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Okay, so I can add Cricket to the character page?
Yeah, I think the vengeance would be a good place for her.
Name: Cricket (Although technically, It's Katherine.)
Race: Human (Monchian)
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Pale, with short cut brown curls. 5'5 with hazel eyes.
Skills: Pickpocketing, deception, forgeries, agility and lockpicking.
Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat, art, driving any ship, medical work besides triage.
Backstory: Formerly known as Katherine Bouchard, she was the happy daughter of a noble family up until she reached age nine.
Then, her family decided she would be married off to help keep relations stable. Katherine was horrified. She ran away, and through many years of training became skilled in evading capture. Katherine is wanted in many places, as her family is relentless in tracking her down and dragging her back.

She looked between the 2 men, silently glaring at the one who had accosted her.
But the other had defended her. Then again, it could all be fake. Maybe the man wanted to simply turn her in himself.
Still, part of her hoped he was genuine.
Lura, for once, was glad someone had stuck their nose where it didn't belong.
She'd been running for so, so long. Maybe she could finally stay somewhere.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm 24." She lied through her teeth.
"You must be confused."
But the man from the bar came over. Expecting him to agree, Lura rested her hand on her blade.
The 2 began to quarrel, and Lura attempted to silently slink away.
Yes and yes, I'm wanted as a runaway/petty thief just for some context.
Sweat dripped down her nose. She arched her shoulders slightly.
Please just be something normal.
She turned on her heel, taking in the person before her. Young, likely wanting glory.
"Just myself. The single bed will do fine."
She was glad the bartender seemed to not care. She paid him, nodded, and glanced over at the table.
One danger at a time, she thought. I'll check it out tomorrow. Besides, my boots are all muddy...
She could already feel suspicious eyes on her, and she didn't come this far to get caught here.
She sauntered past the table silently, and had almost gotten to the stairs peacefully-
"Hey, you."
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