Avatar of Diexsmiling
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 64 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Diexsmiling 7 yrs ago


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Want to know more about me? Sure haha. I'm 22 y/o and I'm from Boston, but currently I'm living in Alaska because I joined the army. I love boxing, football, basketball, and just sports in general. Ever since I was a kid, I loved LOTR. I've read every book and watched every movie, including the hobbit. So I guess that's what eventually brought me here. The elder scrolls are definitely my favorite rpgs but I figured I would give this a shot. I've hosted some terraria RP servers and that was a ton of fun but I just can't do that anymore because of my job :(

Anyway, I think that's the most important stuff. If you have any other questions feel free to send me a PM. And definitely check out my RP forgotten realms if you want to get some good, LOTR style RP in! Peace

Most Recent Posts

Is there still room for more characters? I think I'd like to join in :D
Seems like it could be a really fun adventure haha. Definitely interested. Just not sure if I want to make a new character or use my old one. Maybe I'll just wait and see
I would get in on this, sounds fun haha. Crash landing or something maybe?
So this is really disappointing, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again. I'm enjoying this duel so much but tomorrow I leave with my unit to train in the field, in the Alaskan wilderness. It's going to be brutally cold and there probably wont be much down time. I'll try and check on the site whenever I get the chance though. It might be a day or two until I'm able to post again, or a couple weeks lol. Hopefully it's the prior
@Doc Doctor

Strangely, when Dartega followed through with the devious stroke of his blade, he felt a hard resistance as his own weapon clashed with the thick metal of his foe's battleaxe. It didn't bother him at all really, the true purpose of the slash only being a sort of distraction that would enable him to escape the shroud of the tattered cloak. What would bother him, however, was the roundhouse kick that he had unknowingly turned directly into face first, masterfully performed and unleashed with a malicious intent.

The screeching sound of metal rending metal pierced through the torched wastes as an armor plated shin smashed into Dartega's dark forged helmet. The tremendous force behind the blow sent him sprawling onto the flat of his back, arms outstretched, legs crumpling beneath him as they gave way. A once exquisitely crafted piece of armor, the helmet that had dutifully saved his life, now lay at least ten paces away from the battle, mangled and beyond repair after having been knocked clean off.

Jet black, shoulder length hair lie splayed around Dartega's head, now resting solemnly on the darkened earth. Blood pooled around his neck, oozing from various cuts and scrapes on his face and draining from the corner of his mouth. Flames swirled and raged in the background, fueled with fresh oxygen and life as a cool, gentle breeze blew across the battlefield.

Stars in the night sky shined brightly and beautifully, a feature he just now noticed as he looked up at his surroundings. Zande, howling like a maniac beside him, the bits of his cloak falling gracefully upon the dirt after being completely shredded in the fray. K'girr, his beloved broadsword, still sticking ominously from the dirt, symbolic of his failed attempts at bringing down the wily jungle warrior. A raven flying through the air, the only other sign of life aside from the two men who's fate had somehow become so wickedly and mysteriously intertwined.

Thoughts of how this came to be now flashed within his mind, a once mighty grip now loosening around the handle of his shortsword. There were so many ways this could have been avoided, so many opportunities he had missed. Perhaps if he had just a little less bravado, a little more preparation, or the grace of just a little more wisdom...

It was too late now though. Those were alternate realities, and he was here and now, the only place that really mattered. As his head slowly rolled back and forth, frothy blood bubbling forth from his mouth, it appeared that his relentless assault had finally come to an end. Any normal man would surely be finished after experiencing such a perfectly executed, properly timed technique. All evidence pointed toward him being incapacitated and the battle being over.

And yet, very carefully disguised with the rolling of his head and his grimaces of pain, he began whispering words so faintly that they were barely even audible to himself. Under the muffled sound of his gurgling, the words of power used to invoke the power of his demon blades steadily escaped from his lips, fleeting in their nature.


@Doc Doctor

Well I'm glad you're enjoying the duel so far, I'm having a blast too haha. I mean technically this fight should already be over, considering the spray of venom and all. If Dartega hadn't been able to resist that, he definitely would have already met a very gruesome end xD. Aside from that though, I would say it's been really entertaining, and I'm glad we decided to continue anyway.

Zande presents so many challenges and tricky situations, and he definitely lives up to the hype. The versatility of his kit is just excellent. I do attribute a good portion of that to your own RP experience as well though. Already I've learned so much just from this battle, and there's things I would do completely differently next time.

Believe it or not, I don't even really think too hard about what my next move is going to be, it just sort of comes to me naturally haha. I guess I would call it intuition, just drawing on my past experiences fighting. I'm still really new to this written style of combat though.

Anyway, can't wait to see what your next post is going to be and how this fight is going to turn out now. One thing I do know for sure is that Dartega isn't going to quit until he's absolutely destroyed, and I'm sure Zande feels the same way lol

@Doc Doctor

Upon landing on solid ground, Dartega found that his vision was being obscured once again, this time by a ragged black fabric. The crafty savage had yet another trick up his sleeve. Most likely, Dartega expected, he was planning to line up a strike of his own, to take advantage of his opponent's brief moment of blindness.

Instead of simply backing off or panicking to remove the cloak, however, Dartega pressed boldly on with his tenacious assault. After his blade glanced off of Zande's armor and the fabric passed over his field of vision, he squatted down almost to a knee and ferociously unleashed a sweeping slash at thigh level. Despite lacking vision on his target, he still had an idea of where he was, especially being so close and engaged in close quarters combat.

The maneuver was less designed to deal an incapacitating blow to his foe, however, and more designed for establishing a threat and distance as Dartega spun out of the cloak with the momentum of his demon blade. Still, he doubted the jungle warrior would wish to create distance after casting his trap, and Dartega aimed to re-acquire his target as quickly as possible.

@Doc Doctor

The stab is aimed at Zande's torso, coming from slightly above due to the jump. And yes his helmet is still on
@Doc Doctor

Just as Dartega had lifted K'Girr from the ground, he felt a sudden pull as his opponent's foot came crashing down upon his demon blade, driving it even deeper into the earth. With a very bitter resentment, he released his grasp from it's hilt and pulled away as quickly as possible, managing to prevent his arm from being severed with just moments to spare.

Leaving his blade sticking out of the dirt left a sour taste in his mouth, fueling a rage within him and strengthening his resolve. Either he would slay this wild savage and retrieve his weapon, or die trying. Zande clearly showed no remorse, screaming ferociously, a scene that would intimidate all but the most courageous of adversaries. Luckily, Dartega was one of them.

Immediately after Zande's axe had passed him by, he jumped aggressively forward, stabbing at his opponent with Bozar and demonstrating his military precision.

With his relentless assault, he hoped to finally land a decent strike upon his foe. It probably wouldn't be a killshot, since Bozar was much smaller and lighter than the broadsword, more of a cavalry sabre in concept. Still, it would be enough to leave a nasty gash or possibly sever an artery, if his timing was right.

The best defense was a great offense, he reasoned. That had always been his motto, and it was that very mindset that had brought him here on this very fateful day. No doubt, the stakes were higher now than they probably ever had been, especially with him flying through the air. It was an incredibly risky technique, but it was the only move that offered him the speed and element of suprise he desired.
Hell yeah, happy thanksgiving folks! Hope everything is going well, wherever you're from.

@0 Azzy 0 Sounds great haha
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