Avatar of Demonx
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Demonx
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Demonx 10 yrs ago


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M, UK.

Returning to the site after a 5/6 year break. Keen to get writing again.

I used to frequent this site heavily about 10 years ago and was involved in many fantastic stories; meeting a plethora of writers with imaginations compared to which mine own paled. I'm hoping to rekindle my love for writing and meet other like-minded individuals.

This a second account, as I forgot the details of my original one.

Most Recent Posts

In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alex - Gym Hall

The benches -as Blondie had pointed out- were in a nearby closet. Which, in itself, wasn't the problem. The nearby living corpses chomping on the recently deceased, however, were. Although being as engrossed as they were, didn't present much of an issue. Yet that wouldn't affect his concentration. The main rule of any situation, combat or no, is to never get complacent. Complacency means death.

He watched as Blondie quickly packed her bat away into her bag. If he was honest, he'd been impressed by not only her so far, but the entire group. Some people (Mainly civilians) don't like being ordered around and could be defiant, even in the face of death. Yet this unlikely group had listened and had so far reacted well.

"Right there, our benches. But we need to absolutely silent about it, mate, else we drop something. We don't want any dinner bells ringing now do we?"

He nodded back at her, happy she was on the same train of thought. With that, she set off for the closet. Alex quickly patted down his webbing so make sure it was all done up, then quickly set after her.

Having set off a few seconds after her, Alex's eyes widened in shock as he quickly spotted the two barely held together corpses bumbling towards Angie as she set the benches down.

Before he could yell a warning and presumably kill them all, Alex's training subconsciously kicked in. He moved across the hall as if a ghost, boots barely making a noise as each step landed. He snuck up behind the first woman, lagging slightly behind the second. Placing one hand on her chin, and the other on her forehead, he sharply yanked her head to the side. Alex almost yelped in surprise as it's head came clean off. The stench of death and decay seeping from the gaping hole almost overwhelmed him at such a proximity and it took all his self control not to puke as he dropped the severed head. Having been momentarily thrown off, he had been unable to grab the corpse and lower it to the floor. Luckily, the remains had slumped to the floor, making little noise.

Nearly, but not having quite lost his momentum, he drew his bayonet, thrusting it into the back of the skull of the next zombie just before it could reach Blondie. Yanking it out with savage determination, he quickly wiped away the gore before looking to her, urgency and alarm evident in his eyes.

"We need to go. NOW."

He picked up 2 of the benches the woman had put down, trusting himself to his guardian angels over watching with the pistol. Following Blondie back to the stairs, he set the two down next to the original. Alex had originally planned to head back down, but looking around he realized they were out of time. The corpses of the recently fallen were all but gone and the hall was more crowded than ever. He grabbed the two benches he'd set down and ran through the door, laying the benches down on the other side. Hopefully Blondie had grabbed the last one and come after him.

Benches through, he turned to the group, doing a quick headcount before ushering them through the door. The sooner they got the bastard blocked the better.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm not sure where to end my post. I don't know if the GM wants to throw in an event before we escape.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alex - Gym Hall

The situation was ... fuck if Alex knew. It was downright fucked up. Out of the frying pan and into the... hungering jaws of the undead? In this particular situation, the former seemed the more pleasant. It seemed the woman who had fired the shots had frozen, before being dragged down kicking and screaming. The other casualty, the man dressed in what Alex recognized as the uniform of a military doctor, had seemed to enter some sort of blood lust, killing several shambelers before they eventually brought him down.
Alex was no stranger to death. He'd seen people die before, but never like this. It was one thing seeing someone get limbs blown off by an IED, but it was a whole new nightmare when they were being ripped off by former people. Former friends and family... It made him sick. Would there ever be more to his life than suffering and death?

He was torn from his reverie as the 4 remaining survivors of the group rushed to him. A staggeringly tall white woman, an also impressively tall Hispanic woman, a young girl and an elderly lady. They made quite a group and if not for the circumstances, probably would have been considered amusing!

"I don't suppose you have some way to barricade any of these doors really fast, do you?"

The question came from the Hispanic lady, a hopeless chuckle following. This was where Alex worked best. Despite being emotionally unstable, everything he had been through had given him the ability to keep his cool and think clearly even in the most intense situations.

Alex glanced around. The walkers were more than content with their newest spoils and had almost seemed to have lost interest in the survivors. That was good. That gave them time. The door he had burst through could be easily barricaded from the other side, but with what? Just as he was about to suggest fleeing, a glaringly obvious fact sprung into his head. They were in a gymnasium. There was an abundance of light, wooden benches used for gymnastics scattered around. They could grab a couple, take them through the door before closing it and jam it from the other side. Bingo.

Alex turned back to the group, a concise and militant tone entered his voice.

"Guys, those casualties have bought us time. We can grab a couple of those wooden benches, take them through the door and block it from the other side. If there are no issues with that, it'll be me and you grabbing the benches." Alex nodded at the Tall white girl. Although both of the middle aged women seemed fit, he'd chosen the white girl on a few characteristics he'd picked up on a quick observation. Her giant, lean physique and seemingly stained hands boasted physical strength, whilst the sneering, yet determined look on her face told Alex she wouldn't back down from a challenge.

He'd ideally would have wanted 2 people to go along with himself and the woman as guards, but looking back at the 3 remaining, it seemed the ideal wasn't an option. He doubted they'd have time to make two trips before the walkers clocked onto them. One of them would have to go alone.

The Hispanic woman seemed capable, yet the other two, he wasn't sure. The elderly woman looked as if she were on her last legs. The young girl looked as though she'd been through just as many nightmares as he had. Maybe more. Yet she was just a child. They had a gun between them, but would they be efficient with it? Would he trust his life to them? Scowling inwardly, he realized he didn't have a choice. They had entrusted their lives to him and he in turn, would have to do the same.

Alex motioned to the Hispanic woman "You'll go with Blondie and guard her." He then turned to the other two, "You two will cover me from here." He took a brief moment to let it sink in before addressing the group again.

"We need to be quick. Let's do this right and get out alive. Any questions?"
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Group 1.

Also, Holy shit Tome, your post was BRUTAL. I'm gunna have to watch myself around you aren't I? I love it.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posted. Tomb, I hope you don't mind me killing the zombie. And Darcs, for sort of controlling your character!
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
A bead of sweat slowly dripped down the side of Alex's face as that all too familiar rush of fear and excitement flooded his system. The pure adrenaline that only came from your life being endangered. He had in front of him about 9 shambelers, as well as one man down who'd be turning very shortly. Alex cursed under his breath. These idiots had drawn a lot of unwanted attention into a room with very limited exits. He had 3 options;

1: Leave them and go back the way he came. He could easily slip out unnoticed, but to do so would leave these people to their doom. No.
2: Engage the zombies. Doing so would draw them to him, but in doing so, trapping himself and attracting more zombies. No.
3: Get the people's attention, getting them to follow him down the route he had just come and attempt to lose the zombies.

Alex grimaced. All of the plans were horrendous, but every second he spent deliberating was a second wasted. He had to save these people. He aimed his glock at the zombie closing in on the woman, before clocking what she was doing. She seemed to be luring the zombie in... As the thought processed, the zombie slipped and with remarkable speed, the woman drove something into the base of the creature's skull and with a quiver, it lay still. Applying the safety to his glock, he decided what he'd do. It'd probably be the worst decision he'd ever made, but he had to save these people without drawing in anymore zombies with gunfire. Taking a deep breath in, he yelled to the group.

In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Demonx Accepted, by the way. I'll get your guy woven into the story. When will you be able to post? I'll try and time it so that you can post shortly after, but this is not essential. I just don't want to introduce you, and then have the introduction to get buried before you have a chance to post.

I'm happy to post straight away. As for the frequency of posts, I'm happy to post once every 48 hours. :)
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Alex Ibanez

Gender: M

Age: 23


Stands around 6ft 1. Years of training and arduous patrols with the Marines have given Alex a lean, yet muscular physique.

Medical Ailments: Slightly unhinged. Due to traumatic events experienced on tours of duty, he often has trouble keeping his emotions in check and expressing them to others. This also often leads to what appears to be a lack of empathy.

Nationality: American/Spanish.

Occupation: On compassionate leave from the USMC.

Four Week History: Some would say Alex was in hell before the outbreak. Upon returning home from a nightmarish 12 month deployment with the USMC to Afghanistan, Alex was placed on compassionate leave on the grounds of emotional instability after a breakdown on the first night of returning to the US. He spent the next 4 weeks in Solitude, holed up in his dark, desolate apartment, haunted by the memories of lost comrades and the faces of people he'd had to kill.
The news of the outbreak was just a drop of water in the vast ocean of depression his mind was drowning in. Although it was only a matter of time before the infection came a-knockin' on his door. And that it did. After a very close encounter with his recently turned next door neighbor, something clicked in Alex's head. The world was ending and if he didn't pull himself out of the depths of despair he'd sunk to, he'd die alone and helpless. His worst fear.
After hearing a looped message on the radio about a possible haven in Easton, Alex gathered his kit and headed out into the apocalyptic wasteland. He hadn't made it more than a few miles, when he was forced to take cover in a school to avoid a large group of shambelers. Heading in, Alex saw a rather odd, fortified bus hastily parked near the entrance... Survivors?

Items of Interest:
-Wears his standard issue webbing, containing: Mess tins x2, a Hexi stove, a weapons cleaning kit, 5x 12 round glock magazines and 2x full 1 litre water canteens.
-Also wears a daysack containing a waterproof jacket, warm jacket, gloves and wooly hat, a head torch, spare batteries and 48 hours worth of rations.
-Weighs roughly 10 kilos all together.

-An issue bayonet that he uses as a knife
-Standard Issue glock
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Quick question! I notice you said you'd work new characters into the RP. Due to being late to the RP, did you want me to leave the end part of the 4 week history blank, then complete it after you've decided how you want my character to enter?
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So this is still accepting? Awesome! I'm a sucker for a survival horror RP. I'll have my CS up ASAP if that's alright :)
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