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    1. Draconequis 8 yrs ago


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In [CLOSED] 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@sakurasan @jaybreezy @alexfangtalon


"Whatever you say, picante chica." He shrugged before casually sauntering over to the others at the table.

At this point, he just waited for everyone else to do whatever they liked. He'd offered what he could do and what he wanted, the others could do as they liked as well.

Arturo just shrugged, and paused as the other tall guy attempted to tell him off. "Firstly.. if you don't call me by my name, then i have no reason to call you by yours, gilipollas." he stated slyly. "Secondly I have no idea what you are talking about, and thirdly, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am a pacifist. If you are so insistent on getting in a fight, go over there and punch that girl on the shoulder." he pointed towards Mell, who was working on her project with her group.

He realized the guy probably wasn't listening to him having turned around. What a rude guy. Whatever, Arturo didn't care. At this point he just kept quiet and watched everyone else, because he had already offered what he could to the group. It was their decision to do with it what they would.


@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell smirked and clapped him on the back perhaps a bit harder than she should have. She meant it as a friendly gesture, a smile stretched across her face. Her eyes sparkled as he practically shouted that he wasn't offended. "Good, I'm thinking we go with something that sticks out, but not too obnoxious. Nothing too fancy because they are working in a bike shop.. which is not a very clean job. The practical part of me says put them in black.. but we don't have to because this in in our imagination."

She glanced at Bao. "Hey..Bao. What do you think? Any ideas to add? I kinda suck at explaining stuff.. i'd be better at thinking up the management or something."
@Draconequis Sayuri wasn't yelling she was talking calmly and normally...

whoops, well i edited to change that then XD

Well, Mars had something to say back... and it probably wasn't the most kind thing she's ever said.

I kind of have this headcannon about Manaketes that they can't be called a Manakete until they have their first transformation when they are officially considered an 'adult.' Its a cultural status symbol, and they can gain other statuses eventually through proving themselves in the tribe/clan of Manakete. If they cant transform they aren't allowed to take the name 'Manakete' because that is a symbol of their dragon half. Ones who can't transform are allowed to remain with Manakete for as long as they like because they were born in the village, but they usually leave because they can't participate in the coming of age ceremonies and other strange stuff Manaketes do

It could just be for her tribe she was with or whatever.

I was trying to make Manakete culture a bit different than human, so Mars will be doing some strange things and revealing the cultural upbringing she had later. XD

(I mean.. they are huge dragons, right?? I feel like something about them should be different than humans.. actually i was formulating their culture based on a bunch of different ancient human ones XD)

Mars surveyed Matthew for a moment, tilting her head. "Oh." she stated "I heard of those people before. OH. YOU HAVE A BOOK ABOUT US? WHERE?" She flailed violently at his books, scooping half of them out of his arms and glancing at each book before dumping them on the ground with a bored expression, finally finding the one she was looking for and clutching it to her chest. "Oh HELL YEAH!" She flipped open the cover of the book, glaring at first couple of pages until she got bored of reading and dropped that book as well. "Baaah. I'll read it later." she stated, watching as the Dancer guy picked up each book and followed after Matthew. What a weird guy. Why would he pick up the mess Mars had made. Whatever, he could do what he liked. She did like watching him move though, he was remarkably graceful.

"YAR!" Mars shouted at Jerod, giving him a sly wink and a mischievous grin. "You know if you heat an axe up enough it will melt." she teased.

Mars turned to the girl who was still claiming to be a Manakete. "And i am just supposed to believe that one of my kind would breed with a human?" She asked, one eyebrow raised "Anyways, a Manakete who can't transform cannot be considered a true Manakete. It's a part of our culture.. but you wouldn't know that living with humans! The fact you can't transform was probably another reason why i can't smell the Dragon on you because you ARENT one. Saying things so stupid, just make you look like a fool. Manakete is a label reserved for those who can transform, given as a sign of RESPECT." her teeth flashed wildly. "You know, maybe i would have been a bit more accepting of you if you had just said something nicely instead of calling me a brat.. but now i am just starting to doubt your claim even more." she narrowed her eyes into slits, smoke curling from her mouth. "I am old enough to be your mother. Do NOT presume I am a child because I like to have fun!" a crackle of energy popped between her and the female before she decided she didn't care anymore.

Mars listened as he complained and told them what they had to do. "Oh. I CLAIM THE PLACE I WAS SLEEPING BEFORE!" She roared. She sprinted inside and claimed the bed she'd been sleeping on earlier, marking it with a few talon scratches near the foot of the bed. her bed was right across from a window covered in soot. If all else failed and she needed a quick getaway.. the window would offer the perfect way to escape. After she was done staring at the window for a moment, she skipped down to the Armory. Of course.. Manaketes never actually used weapons themselves, the only thing they had was their Dragonstones. Without it, she would be trapped in whichever form she managed to change into. She'd lost it once before and spent a couple of hours as a dragon desperately searching for it, only to find the chain had broken and she'd replaced it with something sturdier. Of course, her Dragonstone was not something she showed humans lightly. She kept it hidden beneath her armor, protected and safe from prying eyes. She ran a white gloved hand over a windowsill, curling her lip at the dust that came up. She watched as Jerod picked up a weapon stand and did the same herself with one on the other side of the room, stirring up dust. Her nose tickled and she scrunched it up before sneezing a burst of white hot breath right into the weapon stand, effectively lighting it on fire. She scrunched her nose up again and sneezed two more times, only making the fire worse. She rubbed her nose, shaking her head as she watched the weapon rack burn. "Whoops." she stated, shrugging. Her Dragonstone glowed beneath her armor, glittering a faint blue as her tail came out and slammed into the fire to put it out. She was a bit too rough with the wooden structure and it broke into several pieces. She watched what was left of the structure burning, deciding it wasn't worth saving and just watched it burn.

She heard something about leaving for somewhere. Well... she would follow these humans for now..at least they were fun to mess with a bit. And if she didn't like it.. she could just leave any time. It wasn't like they could do much to stop her from leaving.



Andross bowed low and deep to Matthew. "My apologies. I was not aware they were not the same title." If he had still been a slave, this transgression would have probably earned him a couple of lashes. "Do you need aid with those books?" a charismatic and apologetic smile danced across his face. Except before he could say anything the strange animal-like woman sprinted over to him and started throwing books off the pile. He flinched as each book hit the ground, picking up after her. Well.. maybe she was a Manakete then.. gathering from her interest in Manaketes... that could be so. He stared at her intensely, having never seen a Manakete before.

He followed quickly after Matthew, leaning the books he was carrying for the guy onto the desk. He flinched at the sudden and unexpected use of magic. "I can be ready whenever you need me. If you indeed need me." he bowed respectfully to the tactician. "It will be an honor serving you, my Lord." he smiled.
Pretty sure everyone else is in a cave, or in hut near the lake

uhhhm okay XD well we will see what i can do to get her involved with everything XD

hey, I moved Andross to the clearing too so he wouldn't get left behind, and he said something to Matthew that got lost somewhere i think T>T
i'm still here, but i am struggling really hard to make interactions for the humans, which is why ive been putting it off.

also, i had a bunch of tests and midterms which took over my life T.T

so sorry everyone.

i will do my best to post.. but i work better when i'm less swamped with homework and studies.

it didn't put your name in right the first time so im letting you know i posted :D
Emira Levi Firestorm

Emira leaned down to take a look at Megan. "Yeah? Who is that? I don't think you've told me yet... or are you going to make it a game where I will have to guess?"

She watched the chocolate frogs appear, a smile stretching across her face. "Oh yeah. Nice slight of hand there. My Grandpa tried the same thing pulling a quarter from my ear. Muggle magic is cute." she laughed. "You are much better at it than he was though."

Emira laughed. "You know, It's not as bad as you would think. I used to hate it.. but getting up early and greeting the sun with open arms.. and playing with the Thestrals.. its wonderful. They are sweet creatures Thestrals. Even the wild ones don't hurt humans unless they've been provoked." she smiled as she thought of riding them through the night. They were much faster than even the fastest broom, and she even helped break in the ones who they used for Thestral Racing. Those were almost always high-strong and wild creatures who needed a kind yet firm hand to control them. Of course.. their jockey rode them during the race.. but she was the one who cared for them when they returned home.

"Actually.. speaking of which... you are most welcome to come over to my house for one of the breaks instead of going home if you like." She stated, furrowing her brow as she thought of the enchanted fire breathing toaster on wheels, the television with hairy legs, and the barking lounge which chased around intruders until they pat its head twice and called it 'sugar.' Her uncle was a tinkerer.. an inventor with a passion for using magic 'just because why not? What could go wrong?' He was also muggle born.. so there was a lot of muggle things in her house. So he would try and combine magic with muggle items.. normally ending quite.. hilariously. He did like to experiment when he wasn't caring for Thestrals. Of course.. her uncle wasn't nearly as rich as Megan's family.. but breeding and caring for Thestrals was a remarkably Lucrative trade. Enough that they lived in comfort.

Emira raised an eyebrow as she delivered a rather dark assumption. "You really think they would do that?" she asked. "Your parents have to care about you more than that.." She didn't even want to think that Meg's parents were like those snobby rich elitists who treated their children as 'an accessory' rather than a living breathing human being. She climbed down from the window seat and engulfed her friend in a hug, patting her back lightly. "Hey. You are going to to great things. You are a Ravenclaw... wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure. You know.. most of the best witches and wizards in the world came from our house.. because they actively studied and practiced instead of just passing it off like others do." she smiled. "We are going to take the entire world by storm. You are going to do something great. I am going to do something great."

She released her friend, hands resting on her shoulders as she finished with. "Hey.. you know.. its my last year here, right? It's so weird.. I'll be doing NEWTS and taking my tests.. and deciding what i actually want to do with my life.. and.." she released her hands from Megan's shoulders. "It's going to be so strange not coming back to see you off."
In [CLOSED] 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@sakurasan @jaybreezy @alexfangtalon


"I am glad you are well." Arturo stated, noting his dead eyes. He certainly didn't look well.. and this was not going to help the poor mousy guy.

Arturo just watched as the girl puffed up and started hissing at him, turning away from them all to the window. He turned back to see Mari, doing something weird with her hands. She looked slightly.. rattled.. and the arrogant expression looked the slightest bit strained. Though that could be just a trick of the light.

He raised an eyebrow as the tall guy called him Amigo, and walked over to the girl. He stepped over towards them, one eyebrow raised. "Disculpe.." he murmured politely. "Excuse me." He gave a sly smile to the tall man. "I would not fight her if that is what you think, hermoso. You have such little faith." he reached over and pat the girl on her head with a smile. "Es lindo finges odiar a todos . Siente cómo te gusta, corazón." he stated in thick Spanish. "Come on now. Come back and join the group. I think you can do a bit better at keeping some of your more nasty thoughts.." his eyes flickered to the faint red on her palm, the blood. "What is that?" his brow furrowed.


@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell flicked her eyes to Kiddo, raising an eyebrow as his face turned beat red. Maybe she'd been a bit too hard on him.. but after he'd said those rude things.. she'd kind of just responded in the only way she knew how. Whatever.. now Kiddo looked like he was probably sulking or something, a bit of rage and depression passed across his face. "You know just because your idea was rebuked doesn't mean you should sit down and give up." she stated. She glanced over to Bao just in time to see her staring at the guy with the bandaid on her face.. most of him was hidden by Arturo. There was something.. tender in her expression. Mell narrowed her eyes. That guy was pretty much a little whiny pushover.. which meant whoever had hit him had done so because they were stronger than him and he couldn't defend himself. She would keep an eye on the dude whenever he was around.. see if she could maybe transfer the fighting to herself. It had been a while since she'd had a good challenge.. and in the process she might gain an ally.

She listened to Kiddo as he said he essentially said he didn't care, becoming increasingly obsessed with his phone. She decided it was probably best to backpedal a bit. They did have something in common anyways. She reached into her own desk and pulled out her own sketchbook. "Hey man. I didn't mean to offend you or anything okay. I just... violence and shouting things is my system. So.. i need your help to design the uniforms for the bike repair shop." Displaying her sketchbook prominently, she flipped through page after page of sketches. Her style was decidedly different than his, with a more.. dark, gritty feel to it. There was even a rough sketch of her mother with her skeletal face and body caused by the cancer. Of course, she flipped rapidly past this one in the hopes no one had seen it."I can't draw people worth a damn. The hands or whatever." she admitted, slapping the empty page in front of him. "Go nuts."
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