Avatar of Burthstone
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4797 (1.26 / day)
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    1. Burthstone 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Wow I couldn't be bothered to do anything this past weekend holy damn.
7 yrs ago
Me: "I can't afford a Nintendo Switch" Also me: "Yes I would like two of every DLC for every game I own please."
7 yrs ago
I've somehow only watched an hour of youtube in two hours of watching youtube. Man being sick sucks.
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7 yrs ago
Hey, I made my own avatar this time!
7 yrs ago
Finally got my financial aid for college!


Name: Burthstone || Zzyriphian

Age: 21

Schooling: 2-Year Degree

Occupation: I wish

Country: United States of America

First Language: English (USA)

Other Languages: Welsh (Introductory)

Preferred Units of Measure: Metric/SI (Imperial accepted)

Most Recent Posts

Hey everyone! I'm here too! UTC-5 too!

"I've been alone long enough to know to never do it to anyone else."
Michael Farmer • 26 • June 20 • Male • Heterosexual • The Empire/The Edge Of The World

Bun, Mike •


Michael stands at an above-average height of 6'1" (185 cm), with a head of black hair and laurel green eyes. His peasant's clothes, while heavier than what most would wear, have clearly been patched many times and cover most of his reasonably muscled and lightly tanned body. He walks around with mostly good posture and like he always has purpose, though when he's standing around he likes to lean against whatever there is around. He always has the very slightest of a smile, so that when he's not talking he looks somewhat serene. His only distinctive marks are a misshapen birthmark just below his left ribs and a diagonal scar across the middle of chest.


Michael is a down-to-earth, easy to get along with guy whose plainspoken nature belies his attempts at being polite. He believes in hard work and trying to do the right thing, and that being blatantly dishonest is the worst thing someone can do. Fortunately for him, he tends to pick up on things pretty quickly, so it's hard to pull the same trick on him more than twice. Though he can and will forgive someone even after he's caught them four or five times.

Michael usually engages in conversation with others whenever he's got downtime, and is focused on his work when he has some. He refuses to let himself be left alone, however, and tries to always have company―even if that company is asleep or unconscious. So long as he does have company though, he's more than happy to do just about any task, so long as he thinks it's an honest one.
gah... I was hoping to join but this looks like it may be dying off... is that the case or am I way off base here?

It's just slow sometimes. There's a few of us here who will probably never let this die.
@Zarkun@Noodles Actually, Mithera headed back to the guild to get a teleportation lacrima to jump ahead of Royse. But yeah, once that happens/Caits Replies a collab would be possible- and probably preferable.

Speaking of collabs, I need to edit/post the next part of Black Knights/White Stars.
@Crimson Raven I mean...
*Cough* Killed everyone *Cough cough* I think there's a lot of pollen in the air. How Is everyone?
I return with more questions. Are there towns and societies of supernatural beings living beyond The Gate? Also, if there are, do they also have to worry about the tolling of the bell? Or does the bell only 'target' humans/PCs?

Addn: What is the climate like in the area that the rp will take place in/start in?
So, uh, Hi! I'm interested in this and am in fact working on a CS (since there's been no indication so far that this is closed). I have a couple questions to ask. First, since you've indicated we can play non-humans, are individuals who aren't fully humans ever sent through the gate? Also, if our characters can indeed be inhuman, can they be born on the 'far side' of the gate?
@Caits In the fourth paragraph of your post, I think you mean "emaciated" (Meaning abnormally thin or weak) not "emancipated" (meaning freed from societal/legal/political restrictions)
Magnolia Streets
Mithera was relieved when Royse just left after a few short statements, but made an exasperated sigh when she sped off. The shapeshifter began to follow for a few steps, before realizing Jarvis would probably be more than happy to give her a teleportation lacrima. Her guildmates understood better than anyone the need to help people out. Mithera turned on her heel and began the trek back to the hall.

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
"Well, of course it's a reason no one will like. When is it ever a reason anyone likes?" Mayt stated somewhat cynically as he rejoined Penny and the others. He glanced at the door as someone he didn't know blew the doors open. Someone thinks they're hot stuff. He thought, but didn't keep his attention on them very long. Sasha and Penny both seemed like they had important stuff to say, and Mayt doubted either of them would be very pleased if he just walked off. He crossed his arms and looked up at Damian, before glancing back to see Jamie had come out of her office. Mayt was only slightly afraid of what kind of obligations might fall to him.

Mithera came into the guild at this time, her thin frame sliding past Nicodemus without even giving him the barest of a glance. She immediately made he way over to Jarvis at the bar. "Hey Jarvis, remember Royse? The young woman that was just in here just a moment ago? I've got a bad feeling about her job, since she is going on it by herself. So I wanted to ask, uhm, could I please have a lacrima to teleport to Crocus ahead of her? I want to be there to help her if she needs it." Mithera said, biting her lip slightly. She did give a glance the growing group of mostly upper-rank members, which also worried her, but she knew they could handle anything they set their minds to and returned her attention swiftly to Jarvis.

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