Avatar of canaryrose


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1 yr ago
Current tbh a death threat was not on my 2023 bingo
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1 yr ago
man if you’re just gonna fucking admit it what’s the point. go touch grass. don’t kill your roommate.
1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
holy shit roommate murder guy went off
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1 yr ago
announcing intent to murder is pretty juicy, tbh


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Since I thought the forums needed a Harry Potter RP! The is set in the modern age in Hogwarts. Also, I wanted a break from having to write multiple paragraphs.

1. Use correct grammar, PLEASE!
2. No interactions with canon characters.
3. On that note, you must create OCs.
4. No godmodding, Mary-Sues, powerplaying... you get my drift.
5. Since this is Hogwarts, all characters must be from Europe.
6. Start as first-years! Which means you should be 11.
7. No relationships until they're older.
8. GM's rules are law.


Well, I hope not.
Teodora raised her eyebrow. "I respect your decision to not feed off of humans, but my sister does not stand down. She will make you come on the hunt, whether you like it or not." she spoke quietly. "Honestly, at your age I would have done the same, but in ancient times, there were no blood bags. You have so many options today. Be glad of the fact that you don't have to drink from them and just follow her orders." Teodora finished her soliloquy, sweeping the drink off of the table and taking a sip. "Blood bags are so much more delectable than humans these days, don't you think? Certainly better than that no-good vagrant Maple is feeding off of in the bathroom."

@Inner Demon
Teodora relaxed, seeing that Soma wasn't too tense and polite. She clambered into a seat at the bar, close enough that he could see the lazy smile on her face as she rested her elbows on the bar, putting her head in her hands. "Just me? I think I deserve more of a greeting than you think?" Teodora flirted, and then tried to wink. "You know what, gah, it's a lost cause, I can't flirt, fake or not."

When Soma asked what had brought Teodora to the bar, she chuckled. "What always brings me outside the manor. Food, and of course, 'Livia. Teodora said, and then snorted. "\She's ordered us to stay here until she, Leon, Riya, the new va- I mean, friend- arrive here for a feeding. She asked me and Maple to find you and get you to stay here. 'Livia wants you on the hunt tonight, for some reason."

@Inner Demon

She's been quite active on the Discord.

sorry bud

Are they friends? Natasha and Alicia, I mean

should be hilarious if he doesn't murder her
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