Avatar of Dealdric
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1360 (0.52 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Dealdric 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I like how it's an option to pm yourself.
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5 yrs ago
I need a vacation...
5 yrs ago
Is this just the week of weirdness? Or is it just me?
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5 yrs ago
My dog died.
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5 yrs ago
*Turns with uninterested look* Just give them what they want, they're like Slaanesh. They'll get bored with it quick.


who has time for that?

Most Recent Posts

Quaver jumped on Uasal's back and looked over his shoulder. "For the Darkest things this side of existence of course! Who else would enjoy such a show of riffle and raffle! To laugh at the green, and applaud the mean!" He jumped off and fell on his head, biting his tongue.
@Khyron Shadowfang

Is Dirka accepted? I'm just asking to clarify.

Yeah, but I'm not certain if she's accepted. I don't want to assume she is either.
<Snipped quote by Dealdric>

"No crossing franchises"

Quit Continuing the Meme! It's burning our brains!

Essentially. You do however get to learn magic as the RP progresses.

Let's say magic and monsters did at one point exist, making most, if not all, myths true. Where did they all go? Did they get destroyed by their own power? Did we hunt them down? Well, then why are there no records of it? Or what if...
...they hid?

This Rp will take place in London, where your characters have lived for about the last five years. It's up to you if the characters know each other before hand, but none of your characters have prior knowledge of magic, monsters, or the occult. You'll get thrown into it when ya'll go to a unknown bar, The Drunkard's Ledger. That's where our tale will begin. Now who's up for it, eh?

Please note that in the Character's tab I will put up lore, information as well as Notable NPC's as the story progresses.

What has this turned into?!
<Snipped quote by @The Fated Fallen>

I don't care if this entire hive falls in on itself! Now drive me closer so I can hit somebody with my sword!

No Crossing Franchises or Malal is comin' for your Loyalist a**!
@Dealdric For some of us that's a way of life!

Well, that's why auto-correct was invented.
@Arthanus is this still open?

Come on down, boy-o! Join the wild and sadistic band of mercenaries with PTSD snipers and crazy robot girls aplenty. Never mind that the giant green abominable snowman was abandoned on a trashy market world.
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