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Character you have created: Victor Donovan

Alias: Speed Demon

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Bold

Character Alignment: Walking The Line

Looks pretty good. Just a few questions before I accept the sheet.

1) How involved are the gods you mentioned going to be? The gods of most ancient relgions (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc.) are bounded by a sort of prime directive once the worship of their pantheons had died out and eclipsed by the current major religions. I would say empowering someone to fight an ancient evil would be an exception to this ban on human intervention (that's what I'm doing with the Greek gods), so you're fine on that front.

1b) Mercury should be Hermes, as the Greek counterparts are the canon versions of these gods.

2) You mentioned the Super Speed Hell in your power section, but don't really explain it. I'm getting a "Speed Force" vibe, but just wanted to have it spelled out.

Otherwise, your CS looks pretty good. Just a few tweaks and I would say you're ready to go!
This series is infact still open and active. Feel free to follow the discord link in the OP.
The Mandela Effect: Part 15

Aubrey Adkins | Kyra Muller (Earth-201)

Pacific Point, CA

Well, I think I can officially mark this down as one of my worst days. That’s saying a lot because I have had quite some doozies. First I woke up in some strange factory without an idea how I got there or what had happened in the past two days to make me look like an exaggerated version of myself. Then, Firefox showed up and looked nothing like herself, nor did she seem to recognize me. And now, the building spontaneously exploded! I am starting to debate whether the splitting headache from my caffeine-induced hangover or the ringing in my ears from the explosion.

I found myself inside a pocket of the debris of the now defunct factory: bricks, metal, pipes, and whatever else was in the building. Although the water levels in the pocket were not rising at any significant rate, the dampness of the floor indicated that the explosion caused the building to cave into its basement. I noticed my webs were intertwined with the patchwork of debris that surrounded me. I guess it probably was the only thing keeping the bubble from collapsing on itself.

I then heard some moans across from me. I had been so occupied with the peculiar situation I had found myself in that I had forgotten that Firefox had entered the building right before the explosion went off. She was just now shaking off the fall, but what I was more worried about was the rebar that pierced through her thigh and the blood gushing out of the wound.

“Kyra, you’re leg!”

“I’ll be alright,” Firefox shrugged her wound off as she propped herself up on her feathered elbows. “I normally could just melt it, but I would exhaust our oxygen supply in the process. But a hand would be appreciated.”

I approached my friend, gripped the base of the rebar, and applied my spider-strength on it until it snapped. I tossed the piece of metal to the side and returned my attention to Kyra, who was already pulling out what remained of the rebar. But I was surprised when I saw Kyra’s dripping wound nearly instantly heal itself.

“See, good as new,” Kyra pointed towards her leg.

First Kyra had my physique and now she has a healing factor she never had before. If she had been a drider instead of a bird lady, I would have guessed she had become a near copy of me! Was that what happened? But who did I become until my healing factor started to fix me up? And if Kyra did become a near replica of me, why didn’t she become a drider? Whenever we get out of this pickle, I really need to get some answers.

“So now what? Should we start digging our way out?”

“We probably would cause a cave-in before we could get anywhere near the surface. Our best bet is to wait and hope Will brings some help soon,” Kyra replied as she sat up against the wall of the debris pocket we were trapped in.

“Wait, you saw Will?”

“He seemed to have been calling someone when I picked him up. But what’s peculiar is he wasn’t supposed to be here for another two weeks.”

Well, this just further confirms that we’re both being affected by the same thing. Sure, her memory loss was longer than mine, but it definitely was a symptom.

Wait, what the hell did she mean that Will wasn’t supposed to come to Pacific Point for another two weeks? Does that mean they’re—but that’s impossible. Unless that futuristic phone was lying to me, we’re still an item. Yet it sounds like she has become me in all but name, face, and theme animal. This is so messed up.

“Since all we can do is wait, I have a question of my own,” Kyra spoke up again.

“Sure. What is it?”

“How are you here?”

A suburb of Columbus, OH, Earth-201

October, 25th, 2008

Will struggled to break the surface of the green liquid he had found himself submerged in. Yet, calling it a ‘liquid’ was generous at best, as it was rather a sludge or a goo, extremely viscous in nature. Worst still was the substance’s near sentience. Whenever Will would come close to the surface, he would sink into the liquid. He was pulled. This made Will’s situation ever more problematic, as he had not been able to catch his breath.

Yet, despite the clear risk of drowning, the green goo presented another, more present danger. Once, when Will managed to break the surface with his hand, he tried to use a webline to pull himself out. However, once Will was again dragged down, the spider silk almost instantaneously disintegrated after it made contact with the liquid. Will did not want to admit it, but the green liquid was trying to dissolve everything it has engulfed, including Will.

Will was beginning to feel lightheaded from holding his breath so long. Small patches of his skin, where the green goo had already eaten through his superhero costume, had also started to burn. He needed to get out of here. He did not even want to imagine the alternative.

With what little remaining strength he had left, Will tried to swim through the viscous liquid towards the surface. The desire to inhale became harder and harder to resist after each passing second. Nonetheless, he persevered. He felt his hand break through; he was almost there.

But the green goo yanked Will back. Was this it? Will had used his last bit of energy, his last breath, and his last piece of willpower to escape.

However, at the same time, something had taken hold of Will’s arm and pulled him out, just like a person would do when drawing a string out of a hot pot of wax. When Will realized what was happening, he yanked up his mask until it uncovered his mouth and nose. He desperate gasped for breath.

A blue glow gleamed from Will’s savior. The light illuminated the room that would have otherwise been cloaked in darkness besides the faint green luminescence given off by the goo. Now that Will was not struggling for his survival and he could see his surroundings, he recalled how he got into this mess. He and Kyra were minding their own business at the Halloween party when chaos broke out. Will had been tossed into the basement by some invisible force at the onset of the chaos, so he was not fully aware of the damage that might have been done. But whoever was behind this surely was a serious threat. They must have known about Will’s metahuman abilities. Why else would they have specifically targeted him?

Will then glanced at his savior and saw a familiar sight: Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. At her giant stature, she was forced to hunch over even with the basement’s high ceiling. She lifted Will until he was able to cling to the ceiling. With one gesture, the goddess magically removed any of the ooze that still clung to the Spider-Man costume Will had worn to the party and repaired any patched that the ooze had eaten away. With her task completed, Athena vanished, leaving Will alone in the darkness.

“Well, I guess it’s time to see what the heck is going on,” Will muttered as he crawled towards the basement exit.

Will’s jaw almost hit the floor when he saw what had happened to the party in his absence. As he walked around the house, he found dozens upon dozens of what looked like mannequins made of unusual materials: glass, wood, fabric. He even thought he saw some composed of stainless steel and red plastic. But what really crept Will out was the furniture and the cups the mannequins held. All the normal furnishings had been replaced with horrible nightmare fuel: these items were created not with regular building materials, but rather with human body parts. It took Will a few moments to connect the dots, but he was horrified when he realized these were his fellow classmates and partygoers!

“Shit! Where’s Kyra?” Will uttered as he desperately searched the house for his girlfriend. Fortunately, if one could even utter that word in such a situation, his classmates were still garbed in their Halloween costumes, despite their bizarre shapes. Will was looking for a Firestar costume, although he prayed he would not find one in the hopes she somehow had escaped this horror show.

“Hey, who taught you to investigate? A blind man?” Will heard a nasally voice call out when he had entered the living room during his search. Will peered around the room for the origin of the voice, but he did not see a single soul. The only thing present in this room, beside the mannequins and the furniture-shaped humans, was a creepy ventriloquist doll sitting on the ‘couch.’ It was wearing a black dress suit with a red bowtie. Something felt familiar about this doll, but he could not put his finger on it. Will guessed what had happened to his schoolmates had unnerved him. He must have imagined the voice.

“Yes, I’m talking to you, fox humper!” Will turned his head back towards the doll. Was Will imagining this voice? As he approached the doll, an eerie sense of deja vu bothered him. Why was this creepy doll so familiar?

“What? Surprised we’re always watching?” the doll said as he spontaneously animated.

“What the fuck?” Will blurred out when he realized that the doll was alive. He immediately leapt away from the talking doll as soon as it started to move. He already thought the puppet from the TV series was creepy. This thing was ten times worse. Goosebumps broke out all over Will’s skin. Will had no idea why he had this irrational fear, despite what he had already seen in his young superhero career.

“Really?” the doll responded with a spine-chilling laugh, “You’re freaking out about a talking doll when you’re surrounded by misshapen flesh bags? And people call Slappy the crazy one!”

“Wait, shouldn’t you have red hair?”

The doll began to rattle with anger at what Will had said. His eyes twitched and he grinded his wooden teeth together.

“How DARE you confuse me for Mr. Wood, that two-bit hack! He only lasted as the main antagonist for a single book!”

Slappy then revealed a kitchen knife he had hidden behind him. Will was taken by surprise when the dummy leapt at him. He did not think the wooden doll could have the distance between it and him. Yet, before he knew it, Will was fending off Slappy’s knife-jabs.

“Keep your creepy hands off me!” Will shouted. With one swift motion, Will grabbed the hand Slappy was holding the knife in and ripped his arm from his wooden body. Slappy screamed in pain from the loss of that limb. While the demonic doll was momentarily occupied by his pain, Will tossed Slappy against the wall. The doll landed with a heavy thud.

The Masked Mutant warned me of people like you. This is only a setback!”

As the doll uttered these words, Will anchored it to the floor with his web shooters. He would have normally dropped something heavy on it, but he could not in this case because everything he could have used was actually a person and not an unliving inanimate object.

“What did you do to everyone?” Will demanded answers from the living dummy, but he only received laughter in response.

“Oh, I wish this were my master scheme. But you’ll aren’t quite my target audience.”

Slappy let out yet another creepy laugh after he revealed he was not behind everything. Will simply webbed the damn thing’s mouth shut, as he did not believe he could get any more information out of the living dummy. Plus, he did not want to hear that thing’s voice anymore.

Will then noticed a silver light shinning down the nearby flight of stairs. On the upper floor, Will found a glowing, silver door that he swore was not there at the beginning of the party. Whoever, or whatever, was behind this fucked up madness had to be behind those doors.

When Will pushed open the silver doors, he found a giant room that could not have possibly fit inside the house. He guessed the domed ceiling rose up to about 40 feet. However, considering what Will had seen so far, this did not faze him at all. In the center of the room stood a brunette woman clad in a silver dress.

“It is about time you arrived,” the woman declared in a condescending tone, “I thought you would have come sooner, but I guess you are still a teenager during the Aughts.”

“Who are you?” Will asked, “And what have you done to everyone?”

“You will know me as the Silver Sorceress in the future,” she responded, “You heroes have become quite the nuisance in my time, so I have traveled here to squash you before you can become a problem for us.”

Time traveling villains. This can’t be good. Will thought. Although he kept his head directed at her, his mask hid where his eyes were looking, allowing him to take better stock of the situation. The Silver Sorceress had several ethereal tendrils wrapped around her hands, as if she were holding a leash. Following the magical cords with his eyes, Will found an unconscious Matt, with the tendrils driven deep into his chest. The Silver Sorceress must have been tapping into Matt’s reality bending powers to cause all the horrors Will had seen downstairs.

“I had originally planned quite a poetic death for you, but I ran into an unforeseeable roadblock,” the Silver Sorceress began to explain. She snapped her fingers on her other hand and a billow of ethereal clouds arose from the floor and began to twirl about. Once the smoke had dispersed, another teenager had miraculously appeared out of thin air, a girl Will instantly recognized: Aubrey Adkins.

“Let her go!” Will begged, “she has nothing to do with this.”

“Au contraire, she’s as involved as you are. How sweet it would have been to kill to birds with one stone, to imprison her in some monstrosity and to watch her tear you apart, limb by limb,” the Silver Sorceress began to gloat, as some villains are want to do. As the witch spoke, she gestured with her free hand and caused Aubrey to levitate. The hapless blonde tumbled in midair, as if she had found herself unaffected by gravity, but still tethered to the same spot.

“I should have foreseen someone had taken precautions to protect both of you, no doubt the work of that Greek goddess. I thought I had been robbed of my revenge even before I broke the barriers of time and space,” the Silver Sorceress continued, “Yet, once my fit of rage had subsided, I realized this past was not identical to the one I had intended to travel to. The most minute details had been changed.”

“For instance, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that everyone’s favorite blonde was bereft of any metahuman powers. Or how romantic relationship between the two of you never materialized. Since I knew I had cast my magic flawlessly, I reveled in my consolation prize, the thought that my mere presence in the past had caused a butterfly effect that robbed her of these life experiences. I would almost admit that would have made my trip worthwhile.”

“If you can’t do anything to her, then let her go!” Will demanded again, “It sounds like this is between you and me.”

“Sure, I might not be able to do anything, but she can,” the Silver Sorceress gloated as she gestured to something behind Will. As he turned to see what the witch was pointing at, something swooped down and nearly grabbed him. Yet, he was able to roll out of the way at the last second. But when he got back on his feet, he was shocked at what he saw.

On an ledge that ran around the perimeter of the room, about a third way up the room’s height, a harpy stood perched, who resembled a creature Will recognized from a card game anime he used to watch back in elementary school. Even her outfit looked familiar. But on further inspection, Will recognized the woman’s face, her dyed red hair, and the yellow, red, and orange color scheme on her clothes.

“What have you done!” Will cried out when he realized that Kyra had been transformed into a winged beast.

“I found it amusing you and that supposed goddess of wisdom failed to extend her precautions to this fine feathered lady,” the Silver Sorceress mocked as she gestured to Kyra. “If I cannot fulfill my original plan, having your new squeeze do my dirty work is a fine compromise.”

While the Silver Sorceress had continued her gloating, her levitation spell ended, dropping Aubrey to the ground with a thud. Now free, Aubrey tried to crawl away while the witch was preoccupied with her self-congratulations. But the harpified Kyra leap off the ledge and swooped up Aubrey with her feet talons. She then darted towards the ceiling high above.

“My job here is now over,” the Silver Sorceress declared, “but I would recommend you hurry. My last instructions to our little friend over there was to start reverting things back to normal. It would be such a shame if your girlfriend would turn back to normal in midair.”

After the Silver Sorceress had muttered the words of her spell, she blinked out of existence, returning to her own time. Will noticed parts of Matt’s body was starting to flicker in and out of existence. Therefore, knowing the urgency of the situation, he scurried up the wall in the hopes of reaching the two girls before Kyra could return to normal. He found Kyra flying in spot at the apex of the ceiling. He had not noticed it until now because of the initial shock at her changed appearance, but her eyes were clouded and blank, as if she were not in the driver seat. He tried not to think about the possibility that she was helplessly watching everything like a prisoner in her own body. His first priority was to get both of the girls safely to the ground.

Will knew he did not have much time left, as one of Kyra’s fox ears had reappeared and one of her hands had returned to its original size and human shape. It would not be long before she could not keep herself and Aubrey airborne. He first tried to tackle Kyra and use a webline to keep all three of them from falling to the floor, but Kyra dodged out of the way. This was not going to be easy.

Will then descended from another webline until he had reached Aubrey.

“I’m going to need you to hold onto her legs,” Will suggested to the blonde teenager.

“What?” Aubrey asked, but she soon found out way. One of Kyra’s avian talons spontaneously changed back into an ordinary human foot. Aubrey screamed as she thought she was going to be dropped. Had the other foot reverted in turn, Aubrey would have fallen over 40 feet to the floor. She reached out and held onto Kyra’s remaining harpy foot for her dear life.

“I’m hoping this will help you until I figure how to get both of you down,” Will told Aubrey as he wrapped some spider silk tightly around her wrists so she would not have to hold onto Kyra’s ankles forever.

“Hurry!” Aubrey pleaded. As soon as she spoke, Will’s spider-sense began to blaze in his head. When he peered up, he saw that Kyra’s wings had finally given out. Now that Kyra could no longer propel herself in the air, she, along with Aubrey, began to free fall.

Almost as if Will were watching these events unfold in slow motion, he reached out in desperation. He barely managed to wrap his arm around the bottom of Kyra’s ribcage. He could hear Aubrey’s panicked streams as she was tossed about below.

“Come on, Kyra. Wake up,” Will whispered into the fox ear that had just reappeared on Kyra’s head. In fact, she had already almost returned to normal, including the Halloween costume she had originally wore to this party. When he peered down towards Aubrey, he noticed that the blonde teenager was now dangling from Kyra’s foot, as Will had not thought about the anatomical differences between humans and birds.

Will struggled to lift the arm holding Kyra to his webline so that he could free up his other hand. He had no idea how he was going to get out of this situation without Kyra waking up. What was he going to do? Even if he could somehow hold onto both women, how could he safely set down both of them from such a height?

When Will had finally clutched his webline with both hands, he heard Aubrey scream again. The webbing he had used to keep her attached to Kyra’s foot, had slipped off and sent Aubrey plummeting to the floor. Will managed to prevent her fall by hitting her shoe with another webline, but he strained trying to hold Kyra and the webline in one hand and Aubrey in the other.

With much difficulty, Will tried to pull up on the second webline and transfer it over to his other hand. Once his other hand was holding both the weblines, he started to draw Aubrey up, arm length by arm length. However, Will began to feel intense pain in the arm holding Kyra and the two weblines. Although Kyra was still knocked out cold, her body was burning up. Will was puzzled when he realized her kitsune features were slowly disappearing and the harpy appearance started to return.

Will tried to resist the burning pain, but eventually he gave into it. His grip on the two weblines loosened and Kyra slipped through his arms. Because Will was not holding everyone up with these weblines, the three teens started to fall to the floor. Panic began to set in Will’s mind. His heart raced. He needed to regain control of the situation. He reached out and snatched the webline that was attached to Aubrey. He also used his legs to catch Kyra, while he shot another webline to hold all of them up again.

Once this crisis passed, Will sighed in relief. But something felt wrong. The webline dangling below felt way too light. When he looked down, he saw that only a shoe was attached to the spider silk. The webline slipped through his fingers as Will experienced the numbness one experiences before an explosion of emotions slams into one who has experienced a loss.

“Wait, I’m dead?” I gasped after I heard her account of her supposed past. Throughout the entire retelling of this story, Kyra had not looked at me. And even still now she focused her glance at the floor. She didn’t have to say, but here body language told the entire story: she blamed herself for the death of her world’s me.

“Hey, you can’t blame yourself,” I tried to console Kyra, “If anyone is to blame, it’s that Silver Sorceress bitch. I’ve seen how she can do quite number on people.”

“Sometimes, I wish it were that simple to cast aside your guilt. God knows how I have gotten by these past few years without being able to get drunk from my powers.”

“I know, right? Although it’s fantastic I can down all the fruity drinks I want without wearing about a giant hangover the next day, sometimes you need something to take the edge off of our shitty lives.”

“Wait, you have a healing factor, too?”

“Well, I did find out the hard way that caffeine acts like alcohol when I consume too much of it. Once when I unknowingly got buzzed from eating some chocolate, I accidentally let slip that my friends and I thought my friend’s roommate was a porn star to her face. So embarrassing.”

I then heard Kyra give off a sigh. For a moment there, I saw a flash of a smile on her face. But as soon as I mentioned my slipup with Danielle, it suddenly disappeared.

“What? Was it something I said?”

“Well, it just reminded me of something that happened my last year of undergrad that I have tried to block out of mind the last few years.”

Long before Kyra had told me that story, I had already noticed she had kind of become a copy of myself. With the further confirmation of a relationship with a Will from her world, I think I could probably guess what she was referring to here.

“Please tell me a shapeshifter didn’t sign you up for the Viera modelling contest.”

“Oh, how I wish I could. What pissed me off the most was I had to turn down a couple offers from graduate programs due to some legal bull crap I didn’t even sign. How did you know?”

“The same thing happened to me,” I told Kyra, although I added a quick disclaimer, “Well, except for the grad school stuff.”

“So, I guess it’s safe to assume you’ve crossed paths with Katherine?”


“She was a human trafficker who used her powers to transform the victims she kidnapped according to the tastes of her clientele. It was super messed up.”

“Oh, her. Yeh, I had the misfortune of experiencing her handing work. I try not to think about her.”

“Considering you look like you’ve drawn the short straw between us, that’s reasonable.”

“Oh, I don’t normally look like this. I usually have a figure like yours, minus the feathers and claws.” I responded. I paused for a moment before I interjected another comment. “Although I wouldn’t be surprised Katherine was responsible for my current appearance, too.”

“See, we have more in common than you thought.”

Kyra sighed again.

“What now?”

“I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but it just makes me think I’ve robbed everything from you. I’ve stolen your powers, your boyfriend, and your life.”

I tried to figure out what I should say next. However, I never got a chance because a golden, mystic light shown through the gaps of the rubble above our heads. The debris began to shake uncontrollably until everything started to float. Little by little, the remains of the factory slowly cleared out. Hovering just in view was the Son of Osiris, sitting in a meditative posture.

I pulled on my mask before I prepared to climb out of the crater where we had been trapped. But after I had taken a few steps, I turned and offered a hand towards Kyra.

“Hey, I’ve got wings,” Kyra replied. She finally gave another smile before ascending into the air. Seeing that she didn’t need my help, I crawled my way up to the surface.

When I reached the surface, I found the rest of the Immortals waiting. Although both Odysseus and the Son of Osiris seem normal, I immediately recognized that Talus and Gajana were not. Out of the four of us who did not look like our normal selves, Gajana was dealt the best hand. He no longer had his elephant head. Instead, he looked the the Thing if he looked human and not all rocky. Plus, he was wearing a costume so campy that I would have guessed it was pulled right out of an old comic book. He even had an elephant head logo printed on the front of it.

I smiled when I saw what had happened to Talus. Normally he would look like a modern, sleek android. But now, he was a short, boxy robot, something straight out of the Jetsons.

Then I saw Will, dressed in a costume quite reminiscent of my costume. Well, I mean my normal costume. I shot a webline at him and dragged him into a big embrace. Even though I had faith that someone would have come to our aid, I would be lying if the thought of being trapped under that rubble didn’t cross my mind at least once. But when I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend, I noticed he was holding back.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you back to normal?”

“Do I look like I’m make to normal?”

“Then that’s a yes,” Will said as he reciprocated my original embrace.

“Wait, we wasted all night trying to figure out how to restore your mind without your healing factor scrambling your brains!” Talus blurred out. An electric static masked his voice, which normally already had a slight robotic tone to it.

“Well, I’m not the only one with a healing factor here,” I replied while looking towards Kyra.

Meanwhile, the Son of Osiris had finished placing all the rubble into piles. With his work done, he opened a portal to the Immortals’ base.

We’ll make sure Firefox gets the proper treatment for her condition, the Son of Osiris telepathically communicated with the Immortals. He turned his head towards Will and me and specifically talked to us. Arachne, you have been through enough the last few days. So, go home and rest up. We’ll be in contact once you have recuperated.

Will and I watched as the five other Immortals walk through the portal. Soon we stood there alone with the collapsed factory all around us.

“So, ready to go home?”

“Am I ever?”
The Mandela Effect: Part 14

Aubrey Adkins

Pacific Point, CA

When I finally woke up, my head felt like someone had ran it over with a semitruck, then placed it in reverse, and proceeded to drive forward again. I have not felt this hung over since I was a freshman in college. Yet, I had no clue why I was hungover. I need an insane amount of alcohol to even begin feeling buzzed because of my superhuman physiology. While caffeine has a similar effect on me as alcohol does on normal people, I know that I had not consumed enough to give me such a splitting headache.

Once I could finally think straight after the ringing in my head had subsided, yet not entirely gone, I suddenly realized that I was no longer in my apartment. I found myself lying on a giant web that seemed like something I could create, but I had no memory of making it. How did I even get here? I remember falling to sleep in my own bed last night.

I then heard the faint buzzing of my cell phone reverberate through the abandoned factory’s dead silence. I really hope it didn’t fall down to the factory’s floor. Although my phone was clearly still functioning, a fall like that would probably force me to buy a new phone. God, that would suck, as I had just purchased a new one.

“Where could it be?” I muttered aloud as I scanned the web just in case it had somehow stuck to the sticky strands. While I was looking around, I suddenly felt something made of hard plastic in my hand. When I peered down, I discovered a cell phone had spontaneously appeared, as I knew it had not been there a few seconds ago. But this could not be my phone, as it looked nothing like mine. Sure, its design does match my tastes and therefore would be something I might have bought, but I have never seen a model like it.

<You have received one new email from Viera. Would you like me to display the attached images via my hologram projector?>

I was definitely not expecting the cell phone to speak without me using one of the usual prompting phrases that normal AI, like Siri, would normally possess. This thing is way more advanced than I would have thought from my initial inspection of the device. I guess you really can’t judge a book by its cover.

“Sure,” I answered. However, after I gave my response, I suddenly realized something. Why would my work be sending me image files? My photoshoot for August was scheduled for later this month. What could this be?

Then “my” phone emitted the projection just in front of me. What I saw was quite bizarre, for several different reasons. First, the image was not a 2D projection. Instead, the phone must have extrapolated from the image file and generated a 3D replica of the scene captured by the camera. In fact, the hologram was almost as realistic as those hologram cubes that the Game Genie used.

But the weirdness did not stop there. The “me” in this illusion was wearing the exact same softball uniform that I had picked out when all us Viera models had to divide up several sports related occupations for the August issue. But this should have bene impossible. I never participated in this photoshoot! God, was that damn shapeshifter screwing with me again?

Yet, the bizarreness did not end there. The image looked like someone had loaded it into Photoshop and had turned up the ridiculousness of my comic book physique to 11. What was up with the thickness of my hair? My softball uniform, in turn, did not fit my body in the picture, as it had been tailored to my actual body. God, if I wasn’t already ridiculously stacked, I probably would have been mortified at how it looked like someone had stuffed two overinflated balloons under my shirt.

I then continued to slip my finger across the phone’s touch screen. With each swipe, the next image from the photoshoot appeared before my eyes. Once I finally arrived at the last picture, I gave out a sigh of relief. This imposter could have done way more damage. Sure, there were some sultry poses, but this other me did not do anything ridiculous, like stripping off her clothes.

“Alright, turn off projection,” I told the phone. Since I did not see any visual buttons that would have turned off the hologram, I guess asking the phone to terminate that function would have been my best bet. And Sure enough, the phone followed my request.

Ever since I woke up, something was bothering me. Something felt off. Up until now, I could not quite place my finger on what it was. I probably could explain this feeling partially from my mind being groggy from just waking up and partially from my preoccupation with my discovery that someone was impersonating me again. Yet, when I realized that the silk of the giant spider web I had be reclining on was making direct contact with my skin, I contorted my human half and peered over my shoulder. What I saw just compounded the confusion I had felt ever since I woke up.

“Where the hell are my clothes?” I muttered aloud once I realized that the only articles of clothing left on my body were some spiderweb-patterned fishnet stockings and my usual red boots I wear whenever doing my superhero work. I did find the part of my costume that would cover my spider half lying next to me, but the rest of my costume was missing.

It was in this state of undress that I realized that the “me” I saw in my supposed photoshoot was not an impostor or a manipulated and doctored picture of me. Well, I guess there still could be an impostor, but I looked exactly like the woman in those pictures: the hair, the even more ridiculous body proportions. What the hell could have caused this?

<You discarded your wardrobe during a romantic encounter with your boyfriend last night>

“What?” I asked when I was taken off guard by such a specific answer, let alone an answer at all.

<You asked what happened to your wardrobe. I provided a factual response.>

What the hell is going on? First I have no memory of how I got in this abandoned factory. Now, I apparently participated in a romantic evening with Will that I have zero recollection of. This was feeling like I have been stuck in a bad dream.

“Do you know what happened during our...err...‘romantic encounter?’ We didn’t have—” I felt so ridiculous asking a cell phone what had happened last night. While I asked my question to this futuristic device, I found this gray bomber jacket on the web where my human half had been lying. I had never seen this jacket before, but it possessed a patch on its sleeve that matched my spider icon on the back of my costume. While it was the middle of summer in Southern California, it was better than staying topless. At least it appeared that the sleeves had often been rolled up to elbow length. I began to place my arms through sleeves of the bomber jacket when the phone replied to my question.

<You and your boyfriend engaged in a short bout of foreplay and some cuddling before you both fell asleep. No bodily fluids were exchanged outside of saliva during osculation and perhaps sweat through physical contact.>

That was quite a peculiar way to say that nothing really happened. Yet the news was much welcomed. I don’t know how I would have felt if my first time with Will had happened during this gap in my memory.

“Alright, could you explain how I got—” I interrupted myself as I continued to have difficulties with this bomber jacket. I was able to zip it up halfway, but the rest of the way felt like trying to zip up a suitcase overflowing with clothes. “My God, was this even designed to zip all the way up?”

<Please repeat your request>

“Sorry, just having a little wardrobe difficulties here,” I answered as I finally was able to zip the jacket all the way up. Wow, this thing is quite tight around the chest. Anyways, how exactly did I end up here in the first place?”

<Before your romantic encounter, you and your boyfriend went on patrol. You then proceeded to lead him to this place on the pretext of following an unknown, winged assailant.>

“Will has powers? How could that be?” I asked when I heard this new revelation. The artificial intelligence within the phone seemed to be ‘thinking’ before it responded to my voice.

<You are correct that he should not have powers. Yet, evidence from yesterday seems to contradict this. I will project an article documenting your escalades. It will take me a moment enhance the accompanying image due to its poor quality.>

“What? How could it be the 8th?” I exclaimed as soon as I saw the publishing date of the article that was being displayed by the phone.

<Today’s chronological date is indeed the 8th of July. Is this an issue?”

“But it can’t be the 8th. I clearly remember it was the 5th when I fell asleep last night. How could I have lost two entire days?”

<Checking logs. Error. Yesterday was the 7th, not the 5th. My logs indicate that you were indeed active yesterday. While the amount of caffeine that was in your bloodstream could have wiped out your memories from last night, I cannot explain the rest of your memory loss.>

Well, that would explain my splitting headache that I woke up with. But whatever erased my memory must also be linked to my my change in physical appearance. Otherwise, I have no other possible explanation for losing two entire day.

Meanwhile, ‘my’ cell phone had finished enhancing the picture it had been displaying for the pass couple minutes. Although the image displayed clear alterations to my superhero costume, the color scheme and some design elements remained familiar. The bomber jacket the “me” in the picture was wearing was identical to the one I found this morning. Once I saw the jacket, I was confident that the image was not doctored. That was me, or at least some version of me.

“Phone, could you juxtapose one of my Viera photoshoot pictures next to this image? Could you pick one that has a similar pose as the currently displayed image?”

As soon as the second image appeared, an acute dread washed over me. The costume that I had wore ever since I became a superhero used a mask that covered my entire face. But this alternative costume from this image left my jaw exposed. Although it would require someone examining the image under a microscope, it was only a matter of time until someone made the connection that both Arachne and Aubrey Adkins had undergone several bizarre physical changes. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I have tried to keep my driderness under wraps ever since my run-in with the Pacific Ghost a month ago.

After a few moments, guilt crept into my mind. For this entire time, I had been keeping my parents in the dark about my superhero career. I convinced myself that ignorance was bliss. But if my identity as Arachne were outed because of these images, the little white lies I had told my parents to keep them from worrying about their little girl would be all unraveled.

“Phone, could you call my parents?”

<Dialing. Would you want me to convert it to a video call?>

“No, no. Just audio.”

While the dialing tone of ‘my’ phone softly echoed through the abandoned factory, something dawned on me. I had yet to reveal my secret identity on my own volition. My friends from college deduced my identity from my voice. The few heroes who had learned of my real name discovered it through various means other than me voluntarily giving that information. In fact, I might not have told Will about my arachnid condition if I had not slipped up and revealed one of my spider legs.

The butterflies began to flutter in my stomach. The feeling intensified with each ring of the dialing tone. Maybe I was not ready for this. My hand shook as I reached for the touch screen of the phone. However, before I could cancel the call, I heard my mom’s voice echo through the phone’s speaker.

“Aubrey! Your dad and I have just finished up some yard work. Your dad left to grab us something for lunch, but he’ll be home soon. How is our favorite daughter?”

“Mom, I’m your only daughter.”

“Yet, it doesn’t make it any less true. So, how is the West Coast treating you?”

“Oh, it’s fine,” I answered my mother. Yet, the butterflies that lingered in my stomach caused my voice to fluctuate.

“Aubrey Rose, you wouldn’t be calling your parents just to say you’re fine. Is there anything wrong?”

“No, no. There’s nothing wrong,”

“Aubrey Rose,” my mother repeated.

“Fine, I have something I need to tell you, but I don’t quite know how to say it.”

“Are you pregnant?”

“What? No! That’s ridiculous. I’m not pregnant.”

“Aubrey, you can’t blame me for asking. How is a mother supposed to act when her daughter denies anything being wrong despite the tone of her voice?”

“Okay. But promise you won’t freak out.”

“Alright, alright. What do you have to tell me?”

“Fine, I’ll just say it. I’m Arachne.”

“Oh, I didn’t know they were making a movie about her. That sounds like a wonderful opportunity!”

“What? No, that’s not what I mean. I’m not playing her in a movie. I am her!”

After I made my clarification, my mother did not provide an immediate response. Dead silence was the last thing I wanted to hear. Damn it, what have I done? I must have freaked my mom out with the image of me with a giant spider fused onto me. Had it been the right thing to call and tell them the truth? Surely hearing this from me was better than from the news, right?

“Mom?” I cried out into ‘my’ phone.

“Sorry, Aubrey. I just can’t get my head wrapped around what you said. Arachne is all spidery and creepy-crawly. You’re nothing like that.”

“I know this sounds impossible, but I wouldn’t lie about something like this.”

“When did this happen? How?” My mom asked.

“Do you remember that scare at the hospital when I went missing for a day after I suffered that injury that we thought was going to cut my last year of college ball short?”

“Of course, I do. I was worried sick every single moment of that day.”

“Something happened to me while I was gone. Although my leg was miraculously healed, I gained another condition, one that caused me to take on those spidery characteristics.”

“Why didn’t you tell us about this, Aubrey?”

“I was afraid. I wasn’t sure how you would respond to the news of what I had become. I still wanted to be your little girl and not some giant spider creature.”

“Oh, Aubrey—”

“I’m so sorry I lied to you and Dad,” I began to break into tears as a wave of guilt washed over me. “I thought it would be easier to tell you little white lies instead of revealing the bizarre world I joined when I had received my powers. There were things I just could not explain without revealing my condition. Would you have believed that I got my job at Viera because a shapeshifter impersonated me? Or that a breast reduction you suggested me to get a few months ago would have been a waste of money because my powers would have made them grow back? God, I don’t know how you and dad believe me when I said that I actually liked the ridiculous size of my boobs.”

“Your dad and I just wanted you to be happy with who you are.”

“And I have started to accept the new me. But I’m so sorry for lying to you. I didn’t know how to explain the extraordinary things that had been happening to me.”

“Aubrey, I’m you’re mother. I’ll always love you. It’s my maternal instincts. Sure, I’m disappointed that you thought we wouldn’t accept you and what you have become, but I understand why you did it.”

“Thanks, mom,” I said while I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

“Is there anything else you want to talk about?”

“No, I don’t think I have anything that can top what we just discussed. In fact, I probably should be heading out soon.”

“Alright. But could you call back this evening so we can talk with your father about this?”

“Sure. I can do that.”

“Remember we love you, Aubrey.”

“I know. I love you, too.”

And so, the phone call was concluded. I felt like I had removed a heavy weight from my heart, now that I gotten my secrets off of my chest. Sure, I was not quite ready to make my identity public but telling my parents about it was a good first step.

I finally stood up on my eight, spidery legs and stretched out my limbs. I was quite ready to get the heck out of here. After I had tied up my unruly locks of hair into a ponytail in a vain attempt to control it, checked out my immediate vicinity and found a large window that I guessed I could just barely squeeze out of. By the time I was sticking my human half out of the window, something else dawned on me. I almost left the rest of my costume behind; I needed to retrieve the remaining pieces, else I would be leaving too many breadcrumbs of my identity.

I therefore hopped back down to my web. Because of the lack of light that was reaching the building’s floor, I basically would be wandering blindly in the dark if I were to descend and search for the rest of my costume. Instead, examined the power nullifier around my wrist. Although its design was definitely different from my own, there were still some similarities. One function of my power nullifier allowed me to recall my costume, even when I wasn’t wearing it. I assumed the power nullifier I was wearing shared that function.

After I located what I believed was the button that would initiate the aforementioned function and pressed it, I waited to see if anything would happen. In my rush to retrieve the missing parts of my clothes, I overlooked that it would also affect the bomber jacket and leggings I was currently wearing. As soon as I noticed that they were dissolving off my body, I quickly pressed the button again. This not only stopped my clothes from disappearing, but it also started to cause the rest of my costume to cover my body. In a few seconds, I soon was clad in the weird alternative version of my costume that my phone had shown me before I called my parents and revealed the truth about me. Well, at least my spider half was now covered up. Despite my lower half being arachnid in nature, it never felt right leaving it exposed.

At that same moment, I heard the soft beating of some feathered wings from outside and something landing right on the window I had intended to use as my escape route. I recalled that my phone mentioned that I had supposed encountered with a villain with wings last night. My mind wondered whether this person had found me again. Yet my spider-sense was not going off in head. I soon got an explanation for my internal warning system not going off when I heard Kyra’s voice come from behind me.

“We need to get out of here,” she warned me.

“You have no idea how relieved I am to hear your voice, Kyra,” I responded, but when I turned around to face my teammate and friend, I was shocked at what I saw. She had somehow been changed, much like I had been. She no longer had her fox features. Instead, she had pointy, almost elflike ears, along with elongated arms covered with avian feathers that made her limbs look like bird wings. Furthermore, unless I was mistaken, the physique of her human half almost reminded me of my own figure before whatever the hell had happened to me.

“Kyra, what happened to you?”

As I spoke up for a second time, I saw a puzzled look form on Kyra’s face.

“How do you know my name?” Kyra urged me to response.

“Kyra, it’s me, Arachne.” I tried to explain, but her expression did not change. Maybe this could explain how I lost two entire days of memories. Unless out of sheer happenstance, the changes that both of us had undergone must be related. Maybe it had also changed my own memories, too, and it took my healing factor a few days to restore my original consciousness. But that still leaves a few questions unanswered: who or what did this to us and how could it be reversed?

“Bleaching your hair and taking a cover name won’t fool me, Black Widow. So answer me, how do you know my name?” Kyra asked for a second time. After she had spoken, she then hopped down onto a ledge that the giant web I was standing on was connected to.

“Don’t you recognize me? It’s me—” As I spoke, I pulled off my mask and revealed my face to Kyra. “Aubrey.”

As soon as Kyra saw my face, her face went pale, almost as if she had seen a ghost. She pressed her hands against the wall behind her and her legs began to buckle, although she still had enough composure to keep her footing.

But before either one of us could utter another word, several large explosives ignited on the first floor of the building. The flash from these explosions momentarily blinded me. After that, I could not recall much else. There were only bits and pieces of what happened before everything went black. The web gave out from underneath me, while Kyra and I plunged down to the factory floor with the entire building caving in on itself.

[Hider=CS]Character you have created: Dr. Jacob Harding Reagan/ St. Uriel

Alias: Mal’Ahk

Speech Color: Mediumaquamarine

Character Alignment: Dr. Reagan (Hero)/Uriel (Walking the Line)

Accepted, assuming you make one tiny change. Since the Greek gods exist in this setting, could you either change the reference to Tartarus or differentiate it from the Greek version.
Here is the Season 3 Character Sheet. For those waiting for Season 3 to start, please start updating your character sheets.

Create a Hero RPG Application
Interested? Fill Out This Application:

Character you have created: Character's Real Name

Alias: Name other than their real name

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): See either the "Formatting Cheatsheet" (for convenience during posting) or the Guild's Color Guide (for a preview of what the colors will look like in a post) for possible colors, see CSes to note what's currently in use and what is still available.

Character Alignment: Three different alignments.
-Hero- Enjoy helping others, following the rules, and preventing the suffering of innocents? Ex: (Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man)
-Walking the Line- Liking keeping a distinct balance between good and evil by living by your own set of morals, never answering to anyone but your sense of right? Ex: (Punisher, Deadpool)
-Villain- Want to create some havoc, live for only your morals and needs, and take what you want or have while enjoying the fall from the aftermath? Ex: (Joker, Green Goblin, Magneto)

Identity: Is your real name a Secret or Known to the public?

Character Personality: Give information on how your character acts, what they believe in, how they handle situations, how they socialize and more.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like.

Origin Info/Details: How did they gain their powers, where did they originate and end up where they are now? What experiences do they have and events in life turned them into the people they are today?

Season 1/2 Summary: Please describe what your character has done and in what events they have participated in the prior seasons of this game. If you character is new to this season, please omit this section.

Hero Type (Select one):
Normal- Average human or Non-powered characters
Brick/Muscle- Strongman or Brute type character
Elemental- Select: Water, Wind, or Earth.
Energy-What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire, Spirit, etc.
Psychic- Use your mind to toss or bend items, read minds, or even just cast illusions to make people think they're crazy!
Acrobat- Balance on great heights, twist into interesting ways and always land on your feet.
Speedster- Duck and weave, you can't catch me because I'm too fast for you.
Gray Matter- Who needs fancy powers or extreme weapons when I fully can and will out smart you.
Shape Shifter- I was a little lady once, then a young boy, and now a supermodel. What shape next, I wonder, should I take?
Mystic- Spell casters and magic users, if you're using any sort of magic then it goes here.
Supernatural- Divine agents, vampires, werewolves, zombies, angels, demons, and the list goes on...
Other- if you managed, somehow, to create something that doesn't belong in any of the above list then please put it here.

Power Level (Select one below):
A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
D. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

Powers (Be Specific):

Attributes (Please provide a short description for each category):
Strength: How strong is your character? You may represent this attribute with tons, if your character's strength is superhuman.
Mobility: How fast can your character travel on their own? This is not just limited to running (e.g. swimming, flying, etc.).
Intelligence: How intelligent is your character? This could be education level, street smarts, or pure natural intelligence.
Fighting Skill: Has your character been training in fighting styles? If so, how proficient are they?
Resources: What resources does your character have access to?


Supporting Characters: Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.)

The Mandela Effect: Part 13

Will Grant

Pacific Point, CA

The orange glow of the morning’s first light shown through the windows of the abandoned factory where Will and Aubrey had spent the night. The silky web that the young couple lay upon sparkled in the sunrise’s rays. With each passing second, the light creeped up across the room until it had reached the two slumbering metahumans.

Once the morning rays struck Will’s eyes, he began to rouse from his slumber. As he pried open his eyes, it took him a moment to remember where he and Aubrey had spent the night. Aubrey still had him in a vice grip while she continued to slumber off her caffeine overdose. For a few more moments, Will just lay there as he contemplated how he would wiggle out of her embrace without waking her up. He had to contact the Immortals about turning her back to normal, at least mentally. After what had happened last night, he had to get this done as soon as possible. Plus, since she expressed her anxiety over ceasing to exist, Will thought it would be better to fix his girlfriend before she woke up.

After Will had ran everything through his head, he began his attempt to free himself. Every movement he made felt painfully slow. Yet this was how he had to make his escape, as any sudden movement might wake Aubrey up. Although it took Will quite some time to pull himself out of her clutches, he was finally able to free himself. Yet, even once free, he also had to be careful while moving around the web, as the vibrations could rock his sleeping girlfriend enough to stir her awake.

But before Will could escape from Aubrey’s giant web and call the Immortals, he had to first the parts of his costume that his girlfriend had pulled off his body. Luckily, she had only gotten to his mask and the part of his costume that covered his torso. Otherwise, there would have been one awkward meeting if the rest of his costume had fallen through the gaps of the web and lost in the darkness below. He found his mask stuck to the web next to Aubrey. His costume’s top was just hanging by a thread and he barely caught it before it fell.

Once dressed, Will was about ready to make is way outside, but he peered back at his little sleeping beauty. Even though he was only going to be outside only long enough to contact the Immortals, he knew he could not leave him in her current state of dress. As he looked around for something to drape over Aubrey’s body, Will discovered that the pieces of her costume had not been as lucky as his. He managed to find the bomber jacket she had been wearing and he laid it over her torso. He also stumbled upon the part of her costume that covered her spider half, although that was not such a difficult task due to how much fabric made up that part of her costume.

Now that Will had covered up his girlfriend, he crawled away from the center of the web, where Aubrey was sleeping, to the edge of the silk structure, while trying not to create too many vibrations over the web. After he had reached the wall, he carefully lifted himself off the web and began to scale the interior wall of the abandoned factory. Exiting through the same window, through which Aubrey had first pushed him, he reached the roof and retrieved the small communicator that the Immortals had given him when he had visited them two nights before.

“Do you know what time it is?” Will heard a robotic voice speak through the communicator.

“I’m sorry about the early call, but I think we need to get Arachne back to normal,” Will first responded. However, after what Talus had said registered in his head, he spoke again. “Wait, do you even need to sleep?”

There was a long pause over the communicator before Talus made his answer.

“Touché. Anyways, we’re be over as soon as I can get in contact with some of the others. They, unfortunately, have to sleep. Anything else you need?”

“If you guys have a spare of Arachne’s normal costume, I would recommend you bringing it. She’ not going to be happy with her current one.”

“That’s such a shame. Vol looks great it her new one!”

“You’re lucky she’s didn’t hear that or she would knock your head off,” Will responded. But then he realized something. He had not seen the costume that belonged to the Aubrey from the parallel reality until that night. “Wait, how do you know what it looks like?”

“The paparazzi can be brutal! Although they weren’t able to get any close-ups, the few pictures they did snatch up have made the rounds on the news cycle.”

Will began to panic. Earlier that morning, alt-Aubrey had gone into work. Even if she had somehow escaped the ever-watchful lenses of the paparazzi’s cameras, she nonetheless participated in that month’s photoshoot for the modeling contest she had been unwillingly signed up for by some shapeshifter. How long would it take for people to start connecting the dots? How long could she dodge this public outing by claiming coincidence?

Because Will was so occupied with the possibility that his girlfriend’s secret identity might have been compromised, he failed to recognize the buzzing of his spider sense that had been slowly building up in his head. By the time he did feel it, it was far too late. All of a sudden, two giant bird talons wrapped around his shoulders and lifted him off the rooftop. The shock of the unexpected ambush caused Will to drop the device that the Immortals had lent to him for contacting them.

“Are you there?” Talus asked when he heard the commotion on the other side of the communicator. After no reply was given, he sighed. “Vol is so going to kill me for this.”

A Few Hours Ago

While the two lovebirds were still fast asleep, an inconspicuous black van bumbled up to the abandoned factory. Once the vehicle had pulled into what would have been the factory’s main loading dock, the side door of the van slid open and a handful of men and women, all clad in black military gear. Although the arrest of Travis Murdock and the confiscation of their main cash of weapons had been a blow to the cause of the Hounds of Humanity, they nonetheless had not been eradicated. Like a horde of cockroaches, the remnants of this anti-metahuman terrorist organization had crawled back into the shadows. While the Hounds could not show their force like they could back at the height of their power, they could still wage their crusade against unnatural humans from the shadows.

Willie Tate sat in the driver’s seat. Although he was basically a glorified chauffeur, since he had only recently joined the local Pacific Point cell, he had finally felt a sense of belonging. Before then, his life had spiraled out of control once superhumans had made their presence known to the world. He had left his roots in Ohio after his brother, Doug, made the untimely decision to visit Lost Haven right when some jerk opened up an interdimensional portal to a realm inhabited by demonlike creatures. Yet, his family’s luck did not reverse with the change of scenery. The opposite, in fact, was the case. During the chaos brought about the Game Genie’s actions, Willie lost both his home and job, forcing him to take on odd jobs just to scrape by. And it would be his luck to pick the wrong horse in the battle between the Hounds and the metahumans.

While the other Hounds skittered inside to set up the explosives, Willie sat restlessly in his seat. He knew that the twilight hours were primetime for superhero patrols. If they were not careful, some unsuspecting hero could stumble upon their little operation and spoil all the fun.

Out of the corner of Willie’s eye, he thought he saw something swoop overhead. He rubbed his eyes and then tried to peer at the sky to make sure he was not seeing anything. Nothing was there, although the sky was too dark to make out anything from above. Willie therefore concluded that his eyes were just playing tricks on him.

After a few minutes had passed, Wille heard three taps against the exterior of the van. This nearly made Willie jump out of his seat, as he thought some costumed crusader had gotten the jump on him. However, when he turned his head to look at the rear of the van, he saw that all the Hounds had finished up inside and were ready to go. Willie wiped the sweat from his forehead and gave off a relieved sigh before beginning of the van’s engine. Once the van was operational, this small cell of Hounds disappeared into the darkness.

Back to the Present

Whoever had snatched up Will from the abandoned factory’s rooftop had already flown several blocks before she dropped him off on a nearby rooftop. At first, he was surprised that he had made a soft landing without needing the use of his alt-reality self’s spider powers. Although it took Will a few moments to figure out who the winged figure was, once she had made one circle around the rooftop before landing, things started to click in Will’s head.

While Will had never met any of the Immortals prior to his encounter with them two nights ago, he had read about them on the internet out of curiosity concerning who were the heroes his girlfriend was hanging out with. The Immortals had mentioned two nights ago that they had not heard from Firefox recently. Reckoning from the woman’s costume, Will concluded that he had finally found her, or rather, she had found him.

Will did not need to be a rocket scientist to knew something was off. As her name hinted at, Firefox should have vulpine attributes. Yet, the woman who stood before him possessed no foxlike features. Instead, her arms and feet seemed to have become hybrids of the respective appendages of birds and humans. However, because Will had been so preoccupied by the mismatch of Firefox’s name and her animal characteristics, he did a doubletake when he finally realized there was something almost uncanny about what was human about her. If it were not for her Avian traits, Will would have sworn that she looked as if someone had spliced her head onto Aubrey’s non-drider body. Although everything below her neck was not identical to his girlfriend, there were not many people running around with comic book physiques, despite this being a world full of metahumans and magic.

“Thank God I was able to get you out of there before anything bad happened,” Firefox finally spoke up once she had landed.

“Wait, what kind of danger was there?”

“I don’t know what they were up to, but I do know that nothing good could come from a pack of Hounds.”

When Will heard that the Hounds could be involved, a panic immediately struck him. Although he knew that his girlfriend had already faced these creeps and came out victorious, there would not be much she could do fast asleep, let alone altered into a parallel universe version of herself. Plus, even though the Immortals were on their way, would they be able to come in time before whatever the Hounds had planned comes to fruition.

“But Arachne is still in that building. We need to go back for her!”

“You mean Black Widow? That villainess can handle herself just fine.”

While Will could have guessed that this Firefox had a different history than her counterpart from his world from her appearance, her not recognizing her own teammate sealed the deal. Although some people have mixed the two up because they both are driders, their wardrobes and general appearance was different enough for even the least observant person to tell the difference between the hero and the villain.

Will knew there was no point trying to argue the difference between his Arachne and the villainess Black Widow. Therefore, he needed a different approach to convince Firefox to get his girlfriend out of the troublesome situation she was in.

“Yet, aren’t we the good guys? We don’t leave people behind for a gruesome fate, even if they’re villains.”

“Always the moral compass,” Firefox muttered. She reached out with her hand and ran it down the side of Will’s masked face. “I always loved that about you.”

Will was taken by surprise Firefox’s actions. While he did not want to jump to conclusions, he guessed that she believed they had a prior relationship, maybe even a romantic one. It would explain why she had snatched up him alone, or why she fled from her little scuffle with Arachne when he showed back up after he had handed over Moon Bunny to the authorities.

He then jerked his head away from Firefox’s avian hand. While he had struggled with the moral conundrum concerning his girlfriend, this was simple. He would not fall to temptation. His conscious, that had troubled him so much when trying to figure out what he should do with Aubrey, made everything oh so clear. Although Firefox was attractive, there was no way he would risk compromising his relationship with Aubrey.

“The Silver Sorceress must have done quite a number on you,” Firefox concluded aloud when she saw Will pull away from her hand. “But we’ll deal with her later. You stay here while I check to make sure Black Widow is clear from the building.”

She then placed her hand on Will’s shoulder and then dove off the building. With her feathered arms, she soared over the nearby rooftops.

“Well, this could have turned out way worse,” Will concluded as he watched Firefox fly back towards the abandoned factory.
The Mandela Effect: Part 12

"90's" Aubrey Adkins | Will Grant

Pacific Point, CA

Will sighed. How could that night have gone so wrong? It had all started long before he and Aubrey had been chasing after the bird lady, who had first mistaken Aubrey as the villainess, Black Widow and then fled the scene. Deep down, Will knew something was up as this pursuit turned into a wild goose chase, but he did not want to say anything.

Eventually, Aubrey pointed towards an old, abandoned warehouse and claimed she thought she saw the bird lady duck inside. Whether because Will was getting tired because of how late it was or Aubrey had promised that they would head back home once they had checked out this last building, Will just followed along. After the two of them had scoped out the place, they found one of the windows, just large enough for a person to fit through, had its glass knocked out if.

Aubrey insisted that Will take a quick look inside, as she claimed that her spider half could not fit through the window. Despite knowing that a spider’s abdomen was far more malleable than the rest of its exoskeleton, Will nonetheless stepped into the window to do a quick scan, just so they could head back home. And that’s when he was shoved from behind. He was shocked when he discovered that a giant, spider web had been spun inside the factory.

Just like a cat, Will landed safely on all fours. Although the web seemed stable enough to Will, due to its malleability and slanted angle, Will still had difficulties standing upright. Therefore, he would have to crawl to move around on the web. Because this web did not have many blemishes and imperfections, Will surmised that Aubrey must have planned this. In her current over-caffeinated state, there would have been far more holes and irregularities in the web if this were a whim of the moment. He was kicking himself for not trying harder to convince her to head home. He was just too much of a push over.

“Aubrey?” Will called out, “We should be heading home.”

There was no response. As the factory had been long abandoned, none of the lights inside were working. Besides the faint glow of the streetlights outside and the occasional passing-by automobile, the inside was shrouded in darkness. The little light that did reach inside gleamed off of the silky strands that composed the web Will was stuck in.

Will took a deep breath and sighed.

He then felt a sudden vibration from the web, originating from behind him. He immediately spun himself around to face in the direction of the vibration. As he squinted his eyes, he saw the silhouette of a giant spider crawling towards him. Once the spider had approached a little further towards Will, he recognized who it was from the human torso grafted to the spider body and he therefore lowered his guard.


She gave no response. Instead, he saw her doff her bomber jacket and tossed it to the side. She then lay down on the web, reclining on her side. She patted a spot on the web just a foot away from her, as if she were indicating to Will to take a seat next to her. It took a moment for everything to register in Will’s head, but he finally crawled over and took a seat next to Aubrey.

“This has been an amazing night, Will,” Aubrey finally spoke while she pulled off her mask. “But do you know what would make even better?”


Aubrey then lurched up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. With one swift motion, she pulled off his mask and planted a kiss on his lips. At first, he was surprised by Aubrey’s sudden movement, but once the initial shock wore off, his hands instinctively found their way to her hips, or at least what should have been her hips, considering her drider physique. For a few more seconds, they continued to kiss. Yet when Will realized what he was doing, he abruptly broke it off.

“This isn’t right,” Will finally admitted.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t cheat on her!”

“But didn’t you say that I am her? I just look and think differently from her.”

“Of course, but it feels wrong. I don’t know how I could ever look her in the eyes again if I—” Will paused for a moment, almost as if he could not muster the courage to say it. “If I did this!.”

After Will voiced his protests, tears began to pour from Aubrey’s eyes. This turn of events caught Will by surprise, as he did not believe she would break into tears after he had rejected her advances.

“Was it something I said?” Will tried to uncover what had caused this outburst of tears.

“Yes,” she finally replied, temporarily putting a stop to the waterworks.

“Hey, this isn’t a you problem. This is a me problem. I just don’t think I could live with myself knowing that I screwed my girlfriend without her knowing.”

“That’s not it.”

“Then what is?”

“It was when you explained your Aubrey’s situation. There’s no magical portal with which we could crossover into our home realities. There’s no mind swapping machine that will return us to our proper bodies. Do you know what that means for me?”


“Whenever you will restore your Aubrey, I’ll be erased from existence!”


“I mean, am I even real or is my persona based on false memories that make me think I’m a different version of your girlfriend.”

“I—I haven’t thought of this in that way. I—"

“The irony. Ever since I received my powers, I thought I was invincible. Yet, once this realization had dawned upon me, that I don’t have much time left to exist, it caused this paralyzing fear to penetrate my entire core. I don’t want to go out without spending one last special moment with you.”

As Aubrey was speaking, she had been slowly closing the gap between her face and Will’s, as if she were intending to kiss him again. She had also been running her hand up the inside of his thigh. Yet, when she was mere inches from his lips, she pulled her head and hand away from his body.

“Yet, you’re right that I should try to see things from your Aubrey’s view. I don’t know how I would feel if my Will’s first time was with an Aubrey from a parallel universe. I feel so conflicted.”

The waterworks began once again after Aubrey had finished speaking. Seeing that her inner conflict was eating away at her, Will inched toward her and wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace.


“If you don’t want to have sex, I’ll respect your wishes. But—” When she looked up into Will’s eyes, he saw how her tears had reddened her eyes. He just could not resist the puppy-dog eyes she was giving him. He then used his hand to rotate her head towards him and held his lips just inches away from hers. Aubrey, in turn, pressed her lips against his and held the kiss for a few seconds before they parted.

“Okay,” he whispered into her ear.

“Are you sure?”

He paused for a moment before he confirmed his decision again. Aubrey could tell that his hesitation signaled that he was not one hundred percent sure about this decision. She wanted to reiterate the way out she had offered just seconds ago. However, she, too, was conflicted inside. She so wanted to go through with this. Yet she didn’t want to force Will into doing anything he did not really want to do.

Once they had come to an agreement, they tried to pull off each other’s shirts. Yet, when they realized that they were trying to do this at the same time and, as a result, were getting in each other’s way, they each paused and gave off a short, awkward laugh.

“I’ll go first,” Aubrey took the initiative and volunteered. “This top had been giving you a sneak peek all night. It’s only fair.”

With this decided, the two of them tugged on the bottom of Aubrey’s top and pulled up. After they had pulled the top over her head and past her full locks of hair, Aubrey proudly displayed the highly-ornate, spider web pattern bra that had already been partially visible through the spider-shaped cutout on the front of her 90’s era costume. Then it was Will’s turn. He fidgeted a bit as his girlfriend helped pull off the skintight top of his costume, as he was not used to this sort of attention.

“Could you help unzipping the back of my costume on my abdomen?” Aubrey asked as she reached back for the hooks on her bra. Will, on the other hand, gave a puzzled look as he glanced back and forth between her face and her arachnid abdomen. He took a deep breath before answering to calm his nerves.

“Alright.” He crawled over on the web. Once he was positioned next to her abdomen, he found the zipper at the base of where her back transitioned into her cephelothorax.

“Wait, how do you usually get into this?” Will asked as he realized that the zipper would have been out of Aubrey’s normal reach when entirely unzipped.

“Oh, you have no idea how much it sucked getting into this for the first time,” Aubrey answered as she looked over her shoulders. She had already pulled off the straps of her bra over her shoulders and discarded it. “I don’t know what I would do without my power nullifier being able to almost instantaneously swap me into my costume.”

After hearing her answer, Will turned his attention back to the zipper. Once he had passed over her cephelothorax, he pressed his hand against her abdomen to help him continue to unzip the costume. Her abdomen had a weird consistency that lay somewhere between firm and malleable.

“You need help getting out of the rest of this?”

“I’ve got this,” Aubrey stated as she flipped herself on her back. She curled up her eight arachnid legs and tugged up on the fabric that rested on the underbelly of her cephelothorax. Because they had loosened her costume by unzipping its back, there was enough slack to allow Aubrey to get at least one pair of her curled legs underneath the fabric. With each leg underneath, it made it that much easier to pull her other legs inside. Once all eight legs had been withdrawn under the fabric of her costume, she began to straighten out her legs slowly and repeatedly. With each push, she made progress towards removing this portion of her costume. Eventually, her legs were entirely free and she easily used them to toss off the remaining fabric on her abdomen to the side.

“So, what do you think?” Aubrey asked as she rolled onto her side.

“Interesting,” Will replied, “you took off your costume just like a spider would remove its exoskeleton during molting.”

“You’re such a nerd,” Aubrey rolled her eyes before shooting a webline from her wrists at her boyfriend and dragging Will towards her. “But that’s why I love you.”

Will was taken by surprise by Aubrey’s move, partially because he was nerding out about his knowledge about spiders, and partially because he just was not expecting it. Before he knew it, his body was smashed up against hers.

“Ready?” She whispered into his ear while she slowly wrapped her arachnid legs around his body. Will’s heart raced as he gazed into his girlfriend’s eyes. His hands awkwardly ran up and down her body. Despite the numerous physical differences between his Aubrey and this one, her face looked identical, as if he was looking at a split image of hers. Yet, as he peered at such a familiar face, the guilt that had initially warned him not to do this crept back into his head.

“I can’t do this,” Will suddenly blurted out before wiggling his way out of Aubrey’s eight-legged embrace.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard,” Aubrey admitted in response as she wrapped her arms around her chest and pivoted her human half towards Will.

“What the hell was I thinking?”

“Will, you can’t be so hard on yourself. These are extraordinary circumstances!”

“Yet I still feel like an utter trash boyfriend.”

“Then will you at least let me rest in your arms, if this will be our last night together,” Aubrey requested as she patted the web stranded beside her. Will paused for a moment as his mind debated whether doing so would betray the relationship he had with his Aubrey. Eventually, he crawled back over to her. Once he was reclined on the web, Aubrey rolled on her side and rested her head against Will's torso. He, in turn, wrapped his arms around her body.

“If the relationship you have with your Aubrey is anything like the one I have with my Will, I know she truly loves you.”

Although he knew that she was trying to make him feel better, her words merely fanned the flames of his guilt.
The Mandela Effect: Part 11

Kyra Muller

Columbus, OH, Earth-201

October, 22nd, 2011

It was three days before the third anniversary of the events of that fateful Halloween night. Kyra sat at her desk in her apartment’s bedroom. She was intently studying the notes and the pages of her Calculus textbook. She twirled her pencil between her fingers on one of her hands, while she rubbed the side of her temple.

“You coming?” Kyra looked up from her textbook and saw her roommate standing in her bedroom’s doorway. She was dressed as if she were ready for a night on the town.

“Sorry, I have a big exam on Monday,” Kyra declined the offer as she flipped to the next page in her textbook.

“Your loss, bookworm,” Kyra’s roommate sighed before turning to leave.

Kyra waited until she heard the front door of their apartment clicked, signaling that her roommate had left before she slammed her textbook shut. Even if Kyra had told the truth, she would not have been in the mood for clubbing or whatever her friends had in mind. Just the memory of what had happened that night three years ago spoiled any desire to do anything fun this weekend.

She then scooted her desk chair back and slipped out of her room. After checking that the coast was clear, Kyra snuck into the apartment bathroom. There, she opened up the medicine cabinet and revealed two orange, prescription bottles one would normally receive from the pharmacy. Although the label on the bottle was correctly prescribed to Kyra, the capsules within did not match what was originally prescribed, not that the average person could tell the difference.

The first bottle contained a blue capsule. Although she still had her power nullifier to cancel her fire powers, the events from three years ago had replaced her kitsune appearance with something else and the power nullifier did not work on this new look like it did on her old kitsune form. Therefore, the only thing Kyra found that would act as a proper substitute were these blue capsules. Because these pills did not have an on and off switch like her power nullifier, Kyra either had to wait until the effects of the blue pills ended or use the green pills from the other bottle.

Kyra grabbed the second pill bottle and emptied out several of the green capsules into her palm. After she then set the bottle on the bathroom counter, she picked one of the pills from her palm and poured the rest back into the bottle. She took several deep breaths through her nose before filling a glass with tap water and swallowed the green pill.

Normally, Kyra would never take one of these green pills unless there was an emergency that required some superheroics. That is why the second bottle was still well stocked, while the first only had maybe a couple of weeks’ worth of supply left. Fortunately, she procured some intel that the Shroud Syndicate would be moving a shipment of illegal pharmaceuticals, including these experimental metahuman suppressants, that night. If Kyra did not want her secret to out herself, she needed her powers, all of them, to acquire some more of these pills. She only was stealing from the bad guys. There was no harm from that. Right?

After a few seconds from when Kyra had swallowed the green capsule, she began to feel a burning sensation in her hands, feet, and lower arms and legs. This signaled to Kyra that the green capsule was already starting to kick in. Knowing that she only had less than an hour before her powers had resurfaced, she collected herself, despite the pain, and hurried out of her apartment.

Doug Tate had just shut the truck’s latch door and attached a padlock to seal the precious cargo within. His brother, Willie, and Doug had fallen on some hard times and, when they had found themselves in a deep, deep hole, the only way out they saw was taking hold of the hand offered by the Shroud Syndicate.

This was the Tate brothers’ first real gig. Their job was simple: just transport some drugs out of the city and across the state border into Pennsylvania. Doug’s brother used to be a trucker until he was laid off. In his mind, this would not be that much different from his brother’s old job, only with a smaller vehicle and some cargo that they definitely did not want to get caught with.

“Alright, Willie, everything is secured back here,” Doug alerted his brother. But he did not hear a response from his brother.

“Willie?” he asked again.

Doug almost leapt out of his pants when he heard a loud bang smash against the side of the truck and a thud against the pavement. He immediately reached for the gun stashed away behind his back, but he fumbled it and struggled to get a grip of the firearm because his hands were shaking profusely. Even when he had the gun in his hands, the barrel wiggled all over the place.

When Doug peered around the corner of the truck, he at once noticed the giant dent in the side of the truck. His eyes then glanced down from the dent to the body on the ground; it was his brother Willie.

“Willie!” Doug yelled as he hurled himself to the ground next to his brother’s body. His gun dropped from Doug’s hand even before he rushed towards his brother. At first, he feared the worse, but his brother was only unconscious.

Doug scanned the area, but he did not see anyone other than his unconscious brother. What could have done this to Willie? People do not randomly hurl themselves so violently against a wall to knock themselves out, and Doug knew that his brother Willie was not hopped on drugs. Their job was too important for them to screw up. The only evidence he found were a couple giant feathers. They were way too big for even the largest predatory birds.

While Doug was entirely focused on his downed brother, he did not notice something was swooping from above. Before he knew it, something had grasped his shoulders and began to lift him off of the ground. He only got a brief look at one of the giant bird talons wrapped around his shoulder before fainting out of sheer fright.

Once Doug was out cold, whatever had snatched him off the ground descended from the sky. The moonlight illuminated the figure of what had took out the two men. It revealed the silhouette of a slender and fit woman. While she was about to land, this woman beat the feathered wings that were sprouted from her arms, stretching out from right before her elbow to her wrists.

When the harpy woman landed, she handed towards the back of the truck. Because she had purposefully avoided allowing her metahuman powers from arising with power suppressants, each step would have looked a little awkward to an onlooker, as she was dealing with the additional joint at the exact transition from her human shin and her avian talons and feet. One could almost describe her movement like a little songbird hopping about.

The costumed birdlady found the padlock attached to the door’s latch, but this impediment would not be difficult for her to overcome. She placed her large hands, covered by the same scaly skin on her avian feet, over the padlock. A yellow glow began to shine through the small crevices between her clasped hands. The light transitioned from a yellow tint to an orange until finally settling with a red shine. Once she separated her hands, her palms still glowed red, while the metal that had just a few seconds ago been the foundation of the padlock dripped to the ground in a liquid form.

Once she had opened the truck’s rear door, she hopped into the cargo space and began to rummage through the concealed contraband. The Shroud Syndicate was a competent enough not to leave out their goods in plain sight, even when hidden in their transport vehicles. This time they used generic brand candy packaging as their cover.

“Where are those blue capsules?” Kyra muttered as she went through the various boxes stored within the truck.

Because Kyra was so focused on finding the power suppressants, she failed to notice the noise of someone else also climbing into the back of the truck. With one fell swoop, a crowbar smacked the back of Kyra’s skull and knocked her out cold. Whoever had snuck up on her dragged her unconscious body to the edge of the truck’s cargo space.

“I can’t believe that worked,” another shady fellow told the other man, indicating that this was a setup. Doug and Willie were unknowing decoys.

“Well, Catherine is going to have some fun with this toothpick,” the other man said.

“She won’t stay a twig after Catherine is done with her.”

"90's" Aubrey Adkins | Will Grant

Pacific Point, CA, Prime Create-A-Hero RPG universe

Present Day

Almost home free, Moon Bunny thought as she dashed across the rooftops of Pacific Point. When she was about ready to reach the edge of the room, a silver light, similar to the color given off by the moon, began to gleam from her legs. With once bounce from her feet, which were a weird human-rabbit hybrid, the bunny girl easily hurdled across the gap between the two buildings.

When she landed, she continued her run. However, because it had become dusk, she failed to see the spider silk trip line stretched out across the floor of the roof. As soon as Moon Bunny’s foot got tripped up over the spider silk, she stumbled and faceplanted straight into the floor. Once she hit the ground, she continued to tumble forward until coming to a standstill.

Even before Moon Bunny could pull herself onto a single knee, she knew exactly whom she was dealing with. Technically, there was a small chance that that one furry spider girl could have been messing with her, but that was unlikely.

When Moon Bunny looked around to see where her opponent was hiding, she finally spotted a silhouette crouched on the roof access enclosure. Although it was still a bit too dark to make out any specific details, even with the lights below, she could still tell that the figure was wearing a scarlet and gray costume, just the colors of Arachne. Without a moment to spare, the same silver light she had used to jump between rooftops surrounded her arm. She then thrust her arm towards the figure, sending out an energy projectile made of the silver light.

However, the figure easily dodged out of the way and allowed the projectile to harmlessly pass right by. Moon Bunny hoped her moonblast would be enough of a distraction for her to cross over to the next roof. For a moment, she had thought she had made her escape, as she was able to become airborne. But to her disappointment, she felt herself being yanked backwards, no doubt by a webline.

The whole whiplash and impact with the roof had disorientated Moon Bunny. Once she had regained her senses, she found that she had already been wrapped up with spider silk. When she glanced up to see who had apprehended her, she was surprised that a drider was not towering over her, but rather there was a man. He was wearing a costume very similar to Arachne’s, but it was not her. Or was it?

“So, I guess the rumors were true that you’ve become a dude,” Moon Bunny finally spoke up to the spider-themed hero standing next to her.

“Um—not quite,” the man responded.

Almost as if on cue, Arachne pulled herself from the side of the wall onto the rooftop where her boyfriend had restrained the villainess.

“Sorry about that. I mistimed that last jump,” Arachne provided as her excuse before realizing that Moon Bunny had been restrained. “I guess you handled her perfectly fine.”

“Oh my God! You two are wearing matching costumes! That is, like, so adorkable!” Moon Bunny blurt out when she saw Arachne arrive on the scene. Once she got a better look of the drider heroine, Moon Bunny continued with her prattle. “Oh, and I dig the costume change. If you got the goods, flaunt them, girl.”

“Alright, it’s time to find the nearest police officer,” Will interrupted as he pulled Moon Bunny off the ground and onto her feet.

“Go ahead without me. I think I just need a short break while you *hiccup* turn her in,” Arachne told Will.

“Care to share your thought on your squeeze’s new look?” Moon Bunny whispered to Will. “Great views, right?”

“Are you okay? I did lose you back there.” Will asked his girlfriend while ignoring Moon Bunny’s colorful commentary.

“There’s nothing to *hiccup* worry about,” Arachne poorly tried to convince her boyfriend.

“Are you sure you’re fine?” Will asked again.

“She sure is,” Moon Bunny quipped with a smile on her face, knowing her comment would bug Will.

“Don’t make me push you off this ledge,” Will threatened before he propelled down the side of the building with the bunny villainess in hand. However, before he went, he turned towards Arachne for a brief moment. “After I turn her in, we better head back home.”

“Fine,” Arachne yielded as she watched her boyfriend descend down the building.

Once Arachne knew that her boyfriend was out of sight, she reached into the inside of her bomber jacket and pulled out an almost empty pop bottle. She unscrewed the bottle’s cap and drained the last gulp of the caffeinated beverage.

Maybe I should make a quick pitstop for a refill, Arachne thought as she held the now empty bottle. However, before she could even make a single step, she heard something land on the roof access enclosure.

Why didn’t my spider sense warn me? Have I really consumed too much caffeine?

When Arachne turned, she saw a costumed woman crouching on the roof access enclosure. This woman had pointy, elf-like ears. If it were not for her avian arms and feet, she would have had a modelesque physique. Although she was not as well-endowed as Arachne was, she could still give the drider heroine a run for her money.

“Should I know who you are? I feel I should, but I’m drawing a blank.”

“Black Widow,” the harpy lady finally spoke, “I didn’t know the bottle was your vice, though I am not quite surprised.”

“How can you get us confused? Besides being driders, we have nothing in common. I’m blonde and she has black hair, for crying out load!” Arachne responded, “Plus, I’m only drinking pop!”

“A rose by any other name would still be a rose,” the bird woman quipped back. Arachne was not sure whether she was double downing that she’s really Black Widow or she somehow knew overdosing on caffeine was like getting drunk for her. There’s the possibility that it’s both.

“You obviously don’t have eagle eyes, because you need your eyes checked.”

“I’m not surprised by the ad hominem attack. That’s what a villain would do.”

A standoff ensued, as the two women prepared for the other to pounce. But something felt so wrong to Arachne. If she were really facing a villain, her spider sense would have been blaring like the worst headache in the world. But it wasn’t.

“Hey Aubrey, I’m—” Will finally broke the tension in the air after he crawled back up the side of the building and onto the roof top, “back?”

Both women immediately turned their attention towards Will after he had spoken up. Then, almost as soon as the harpy lady seemed to recognize who Will was, she turned and dove off the side of the roof. After several beats of the wings on her arms, she soared away and disappeared into the nighttime sky.

“Who was she?” Will then asked after he saw the harpy woman had flown away.

“She felt so familiar, like I should know her.”

“Her costume reminds me of Firefox, but she has fox ears and nine tails.”

“Maybe we should follow her, just in case.”

Will paused for a moment. He knew they should really head home, since he could recognize the signs of caffeine overdose in his girlfriend. Heck, she was still holding an empty bottle of pop in her hand that she probably just finished. Yet, at the same time, Odysseus had mentioned to both him and his girlfriend’s friend, Emily, that he had not seen Firefox ever since all of the parallel universe doppelgangers began popping up and replacing their counterparts. If they had a lead on Firefox’s whereabouts, they needed to follow up on them.

“Alright, here’s the plan. We’ll try to follow her for a little bit longer. But after that, we have to head back to your apartment.”
Character you have created: Ricardo “Rick” Martinez

Alias: Hometown Hero or Collateral.

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Goldenrod: DAA520

Character Alignment: Hero. He tries.

Identity: Secret. Thank God.

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