Avatar of CelticSoldier
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 192 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. CelticSoldier 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination - Brandon Sanderson
7 yrs ago
Feeling sick, so won't be replying for a few days
1 like
7 yrs ago
Seeing a problem as a challenge is a bad attitude to take to the problem
7 yrs ago
The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude to the problem.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Reading tales of King Arthur, it appears that none of his knights had any honour.


Hello, person. If you want to know about me, know this: I spend far too much time on the internet. If you wanted an overview, stop reading now. If you want to go into some detail, I also enjoy researching upon ancient history (Alexander the Great is a particular favourite) and know to much random stuff that will never be useful to anyone. E.g. The first city west of china was founded in 5000BC in Sumer (now Mesopotamia) and was called Eridu. So if you go away with anything, go away with that, because it makes you seem interesting if you know it. Probably.

I also enjoy reading, Brandon Sanderson is one of my favourite authors, and playing games from the Total War series. I write things as well, but you only get to read what I write here. You're a stranger, I'm not sharing all my stuff with you.

I am also pretty sure that I am a nice person. Now you can leave. If you want to stay, that's fine, but there's really not much else to do here, so...

Name: Shadow
P.S. I also adopted a Pokémon because WTF not.

Most Recent Posts

I would also be interested.
Don't rush then :) I'll get started.
This looks really interesting. The history flows very well, and I would certainly like to be involved in this world.
So when can we start posting IC?

Ah, the open sky! Where ships soar and dragons swoop, where mighty battles are fought, where great adventures are had, and where those with enough grit, spit and determination could make a name for themselves, and the Cameribra flow, or just the flow, is where they go to do it. A largely unmapped and unexplored area of sky beasts, floating reefs, cannibal islands and, of course, Pirates, it is also where the greatest treasures are to be found. Upon the great floating islands, entire civilisations might have developed in isolation, as much a mystery to you as you are to them. There could be islands filled with gold and jewels but, by the same coin, there are those that contain nothing but death. Your fate is in your own hands, so strap on your ray gun, pull down your flying goggles, and prepare for adventure!

Hello! If you haven't guessed, this is a classic steampunk rp set in a world of airships and floating islands. A bit stereotypical, I know, but that's why I want to do it, just for the sake of another, classic adventurous romp across unexplored lands, with action, danger, cannibals, and perhaps even the chance of romance along the way. What's not to like? Since we're heading into an unexplored area, the world is defined by what you want to happen, if you want to world build, we can go and discover it and build it in game. (I think that's pretty cool)

In terms of commitment, I'd like to see at least one post a week, hopefully more. I won't completely lose it because you miss a post, but if you're absent for a while without good reason, you may find that you're character has been hijacked while you were away. Or they're dead. That could happen too.

As far as the mechanics of the world, I won't go into too much detail, as its only an interest check, but we're going for classic Victorian steampunk. That means people like gentlemen explorers, crazy fighter pilots, hair brained scientists and laser gun slingers, as well as giant airships with mounted cannons, squadrons of planes, and every crazy device you can think of. You'll start of small, but you're ship will grow as you continue to make new additions.

So, you interested?

Ok then, I'll try to get your arrival done tonight, if there are no objections. Would you like to pitch straight into the jungle, or land in Skeggi first?
In regards to the Titanpad, ideally it would be good to finish by Tuesday or around then, so that everyone else can start posting again.
Okay, so I've made a character. Check him out, see if you think he's alright, changes can be made.
Name: Dan Davis - Angel

Gender: Male
Age: 12
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5ft 2in
Build: Broad, but mostly like any other skinny pre-teen
Other Features: Calloused hands

Nationality: British
Home: Los Angeles - Low standard home
Job: He still attends school. His fathers a writer. His mothers a mechanic.

Education: New kid in the local middle school, he's a diligent pupil and prefers History and English.

Dan started as a quiet, introverted boy. He was quiet, polite, but barely spoke with anyone. He instead devoured books as if they were all that kept him alive. By the age of seven he had read Lord of the Rings (twice), the Chronicles of Narnia, got halfway through War and Peace before deciding it was boring, and anything else he could get his hands on. Bullies were a problem, but he never felt threatened or hurt by them, so he never told anyone, even when they started punching. But Dan wasn't weak, or cowardly. All the books he'd read had impressed upon him values that he felt people should live by. Honour. Respect. He was only introverted because most people didn't seem to live up to those ideals. He was smaller than most people, so he couldn't just fight, but the only weapons that were available, were sticks. So he used that. He searched until he found just the right one, about 5 and a half feet long, straight and made of yew. It took ages to smooth it down to the point where he could grip it properly, and even longer to strip the bark back. He spent hours everyday, in his own little world, learning how to use it. Hour after hour, day after day, and he was only eight at the time. No one seemed to notice how he seemed to get stronger, his shoulders broadened, his hands became tough. It took him ten times longer than it would have done under formal training, but this was his task, his quest, and he wasn't going to back down.
It wasn't until he was nine that he decided to use it. The kids had grown bolder and bolder as they realised that he wasn't going to do anything about it if they attacked him. There were about five or six of them that time, and they all laughed when he rushed to grab his stick from where he'd hidden it. The ambulance took a while to arrive. Some of the kids nearly died. Dan was fine.
After a lengthy trip to the police station, his parents demanded that he have someone teach him how to do it properly, or cease doing it at all. They took him to a local place, and again, most of the students laughed when he asked to fight one of the older boys. The teacher thought it might do him some good to learn humility, so he asked the older boy to try not to hurt Dan. It was very much the other way around.
The teacher was Masau, an old Japanese man who had come to England to retire, the rigour demanded in Japanese training not so present in local English clubs. It was him who taught Dan the principles of martial arts, that they were created to ensure peace, so that a man might live without oppression. This appealed very much to Dan's moral code, and he would listen for hours to what Masau had to say. He never learned much actual hand-to-hand, preferring his stick. Others insisted that it was a Bo, but to him it would always be his stick, and he would always practice the art of Stickjitsu.
Having spent almost all of his life previously in England, it was a shock when his dad's visa ran out and they had to move to the US. His parents had never actually got married, but they naturally accompanied him back, and they are in the middle of planning the wedding. While his mother establishes herself at a garage, and his father works on his book, Dan finds himself back where he started, alone, in a strange place, with no friends, and a naively high sense of morality.

If you get to know him, you'll find that Dan is a very thoughtful, contemplative and intelligent boy. He will always help someone in need, and has a strong sense of right and wrong. He can, however, have a tendency to set himself on fire trying to brighten someone else's world.

Other stuff
He still has his original stick, and it is the only one he ever uses.
Are you still accepting people, because this looks like a good thing to join!
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