• Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. crestfallen 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current She drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.
7 yrs ago
Yo, if anyone wants to do a Clone Wars 1x1, pm me! I don't do romance but I love the clones more than life itself
1 like
7 yrs ago
Duuuuuude. Papers, Please is on sale on Steam. If you haven't played it, now's the time. It will destroy you and it's more relevant than ever
7 yrs ago
Just saw Rogue One. Holy shit so good.
1 like
7 yrs ago
*comes back from the dead* so what did I miss
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Crest | she/her/hers | 21

I like swords and unique magic systems and worldbuilding and ladies in practical armor.

Like 1x1? Me too! Here's some plots!

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Welcome to the guild! I'm new too.

If you don't mind me asking, what video games do you like?
@I Own Cows Thanks for the advice! Sorry your site shut down, that's the worst. I'd hardly say the effort was down the drain though, what with friends and experiences and the like. You know how to run a kickass RP at the very least.

@ArenaSnow Thanks for the link. I figured I'd lurked enough and was ready to try my hand at actually taking part. No doubt there will be a few missteps, but I'm exited to try something different. I'll keep your advice in mind.
Must be a new arrival.

Hey, there. I'm Crest, one of the newest of the newcomers to this lively gray site here. I've been lurking for a few days, checking out all that this place has to offer, and finally tonight I caved and figured what the hell, can't hurt to give it a shot, can it? and here I am. A brief introduction is in order, I suppose.

- My roleplay experience is almost nil, except that I co-authored books with my best friend when we were in middle school. From what I can tell, the process is similar. I've got a few more independent writing chops, but inspiration has been a little thin these days. I like this site's format & the accountability system set up here, and I hope that this will get me writing regularly, instead of in short spurts.
- I'm a university student--something like an English major with a little bit more philosophy and theology thrown in. I also teach Shakespeare on the side, so if you need help with your Romeo & Juliet homework/monologue performance, I'm your girl.
- I love fantasy & mythology. Dragons, magic, gods, spirits, swordsmanship, gritty, light, high, low, all of it. Creative worldbuilding is my aesthetic. Interesting storytelling, twists on the genre... hell yes.
- I'm the token aromantic/asexual, so I tend not to write much romance into my stories. I hope this won't be much of a problem. From what I've seen, it seems to depend on the roleplay, so I will be open about this & establish all that good communication jazz that makes for strong & healthy platonic/working relationships.
- I did think of one exception to my "all of it" fantasy rule. I can't stand fey. Not even creative twists. Sorry about that.

In return, I have a serious question and then a fun question just for getting to know people.

Serious question: How can I be the most successful roleplayer I can be? Activity is obviously a part of it, but what is there beyond that that would make for a really great, successful roleplay?
And as an extension, fun question: What was/is your favorite roleplay that you've ever been a part of?

I know it's a little unorthodox, but, like I said at the beginning, this is all pretty much spur-of-the-moment, what the hell sort of joining up. Feel free to ignore the questions. Can't wait to start writing with you all. See you 'round.


Oh, that's all we need. Another inquisitive soul.
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