Avatar of Euphoria


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2 yrs ago
Current Thinking about posting my own 1x1 +18 interest check 🥺
2 yrs ago
I would really love to play a Naruto RP with OC's, starting as a Genin and building up a story.


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Are the deities straight from Pathfinder?

I'm thinking cloistered cleric, just need to plan some aspects of her out.

I want to develop a Pantheon for this game. PM me with the domain you want to access and I'll come up with a god/dess for it! <3
@XxFellsingxX I’ll PM you
@rush99999 I've just wrapped up crafting the art for Ezka's character, so think along those lines for your creations!

Regarding the inventory, my bad for not sharing this earlier. Characters kick off with 30 golden pieces, and they're free to purchase anything non-magical that falls under the common rarity for their inventory.
@Ezka@Digizel@rush99999@XxFellsingxX@Abstract Proxy I updated some rules and lore about the region! Check out when you can! <3
@rush99999 Absolutely! I've got you covered for your character creation. Just shoot me a PM with the details of what you have in mind, and I'll assist you every step of the way!

@Digizel Great question, and I have to admit I haven't given it too much thought yet. Survival will definitely be a significant aspect of our roleplay, but I found a streamlined homebrew version on YouTube recently. I'll share it when I can—it keeps things simple without overshadowing the other elements.
Ooh, check it out, people I'm familiar with~ xD

This would make four players exactly so far, if everybody can be accepted and works out~

Fingers crossed for a fantastic four-player crew! 🤞

@XxFellsingxX Absolutely! It's still wide open. Haven't received any character submissions yet, so it's pretty much as open as it gets, haha!
@rush99999 Yay! I'm thrilled to know you're excited! Did the initial plot capture your interest? Any character ideas swirling around in your imagination?
<Snipped quote by Euphoria>

Gotcha, will do! Though I do have an extra question now that I see the new information and given it a good read.... Did you use a program to make that map of yours, or did you make it yourself? Because it looks pretty good~

I actually had the idea for the game and found a map that would work on Pinterest lol
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