Avatar of chocomog333
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  • Posts: 43 (0.02 / day)
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    1. chocomog333 6 yrs ago


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My name is chocomog333. I have been roleplaying on and off for about 15 years, including both forum and tabletop styles. I have a full-time job and a family, so my posts won't be as frequent on here as they used to be, but I will try to post regularly when I can. I don't typically write huge posts, though I can most likely do a paragraph or two depending on what's going on. I prefer fantasy style roleplaying and can either do either a homebrew setting or some series settings. For series settings, I like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Age, Fate/stay night, Final Fantasy (especially Ivalice), and Kingdom Hearts. I do enjoy academies set in fantasy/horror settings as well. I like romance, but I also like to keep it PG. I'm up for 1-on-1 or group rps.

Most Recent Posts

Marea had just said goodbye to her parents and the guards as she ventured onto land. They had again stressed her mission to serve as a diplomat for important trade negotiations, but she only listened half-heartedly. She had heard the speeches a hundred times. She nodded and smiled, though, knowing to start that argument again would only cause more tension than it was worth.

As Marea entered the train car, she quickly, if not awkwardly, made her way to her seat. She pulled out one of her spellbooks as well as the information about the school. She kept her nose buried in her materials until she had arrived at the school, only breaking to get some water from the vending lady.

As she exited, she took a moment to absorb the grandeur of the Academy. She had expected something extravagant, but this was even bigger than what she had imagined. However, she quickly recollected herself and made her way to the courtyard. She listened intently as the two men gave their introductions, and waited to see her representative take the stage,

If Innistrad and Ravnica are the two choices, I'd rather start in Ravnica personally.

@mattmanganon I was thinking more like this: gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Detai…

I understand your concern about power gaming, but I understand that I need to not play an OP character. She's pretty basic at the elemental business outside of red spells (ie fire, lightning, and earth). And even then, my goal is more about her personal growth as a character than about blasting everything to pieces. I've had this character in mind for a while and I just wanted to run her in something. I don't plan for her to be any more powerful or broken than your standard elementalist wizard/sorcerer from any other typical rpg. I see her as like maybe a lv 2 character. She's just starting to branch out into the newer stuff she's learning from across the multiverse and the Temur shaman she met has influenced her.

Also. for the planes of interest, I'm pretty flexible. I'd prefer to avoid the darker planes mentioned in the profile for our first visit. Planes that work well with her include Shandalar, Zendikar, and Jund of Alara. But since most planes have some elemental forces, I can pretty much adapt to anything.
The tides thing was blue magic, and perhaps a poor way to describe basic hydromancy. I edited it out for now, though I do plan to incorporate some of that later. Part of her character development is learning to accept and use elemental magic that is seemingly her opposite. The animating brambles thing was just a way to describe summoning various green elemental creatures. I was just trying to be a little poetic.
Yeah, I hate to be a downer. Personally, I don't like the rules myself and I definitely feel like Innistradi vampires should be undead and that sentient undead should be able to be planeswalkers, but sadly that's not the canon.

Also, @mattmanganon I updated my profile based on what we talked about in the PM. Let me know what you think.
<Snipped quote by mattmanganon>

Sorin Markov's spark activated upon his transformation into a vampire. Vampires are considered undead. I would consider that at least a canon counter to the claim undead can't hold a spark.

I've taken a shot at asking the question on Blogatog to get confirmation straight from the source about what happens when planeswalkers die. I'll link back if he answers.

I'm pretty sure mattmanganon is right here. If you look into the lore, Innistradi vampires aren't technically undead, just cursed. The following is from the official Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad (linked below for reference):
"Innistrad vampires are not truly undead, although they have some undead traits (such as agelessness and skin that's cold to the touch)."


Here's a relevant link to a discussion about the subject from Doug Beyer, a leading member of the MTG creative team:


Maro specifically answered about spirit planeswalkers, indicating that non-undead spirits (ex: Kami from Kamigawa) could, but the undead can't.


And to be fair, if the GM wants to allow, I'm cool with the idea, I just want the canon info in the thread for sake of clarity.
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