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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Overwhelming a weakened opponent is the closest I know of to that. If Ulthar's right, we have to go through someone with a better version of my own power anyway. Apparently I'm only the second best at it now.

Can you expand it somehow? Make yours the superior version?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

... Oh, yeah, I didn't think of that, that's really brilliant and NO. That's not how it works at all.

*Holds up my hands in front of my chest*
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Is there really no “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” approach you can take?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Equal power levels. She's stuck because there's a huge portion of the Borderline power being used to keep her there.

You and some other codex can't combine forces to make... I don't know, supervectors or something and keep them contained?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

That's one part of it, yes. More as in "she can do basically anything by making it real that it's happened."

Except escape prison, apparently.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

From what we know, she's basically as strong but the big difference between them is her power is "actualization." Which is cheating by the way, and we don't know much about her personality other than that she also has a fanatical following just about the same size.

As in... she can just make whatever she wants show up?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

That's the plan. If we release the prisoner, she'll keep her occupied enough to slowly drain both their power. The key thing is Ulthar keeping them from fighting outright where they'll... basically destroy everything. Then if we take out their followers, it might be possible to beat them both. We're a little afraid that beating her alone will just release her rival too and then we're in the same position.

What is her rival capable of?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Boredom? Possibly overconfidence? That thing about not liking to kill people, and currently that she's using a lot of her power to keep her rival imprisoned.

Sounds like the perfect time to strike. Maybe if we introduce enough problems, she'll use up all of her power.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

We don't know that she has any.

If she didn't have limits, surely she'd have won by now. There's got to be something we can exploit.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

A trap that stops someone who controls what counts as a border and what doesn't? Maybe you can outsmart her, but right now the only way we can think of to do that is what we're trying.

I'll do some brainstorming. What are her limits?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Eeeeeeh. We haven't thought of anything yet. There's not a lot of options.

A trap? Outsmart her?
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