Avatar of EchoicChamber
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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm twenty two years old, have a tendency to scream into the void, and mostly just hang around and do my own thing. That isn't to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying, though; I'm a big fan of the supernatural/fantasy genre, horror, and superheroes. I tend to avoid RPs where there's no fantastical elements, though there are times where I step outside of my comfort zone.
I reuse characters habitually across canons, and while I try to devote time to roleplay, work and real life cuts back on how much I can write in the best of times.

Most Recent Posts

@Entlein Approved!

So, the apocalypse, huh? The End of Days, Armageddon, Ragnarok, what have you. No matter who you ask, just about everyone and their grandmother is in agreement that the world will end one day. Things get less unanimous when you start asking how the world might end, though. You've got the people who think it'll be the Antichrist, leading everyone's favorite equestrians and an army of the damned; the people who think it'll actually be a rain of fire upon the land brought upon by Surtr; the people that expect plagues; the people who expect horrors from the deep; the people who think it'll be simple, downright human stupidity. So on and so forth, from the predictable, to the ridiculous.

Not many people expected more than one apocalyptic scenario to kick off at the exact same time, though.

Things were pretty bad for a while, I've got to tell you. Some cities got it pretty bad, and were completely leveled. A lot of fire and brimstone and sulfur in the air. And then there was that nasty issue of a couple rivers turning to blood. Made Sunday morning fishing a whole lot more uncomfortable.

Things looked bleak. Half the population was praying to whatever gods they believed in- or didn't believe in, up until that point-, and the other half were making the most of the world ending and going absolutely wild.

And then suddenly, everything...stopped.

It's said that while the world was supposed to end sooner or later, not even the forces behind the apocalypses were sure which one would be the one to do things in. And sure, the world was ending either way, but there was really too much going on all at once, and the impact was lost when it was all these different events vying for dominance...

So the apocalypse got put on indefinite hiatus. Taken back to the drawing board, the workshop, whatever you'd like to call it. Of course, that made things a tad awkward for those still alive. You had a whole lot of people who had made a whole lot of bad decisions with the thought of, "well, the world's ending anyway so why not", and are now stuck with the decisions. A lot of rebuilding of towns and cities, a lot of...trying to move on past all the chaos that had happened, honestly. The world hadn't gotten the chance to go so south that life couldn't go on (with a few adjustments, of course).

Things were even more awkward for the people- er, monsters, or whatever- that wound up left in the aftermath. The Horsemen have nowhere to ride. Loki's kids are stuck twiddling their thumbs, or paws, or...tails? And wouldn't you know, there's a downright unreasonable number of halfbreed something-or-others roaming about. A lot of demons and eldritch gods and the like trying to sire their own antichrist/evil spawn/world ender, you see. That, or they got a little too frisky, and had a child who just so happen to have potentially world-ending abilities. Gotta love those happy accidents!

But life doesn't just go on for mortals alone. Some of the world enders have shrugged their shoulders and decided to hunker down in the mortal realm for as long as it takes. Maybe some didn't even want to have anything to do with the whole apocalypse business, and are secretly relieved that they don't have to go forward with it. Maybe some wanted everything to do with the whole apocalypse business, and are determined to set it in motion again, even if they have to do it themselves.

Hell, there's even some strange humans who are strangely keen on backing up the End of Days.

The question stands:

Are you one of those World-Enders who are content about the delay, and really wish those Wacky Cultists would leave you alone already?

A World-Ender who wants to follow up on that whole World-Ending thing?

A human who's desperately trying to return the puzzling amount of antique clocks you splurged on when you thought the world was going to end?

Who are you?

Our story is set in one of the U.S' cities- one of the ones that still stands, still functions, and is in generally alright shape. Though things aren't exactly "normal" anymore, things have fallen into a tentative sort of peace.

But with all the plotting and the discontent beneath the surface, it's possible that that peace won't last for very long at all.

Hello, all! I'm Echo, returning from a hiatus to run another nonsensical plot. While there is intended to be a running conflict of those who really want the world to keep ending versus the ones who don't, the roleplay is a heavily character-driven one. There's no pressure to fill all the roles, given how many there are, and I want to encourage as much freedom and creativity as I can.

With that said, however, there are some rules to keep everything in order.

1. No powerplaying, no stealing the content of others, etcetera.

2. While the presence of antichrists and monsters and whatnot means that some characters will be fairly powerful, the roleplay isn't intended to be a competition. You can make a character who is strong, but I would discourage you from trying to make a character solely to have the strongest one possible. Even a strong character has their weaknesses, as well.

3. Be courteous to each other. IC characters can be absolutely terrible people, but OOC everyone should be polite.

4. You can have as many characters as you can manage.

5. Have fun!

I think I'll go ahead and start on the OOC, and see if more people end up joining us then!
@WanderingDragon Budget Batman news reporter does sound incredibly intriguing!
Going to keep tabs on this one!

So, the apocalypse, huh? The End of Days, Armageddon, Ragnarok, what have you. No matter who you ask, just about everyone and their grandmother is in agreement that the world will end one day. Things get less unanimous when you start asking how the world might end, though. You've got the people who think it'll be the Antichrist, leading everyone's favorite equestrians and an army of the damned; the people who think it'll actually be a rain of fire upon the land brought upon by Surtr; the people that expect plagues; the people who expect horrors from the deep; the people who think it'll be simple, downright human stupidity. So on and so forth, from the predictable, to the ridiculous.

Not many people expected more than one apocalyptic scenario to kick off at the exact same time, though.

Things were pretty bad for a while, I've got to tell you. Some cities got it pretty bad, and were completely leveled. A lot of fire and brimstone and sulfur in the air. And then there was that nasty issue of a couple rivers turning to blood. Made Sunday morning fishing a whole lot more uncomfortable.

Things looked bleak. Half the population was praying to whatever gods they believed in- or didn't believe in, up until that point-, and the other half were making the most of the world ending and going absolutely wild.

And then suddenly, everything...stopped.

It's said that while the world was supposed to end sooner or later, not even the forces behind the apocalypses were sure which one would be the one to do things in. And sure, the world was ending either way, but there was really too much going on all at once, and the impact was lost when it was all these different events vying for dominance...

So the apocalypse got put on indefinite hiatus. Taken back to the drawing board, the workshop, whatever you'd like to call it. Of course, that made things a tad awkward for those still alive. You had a whole lot of people who had made a whole lot of bad decisions with the thought of, "well, the world's ending anyway so why not", and are now stuck with the decisions. A lot of rebuilding of towns and cities, a lot of...trying to move on past all the chaos that had happened, honestly. The world hadn't gotten the chance to go so south that life couldn't go on (with a few adjustments, of course).

Things were even more awkward for the people- er, monsters, or whatever- that wound up left in the aftermath. The Horsemen have nowhere to ride. Loki's kids are stuck twiddling their thumbs, or paws, or...tails? And wouldn't you know, there's a downright unreasonable number of halfbreed something-or-others roaming about. A lot of demons and eldritch gods and the like trying to sire their own antichrist/evil spawn/world ender, you see. That, or they got a little too frisky, and had a child who just so happen to have potentially world-ending abilities. Gotta love those happy accidents!

But life doesn't just go on for mortals alone. Some of the world enders have shrugged their shoulders and decided to hunker down in the mortal realm for as long as it takes. Maybe some didn't even want to have anything to do with the whole apocalypse business, and are secretly relieved that they don't have to go forward with it. Maybe some wanted everything to do with the whole apocalypse business, and are determined to set it in motion again, even if they have to do it themselves.

Hell, there's even some strange humans who are strangely keen on backing up the End of Days.

The question stands:

Are you one of those World-Enders who are content about the delay, and really wish those Wacky Cultists would leave you alone already?

A World-Ender who wants to follow up on that whole World-Ending thing?

A human who's desperately trying to return the puzzling amount of antique clocks you splurged on when you thought the world was going to end?

Who are you?

Hello everyone, it's Echo, coming back at you after a hiatus. This is, as the summary describes, a not-quite-post apocalyptic roleplay, exploring what would happen if the world was going to end and just...didn't. It happens.

I'm intending to allow a pretty wide net in terms of characters you can create. There's a few things I plan on establishing lorewise (such as demons and antichrists probably being less Christian and a bit more eldritchy in nature to avoid the question of the big guy upstairs, but still generally what you might expect from demons and antichrists), and I'm leaning more on the fantastical/mystical sort of apocalypses, but generally I want to encourage creativity and am inclined to roll with any idea that's interesting.

Want to play a confused antichrist? Sure!

A very bitter Horseman? Why not!

An exhausted member of a men in black ripoff who just wants a day off for once? Yeah!

If that kind of chaos and tomfoolery interests you, feel free to let me know! I'm also happy to answer any questions about the canon.
Hope to hear back from you soon!
@Moyai Approved!
@Zoey Boey I have a slight concern in that what she can do with her potions seems outright limitless, which means that any issue when it comes to a person's body could easily be fixed within seconds, or do a number of other things without consequence. I don't mind characters being powerful, but I'm concerned about the fact that what the potions can do is left fairly undefined, and, again, seem limitless. Could we work that out a bit possibly?
@Magister Approved!
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