Avatar of Emuxe
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Rainbowcake
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 862 (0.23 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Emuxe 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current go sportsball
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1 yr ago
We all read that, right? I'm not tripping absolute balls?
1 yr ago
Are your eyes the city of Vivec? Because I am lost as fuck in them.
1 yr ago
1 like
1 yr ago
It was me. I was that toddler.


Global Location: United States

Timezone: GMT-5

Roleplay Style: I write mid-casual, though sometimes I tend to lurk in Free roleplays when I'm feeling lazy. I only roleplay females, and I refuse to play canon characters. I enjoy both fandom and original stories, and I am A-OK to play mature settings and themes. However, I prefer to use fade-to-black when it comes to sexual situations, as driven out sex scenes are just long and awkward to write.

Roleplay Status:
I am not currently hosting any group roleplays.
I am currently a player in two group roleplays.
I am always willing for 1x1 roleplays! So feel free to pop me a message to organise a RP (after, of course, reading my 1x1 Masterpost)!

Current Roleplays:
Judged For Mercy - Dr. Francine M Curtis (player)
Age of Darkness: Despair of the Golden Goddess - Arume "Aru" Roakoa (player)

Most Recent Posts

@Polaris North

I was referring to the original work. :P

And yeah, I think we're all thinking the same thing. And I just finally realised that @chukklehed had already explained it down-pat. Doi, me.

I was thinking Dante's Inferno...
@Lord Szall Excellent, thank you! :)

I look forward to seeing what you do with him!
@Lord Szall While I really like your character, I have some concerns:

1. Please specify whatever number he is in the A rank (see my first post in the Character Tab for available spaces).

2. For "0 Sugar" and especially "Killing Blow", I would have to throw a slight nerf on it and ask that he have a limited time-lapse on these abilities, and restrict the amount of people/objects that he can insta-kill to be either one large enemy (heroes, villains, strong aliens {demon and above}) or a couple of small ones (regular humans, weak aliens {tiger and below},inanimate objects {like Mrs. Pickle's elevator}, etc).

Otherwise nothing could technically stop him from launching everyone around him. Because that would he a dick move. No launching everyone.

Other than those couple of things, he is both awesome and accepted! Awesepted!
@Cherrywitch Don't worry, it's okay.

We're all tired.
The best part about that is that it was ad-libbed because no-one expected the delay between the explosions.

@chukklehed Who knows, it might end up like...

It's at least better than what poor Exume-sama got stuck with


Thinking of reasonable price ranges for plasma weaponry, armor and the likes is actually pretty hard. I've decided to make a list of Erika's items in her shop and it's proving to be a bad idea for my lazy self.

Just have a few things in mind: How readily available are the materials that she uses? I'd imagine depending on the rarity of the item's materials along with how much of these materials she used would make up the price, since you said the labor isn't really that much.

But since they'd be pretty hi-tech and Edna-Mode-esque, I should think that her store would be in the high-average to just-plain-expensive range.
@Melkor Go ahead.
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