Avatar of cqbexpt
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    1. cqbexpt 10 yrs ago


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I have survived finals with a high B/low A average! I'm actually, surprised I did so well. (I really thought I'd fail Chemistry) but now it's summer, and I aim to be much more active from now.

so, how's everyone else doing?

Tyrael is dead, E'nasha is being paged for Underhaven.

"Gamey, bit stringy, and...... tough this one." Baulder said as he contemplated eating another chunk of the fresh Elk. Baulder played with the piece of flank steak for a second before looking down at John Cena who was still shoving chunks into his mouth and chewing with new teeth. For the past two weeks since Tyrael's teaching ban Baulder had a lighter class load than usual. So he had decided hunting with John would be a better way to fill the time then trying to keep up with Tyrael's working pace in the forges. "Repeat."

"Gaaamey, bi...it string, an-nd tough t-this one." John stammered out with his mouthful. John had become nearly a spitting image of Baulder himself. Other than some skin tone issues and his teeth becoming sharper than his own John could pass as Baulder, as long as he didn't talk anyways. Baulder was pleased at the progress his demon had made, he wondered what he would do after he got him to speak correctly. But he wasn't alone anymore, the facsimile was close enough that he felt as if he had a companion in this world now.

"Finish up, we've got reading to do." Baulder said. He then devoured the piece of meat he was holding as John picked through the innards eating the liver and stomach of the dead animal. He had begun to notice John preferred the organs over the muscle and fat of things that they killed. While it seemed odd to him he wasn't complaining, more for him.

Baulder had cleaned himself up and sent John back to the Inferno where he belonged. Having put on clean white linen Baulder took a seat in the Underhaven at one of the booths pressed against the wall he had a thick tome in front of him he had yet to open, something to do with demon transfiguration. He had learned not to long ago that John was likely some sort of Vitamancer given that he was able to adapt to a new form so quickly. But he wasn't reading at that moment, he was watching master Tyrael who was at the bar. He had watched him down an amount of alcohol that likely would have killed Baulder. He couldn't help but think that such an ability would be... useful. But that wasn't why he was there. While the fact that the underground bar was cooler and damper than the rest of the college he found that Tyrael had been spending quite a bit of time here. After he had cranked out a massive amount of client orders recently and given Baulder a suit of ironwood armor Tyrael would spend the rest of his day in the Underhaven or the Inferno. Baulder could only follow him to one of those places. So Baulder sat quietly watching his master and reading whatever book they were given in class by one of the other demonmancy teachers. Waiting for Tyrael to teach him something.

The only interesting thing that had happened so far was Uicle coming in and immediately being struck by a piece of falling debris. Baulder grinned and stifled a laugh. The suit of armor Baulder had found to be a source of constant entertainment with all the absolutely ridiculous things that had a habit of falling on him. Baulder turned back to his book and opened it up to where he had left off, seeing as he was too far away to ease drop on the two teachers.

Baulder was lying on something. It wasn't soft but he could also tell he was sinking slightly. It was so dark, but he could barely tell that he was alive due to the rather dull pain in his forearms. Where have we gone poor Jhon, I can't seem to find the place. Baulder tried to sit up and open his eyes but his body refused both commands. His body he couldn't make out if he still had feet but his fingers, Baulder could still move those. Baulder's digits twitched defiantly at the darkness while he still struggled to open his eyes. It occured to him that everything was mute, all he could hear was the slow but steady beat of his heart in his ears. Baulder wanted to open his mouth and yell, but he found that it too was forbidden for his use. Baulder began screaming in his head calling out for Jhon and..... Baulder? The name was his but he was refering to someone else. This angered him greater but his body still refused any commands and he just kept screaming in his mind.

The second someones sees me online tomorrow, please pester me to post. I will get distracted. And i'm bad at dragging myself away from the shiny things.


Consider yourself officially pestered.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's here

Ah thank you I've just had my 7th child yesterday!
@Fallenreaper @Demonic Angel

I'm doing well. I'm thinking about joining.

I like a nice rack of ribs in the afternoon, Freddy just simply does them the best.
<Snipped quote by cqbexpt>

Has to sound like one of them native american names. "Rumbles in the Catacomb" or some such. I dunno, gotta think more about this. We'll tattoo your title onto your chest when you get back to the college.

"Man need medicine hat"
<Snipped quote by Leon5431>

Deven shall hence forth be known as "Wrestles with Wolves".

Baulder better get the title "Ridge hound wrangler" then.
<Snipped quote by EliteCommander>

You're obsessed with making someone else have a Eysire, aren't you?

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