Avatar of DaredevilSpider
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    1. DaredevilSpider 9 yrs ago


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My name is Seth and I'm 15 years old. I like any kind of fantasy and/or realistic fiction as long as there's a well-developed plot.

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Alex watched as Valencia and Matt exchanged greetings. Then Valencia turned to him and asked him if he wanted a lollipop. He saw her blush, and that made him almost do the same. That's what she was holding in her pocket. She was waiting this whole time to ask me about that. She's so nice, and she's pretty too. I'm glad we met.
"Yah sure I'll take one. Thanks." he replied. He looked into her eyes for just a second, and he couldn't help but smile.
@Im a huge mess @Vampy
As Alex and Valencia waited for the councilors to make their announcement, a car pulled up and some guy grabbed a duffle bag, practically jumping out of the car. He said goodbye to his parents, then asked, "Am I late?" He started to look around the crowd, and Alex could tell that the kid was a bit nervous.
"One second, I'll be right back." Alex told Valencia. He started to jogged over to the guy and stopped in front of him. "Hi, I'm Alex. No you're not really late, the councilors just introduced themselves and their gonna show us to our cabins. Cm'on, you can hang out with me and my friend Valencia." He started walking back towards Valencia without waiting for an answer. "Oh yah, and what's your name?" Alex added.
Oh okay thank you so much that makes a lot more sense. And I know it's just an IC thing, I wasn't offended, I just didn't quite understand what you meant. Thanks again.
Could you please explain what you mean by 'callously measured, found wanting, then dismissed'.
Alex realized as he asked the questions to the girl that she started falling over and she passed out. Somebody ran over to her and said something to her that made them sound like brother and sister. He apologized to the kid but wasn't sure if he heard Alex.
After a while of waiting for people to get off the bus he saw some girl with what looked to be like soldiers carrying her. Maybe some form of conjuration? He went over and stood by Valencia again and she looked to be holding something in her back pocket. He was going to ask her what it was but then he heard the what seemed to be the camp counselors asking everyone to gather around.
"Cm'on, we should probably go over there." he said to Valencia, pointing towards them.
Soooo sorry to everyone that I couldn't post all weekend. I went to a party on Friday, an orchestra festival at NAU literally all day yesterday, then I went hunting for deer in Flagstaff today from 6 to 12. Then I had to drive back here. I will be working on a post.
@Levythelevy You know I'm not her brother right? Does your character just think that?
"Ugh..." Jacob was getting restless. This Vlad guy better get his act together and give the next clue already. He went over to his hoodie and looked at the knife he had sneaked into this place. No. Don't even think about it. Just put it back. Cm'on, this whole thing is going okay so far. It's almost better than being on the streets. He walked back over to the opposite wall, letting himself fall to the ground. He sat there once again.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road." he muttered to himself. After waiting for about thirty minutes, he decided to rejoin the group. If they were still in the cafeteria, of course. He almost walked out, but something in his thoughts made him stop. Jacob turned back around and looked at the hoodie again.
"You know what, screw it." He picked up the hoodie and put it back on, then changed back into his cargo shorts. "I'm wearing these, and I don't care what anybody thinks or says. If they have a problem with it, then screw them. These are my clothes that I always wear. And I intend to keep wearing them." He kept the knife in his hoodie pocket, but he had no intentions of using it for what he was going to earlier. He kept it simply so that the leaders of this place wouldn't find it. Plus, this way he was prepared if anything shady happened. He walked towards the cell door again, and went through this time.
"Changed your mind?" he said intimidatingly, gesturing at his clothes. "Well don't change yours again, or I'm gonna change mine. And I think you'd probably like to keep this hoodie, so I would suggest keeping it on!"
"Yah, whatever dude. I'll keep it on." he replied. He walked back towards the cafeteria and stopped right before the door. Let's see what they have to say. After a quick reassurance to himself, he walked in.
@Vampy @KatherinWinter
The bus came to a stop and Alex looked out the window. He saw a big campsite. This must be the place. The bus doors opened and he was one of the first to get off. One kid was already unloading all the luggage bags for everyone when Alex got there. Well that's pretty nice. He saw that his bag had already been unloaded, so he went over, picked his and Valencia's bags up , and went over to stand by her. He was about to say, "I got your bag for you." when he heard the sound of a fire lighting and he smelled smoke. He instantly turned around and saw some girl- get this- on fire! I gotta find some water! He looked around and saw a water pump sticking out of the ground. He focused as much as he could and pulled the water out of it. As soon as he had a decent amount, he moved it towards the girl as fast as he could and soaked her with it. The fire went out and there was just some smoke coming off.
"Jeez! What did you do? I guess you can control fire, eh?" he asked.
Jacob silently thought about the practice mission and the clue. We have to measure the info exactly to get the right results. That just doesn't make any sense. How do you measure information? the first thing I think of when i hear measuring exactly is mixing substances like in science and stuff. He pondered over this while the others talked about it. He decided that the other kid with the hoodie was probably right.
"He's right." Jacob agreed, pointing at the other kid. "We just don't have enough info. We have to wait for the next clue." With this, he walked out of the room and a guard immediately followed him. He walked back to his room and sat for a minute. I guess I should probably change now since that other kid is wearing the same thing as me. He looked at the orange uniform that he had convinced the guard not to make Jacob wear. This was his easiest (and probably only) option. He quickly took off his hoodie and cargo pants and threw on the orange shirt and shorts. Surprisingly, the uniform fit well. Jacob lay down and rest his head back, but didn't risk sleeping. If he fell asleep, he wasn't sure what would happen. Besides, he didn't wanna risk missing the next clue.
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