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Ill also be working on a post tonight. Should be up tomorrow at the latest.
druple said
Trust me. It's about to happen.

DUDE GUIZ. Im learning this. It's so hard. So tedious :( Hide and Seek (Imogen Heap) - Antoine Dufour cover
druple said
It's true. Too much wine, benadryl, and sleep aids. They took me out of the world for a while. xDDrop it Abnoob, it looks fine. I will be working on a post now.

Lets stay away from the nickname...

Oh, and the post is up.
Bram didn't quite understand why Edun thought himself in charge, but now wasn't the time to be arguing over who was now in charge. He took off down the hallway close behind Edun, making sure to ready his weapons in case of emergency. The echoing chambers of the main hallway made the clanking of two sets of armor seem like an army was marching through Shattermane. Edun and Bram weren’t too far down the corridor before the Drow, Antafien, had caught up to them. So what is the plan then , words Bram could barely make out over the vast sound of the colliding armors. “The plan is simple; we head for the veteran quarters and try to find out why we haven’t seen any of seniors yet. It’s not like they could have slept through something of this magnitude.”

The triad reached the entrance to the academy’s senior barracks no longer than it took Bram to finish his previous statements. In the quarters there were two side hallways, each leading to personal rooms for the elder Dragoons. Before the two hallways split however; there were two massive oaken doors that loomed forebodingly, marking the dining hall by the veteran's quarters. The creaking of the hinges set a very haunting tone for the entire quarter, Something isn't right here, it feels far too calm. “I’ll search the dining hall, you two can take the east and west wing. I think something has gone terribly wrong here, the calm is killing me.” Bram sprinted into the dining hall. It was quiet for the dining hall; usually the hustle and bustle of the kitchens gave a slight clamor and jolly feeling in the old eatery. There wasn't a slight hint of any food being prepared at all actually. Bram looked into the kitchen to find it empty. Now that is odd.

A muffled cough came from the backside of the kitchen. Bram quickly ran over to investigate. Lying on the floor in the back corner was Thorundir, an elderly dwarf and Dragoon. Thorundir was probably the eldest of the dwarven Dragoons, he had served Shattermane for more than most humans entire life span. “Thorundir! What has happened to you?” Bram noticed a very similar singed smell to when Lucia had struck Edun back. Thorundir had a large burn mark right where his heart was. The wound seemed beyond recovery, Thorundir’s time was running short. “Lad, I was hoping one of you greenskins would be smart enough to come here during all the commotion outside. Listen, I’m not going to be here with you for much longer. Lucia has betrayed all of Airengard, she has poisoned and killed all the Dragoons that were stationed here just before the ceremony of your induction. I caught her murdering my brothers and tried to stop her, you see how well that went don’t you?” A heavy cough spilt blood from Thorundir’s throat. “Boy, you must stop her. There are many Dragoons still out posted in the other cities, go find them. Hopefully, they do not share my fate.” Thorundir’s eyes lost focus and a calming smile came to his face. The dwarf had left this world, and had given Bram a final task. “Rest peaceful my comrade, we will make sure no harm come to this land for your sake.” Bram found Thorundir’s hammer off to the side of the room, he took it to the late Dragoon and laid it across his chest. “May your ancestors welcome you with open arms and heart.”

Bram left to find Antafien and Edun out in the hallways. I hope their luck is better than mine.
Get a debilitating headache and toothache. Take a nap. Wake up and check here. So much activity. :D

I'll be working on the follow up for Bram, Edun, and Ant tonight. May take me a bit though. Look out for the post though :)

edit: Well I would be posting again, but druple has probably passed out. So he can't confer with me on the plot points im about to drop. So as soon as I talk with him about it I'll be posting.
Soulserenity20 said
Dafuq is legend of dragoon?

Blackwolf said
it's an old PS 2 game I think.

It's a psOne game that came out right after Final Fantasy 8 did, thus it was overshadowed. Its one of the few games sony made back in those days and is by far one of the best JRPGs that exist. If you know how to work an emulator, I suggest getting it.
Barioth said
Does this mean there will be passive-yaoi action between your characters?

Blackwolf said
Naa, it would be one way XD ant just kind of like "Yea, you can get away from me now"

I always looked up to senpai, but he won't have me v.v

Ummm, but yea. Don't think I would be to able to play that off very well in character :P
So me and druple started playing through my copy of Legend of Dragoon. Any of you fleshbags play that before? :P

edit: Oh, and blackwolf. I'm highly tempted to just make advances all the time now. Good post though haha
I find it polite to look people in the eye when they are spoken too. I may have gone a bit to far into the details tho... lol
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