Avatar of ColonelCaboose
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: ColonelCaboose
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 347 (0.09 / day)
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    1. ColonelCaboose 10 yrs ago


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Hurry, we much reach the Lonely Mountain before Durin's day is upon us!
@Vena Sera

Yes, this has been around a long time hasn't it haha?
Regol had not paid much attention to what had been in the crates given to them at the shop, but he did remember seeing or he believed he did at least, a few clawshots inside one of them. With his crude map representation that was made out of shadow, he indicated to a courtyard that wasn't too far from their location. There were several balconies on the next floors that were being renovated and rebuilt. Though that was a while ago, there was no telling if they were still under construction, but if so there was bound to be things for the clawshots to grasp. He indicated with small shadow puppets clawing their way up to at least the 10th level. That was where the construction stopped and there were no more balconies at least in that courtyard that went higher up.

It was there best bet to climb fast and hopefully unseen, the courtyard was rather small and served more of just letting sunlight into the inner sanctums of the castle rather than for decorative purposes. It wouldn't take them all the way, but perhaps they would bypass the chance of running into a number of guards and alerting Fiona to Regol's return who she would no doubt seek out to confront after she received the news. The courtyard was only down the hallway they were in and then another would lead them right into it through a pair of metal doors.
@Mogtaki@Vena Sera

Indeed is quite exciting, very nerve racking as well, to see how much has changed and the culture shock will be difficult at first no doubt.
I am nearing the end of my deployment, so things should quiet down as we transition from doing missions to the new guys doing it. Then shortly after that we are home bound.
Not to make anymore excuses, but life as you can tell just keeps taking punches at me and they keep getting harder. Not only do I get to deal with the lovely hardships of deployment life, but also my grandmother who I was very close with passed away recently. I know you guys will say take my time, but I will do my best to power through as a good soldier should and post soon.
"And who are you to speak for Brother Regol, young Templar?" The Captain said in an aggressive tone. Regol stepped between them and poked his mask's beak into the man's face. The Captain backed off a bit surprised. He took that as a sign that the young Templar was allowed to speak in Regol's place. "My apologizes Brother Regol... As you wish, I am sure there will be much praise of your return and I can imagine that such a crowd that would draw could be overwhelming after a long journey. We shall wait to inform Sister Fiona..."

Regol bowed and turned away from the three Castle Templars and made his way down the path that led towards a massive stone arching door. It seems they had bought themselves some time, but no doubt word would travel among the whispers of the guards that Regol had returned alive. As the trio approached the massive wooden doors two guards who were a bit surprised as well opened the doors as a wave of his hands. Once inside it was quiet and only faint footsteps could be heard echoing down the long hallways lined with statues of knights, chandeliers, and red carpets. Finding a dark corner for them to huddle in, Regol used the shadows to construct a crude three dimensional drawing of the castle and where they were. They were on the first floor and he most likely suspected the Princess to be confined to her room on the top floor of the central building. It was at least 15 floors up if not more.
The Castle Gardens was a very breath taking sight to see, definitely a vibrant and nice change of scenery for once. Lush soft grass filled the very large area, bushes in various shapes of animals and races were spread about the edge of small creeks and fountains made of marble. Statues of beautiful women in togas, and men of muscular physic took center spotlight on most of the fountains or near stone pathways that stretched to every corner of the gardens.

Their presence was quickly noted, no one had seen where they came from, but immediately Castle Templars made descended upon the heroes. They were adorn with more decorative armor, it was engraved with various designs and jewelry dotted the torso and shoulders. Their capes looked to be made of very soft material and had a shining glimmer to them and adorned a large Templar Cross. The colors were however very standard of the Templars, red and white. "Halt! Who let you greenhorn Templars into the Castle Gardens? This area is restricted for the Nobility and higher officials...." The head Castle Templar said of a group of three, his shoulder plates carried the rank of Captain. While his face was hidden behind a helmet, his trailing voice gave away his bewilderment expression as he noticed Regol. "Brother Regol you are alive? We had received word you had died at the hands of the savage heretics at the Pirate Fortress in Great Bay. This is truly a surprise, we must tell Sister Fiona, there will be much rejoicing in the Brotherhood tonight to know that a lost sheep has return home!"

Regol was quick to nod profusely in a no manner. He gestured to Caelan to tell him other wise. He made a tired and fatigue expression, adding that he had a long and exhausting journey with hand motions, barely escaping death. Regol was quite the actor, but he had to be at times. Regol could only talk through the shadows to those who could hear them, and through typical ink and parchment. Regol trusted that even if Caelan was not able to quite pick up 100% of what he was saying, he would be able to say enough to keep the Captain quiet about their presence and to send them on their way so they could find the princess. While he wished to place more faith in young Link, this was neither the time or place to do so, and besides Caelan was the more experienced one with getting out of sticky situations.
Yeah some people heard of the attack and others didn't know anything about it. Was the largest one in five years. September I'll be home bound
Things have been rough, but I'll survive.I don't know if you guys saw it on the news or somewhere online, but that major attack in Kabul in Afghanistan was really close to us, like less than a couple miles, fighting season is in full effect now.
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