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Current So I'm pursuing a PhD in Philosophy (Ethics, specifically) and meanwhile I can't for the life of me make any quick choice when it comes to coffee. Am I fighting an uphill battle here?
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Hooray for upcoming surprise CT Scan! :/
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"...You haven't changed at all, Snake."
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Underwent cavity repair yesterday and woke up to blood pouring out of my nose and mouth at irregular intervals. Ain't life grand?


Heyo! Just your friendly neighborhood Disturbed Spec here. Avid Roleplay addict, writer, reader and gamer who owns for baby birds (because honestly why not?) I look forward to creating amazing memories with you all on this site! Cheers!

Most Recent Posts

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1910 Hours, April 22nd 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Marcus Oliver, Security Team One and Mark Bradford / Unbroken Hope Bridge / Interacting with: Everyone within Fleet Channel range, @Sep

Oliver looked to his view-screen as he heard the transmission, pressing down on the transponder and broadcasting to the fleet channel in response. "Understood, I'll have the Hope defend the station perimeter. Oliver out." Concluding his message and cutting contact with the Engineering Deck, he shouted over the bridge. "Navigation, bring us within 600 meters above the station and set ventral and side thrusts to idle after arrival. Systems Operations, I want all sensors out to 500m and greater." As a chorus of acknowledgement went through the ship, the sudden lurch of acceleration could be felt through the cruiser. Swiping through his terminal, he quickly engaged the TAC CON to Alpha Three as a droning siren and orange warning lights suddenly blared through the ship. Keying the ship's PA system, he spoke up calmly and professionally. "All elements, remain on alert for potential enemy contact. Oliver out."

Elizabeth and the two Marines tensed up, but only in response to the sudden alarm. Mark nodded and got over to his respective work station, and the trio moved closer to the VIP Engineer. "Ma'am, I'm not sure we might have the time to do this now. Should we get you back to the hangar?"

Team Omicron / Immaculate Ageis Hangar / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Issac, having materialized to the closest podium near O'Connel's location, nodded with a devilish grin. "Understood Ma'am, interfacing with AI proxy now." Closing his eyes, Issac appeared to take a breath and jump before vanishing into the podium. Upon opening his eyes, he could see everything; the ship sensors projecting a 3D topographical projection of the area around him. Wasting no time, he called upon the AI to attempt to scan for flaws and exploitable errors of any kind that would prove detrimental to the ship's subsystems. He also noted that, while the smaller ships could easily be knocked around with the carrier's weapons, the most dangerous of the group were the Munificent-class frigates and Lucrehulk-class battleships. He just hoped that the ship's broadcasting system was far-reaching enough out of firing range so that they could wreak havoc on the enemy prior to exchanging fire.

Omicron received an orange alert from Issac as he pinged them a nav beacon to his location. The team of Spartans bolted from the hangar and began moving to the site of the beacon relatively quickly. Directives be damned now; that AI had to make it out of here alive.

Sentinel 1-1 / Jedi Temple / Interacting with: @Sep

Leon didn't reply. Instead, he signaled with his hands for the second team to continue the suppression of the staff-wielding troopers while he doubled back to reinforce the first team in focusing fire on the glowstick-sword wizard. Whatever this guy had seemed to prove to overpower this entire team- hoping that a stray round to the head would get lucky in putting this bastard down for good. Being part of the fist team, Liam doubled back to Leon and got within earshot by the man's side. "M7 is shite, I'm gonna need that stun gun fer range!" Leon was puzzled, but he didn't care. Momentarily taking his hand off the Battle Rifle, he reached to his hip, yanked the alien device off, and handed it to Liam. The Marine Pilot fumbled with the thing before quickly orienting the business end toward the robed figure, waiting until he turned to present an opening, and fired a shot the first team continued to repeatedly fire on the masked figure.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1710 Hours, April 21st 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Team Omicron / Immaculate Ageis Hangar / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Issac found himself holding his breath, despite no need to breathe in the first place. When the jump commenced, the hologram audibly exhaled a sigh of relief as the ship began to gradually stabilize. All their hard work had finally paid off, now it was just a matter of hoping they didn't explode upon leaving Slipspace. Issac felt the error as soon as the ship left Slipspace, and although he did not attempt to curtail the situation, he immediately found himself running a diagnostic on the affected borer in an attempt to triangulate the error's occurrence between two flashpoints- one before the jump, and the other seconds before the error occurred. He looked around the ship and sighed, frustration lining his voice. "Ah, shit.."

Team Omicron had remained near the central podium the entire time; ready to yank Issac and go into combat if any of the Sangheili tried anything. As the ship jumped, everything seemed fine until the error caused a sudden exit of Slipspace. Immediately, they were all on alert and ready to yank Issac at a moment's notice. Even though there was virtually nothing they could do inside the ship, the team drew their weapons and remained at a ready stance. Kendra bit back a growl of frustration- this had to be the absolute worst place to be. Now the mission became of dire importance to get Issac back to the Unbroken Hope.

Sentinel 1-1 / Jedi Temple / Interacting with: @Sep

"Got three signatures, they haven't spotted us." One of the ODST's piped up, prior to doubling back into the shadows. Leon followed suit, watching the masked figure carefully as they ignited some sort of blade. The responding shot from the non-UNSC operative was easily deflected by the ethereal figure, and Leon soon noticed that they weren't alone. Out of the shadows came two armored figures wielding what looked like fancy Bo staffs. As the team engaged the threat, their opening came sooner than he anticipated. The masked figure was lifted into the air by a strange repulsion field. "Mercer, Jackson and Miller- focus fire on primary. Scot, Martinez; on me." Leon wasted no time in giving orders to his team as he doubled back and began to encircle around the right side of the archives. Sticking to the shadows long as he could manage, the three finally were able to obtain a clear sight picture of both troopers. "Engage."

The first team that was positioned carefully to the back of the Archive entrance opened fire on the masked figure; the first shot coming from the SRS-99AMS Anti-Material rifle. Sounding no louder than a loud cough, the round screamed toward the target; aiming for the head of the floating, suspended figure. The two on either side of the sniper opened fire with their battle-rifles; saturating the primary target in a hail of armor-piercing bursts. Leon and his team rounded the corner and engaged the enemy from their position; breaking concealment as they fired upon the two troopers. So, this was it. Time to see if the round they carried actually did something against these fuckers.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1337 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Team Omicron / Immaculate Aegis CiC / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

The Spartans didn't say anything, as years of military indoctrination had overcome the desire to reflexively cringe at the doctor's mention of Halsey's 'creation' of them. However, the wince was notable from Issac as he continued on. "I'm listening." In truth, it was amazing he could divide his processes into separate partitions- one soaking up, categorizing and filing away the less relevant data just as fast as he was able to respond himself. The size and scope of what CTN 0452-9 had accomplished was astonishing. Surely it was no ONI Black Box AI, but he began to wonder: what could he do in regards to the reverse-engineered shielding incorporated into the Mjolnir's armor? It would certainly help, all things considered. Regardless, that was a question for later. Taking a deep breath and pulling himself away from the data, he keenly listened to the input of the other doctor in the room.

Vanessa, on the other hand, had not anticipated being approached by the man. She looked over to him, and without missing a beat, quipped: "The armor only adds a few inches." As long as the man didn't dip into any personal questions beyond what she considered typical, it was fine.

Marcus Oliver, Mark Bradford & Security Team One / Unbroken Hope Engineering Room / Interacting with: @Sep

The Admiral simply gestured to Mark as he was caught rather blindsided by the question regarding technical specifications. The COO cleared his throat, looked toward the Doctor and spoke up while swiping through a tablet to pull up the most relevant information regarding the ship's power plant and drives, respectively as he pointed out the window, which depolarized to reveal a clear picture of three massive generators hooked up to the engines. " These are three Mark III Halford-Kojima Deuterium Fusion Reactors. These three each have the individual capacity to supply up to 7 billion kilowatts an hour. By three, that's an output of twenty-one billion. We have a uh.... maximum capacity of 40 billion 'fore we start to experience system complicatins'. When we hit the anomaly, our power spiked to 55 and shut everythin' down fer a bit. We have excess, but not without compromise if these arrays are anything in excess of twenty-plus kilos." The COO swiped through the overlay to bring up the entire grid distribution system of the entire ship- the red lines looking like blood vessels powering a living object. As mark finished his explanation, then took a step back as Marcus looked at the Engineer with a lightly puzzled expression, before turning back to the doctor. "Hopefully that cleared things up."

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1332 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Team Omicron / Immaculate Aegis CiC / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Issac nodded wordlessly; his mind beginning to quicken as he assessed his environment. "I'm uh... Ready, ma'am. Also, what is the Aegis's AI like? Gen One? Two? How far did the Covenant get in making their own platforms?" Issac asked. In the back of his mind, he speculated that the technology was far below what the UNSC had- but the fact that it could crunch large amounts of data and analyze simulations made it clear it wasn't an impossibility far in the future. He looked around the room, taking pause to evaluate his situation. He was irritated, simply on the notion he had to cooperate with another AI to solve such issues. Regardless, he spoke up soon after. "What would you advise?"

SENTINEL 1-1 / Jedi Temple, Away-Team 2 Interacting with: @Sep

Leon gestured to his team to stay put as he shuffle his way over to grab the device. "Understood; you want us to split up and regroup down there from the right side?" Dare asked, attaching the M7S to his left hip and hefting the alien device into his grip. It reminded him of a Plasma Pistol back home, although this technology looked far more archaic for its time. Getting into a comfortable hold, he idled by the team leader to await his response.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1332 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Team Omicron / Immaculate Ageis CiC / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

"So that was what the 'false gods' were about. Onboard the first delegation meeting." Adam quipped. One of the Spartans seemed to audibly scoff at the mention of John-117, while the last one in the back of the group simply remained quiet. Kendra remained silent for a few seconds in case Issac was going to speak up, but the voice never came out. Taking her opportunity, she spoke up as they were led through the halls. "It certainly clears things up, but I will warn you that anything from them will be perceived as an act of aggression, former allegiances or current. We're just here to get a job done, Ma'am." Kendra said matter-of-factually. That was to say she wasn't going to be making any first moves, but she wasn't in control of what the Elites might do. They were equals, and she knew that they would deliberately pursue Spartans in the midst of combat if it was a ground war. The mere fact that her team was on a ship full of them was enough to briefly send a chill up her spine. Regardless, she'd make sure her purpose here was fulfilled to the best of her ability.

As the group filed through the intricate, abstract and insanely violet halls of the CAS Assault Carrier, they finally reached their intended destination. Having never seen a Covenant laboratory before, the setup of intermixed Human and Elite technologies to fill the bridges between the two distinct sciences both disgusted and amused her. Regardless, she soon spotted a podium with a familiar looking slot. Approaching it, she took a silent breath as she reached behind her and yanked the DCC out of the helmet's slot. Another torrential flood of pain, but it quickly passed as she transferred the DCC into the podium. Issac's form flickered into existence; the figure's body now coated in streams of black data running vertically down alongside his form. He seemed to be almost in a daze as he looked around the room, obviously seeing something that all of them couldn't. Finally, his awestricken, slackjawed smile faded as he blinked and came to his senses- before running an arm across his mouth and looking at O'Connell. "Sorry, might've been drooling a tad."

Issac spoke up after taking a deep breath, appearing to do a series of isometric stretches as he prepared to access the ship's subsystems. "Alright... Primus-pattern Covenant borer- efficiency is at 100%. For its universal standards, anyway. To optimize the borer's efficacy for Slip-jumps capable of matching FTL capabilities of this universe, you're looking at one of two possibilities. The first is to augment the reactor to be able to spool up faster during a jump; which would sacrifice some of the 'surgical precision' to calculate an accurate destination solution. It would also entirely invalidate the 'microjump' capabilities of the borer; trading off for jumping with increased speed and a larger distance. Something I can do right now, actually. The section option would be to analyze the drive specifications of an enemy ship from this universe, bring it to the fabricator station and have it constructed to be installed in replace of the borer. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that's the best overall option at the moment seeing as everyone's on a time crunch- plus, that would be incredibly hazardous to our current operations.

Issac looked to O'Connell. "I'm willing to converse with the Shipmaster to relay just what I intend to do. Whenever he's not occupied, that is." Kendra looked to Issac, then back to O'Connell. "I assume that's something you understand."

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1230 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Team Omicron / Immaculate Ageis Hangar / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

As the team accompanied the ONI Researcher from the Hangar to their destination, Issac practically had a field day absorbing all this new information. So many unknowns, but all of this occurring in just two years? It felt improbable- almost impossible. As the team walked alongside O'Connell, Kendra permitted Issac to speak through the external speakers of the helmet. "Seriously? That's...-Admiral Oliver- we came from 2550. I vaguely recall your crew coming in post-war some years later, though I'm not sure what year. You're telling me that the Sangheili have mostly become tolerant of us when the Covenant... What happened to them, exactly?" Issac was overwhelmed just as much as he sounded. "Was it something to do with the Forerunners and these uh, Halo Arrays?" One of the other Spartans, the one just behind Kendra with the tag of '111', spoke up to the Doctor. "You'll have to excuse him, he's a little slow on the uptake. Forgive my intrusion, Ma'am, but you said something about reverse-engineering Covenant technology. Is that what we're needed for here?" With Adam being the more sociable of the team, Kendra figured he and Issac would do the talking. She could tell that the other members were cautious while in the ship, ready for combat if any of the aliens tried opening fire. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

Security Team One, Mark Bradford, Marcus Oliver / Unbroken Hope Engineering / Interacting with: @Sep

Marcus was the first to speak up. "Understood; I'll be in contact with them following the installation. In the meantime, what would you have us do to prepare for the upgrade?" At any rate, he'd suspected the Unbroken Hope would either have to move closer to the Daedalus, or closer to that rectangular construction facility.

Sentinel 1-1 / Jedi Temple / Interacting with: @Sep

Leon's visor polarized into a dark blue as a form of acknowledgement to the objectives as he reached out and took the pad; fiddling with it before quickly passing it back to his team to inspect as he prepared to breach the door. "Didn't work for me. You said it requires a gene to function? Best we have are VISR's with motion trackers." Leon glanced back to his team, and found them rather humorously tapping, gently shaking and flipping the tablet like device over to try and figure out a way to interface with it. With all members quickly giving up, they proceeded to hand the device back to Leon- who passed it back to the armored man. "No joy; can't get it to work." He half whispered. When the man retook the pad, Leon silently moved upward to the service hatch door; leading into the facility with weapons drawn forward. When the team of five filed out into the facility, they fanned out into a wedge formation; adopting into a low crouch as they scanned the area around them. Low-light mode would be useful, as outlines of targets and the environment would make things markedly easier for the team to complete their objectives. "Sentinel 1-1, in position."

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1610 Hours, April 16th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Security Team One, Mark Bradford, Marcus Oliver / Unbroken Hope Engineering / Interacting with: @Sep

Mark nodded, his puzzlement easing off as he internally began to get giddy. Regardless of the strength of the arrays, this was the first time ever that any UNSC ship would have integrated shields. "Y-yes! Yes, I'll pull up the necessary accesses. Jus'... Give me a moment here." Mark said, moving back to a center table and accessing the necessary subsystems. A three-tone beep was heard as the table's transparent glass viewscreen flashed red; with a secondary view-panel pulling down automatically on the left side of the station wall. The viewpanel lit up to display a direct connection to the bridge- and to a very weary-looking man dressed in a decorated white officer's uniform. "Bradford, mind explaining to me wh-" the Admiral cut himself off upon seeing the Security Team and the scientist in the background, clearing his throat as he moved his arms in front of him to disengage something. "Restriction lifted. What's the sitrep?" Mark spoke up for the scientist, relaying verbatim what he had been told, stepping back and passing the conversational torch back to Marcus. The Admiral raised an eyebrow, nodding as he took a breath to speak to the scientist. "You've got the green light, Doctor. Although my only concerns now are the arrays. Are they external or internal? Also- this proposal is gracious of you, but I'd prefer you compensated in return for the upgrade. Is there anything your ship needs?"

Mark stepped away from the center table; the integrated displays lining the edges now alight with multiple displays of critical subsystem information, privileges, and settings. He whispered loud enough to be in earshot, "All yours, Ma'am."

Team Omicron / Immaculate Ageis Hangar / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Those three words rippled through each of the team in a silent flashback, but the living statues just stared at the woman. That was, until she inquired about the AI. Kendra took the lead, stepping forward with a nod. "He's with me, Ma'am... I wasn't expecting ONI to be working with the Elites." Despite trying to include additional emotion in her voice, Kendra ultimately quipped out her response in an unintended passive-aggressive tone. She couldn't bring herself to be as.. emotive as when she was with her squad. Not with her captors, regardless of being from a different universe.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1610 Hours, April 16th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Marcus Oliver / Unbroken Hope Bridge / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Marcus knew this wasn't going to be good. Regardless, he bit back on his tongue and chose his next words carefully; seeing as the Shipmaster did indeed have a point. He also knew just who'd be able to carry it, but he wasn't foolish enough to send them in alone. "Very well, Shipmaster. I'll have Issac prepped and briefed on his assignment; his arrival will be with an escort I am sure you'll be familiar with. Expect a Pelican's arrival within the next ten minutes, Oliver out." Ending the hail with a sigh of relief, Marcus turned to his left. Off to the side and out of view of the panel, the white hologram materialized upon his mention, looked over and snapped back to Marcus with silent indignation. "You're kidding, right? You're sending me over to a CAS-Class?" The Admiral sighed, walking forward and calling out, "Clarke, get Omicron to the Bridge." As Marcus focused his attention back to the AI, Clarke's voice rang out over the PA system. "No, I'm not kidding. Jill can ensure the module's integration from here- Omicron will accompany your arrival aboard the Ageis. I'll explain more when they get here."

Within a few moments, the doors to the Bridge slid open to reveal the gold-plated visor of Kendra-223, and every other member of Omicron that entered the room. Spreading out around the center console where the Admiral and Issac stood, they snapped a perfect salute in unison to the Admiral, who simply said, "At ease." As they relaxed their arms back to their sides, Marcus took a deep breath before explaining what he was sure was going to turn heads of all involved. "Team Omicron, welcome. What I'm about to say will sound as outlandish as everything on the Resurgence, but hear me out. You're being assigned on a mission to transport Issac from the Hope to the Ageis, the former Covenant CAS-Class Assault Carrier. Ensure his escort and protection at all times during the duration of the.. consultation, for lack of a better word." Marcus paused, not only thinking about what he was going to say next, but also allowing for the Spartans to adjust to the information they received. Kendra nodded, simply gesturing a hand outward to say, "Continue." Marcus nodded, and spoke up again. "Their Shipmaster wants Issac to have a discussion with a scientist on board their ship for the premise of improving their means of Slipspace, as well as eliminating any other 'weaknesses' of our ships. I know you're only going to be there for security detail, but I'm confident this will proceed with no combat. If these Elites and their crew are anything at keeping their word, this should go smoothly. Any questions?"

The members of Omicron wearily exchanged glances behind their leader at one another, no doubt communicating on a secure channel as Kendra stepped forward, speaking up. "What you're asking for goes against everything we've trained for; everything we are. I could forgive your insubordination on the Resurgence, Sir, but this.... this is insane. Are you sure this is what you want?" The disbelief and emotion in the typically stoic Spartan's voice surprised Marcus, yet the Admiral remained steadfast and sympathetic. "If it were any different, which it isn't, I wouldn't be doing this. Frankly, we can say no, but our hands are forced. We can keep denying requests for support over and over, and eventually be turned against for lack of contributions to the cause of eliminating Anubis. Or we can be complacent and supportive, and do something to get home, if that's even an option. You and your team are the only ones I know that are qualified for something like this; all I ask of is your trust in me. This isn't a suicide mission, and I'm not doing this without purpose to our own cause. Hell, I don't think I'll ever be forgiven by my wife and children for going M.I.A, and a lot of people here have already resigned to that fate. However, if we can destroy Anubis so he doesn't find our universe, then that's my objective. The choices such as this will be asking a lot of all of us, but I wouldn't be making them if I wasn't taking everything else into consideration. I don't expect forgiveness from you any time soon, Kendra, but I need you and your team to trust me."

It felt like an eternity had passed, even after he concluded the speech, but the Spartan saw on her visor the unmistakable, silent green blink of her team's markers. They were onboard, and this prompted her to step up to the Admiral as they all remained back in their positions. Dwarfing the man by a considerable difference in height, it almost seemed as if the Admiral shrank an inch as he craned his neck upward to stare into his own reflection from the polarized golden visor. Kendra had all the information she needed, but one last thing was on her mind before she took the DCC from the podium attached to the center console. "You're right, Admiral. Unfortunately, this isn't home and I couldn't turn you in to ONI. However, I never liked them anyway, and as questionable as your leadership is, I trust your decision." As Issac vanished into the podium and the DCC ejected itself from the slot, Kendra continued staring down the Admiral as she yanked the chip out of the slot and placed it into the back port of her head. Ignoring the ice cold surge of pain, she nodded. "We'll get it done." Kendra quipped, before turning on a heel and exiting the Bridge, all the members in-tow of their team leader. Marcus pivoted on a heel, and strode back to his seat rather shaken. Another hard choice made, but he didn't anticipate such reaction. Regardless of any matter, she was right.

TEAM OMICRON / Unbroken Hope Hangar / En-route to the Immaculate Ageis

Within their arrival to the Hangar after stopping by the Armory, another Pelican was spooled up and ready for dustoff. Boarding into the troop carrier and securing themselves inside, no-one said a word until the troop compartment and cockpit doors shut behind them. "Permission to speak freely, Team Lead." The unmistakably gravelly voice of the team's vehicular and CQC specialist, Adam-111, resonated through the confines of the compartment. "Granted, for all of you. I'm... sure your as just as lost for words as I am." Adam nodded. "I am, but I know the Admiral's only trying to his best for all of us. The fact that he sees us as more than just what ONI would consider an expendable asset is respectable in my book. Treasonous or not, you know what he said on the Resurgence. Even if we did make it home, we'd be dead before this 'Anubis' got to our universe. He's making a tough call, but if it wasn't without purpose, we wouldn't be Spartans. Sorry for getting all Philosophical on this, Boss."

"No problem. It's just... difficult adapting to the thought-turned-reality of going to a Covenant controlled vessel to conduct a matter of business. Sure this isn't our universe anymore, but acting buddy-buddy with the very same threat we were created to eliminate wasn't exactly on my list of expectations."

"It was no-one's, Boss. Regardless, we're not going anywhere. Admiral's call or not, this doesn't change who we are. We take orders, we execute them, and we go home until we're needed again. That being said, the only people I'm with is the Admiral and my team. If they open fire first, you'll bet they'll get fired upon. As morally questionable as this is, hasn't everything else been in our lives? We don't have the time to let these things get in our way. We can save it for the return- but I won't be participating in that discussion. Sorry Boss."

Kendra nodded to Benjamin's honesty, always having been the type of person to simply get things done and disallow any interference. In combat it was great, but more often than not she found herself at odds with the Heavy Ordinance expert. As irritating as it was, she could respect such a position where he came from. Glancing over to Vanessa, the quiet Marksman had opted for a BR55HB/S instead of her regular sniper rifle. Around this time, the pilot of the Pelican called out over the PA system, "Initiating docking procedures, ETA twenty seconds." Vanessa nodded as the team began preparing to disembark the craft, speaking up as the Pelican idled around the ventral bay of the massive ship. "I can't say I have much on the matter, but I've got your back, and the Admiral's. Unconventional is our specialty, and this certainly fits the bill."

As the Pelican lurched forward and gently sat down, Kendra took a deep breath as the Pilot announced, "Touchdown; time to exfil. I'll be here when you return." The troop bay opened, and Kendra was the first to stand up and walk out; weapons maglocked across her back as Issac's voice suddenly erupted in her head. "Despite everything that just occurred, you can't admit you're not excited about this, right? Or is that just me?" Kendra remained silent, but smiled briefly as she hopped out of the Pelican's back troop bay and onto the floor of the alien ship with a notable thud. As did her team, it became apperant that they had never been inside one of the Covenant's vessels before, as they all looked around in silent fascination of the ship's interior hangar bay.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

[h3]1530 Hours, April 16th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Security Team One / Unbroken Hope Hangar / Interacting with: @Sep ,

A slender figure flanked by two armored Marine MP's happened to glance in her direction, looking rather perplexed at her sudden materialization. Weapons lowered, the trio began to approach the lone scientist as she made her introduction "A pleasure to meet you, Doctor Novak- My name is Elizabeth Carver. If you'd just follow us, we'll take you to Engineering." The CSM flashed an assuring smile; she was doing her damnedest to make Novak more at ease. Last thing she wanted is a panicking egghead running around her section of the ship. After winding about the various backroom corridors, they would finally approach a massive room striped in caution colors. With the door sliding open, the interior was revealed to be massive; housing a massive center generator wired up to the brim with connections to servers, cooling devices, and the two giant turbines in the back. Beyond that, the interior was relatively spacious; allowing for a manner of workbenches and light manufacturing facilities to line the walls. The temperature was notably hotter, but nothing uncomfortable. Elizabeth turned back to Novak with a light smirk. "Welcome to Engineering's domain. The Chief Operation's Officer is up in that room at the top of the stairs, should you have any questions." Elizabeth said, pointing to a single flight of stairs leading up to an upper platform supervisory station overlooking the rest of the interior. However, she lowered her hand and mentally slapped herself as she cleared her throat, her face reddening. How could she possibly expect to simply point and go when this egghead wasn't at all familiar with the ship? "Excuse me, just... had a bit of a brainfog. Right this way, please."

The MP's seemed perplexed at the woman's sudden burst of confusion as she headed toward the station, but nonetheless trailed after her while keeping the scientist in their line of sight. Approaching the top of the station, the woman knocked twice as the door slid open to reveal a middle-aged man with frizzled short brown hair and light hazel eyes; dressed in an orange Engineering uniform and equally covered in patches and streaks of soot, oil and some bruises. Elizabeth stepped inside, with the Engineer seemingly puzzled as to why the hell Security was down here. "Mark, got a second? We've got a scientist to see you regarding potential upgrades to the ship." The man's puzzlement esclated to confusion, then softened to a polite acknowledgement at the mention of a scientist. Then, back to a light puzzlement. Regardless, the man looked to the new arrival as he spoke up with a comfortable Southern drawl. "Good to meetcha' Ma'am. Mark Bradford, Cheif Operatin' Officer of this here Engineerin' Bay." He noticed she wasn't wearing a UNSC science uniform, which only served to confirm his puzzlement with a series of microexpressions as he held a relativity clean hand out in greeting.

Marcus Oliver / Bridge / Interacting with: @EliteCommander

Not even a few hours had passed before he was jolted out of a daze once more, this time by a rather publicly broadcasted statement. The bridge went silent, as the panel lit up with an automatic connection to whatever had initiated it on the other end. Marcus bit back a scowl as a booming, throaty voice met his ears. Getting up out of his chair and straightening himself out, the Admiral walked into view and stood at Parade Rest, speaking up soon after. "This is Admiral Marcus Oliver, how may we be of assistance, Shipmaster? Internally, he nearly screamed. Never in his life had he actually seen a Shipmaster, Covenant or not. The closest he had seen was a General, and he'd swore that would have been his last had Omicron not stepped in. He wasn't dare going to say the Sangheili's name either- he didn't know how their customs worked and didn't much feel like being destroyed over an assumed short tempered alien.

UNSC Unbroken Hope

1230 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) /
Unknown system, Unknown sector.

Interacting with: @Sep

Marcus sat at the Command Chair, staring out into the void of space as he allowed himself to be distracted by the glittering stars shining though the darkness. He couldn't stop thinking about Leon and his team; out of communications range and in an environment they didn't even know. He knew people like Elizabeth and Colonel Briggs would do the same thing if it was their men being sent down to an unfamiliar, potentially hostile world. Now beyond returning home, people began to realize they were all they had out here. The lines between duty, survival and protocol were becoming blurred- mashing everyone together into one big dysfunctional family of soldiers. Marcus was quickly jolted out of his thoughts as the sound of approaching footsteps prompted him to look up at the figure. The woman before him was, he assumed, of strong Germanic origin, possessing a strong, square jawline, blond hair and ice blue eyes. He smiled, and she didn't. "Warrant Officer Schleibaum, what can I help you with?" He inwardly cringed as he nearly fumbled to try and pronounce her last name; the awkward pronunciation of "sleigh-ballum" making the woman scrunch her nose slightly before speaking with a heavy German accent. "Admiral Oliver, Sir. Ve are being hailed by zhe Daedalus." Raising an eyebrow, Marcus rose from his seat and replied, "Patch it through to the main display, let's see what they want." The woman clicked her heels in a salute to the Admiral, saying, "Aye, Sir," before pivoting on a heel and walking briskly back to her station. Marcus went over to the main panel, shoving the stiff interaction to the back of his mind as the glass display lit up with red-tinged words, "CONNECTING TO UNKNOWN SIGNAL. . .STANDBY."

When the hail finally connected, Marcus stood at Parade Rest, allowing a brief pause for the communications to clear up before speaking to the figure at the other end. "This is Admiral Marcus Oliver of the UNSC Unbroken Hope, is there something I can help you with?" The figure at the other end introduced themselves as Major Kevin Marks of the Daedalus, suggesting one of their engineers be sent over to install a shield generator aboard the Unbroken Hope. Of course, this was all in respect to Marcus's permission. "Understood; send them to the Hangar and a security escort will take them to Engineering." When the hail closed, Marcus strode to the center console and spoke up. "Issac." The white hologram materialized, and Marcus spoke again with a tone of uncertainty in his voice. "We'll be having one of the Daedalus Engineers onboard to look at an upgrade for the Hope. Security will be present in case of sabotage; I want you to oversee the upgrade process and disallow them remote access to anything other than the power distributor and the necessary subsystems connections. Ensure this is a one-way operation; anything requiring additional permissions needs to be relayed to me. Understood?"

"Aye, Sir." Issac saluted, vanishing from the central console. "Security Team One, report to Hangar." Issac's voice was momentarily heard over the Hope's loudspeakers, and Marcus could feel the wheels turning as the orders were received. "Warrant Officer Williamson, monitor the Hope's systems and update me on installation progression." An "Aye, Sir!" came from somewhere on the upper right side of the Bridge; the figure obscured by the glass panel serving as a divider between the left and right sections of the ship. As Marcus seated himself back in the Command Chair, it wasn't long before he began drifting off to the operation's progress.

SENTINEL 1-1/Away Team 2

Interacting with: @Sep

The team of six made their way to the craft known as the 'Jumper', embarking it with another team as they secured themselves to the seats. Liam has his pilot helmet on; polarized and tinted to obscure his eyes from view as did every other ODST. Well, except Leon. The Squad Leader insisted on being as transparent as possible in the face of the unknown, and therefore had depolarized his helmet's visor as to not look like another faceless being to the rest of the crew and auxiliary forces aboard the station. One of the shuttles had just departed, which meant soon that he and his team were next in line. From what the others could make out, every single black-clad soldier had their own role in the squad, it seemed. Most carried suppressed assault rifles, battle rifles and SMGs, with one member lugging what appeared to be some sort of a heavy sniper rifle, again fitted with a suppressor at the end.

As the Jumper finally touched down without so much as a bump, Leon filed out after the members exited the craft. He was at least glad to have these new 'Omni-Tool' devices mounted on each of their wrist gauntlets, but he much preferred using his helmet's internal communications and VISR. His team fanned out of the dropship and followed Sheppard; their heads and bodies on a pivot to survey the area from all sides as they approached the maintenance shaft in a staggered column. Leon held a hand up; signaling his team to stop as he spoke up, voice barely above a whisper but just loud enough to hear. "Where are we needed, Sheppard?" He didn't like relying on some non-UNSC personnel calling the shots, but he'd have to deal with it nonetheless given the circumstance.
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