Avatar of CandySatan
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 87 (0.03 / day)
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    1. CandySatan 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Spent my afternoon wrangling dogs so my sister and her fiance could get some really nice photos. I love their dogs, such sweet boys even if one is a little derp.
7 yrs ago
Well, this was a loooong week. But I am now back to reply!
7 yrs ago
I have been rewatching a few cartoons from my kid years, and man oh man have cartoons really changed.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
I thought LA LA LAND was going to be a heart warming musical, instead it takes your heart and roasts it above an open fire while you are still alive and can feel every agonizing lick of the flame.


Hello all! Name's Satan! You can call me that, but if you are too afraid to address me in such a manner, I will accept Candy, or Luci, or Supreme and Magnificent Ruler of all that is Unholy.

Also, felt the need to add this, I am 20, nearing on 21. If you want to RP with me, expect some colorful language. If you are under 16, sorry, no dice. I won't RP with you. End of story. I don't want to have to censor my words. (Reminder that I do not do any type of romance or mature RP)

To find out my role play interests and likes and stuff, just click this link so conveniently placed for you! The Yellow Letters tempt You...

Other notable things: I enjoy baking, occasional video gaming, writing, arting, and being a general nuisance to my friends and family. Oh, also I enjoy Chris Evan's face.

Obviously I also love screwing around with text

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The entrance to the building was like nothing Yoki had ever seen before. It was not as grand as the temples she played in as a child, nor was it alike any of the rudimentary buildings her followers had erected over the years. All in all, it was not entirely impressive architecturally, but it completely and utterly piqued all of Yoki's curiosity. This was not the resting place of the Gods as foretold by her family. But Yoki knew she was no longer a deity in her own world, and that this place lay completely outside of her reign and control. She was small fry here, in the afterlife. Deciding that gawking all night at the face of the building was pointless, so Yoki wandered inside. If she thought the outside was surprising, the inside was another ball game entirely. Creatures similar to that of her world lingered, but there were also beings who rivaled her fellow divines in image and prowess. Her unassuming height had always caused her to look up at her elders, but the sheer size of the creature behind the bar was even larger than her father, the Great Wolf! Not as large as Life, mind you, but nothing ever was. Yoki quickly darted to an empty seat where she could examine the inhabitants of this place, her bare feet silently carrying her across the room.
Name: Yoki, Wolf's Daughter, Bringer of Rain, Harold of Winter and many other monikers given over the centuries.
Age: 3,654 years
Personality: Yoki is a sweet, but a little 'off'. She is a cannibalistic deity, so she isn't exactly the best at understanding social norms.
Powers or Abilities: She has control over water, in liquid or solid form. She can take the form of a wolf with fur as black as pitch, and in life she carried Winter across the world as seasons passed.
Equipment and Weapons: Her only weapon would be her claws, otherwise she has only the cloak on her back. Her clothing is very modest and plain, despite being a deity. And she does not wear shoes.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a world steeped in magic, similar in appearance to an ancient civilization. Gods and Goddesses control the tides of fate, and she was among their ranks. However, every other being and creature on the planet were basically just like our Earth's inhabitants.
Bio (leading up to death): Yoki was born from the mouth of her father, the Great Wolf. He had heard the hair of the Water Goddess, if consumed, could grant immense strength and longevity. The Great Wolf used his beautiful voice to lull the Goddess to sleep, and then sneakily drank from her river of hair. At the first sip, the Goddess sprang to wakefulness and was angry at Wolf's actions, and turned the water he had swallowed into a stone. As he had only just taken a sip, the stone lodged into his throat. He coughed it up, and the stone landed at the Goddess's feet. The God of Life had watched this exchange, and in his amusement, he decided to imbue the frozen ice into life, and created Yoki. Wolf and Water were unhappy with Life's actions, but raised the child up and taught her their ways. Wolf taught her to run with the moon and the thrill of the hunt, while Water taught her to bring rain and snow, and keep their subjects crops well treated. Yoki gained her own worshippers, which fed her powers, as their subjects worship are what kept the divine in strength. For centuries, Yoki was what brought their harvest to them as long as they brought her sacrifices in blood. To anger Yoki was to cause draught, and bring about frozen ground before Harvest began. Yoki's sacrifices were usually young men and women unlucky enough to be chosen.
Cause of death: As civilization advanced, so did their subjects. Loss of worshippers caused Yoki to loose strength, until eventually she faded and entered the afterlife.
Name: Aniel "Call me Annie"
Age: if asked what her age in Hell is, she only states that time runs differently there and she is the equivalent of 15 human years.
How they look:
History: She is a demon born and raised in Hell, but after failing numerous times on tasks set for her by her higher ups, she was thrown from Hell as a failure and told to not come back unless she completed a new task they set for her. She refuses to speak of what this task is to anyone, and often says she dose not believe she will ever return home. Despite being a demon, she is probably the sweetest creature on earth. She is very trusting and friendly, and always lends a helping hand when needed. It is not hard to guess why she was kicked out of hell if one only took a moment to get to know the young demon. She has heard rumors of the 'demon lord' and 'hero' and has decidedly chosen to side with the 'hero' if ever the need arises. She quite likes the creatures of earth, and would hate to see them eviscerated by some uppity demon.
Dream: Despite seeming relatively happy to be out of hell, she does miss her younger brother and hopes one day she may see him again. Her deepest desire is to be able to be what her family wants her to be, but she is just not capable of being evil. She's tried.
Power: Her demon powers include the ability to commune with any creature, and she can kind of float with her tiny wings. Since she did not graduate to adult demon in hell, her wings have yet to grow to full length, and she can only cover short distances or hover above the ground. She can also cast spells, but she isn't very educated in that aspect yet. Hence her going to Magic School!

For this Lovely RP, click here!
Name: Yoki, Wolf's Daughter, Bringer of Rain, Harold of Winter and many other monikers given over the centuries.
Age: 3,654 years
Personality: Yoki is a sweet, but a little 'off'. She is a cannibalistic deity, so she isn't exactly the best at understanding social norms.
Powers or Abilities: She has control over water, in liquid or solid form. She can take the form of a wolf with fur as black as pitch, and in life she carried Winter across the world as seasons passed.
Equipment and Weapons: Her only weapon would be her claws, otherwise she has only the cloak on her back. Her clothing is very modest and plain, despite being a deity. And she does not wear shoes.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a world steeped in magic, similar in appearance to an ancient civilization. Gods and Goddesses control the tides of fate, and she was among their ranks. However, every other being and creature on the planet were basically just like our Earth's inhabitants.
Bio (leading up to death): Yoki was born from the mouth of her father, the Great Wolf. He had heard the hair of the Water Goddess, if consumed, could grant immense strength and longevity. The Great Wolf used his beautiful voice to lull the Goddess to sleep, and then sneakily drank from her river of hair. At the first sip, the Goddess sprang to wakefulness and was angry at Wolf's actions, and turned the water he had swallowed into a stone. As he had only just taken a sip, the stone lodged into his throat. He coughed it up, and the stone landed at the Goddess's feet. The God of Life had watched this exchange, and in his amusement, he decided to imbue the frozen ice into life, and created Yoki. Wolf and Water were unhappy with Life's actions, but raised the child up and taught her their ways. Wolf taught her to run with the moon and the thrill of the hunt, while Water taught her to bring rain and snow, and keep their subjects crops well treated. Yoki gained her own worshippers, which fed her powers, as their subjects worship are what kept the divine in strength. For centuries, Yoki was what brought their harvest to them as long as they brought her sacrifices in blood. To anger Yoki was to cause draught, and bring about frozen ground before Harvest began. Yoki's sacrifices were usually young men and women unlucky enough to be chosen.
Cause of death: As civilization advanced, so did their subjects. Loss of worshippers caused Yoki to loose strength, until eventually she faded and entered the afterlife

For this thread, if you are interested!
Just a dump for all my lovely little characters I create along the way. If the RP requires a CS, they will be found here.
Forgot to mention you in my above post! CS done!
Name: Yoki, Wolf's Daughter, Bringer of Rain, Harold of Winter and many other monikers given over the centuries.
Age: 3,654 years
Personality: Yoki is a sweet, but a little 'off'. She is a cannibalistic deity, so she isn't exactly the best at understanding social norms.
Powers or Abilities: She has control over water, in liquid or solid form. She can take the form of a wolf with fur as black as pitch, and in life she carried Winter across the world as seasons passed.
Equipment and Weapons: Her only weapon would be her claws, otherwise she has only the cloak on her back. Her clothing is very modest and plain, despite being a deity. And she does not wear shoes.
Universe of origin, and perhaps a description: She comes from a world steeped in magic, similar in appearance to an ancient civilization. Gods and Goddesses control the tides of fate, and she was among their ranks. However, every other being and creature on the planet were basically just like our Earth's inhabitants.
Bio (leading up to death): Yoki was born from the mouth of her father, the Great Wolf. He had heard the hair of the Water Goddess, if consumed, could grant immense strength and longevity. The Great Wolf used his beautiful voice to lull the Goddess to sleep, and then sneakily drank from her river of hair. At the first sip, the Goddess sprang to wakefulness and was angry at Wolf's actions, and turned the water he had swallowed into a stone. As he had only just taken a sip, the stone lodged into his throat. He coughed it up, and the stone landed at the Goddess's feet. The God of Life had watched this exchange, and in his amusement, he decided to imbue the frozen ice into life, and created Yoki. Wolf and Water were unhappy with Life's actions, but raised the child up and taught her their ways. Wolf taught her to run with the moon and the thrill of the hunt, while Water taught her to bring rain and snow, and keep their subjects crops well treated. Yoki gained her own worshippers, which fed her powers, as their subjects worship are what kept the divine in strength. For centuries, Yoki was what brought their harvest to them as long as they brought her sacrifices in blood. To anger Yoki was to cause draught, and bring about frozen ground before Harvest began. Yoki's sacrifices were usually young men and women unlucky enough to be chosen.
Cause of death: As civilization advanced, so did their subjects. Loss of worshippers caused Yoki to loose strength, until eventually she faded and entered the afterlife.
Man that sucks. But alright, I will work on a character and hopefully post it tomorrow. Just as an FYI, in case it isn't okay, but due to my work schedule my posts during the weekdays will be spotty, but my weekend posts should be more common.
Name: Aniel "Call me Annie"
Age: if asked what her age in Hell is, she only states that time runs differently there and she is the equivalent of 15 human years.
How they look:
History: She is a demon born and raised in Hell, but after failing numerous times on tasks set for her by her higher ups, she was thrown from Hell as a failure and told to not come back unless she completed a new task they set for her. She refuses to speak of what this task is to anyone, and often says she dose not believe she will ever return home. Despite being a demon, she is probably the sweetest creature on earth. She is very trusting and friendly, and always lends a helping hand when needed. It is not hard to guess why she was kicked out of hell if one only took a moment to get to know the young demon. She has heard rumors of the 'demon lord' and 'hero' and has decidedly chosen to side with the 'hero' if ever the need arises. She quite likes the creatures of earth, and would hate to see them eviscerated by some uppity demon.
Dream: Despite seeming relatively happy to be out of hell, she does miss her younger brother and hopes one day she may see him again. Her deepest desire is to be able to be what her family wants her to be, but she is just not capable of being evil. She's tried.
Power: Her demon powers include the ability to commune with any creature, and she can kind of float with her tiny wings. Since she did not graduate to adult demon in hell, her wings have yet to grow to full length, and she can only cover short distances or hover above the ground. She can also cast spells, but she isn't very educated in that aspect yet. Hence her going to Magic School!
Hmmm, I didn't think of that point, haha, but I can totally say with utter certainty she will not be a sexual character in the least.

Anyway, I guess I will add Aniel to the character tab and await ya'lls decision on what you are doing with the IC.
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