. First off is there a fast way to the lunch room? Secondly, is this a regular thing I haven't had a chance to look over any pamphlets or books yet? We do have those right?"
He started toward the door not expecting any answers careful not to touch anyone, his words seemingly getting faster had a nervous twinge.
"I suppose it doesn't matter until Monday, but are there any hobby stores nearby? I had to leave my paints back home. Oh and don't worry about first impressions from me I'm not counting this one. What would I know anyway? I've only had my parents to talk to for the past two years."

It was a testament to how tired he was, he normally didn't babble on like this. He stopped just before the door and Una just in case someone had decided to join him. Looking at Una, "If it's alright by you..."he said as he let his growling stomach finish the sentence.
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