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Nemo sat back down on the couch by Raiya before replying. "I have no idea where the locket is, my best guess is that either Rutger or John have it, but I also do not know where they are either. Finding them before they board the ship later today and intercepting them would be near impossible." Nemo explained. "Nobody has ever returned from the area of Samwell's wreck, but sailors have said that the closer you get to it the harsher the sea becomes. The only reason the Church-goes even need Captain Seidon is because he and his advanced ship are indispensable to making it through the waters. I'm not worried about our way back, the only way Samwell could have generated a curse that powerful is by using the paragon as a catalyst, once we get our hands on it I can deactivate it myself. If we need a way back then I'm sure Felix could help us at that point." Nemo finished.

"Ah yes, if we get caught in a confined area, we'll fight them. Which is exactly what I want to have happen."
"Well, that wasn't nearly as enjoyable as I thought it would be." Nemo commented after a few seconds of pondering. "I'm not talking about why I'm here, that's an easy one. I'm here because I was asked to do a job. What I'm talking about is... what do I want in the grand scheme of things? My aspirations, desires? Overlooking that would be a waste, when you find out what drives a person, you can use it for many purposes. On one end of the spectrum, you could give them what they want, possibly creating a useful ally. On the other end, you could use it against them, shooting out their engine from under them. Without it they will cease to function." Nemo explained with a more hushed tone now that most of the group had assembled.

After everyone had made it to the living room, Nemo raised from his seat and walked to an open point of the room by his holographic display. "Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming. You've been called here to hear about our next mission." Nemo started, pressing down on the dial of his watch. "A mission to find the Paragon of Fantasia." As he spoke the word Fantasia suddenly generated out of thin air in a dramatic movie trailer fashion. Accompanied by a comical holographic party popper effect.

"Towards the end of the sixteenth century there was once a formidable pirate named Samwell Crofty-"Gallows". Known for hanging just about every living thing he could find from his bowsprit. One day while looting a captured ship, Samwell found a very peculiar crystal trinket teeming with mana on board. As a mage himself, he became obsessed with it. Many people thought he had gone insane, but what Samwell had pilfered before that ship sunk was what would later be known as the Paragon of Fantasia. His interest eventually paid off, as legend has it Samwell found a way to utilize the Paragon's power to dominate the seas." While Nemo explained his story clearly hand drawn comic style strips began to display from the projector of everything he said.

"Samwell's reign was long, but even with the Paragon supposedly at his disposal, it wasn't infinite. Nothing could save him from a night-raid done by nearly twenty English military vessels. Vastly outnumbered and unprepared, Samwell, his ship, and his crew sunk out in the Atlantic sea, and along with him, the Paragon of Fantasia. Before being hanged, the few survivors of his crew said that as he drowned, Samwell used the Paragon's power to curse the area. Condemning all who entered it to be destroyed. It was his way of ensuring his prized trinket stayed with him forever."

"But with most curses, there is always a way around it. In Samwell's case it was in the form of a key which while in someone's possession would allow them to enter the cursed field. The key is a golden locket given to Samwell's favorite maiden, Tabitha Jones Barga." Nemo paused for a moment.

The display switched from drawn pictures to real life photos now. "While following a lead, last night I raided a operations base for a underground kingpin and broker Ulysses Fahl. Ulysses' establishment was recently visited by two high ranking Arcanocracy members. Father Rutger Stockton, and Father John Galvadon." Up popped a picture of the men in question. The man on the left was Rutger, he had medium length white hair, was well into his sixties, wore a wide brim black hat, a black leather duster style coat, various silver church jewelry, and formal clothes underneath. The second man was "Johhny" Galvadon, Rutger's much younger protege. He had long golden blonde hair, high rank white church robes that cut off shorter than normal above his knees, and most strikingly he lugged around a large and heavy looking all gold morningstar style mace. The mace had floral engravings and multiple jewel inlays in the handle.

"I learned the two had contacted Ulysses to enlist the help of one of his associates, Captain Paul Seidon." The display now showed a picture of a middle aged gruff man with combed back grey hair and beard. He wore a ship captain's cap, a long naval pea coat, and a black wool turtleneck underneath. "To the common man Paul and his crew are reliable cargo freighters, but he is actual a powerful sea mage who smuggles magic artifacts and rare materials among cargo for Ulysses. Rutger and John want to use his ship and knowledge to sail through the very rough cursed waters to obtain the paragon within. And judging by what I heard they must already have Mrs Barga's locket, as they leave later today at 4 PM sharp."

"You might be wondering, 'Nemo what is the plan?' Well, that's simple. We hide in one of Captain Seidon's cargo boxes before he loads it onto his ship in the Boston harbor, piggyback our way to the Paragon, and then defeat Rutger, John, Paul, and his crew to take it for ourselves." During Nemo's explanation humorous cartoon caricatures of the group and their foes acted out the scene from the hologram.

Afterwards the display dissipated, ending his presentation. "Any questions? ...Oh yeah, I call dibs on Galvadon's mace." Nemo finished.
"Tomato Tomato, call it what you want Raiya, it all sounds the same to me." Nemo replied

"Portable hologram emitter, works similar to the ones on a manadial. I prepared a small presentation last night before I returned." Nemo explained as he slumped onto the couch until the rest of the group arrived.

Nemo thought for a moment before asking another question. "How about a bit of a reversal? What do you think I want? What do you think my goals are? I always loved getting profiled in the past."
"I guess I'll have to improvise for movie night." Nemo replied. "They don't teach much art at the Vatican do they? Shame, they have a lot of great pieces in their possession too." Nemo commented. "That's one of the things I've always disliked about the Arcanocracy, among other organizations. When they take in young talents they don't raise them like a mother would a child, they're trying to raise them into weapons. No room for socializing, no time for recreation. But it's to be expected, it's not about charity, in the end it's just an arms race." Nemo explained as he continued to stroll along. "In a way what they're trying to do is artificially create a person like me by isolating their subjects from everything that doesn't involve the two key ingredients to an soldier; obedience and strength. They've achieved a modicum of success, some of my most memorable duels have been with Catholic Talents. But it's still a wash, I best their members all the while watching cheesy monster movies anyways. Passion for battle cannot just be produced."

Nemo seemed intrigued by Raiya's question, it was the first to him that couldn't be easily linked to gathering information against him. "There's no other place I'd rather be than right here." Nemo replied pointing with both hands once towards the floor, his grin indicating that he knew just how corny it was. "But there certainly are places I like to be. It's hard for me pinpoint just one, I'm a bit of a wanderer."

"There's my home, that's an easy one. It's where I keep all my knick-knacks I've collected. I have gardens and vineyards as well. It's a place where I can relax by myself. Same with nature, I suppose you could call me a pretty seasoned outdoors-man by now... One of my favorite things to do is to take a boat and just get lost out at sea. Not a speck of land in sight. I've done some of my best thinking out there at night with just the moonlight shining down on the water."

"But all that isolation isn't good forever, I spend a lot of time visiting restaurants. Fancy ones are always nice, but I've always enjoyed more humble establishments. There was one in particular I liked before it closed down. It had great tea and a superb overlook of the nearly docks." Nemo finished just as they had reached the living room.

Nemo procured a small manacrystal sitting atop a silver stand and placed it down near the fireplace. He pulled up his manadial and inputted a few commands, ending with the earlier manacrystal lighting up for a brief moment, signalling they had synced. "You said your goal was to get revenge on the person who slew your parents, but what do you plan to do afterwards? Revenge can consume a person, sometimes they become so invested in it that once it's done they have nothing left to do. They might have destroyed the person who they thought wronged them, but in turn they also destroyed themselves to achieve it. Revenge was all they had as person, it's what gave them purpose. The things they during their warpath and the eventual loss of that purpose is sometimes even worse than the original wrong itself." Nemo explained. "I worry that might happen to you. So... I hope you've got something to keep you going once your task is done." Nemo seemed to have a slight sense of genuine concern and sincerity in his voice as he spoke.

Nemo raised from the floor, using light magic to hover the chair closer to him. Nemo discarded the puppets and crawled back onto the chair. He depressingly rested his head on the table. "Call it what you want it, I can only wish I could have what Socko and Sockette have." Nemo stated with a mock saddened tone.

Nemo leaned back up, scanning the room. "Indeed it is, sounds lovely to me." Nemo replied as he stood up from the chair. "I'll find Raiya and start to prepare." Nemo added as he made his way out the door.

Nemo found Raiya not far from Felix's study. "Seems the venue to reveal the next mission will be by the fireplace in the living room." Nemo explained as he walked. "We probably have some time until everybody arrives, so how about some more questions? I'll do an easy one this time for mine. What are your favorite kind of movies?" Nemo asked.
"When you say love, it sounds a lot more like 'being nice' to me. It's not very hard to be kind. It's also a very corruptible and breakable notion." Nemo replied, as Felix continued his explanation Nemo let out a sigh and pressed his palms into his face, comically squashing his features. "You're beginning to make me confused." He stated, his voice slightly distorted by his hands. He slowly began to slide off the chair. "I'm a much more simple man when it comes to thinking about things like that." He got out before fully sliding off and flopping onto the floor.

Nemo rolled over to Felix's desk like a log putting him out of sight. "To me love is... how about a demonstration?" He proposed. Nemo's hands slowly raising up over the lip of the table and into view. Both of his hands now had silk dress socks on them in a puppet fashion. One was plain white, the other black with white polkadots. The socks he had were his spares, meaning that the ones he had on were also mismatched.

Both had been dressed up with googly eyes and fake hair. The white one seemed to imitate Nemo, while the other had a more feminine visage... for a sock.

"There's... there's something I've been meaning to tell you, Sockette." Nemo made the white puppet mouth the words.

"What is it Socko?" He made the other puppet respond with a somewhat impressive impression of a girl's voice.

"You are the light of my life, whenever I see you, my heart beats fast. I love you, Sockette." Nemo voiced with an overly dramatic tone.

"Oh Socko, I feel the same way. let's be together forever!" The whole time Nemo made the two puppets speak he had slowly been inching them closer together. The two sock lovers suddenly broke out into a passionate make out session, which Nemo accompanied with exaggerated sound effects.

By the time Felix was done speaking, a small grin appeared on Nemo's face. He let out a laugh and leaned back into his chair. "Now, now, that was an unexpected answer." He replied.

"I'm an old fashioned guy Felix, I fancy poetry, stories, some may even call me a romantic. I have seen Romeo and Juliet many times, and do you know what I think about the notion of showing love to anything that has a beating heart? It cheapens it... It's an insult to real love. Love should be rare, given to only those deserving, the ones you can't live without. The less it's given to, the more special it becomes with the ones you do." Nemo explained, his tone becoming more serious now. "The way I see it, the only people deserving of love is your family. That's one of the reason's it's so hard to live without one. Because then who do you have to love?"

"I've gone so long without one that I've turned into something that is no longer deserving of a family or love. When you give someone something they don't deserve, the only thing they really receive is shame. Things that usually feel warm or pleasant often hurt to them instead." Nemo crossed his right leg over in the chair.

"But you've got me all wrong Felix, I don't think that humanity is a lost cause. As long as I still see beauty in this world that sentiment will not change anytime soon either." Nemo finished.

"Yes... yes yes, very." Nemo rambled off in response. "I'm not gonna let you open your presents too early Felix, you have to wait like everybody else." Nemo said with a chuckle. "But what I can tell you is that I do have a lead, nobody is left to alert anybody, and we leave later today." He explained.

Nemo paused for a few moments, pondering something. "You know, there is something I've been wondering. I already know why you picked me for your group, but what I don't know is why you invited me inside your home. I could still do any task you want of me and accompany your missions without ever having to be here. So why do you permit me to stay?" Nemo asked. "You've put me in a situation where I'm terribly out of place, bringing me in here with all these nice people. I'm an animal to them, not much has changed over the years, now I'm just a very well trained beast who wears peoples clothes."

"Animals belong outside Felix, that or locked in a cage. So why have you brought me inside, are you trying to make a lap dog out of me?"

Finished with his food, Nemo got up from the table. "Don't mind her, she probably wont bite." Nemo said as he started walking towards Felix's study room. "Morning Travis" He commented as he passed by him.

Nemo walked inside the room and picked a comfy chair to sit down in. "Good morning Felix." He said to him once he walked in.
After a return trip to Cyrus' Cellar, and a long trek back through the redwoods Nemo and Wesley had finally arrived back at the home base. Once they passed the barrier threshold magically concealing the cabin, it finally came into full view for Wesley along with the clearing. "Well here we are, home sweet home for now. Rather nice view, good location, well designed. Comfy and no neighbors for miles." Nemo commented as he walked towards the cabin, sounding more like a real estate agent as he described the home.

Nemo approached the front door, the heels of his boots clacking as he tread over the wooden front porch. He opened the front door and walked inside, cleaning his footwear off with a simple spell after entering. "I've returned, and with a friend!" He announced. Nemo walked over to the kitchen, coming into view to the rest of the party. "Wesley, come introduce yourself." He suggested, looking back to him he began dishing up his own plate of food.

"Raiya, my lovely partner, I bet you're glad to see me." Nemo said as he sat down next to her. He took a bite of the food, truth be told he was a little disappointed that Raiya didn't cook this time, as he had been looking forward to it. Nemo momentarily lost himself in thought, his expression growing a bit more deadpan as he tuned out everything around him, which appeared especially cold on someone with a visage like Nemo's. Something was on his mind, but it didn't stay for long.

"I've got much to discuss about our next mission, but I'll wait until the rest of the group joins us. Spoiler alert... a lot of people died." Nemo explained.

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