Avatar of Chenzor
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    1. Chenzor 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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Hey boys. Been a lot of things I've wanted to do recently so I haven't gotten to the whole writing-a-post thing. Terribly sorry about that! I'll try to get to it tomorrow - even though I just bought a new game I want to try, god help me.

@Lady Selune There's no set number, really. At the moment, I don't have to manage any NPC's since there are none discovered yet, but depending on how much you guys explore and how much land you guys claim as your own there'll always be NPC's to find.
@Cyclone Yeah this tends to happen while waiting for the last few posts, hehe. If it takes too long without word, we'll just advance to the next turn without the stragglers :)
@Kangutso Ah, gotcha. I'll correct that come next turn!

Edit: How's everyone doing? Waiting on plenty of posts.
@Lady Selune normally I don't doublepost but I think I'm justified this once, hehe...
You're gonna have to do some editing to your last post, Selune. The orcs are simply not spotable from the shores, there are several miles between Iron Rock and the coast alone. Also I thought you were going to salvage your boats? Building them is one thing, sending them on an expedition so far away AND having them return the same turn is another matter completely. Keep in mind you have between 250-300 population. Having a small fleet of boats PLUS two war-galleys isn't realistic manpower-wise. A few fishingships, sure, I won't really dictate the terms of having fish as a foodsource, but what you did this turn was worth at least 2-3 turns of time. Here's what I'd probably do: Turn 1, salvage the ships for wood and build new ones. Turn 2, fishing is fully established as a foodsource, and you may send an expedition south along the coast. Turn 3, they'd make it as far as the jungle south of you and return, if you want them to return at turn 3. If you want them to travel further, like down to Celebrimbor, you'd have to wait another turn.

Also I had no idea you had vineyards already?

I hate to be crapping on your parade here, but what you're trying to do this turn just isn't in line with the rest of the roleplay here. I don't have a set established number of how big the continent is in square kilometers or square miles, but keep in mind it is a continent. From Iron Rock to the closest coastline it's probably a few days travel. It took Stein's orc warlord Nagrub one turn to get halfway to Celebrimbor from Iron Rock, and that was with a morale boost that increased his movementspeed, even.

... So ... Well, I hope I didn't discourage you from what you had planned. I encourage it, it just can't be done all in one turn and with so little manpower.
I urge you to rewrite your post! Sorry for the inconvinience!
@Lady Selune Yep. You can salvage them.

Edit: For these kinda questions I suggest hopping onto our discord server and asking there :D way easier than posting and waiting for reply!
Turn 4

Points of interest are marked with flags outlined with your color. Your forces' position is also marked with such flags.

The Lothelonni


The Iceborn


The Bonesnapper Tribe

@Chairman Stein

The Maerinum

@Lady Selune

The Antari


The Serpetist Tribe


The Children of Artemon


Clan Oreborn

@Bright_Ops Well it's never to late to be added to the waiting list, but seeing as it's so long I cannot guarantee you'll ever get in.

Edit: Turn 4 is live, boys.
Edit 2: Added a "climate explanation" map to the OOC OP. Check it out below the current map.
@Kangutso Seems good, fam. Though one note: you managed to settle as far away from all other players as possible, which I would advice against since you'll be alone for quite a while. There's no telling if there are plenty of NPCs around of course, but player interaction is preferable. Since we're waiting for other players still, you have plenty of time to change your mind if you think being too far away from everyone else would be boring. You're welcome to stay there, of course. It's a good spot to settle.

Edit: Orc boyz posting soon, then I'll have another turnpost out pretty fast.
@Lady Selune Of course, it's YOUR civ! :D
@Lady Selune If you actually establish a culture you might :^) nah I'm kidding but you need a government to make those kinda rules. Right now that aspect is embodied in your high troop morale.

Edit: Also I'm super glad you're liking this RP!


Turn has advanced to turn 3. Our first player-player interaction is happening (I'm so happy this is happening BEFORE anyone met a NPC) and so I added a line to the list of guidelines/rules: there is no limit of posts per turn as long as you adhere to the current turn number. Meaning you cannot attempt to improve food twice per turn, for example. I think you know what I mean.
You may also collab these player interactions, and include it in both your posts (would make for some amazing storytelling I'm sure!) or you may resolve it in PM and then post it in your official IC post. Why we want a detailed summary in the IC is self-explanatory.

Onwards to new glory!
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