Avatar of Cynthx
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  • Posts: 69 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Cynthx 8 yrs ago


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It looks like everyone in this RP has voted, at least there's Four votes in. I'm counting on the fact that nobody outside of the Accepted people voted.. either way it's been long enough. The votes are in! AND!! Sleepy town won, lol
@tobiax Yep, all votes have gone towards a place that doesn't even have a name, lol.
On your line, i'm impressed that someone actually wants to use the Gizamon line, i encourage the use of this line greatly, but if you could confirm the Fresh and InTraining forms, it will be perfect. Hope i'm not an idiot but have you made a Human yet?

@Otaku95 Sadly we are full, sorry if this comes as grave news to you

After today, i go on my Winter Break for 2 weeks, so i'll have more time for here.

[edit] someone voted for Canada, lol still the sleepy town is in the lead rip
Tomorrow is definitely the day i post the thread, since it seems that Sleepy Town in the Middle of Nowhere in the Northeast of the US is winning.
Guess that leaves a lot to the imagination with a town that vague but that's fine with me. I know who the main main bad guy for the RP is, and question for @tobiax We'd really like it if you can confirm your human and Digimon.
To answer your question, yes it's fictionalized sorta, especially with a place like this, it might end up being 100% fiction rip
@Windicator @sMoKe @Sheeny @tobiax Alright, thank you for your imput! I'v created a Strawpoll for us to use to determine where we shall go then. I'm not allowed to vote, and if we're tied on any/all options, i have a group of friends i will ask to vote as well. hopefully this should go smoothly.
@Sheeny @Windicator How about something different then Tokyo. We could base it off of one of our hometowns :p My hometown is Loveland Ohio, a rather small place compared to Tokyo. Perks of using a place like that would make Digimon a bigger thing towards passerby. If you wish to keep your location details classified i understand, for those brave enough to share it be appreciated, could make for interesting RP

@tobiax What's a Digimon RP without the Digital World? Yes we will, but not around the beginning.
you saw nothing it's there i'm not an idiot who forgot to put it in nope not at all
Good name, i'll put it on the list of characters on the first post !1!!

Question for everyone, should this take place in Tokyo? If not where else? Just throw ideas out i guess. I expect to make the RP by Wednesday by the latest, tomorrow by the earliest.
Also, i'v not made an RP thread before? Are there any specifics i should know before i go posting a thread? (i'v seen tabs on many other threads at the top of all the posts for OCC, IC, all that stuff, and i'm not sure if i have to do that or not?)

edit: For all that apply, I'v also decided that, at the Rookie stage, we wont be using the virus as a plot device. You made a good point that this will be a chance to bring character to our Digimon first, and having them infected right from the get-go would deprive that character of that chance. When we start getting into Digivolution, then the virus will come into effect.
@sMoKe Look, if you're in no situation to waste resources, we can PM each other and i can create something Digitally, for absolutely free :o I don't mind drawing, it's actually what i do for a living. I'm fine with doing this for free, since i'm the one putting you in the position to have to use your own items to create stuff like that. Basically i'll help, just say the word.

Anyways, i'v created the starting post, but i want to clarify something before i even begin to make the RP thread.

  • The actions that my Digimon do in the post should only reflect your Digimon's actions if your Rookie is a Vaccine attribute.
  • If your Digimon is a Virus, it will act on it's own will. If you need help with the whole attribute stuff lemmie know
  • We'll only be playing as Digimon for the first few posts, if that' fine with you all
@tobiax I'll be completely honest, not too big on the card stuff. If you believe it works, sure, go for it :o

@Windicator I think Aldamon works more in this case, so that will be Flaremon -> Aldamon. nice. Also are you offering that Dark Evolution as one for me or for you, cause i was thinking that if i were to go for a Dark Evolution, i could possibly do something like BlueMeramon -> Apollomon (Whipsered)
Yes, i don't want to wait too long to start the RP, and it seems next week makes things goody good for everyone as of now. Hopefully. Anyways, yes, you can play one or two supporting roles alongside your Tamer, you don't have to announce them here if you want, you could wait till the time has come to bring them in (as i'll be doing) but that's your decision.

I would also agree that Windicator's character is quite adorable, and i don't mind them being Genderfluid. I am a supporter of all gender's and sexualities, and this is, as it should be, a place of no hate towards anyone. (one of my closest friends is actually Genderfluid so i sorta have an understanding as to how that goes down, even if it is from the sidelines uvu)
Digimon are able to interact with objects; in the Real world they are as real as you and i.

We're lacking a plant based Digimon here actually, if you went with Mushmon it might be cool. Though i'm not sure why it would turn in to a Griffin in the end, lol. For advice, you can have Digimon levels switched around a bit, by one stage if you want. Example being: Tailmon as a Rookie and Angewomon as a Champion. If that could help you.
I can totally relate to narrowing choices being difficult, cause i'm literally about to change my Veemon to Flamon, along with the rest of the line, rip.

Sweet, will add when images are available. If you need help with editing images lemmie know, or if you're gonna draw them yourself, that's fine too.

Anyways, with all that out of the way, i'd like to change my Veemon line to a Flamon line, RIP. I need suggestions for the last evolution, as VictoryGreymon is the only one i have in mind.

Mokumon -> PetiMeramon -> Flamon -> Lynxmon -> Flaremon -> ???

Totally cool line i made up for Mushmon if you would like to consider :o up to you

Mushmon -> Kabukimon -> Blossomon -> maybe Lotusmon
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