Avatar of Dapper Amaroq
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 231 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Dapper Amaroq 7 yrs ago
    2. ██████████████ 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current What kind of pet dinosaur would a dragon have?
8 yrs ago
I just found out that most of the other wolf species in north america were actually coywolves, or close enough to it. What the heck!?
8 yrs ago
Why yes, I'm a wolf. Why do you ask?
1 like
8 yrs ago
What's on my mind? Food, I guess.


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Most Recent Posts

As it stands, I won't have time to submit my CS. I might have it ready in a day or two, but it'll be too late by then. Let me know if someone drops out, I'll be ready to take his/her place in an instant.
Hey guys, I found this great site for choosing color hex codes!

It's right here!
I'm still interested, I'm just taking forever and also waiting for the OOC.
Hello there! I couldn't help noticing that you have an interesting Homestuck RP going on here! It seems that there are already plenty of troll rolls filled here, so I was wondering if I could somehow play the role of a monster? I've always wanted to play the monster for something.
@agentmanatee I like the idea of a small group, and that's what my idea was based around. The only interaction really needed with one group is between the one DMing the story for that group and the occasional consulting to Clocku about it. Clocku's right, though, with his idea in its experimental stages, I'm not going to push anything right now. It's just a suggestion.
<Snipped quote by Ezekial Wolffe>

I'm not sure how many people I can handle using the format hence the original concept of having low player count as a sort of experiment. Later people may be added more but again, testing needed.

Well then, what if you set the story up and let someone else take over the second campaign? They could handle the monster's interactions with the players and refer to you when needed. That way, you could handle a larger load of people.
You could always make two campaigns if the player number seems to get to be too much. Split us up, and we can take on different parts of the story.
I'm in. Save me a spot.
I've been noticing that some new comers tend to ask for help from other members when they need help with a post. What if we made an official thread for teaching others how to role-play? That could definitely help with first time players who are curious about role-playing, and it could also offer tips on writing a post and on interactions between characters.

I remember seeing something like this on one of my old forums, and it really did help people get the hang of better writing. The mods even treated it a bit like a game, giving the students certain scenarios to respond to and helping them build on those responses.
I like @ScreenAcne's random match-up idea. We should just try random fan-fic pairings from the quiz and guage the community reactions.
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