Avatar of datadogie


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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



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Finally done, woo! I may add in pictures of stuff later, like robots used for mining and such. Main focus of this nation is materials / construction, including of ships.

Yo, datadogie. Will the colony be automated by an AI named Cake?

I'mma hurt you. Don't make me make Cake again. XD
My, oh my, I do believe I'm interested in this. Being stuck as a colony with no outside connections for a long-ass time gives me an idea for an orbital mining colony.

On another note, will there be a Discord server for this RP?
Valencia Coquerdale

Everyone was beginning to flood into the room, and Valencia was slowly becoming a little overwhelmed by the amount of people that were present. Valencia had been tutored entirely privately, however she did not share the same attitude as the posh snobs that had the same type of education when it came to being with so many people. They could go out and find whoever they wanted to meet or to talk to, but on the other hand Valencia did not share their same spirit. She would much rather people come to her and not the other way around upon a first meeting in an environment like this, particularly so that she could observe them first; She didn't want to end up meeting the wrong crowd, and she figured it was a much more reliable idea to assume that any of them would more likely jab at her than come to her with a pleasant greeting. A good way of identifying them, she believed.

Valencia's mental focus moved back to those closest to her, taking some amusement at the whole confusing aspect of trying to get everyone seated and various conversations being interrupted as people, either sheepishly or confidently, asked if they could sit next to one another. Definitely, it seemed a lot of individuals didn't know eachother, though there were some exceptions such as Finn and Selena. For not the first time since spotting both of them, she questioned what kind of relationship they had. They seemed like close friends, but at the same time, had Selena just tried to block Finn's vision with her tail subconsciously? Was that perhaps some jealousy? Valencia wouldn't be able to blame the fox girl; The new girl that showed up had clearly decided that bathing without clothes on was for the common folk, and that she had taken it upon herself to show them just how efficient wearing clothes in the shower was. Plus, Valencia knew that she herself was quite easy on the eyes. She couldn't blame Selena for being a little jealous.

All those thoughts were done whilst Valencia was remaining completely still, having subconsciously gone statue-esque. Only now did she break out of that, moving her arms up to rest on the table, allowing herself to properly search around her and take everyone in from a non-peripheral angle. She did, however, lean forward to peek past Selena and toward Finn. "C'mon, Finn, don't you like a fluffy scarf?" She jokes, grinning. Then, she leaned back, and figured it was time to introduce herself to the newcomers. "To those I haven't introduced myself to, my name is Valencia. It is nice to meet you," she says.
Gonna just shove my work in progress in here to show I'm actually doing stuff. Ignore the fact it looks trashy right now, I have more scribbles in a doc that I'm adding. XD

Valencia Coquerdale

Riding in a carriage was a lot more enjoyable than walking. The ability to look out and observe everything around the carriage whilst not worry about the huffing of breath after walking long distances, particularly for those that frequented armour upon their persons, was quite appealing; walking did have it's own benefits, though Valencia Coquerdale was happy enough to sit and wait for the carriage to arrive at it's destination. That is, sit still. Very still. Motionless, in fact. Enough so that perhaps the staff of Hoseforn's Academy may question whether her particular carriage was delivering a student or a statue. The armour definitely helped Valencia fit into the latter. The wings, too, might have helped were they not tucked in underneath the plates. Valencia just hoped that the uniform that she'd be receiving was comfortable enough.

Finally, the carriage came to a halt, and the coachman (so wonderfully provided by her father along with the carriage itself) announced that they had reached their destination, the front of the Academy. It almost embarrassed her that she had to be escorted to the Academy like this, for she knew that the coachman was also there to tell her father how she had acted on the trip, to keep an eye on her during it, as if she was not her own woman and capable of handling herself. She knew this because she had opted for riding a horse of her own to the Academy, and let it settle in the stable for the duration of her stay for whenever she would need to ride, however her father had overruled it. She supposed she had to thank him for not providing a full escort of some frustrating mercenary group or the likes, creatures flapping around like she was an empress, for that would probably have ensured she didn't come home and instead live out the rest of her days pretending to be a statue out of embarrassment. Stepping out of the carriage, Valencia dismissed the coachman, watching him as he rode away. Only as he entered the distance did she notice a quad of heavily armoured horsemen following on behind the carriage, and corrected her earlier thought; although she wasn't being directly escorted, her father had definitely assigned guards to follow behind. Smart, and thoughtful.

Turning her attention to the Academy itself, Valencia took in everything that was in front of her. The grounds were beautiful, both for their picturesque visuals and for the freedom that they granted her. Here, she was free of the metaphorical chains that her father had on her. Well, she was certain that provided enough push, he'd try to keep an eye on her and her progress, but it was a pleasant thought, at least. Valencia was certainly not the first to arrive, she saw plenty of other people also around, and she was smart enough to pick out the students that had been here before from the first years such as herself; Those that had their uniforms already on, and thus already had uniforms in the first place, were quite obviously ones that had already been around. First years such as herself, and some of the other unsystematically-dressed individuals fumbling their way around, did not have said uniform yet. Such an identifying difference was due to vanish by the end of the first day, she knew. The young woman began to walk, ignoring glances from those who had an interest in the intricately-patterned dark steel armour, or perhaps even those who had an inkling of who she was and where she hailed from.

Entering the Main Hall, Valencia paused to savour the grandeur of the room, before her eyes settled on the most prominent feature, the crystal. It was enormous, and she had to take a few moments just to imagine who had the idea of shoving the thing inside of the building, barely questioning how they managed to do it. Following the lead of other students, Valencia trotted her way towards one of the booths that circumferenced the crystal, passing an embarrassed first year student who seemed to be grouching to another equally embarrassed first year about how they smelled - going to a school publicly certainly seemed like it would be interesting, judging by that interaction. The whole ordeal of the crystal was piquing her curiosity however, and she was quite excited to see what would happen when she stepped inside the booth - to which the answer was the greeting from Athena. Like the other students, Valencia was asked to present her acceptance scroll, and once she had done so, was informed of her dorm number - 658 - and told to change, bathe, and return to the Main Hall. The note at the end almost made her wonder how long Hoseforn's Academy had been standing. Attendance is mandatory. Her father frequented the use of such a phrase, and it made Valencia wonder if her father had been to Hoseforn's Academy before her. "Thank you for your assistance, Athena," Valencia spoke smoothly, once her ordeal with Athena was complete. She stood in the booth for a few more moments, just taking in the crystal and the room itself, before proceeding to use her newfound map to make her way towards the dorms.

Soon enough, Valencia made her way along the halls of the dorms, searching for her own, and adjusting the strap of the pack that was over her shoulders. She had considered taking her armour into the school some other way so that she didn't have to carry both it and the bag. However, upon leaving home, she had decided that she would have a much better time if she just wore the armour and carried the bag at the same time, in order to ensure the safe journey of both her personal belongings, and of the armour itself, too. Her eyes constantly flickered down to the scroll and then back up to the dorm numbers, following them along and counting out in her head along with the signs. 684... 655... 656... 657... Foxgirl! Valencia stopped dead in her tracks as she almost ran into one of the students that she had noticed earlier, the one that had been talking about her smell. "Oh, hello!" Valencia says, stepping back to give the other person room. It was then that Valencia noticed that the other had actually been coming from the room that she had been assigned. Oh. A roommate. This will be... Pleasant.
Saffron Rupalfeather

With the Grimm on the retreat, Saffron was satisfied that she had done an efficient job defending her side of the intersection - with Rio helping, of course. It definitely wasn't an easy battle, however; Whilst she had a little experience fighting the Grimm within primarily controlled training environments, the real thing definitely told her that despite how realistic the trainings had been at Signal they had definitely been holding back. The Signal Grimm had been fierce, but out in the real world, Grimm were ferocious. And whilst she was proud that she had managed to hold back the Grimm with her teammates, Saffron was also relieved about that fact. Hopefully things continued to be as successful as they were now.

Saffron's eyes fixed upon a corpse of one of the fallen Grimm, observing the black smoke that was rising from it. Whilst it was interesting, the Faunus took care to follow Nivea's advice and try not to breathe in the smoke. Though, within a closed environment like this, Saffron wondered if it would soon become impossible to avoid doing so. She could see why Huntsmen would have such a problem clearing a nest, particularly in even more dangerous environments than this one. If they happened to get locked in by the degraded environment, either by collapse or mechanical failures in places such as this, she wondered what the consequences be, if it wasn't an ending of death.

Taking a glance to Kohaku as she spoke, Saffron offered the girl a nod of agreement. "Good call," Saffron replies, shuffling herself to be more along the centreline of the room. She was, however, bothered by Rio's sudden wish to press on at speed - and slightly bothered by the fact that he was telling them that the Grimm were less than a click away. "Less than a kilometer? How big is bunker anyways?" She asks, starting to face Nivea, before reconsidering and turning back to the front. "Never mind, I don't want to know." She adds, starting to pursue Rio, mostly so that he wasn't running off on his own ahead of them.
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