Avatar of DAWNSTAR
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Gales39
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 754 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. DAWNSTAR 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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You want to know about me, huh? Well, I am a type 0 super luminous star as classified by the Yerkes Spectral classification system. Now, I know it seems impossible that a star can type on a computer but I don't care about that. I've been roleplaying for roughly four years now. I tend to stick to my fantasy, sci-fi, and anime roleplays but have been known to go beyond that. I am comfortable playing both male and female roles. I have no posting schedule but do tend to be more active in the afternoon and on weekdays. I live in Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00) for those who are wondering.

Most Recent Posts

Accepted Characters will go in this tab. Post in the OOC or send me a PM for approval.

The Men and Women of In Full Bloom

Shimzau Hana
Aika Kagennotsuki
Yamada Kiyoku

Zhang Li Xun
Botan Ichihara
Ni Utsusemi

In a world of warring shogunates, raving bands of bandits, and lone rōnin, there stands one beacon of peace among the chaos. A small village nestled in the mountains of Shi Han whose only claim to fame is a festival held every year in the Spring time. With the blooming sakura trees and maple trees which, should the sun hit them in the right spot, seem to exude a green light who's beauty seems to rival that of the sakura trees. Yet, the village of Hang Yi is more than just a tourist destination for above the village lies a small, Buddhist temple. Inside the temple sits a single sakura tree, larger and older than all the rest. Unlike its brethren, it always bears leaves of pink coloration throughout the year. But, only once every fifty years does the tree, Ying Qua, bear a peach which is believed to give the person who consumes it enlightenment.

Yet, a Buddhist monk came from the temple only a few weeks from the festival and asked to see the towns elder. Though the meeting was private, rumors spread that a young cleaning girl had over heard their conversation. As the rumors grew, so did the exaggerations of what it was about. If one asked one person, they would tell you that it was about a vision that one of the monks received from Buddha himself about a band of bandits while another might tell you that the monk was simply asking for some consorts to be sent up to the temple for their use.

Despite this, the rumors faded away as people flooded into Hang Yi for the Festival of Flowers. As more people arrived, more and more outrageous displays of mirth making were performed in the street. By now, most people have forgotten that the monk had even come to the village. Yet, nobody could forget the many warriors who seemed to be coming into the village. Unlike the other warriors, these ones came with weapons normally wielded on a battle field. Some saw it as an omen, an omen which would soon come to be realized. The night before the festival, the very same night that the trees were suppose to reach full bloom, a series of sakura trees caught on fire and were unable to be saved. Nobody quite knows what caused the fire, but rumors have started that demons of some sort caused this. The rumors were quick to be quelled by the Elder of Hang Yi, yet, the very same day, the Elder asked for you and several others to be brought to his estate. And the mirth making of the Festival will continue without you, of course.

The Daiymos
As some of you may have noted, I did not provide any specific names for the daiymos nor the current state of said Daiymos. Why you ask? Well, this is because fo the fact that I am leaving it open for characters to be members of said Daiymos in some fashion. Whether this is a family member of the daiymo or a former samurai is up to you. In the case that anybody does decide to come from a Daiymo, the below sheet is to be used along with the character sheet.

Daiymo Name: (The Familial name)
Shogunate of Residence:(Which shogunate does it reside in)
Status:(What is the current state of the Daiymo)
Family Tree:(Brief description of current living family members)
History:(The history of the Daiymo)
Character Relation to Daiymo:(What is your character's relation)

Monsters/Bandits of Renown:
This section will be discussed later.

This section will be filled with myths created by the player. Myths do not need to come in any format but must be fitting to the Asian theme of the roleplay. These can range from stories about demons to myths of how the world came into existence.

Well, I am still around.
Could you clarify the difference between the bio and history, I think I understand but I want to make sure. Also how much do you care about staying historically accurate? I'm totally fine doing some extra research and all that.

Well, the bio is basically a summary of your character's history. It doesn't need to be long nor go in depth about your character. It just needs to cover the basics of your character. The History, on the other hand, can go in depth about your character and tell every little detail about your character's past. And now for accuracy. Accuracy is not important. Though I took inspiration from our world, the world the characters will be in is not ours. In short, no need to worry about accuracy.
I assume this world has heavy Chinese and Japanese influence just based on names. Is it also open to Korean influence if I wanted to incorporate that into my character?

Indeed it is. So long as it is an Asian influence then I am fine with it. Now that we have a total of five people who are interested, I will get to work on the OOC. I will add a character sheet below this statement when I am done making it.

Edit: Alright, here is the character sheet. The rules for the character sheet are below.
Wellp, I am still around from the original attempt of this. So, you have me.

In a world of warring shogunates, raving bands of bandits, and lone rōnin, there stands one beacon of peace among the chaos. A small village nestled in the mountains of Shi Han whose only claim to fame is a festival held every year in the Spring time. With the blooming sakura trees and maple trees which, should the sun hit them in the right spot, seem to exude a green light who's beauty seems to rival that of the sakura trees. Yet, the village of Hang Yi is more than just a tourist destination for above the village lies a small, Buddhist temple. Inside the temple sits a single sakura tree, larger and older than all the rest. Unlike its brethren, it always bears leaves of pink coloration throughout the year. But, only once every fifty years does the tree, Ying Qua, bear a peach which is believed to give the person who consumes it enlightenment.

Yet, a Buddhist monk came from the temple only a few weeks from the festival and asked to see the towns elder. Though the meeting was private, rumors spread that a young cleaning girl had over heard their conversation. As the rumors grew, so did the exaggerations of what it was about. If one asked one person, they would tell you that it was about a vision that one of the monks received from Buddha himself about a band of bandits while another might tell you that the monk was simply asking for some consorts to be sent up to the temple for their use.

Despite this, the rumors faded away as people flooded into Hang Yi for the Festival of Flowers. As more people arrived, more and more outrageous displays of mirth making were performed in the street. By now, most people have forgotten that the monk had even come to the village. Yet, nobody could forget the many warriors who seemed to be coming into the village. Unlike the other warriors, these ones came with weapons normally wielded on a battle field. Some saw it as an omen, an omen which would soon come to be realized. The night before the festival, the very same night that the trees were suppose to reach full bloom, a series of sakura trees caught on fire and were unable to be saved. Nobody quite knows what caused the fire, but rumors have started that demons of some sort caused this. The rumors were quick to be quelled by the Elder of Hang Yi, yet, the very same day, the Elder asked for you and several others to be brought to his estate. And the mirth making of the Festival will continue without you, of course.

Welcome, one and all, to In Full Bloom. If you have stay long enough to get here then you are more than likely interested or at the very least have tentative interest in this. Let me quickly explain things for those of you who are here. In Full Bloom is set in a world which is quite picturesque if you simple glance over it. But the world is full of strife from the fighting Shoguns and bandits who patrol the roads in the chaos. Meanwhile, the one respite which the people of In Full Bloom, the Festival of Flowers in Hang Yi village, has seemingly been sabotaged. But, this might be only the beginning in an event which has been building up for the past twenty years of fighting. Your characters will be warriors from across the lands who have come to the village of Hang Yi, either for the Festival or for the money offered by a benefactor who's interest are still unknown. Anyway, I will go into more detail with an OOC if we get enough interest.
Anyway, I am not going to let this die.


Mishi, though angry, accepted that the others were indeed useless without the brains of her, Atasuke, and Vernon. It was reckless of Shuu to sign everybody up for the tournament without their permission. Mishi walked out of the mess which had become the kitchen and went back into her room. It was about time for her to rummage through her closet to try and find out what she would wear. The myriad of skirts, scarves, and sweaters which were jumbled through out the closet could only by described as a mess. Yet, it was a mess Mishi is most certainly familiar with. Her searching hands reached into the closet and withdrew, one-by-one, a light blue sweater, black scarf, and a plain red skirt. After a few minutes, Mishi had put on a pair of black panty hose underneath the skirt and slipped on her comfortable, red sneakers as she slipped on her clothes. With her clothing done, Mishi left her room and returned to the kitchen. "So, do we have any actual plan on what we are going to be doing at this tournament?" Mishi asked as she sat down on the counter.
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