Avatar of EWillden
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: EWillden
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2305 (0.61 / day)
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    1. EWillden 10 yrs ago


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I enjoy roleplaying, a lot more then I would like to admit. My favorite genres are medieval, sci-fi, and dungeons and dragons style role plays. I find myself okay with GMing my own roleplays, but I would rather be involved in a roleplay where I dont have to build something all the way up and then regulate that role play as well as run it. I have many oc's as well, all made to fill in for different purposes.

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God why do the breast always have to be the hardest to draw when making characters.... sigh. Anyhow how is everyone else?
@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@rivaan@Norschtalen

Everyone okay?.... did I make a oops? Cause I can edit the post if you guys want?
@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@rivaan@Norschtalen

And there is my toast....

.... so the seperation is as follows. You have to choose who has fallen into the pit and who didn't. This will seperate the large party. Now it doesn't have to end badly for your character as it did with Alex losing his mount. I just did that for feels and because I wanted to lower his threat level. With Fordes down now he has been normalized and it doesn't feel like I am controling 3 characters instead of 2. You guys get to decide which characters fell and which ones didn't. I do hope that this will lower the amount of the group.
The Temple, Outskirts

With introductions done and out of the way with their two new comers the crew was once more off towards the temple. Not everyone was too eager with the new recruits. Not so much the Gnome and her golem but that of the dwarf. Vivian was still a bit irritated by the dwarf's outburst about her.

It did not take long for the crew to reach the ruins and with talk of the group splitting it would not be too hard for that to be implemented. However before the temple could even be scoped out by Malkai's falcon it could already be told that something happened upon the surface. It smelled of death and decay as if a battle had occurred only this battle was not of a natural one. It wasn't some bandits fighting with another group for territory but one of Gnolls and the undead.... the interesting part was that the gnolls on the surface had lost with very few of the undead joining their corpses. These undead were not something you normally saw from a zombie flick. They where mostly all wrapped up in cloth. Even the ones who where skeletal had some sort of wrappings around them. Alex saw the what had occurred and was trailing off looking to the bodies to see if any of them had anything of worth.

What happened next he was not prepared for. Something from beneath the sands grabbed a hold of Fordes ankle and began to pull him beneath the sand and immediatly him and any close by him would be sucked through a large hole in the ground with a sizable amount of sand. He tried to grab a hold of something but there was nothing to grab but more sand and before he and Fordes knew it they were sucked into the pit and into the darkness below. The remaining crew above would have to meet up with those who fell below later down the line.....


Vivian nodded acceptingly at Malkai's response to her idea of casting the spell on him. He wanted to rely on his own strength and not that of a spell to fell his foes. It was a honorable response by his kin indeed. She looked to the others and figured if they were willing to take her enhancement she would cast it. She figured once inside she would be staying close to Cat anyways. So perhaps all her enhancement spells would be used on her. It wasn't long before the smell of the temple drew near her nose and she wasn't all too happy with it. She could smell the blood of Gnolls and rotten corpses.... She eventually peaked out the side to see the battle that had occurred. Apparently the Gnolls had unleashed Nerul's unliving guardians upon them and where slaughtered by them. A few mumified corpses laid among them but so few. Which was not surprising. The undead where very hard to kill. He kin could match them no sweat but the Gnolls.... unless they knew had to deal with such a foe they where no match.

She noticed Alex was starting to survey and she was just about to warn him to be careful when the unthinkable happened. She hopped out of the wagon as he began to plummet due to the hold of one of the undead wretches and she moved to try and aid but before she could do anything he was gone. In fact she had to cast blink to make sure she did not get sucked down... a few of the others where also taken under from the cave in of some sort. It was only her and those that remained now. They would have to traverse through the dungeons from the above entrance while those below,... hopefully they survived the fall, would have to take on the darkness within from below. She made a silent pray to Nerul that he would spare them of his judgement. Such a prayer might have been ignored by others but she being a member of Lolth's cult maybe he might listen. Then again who knows....


..... Alex had fell and fell hard against the rocks below. He could feel that a few bones had broke under it and grimaced as he tried to move. Luckily the fall was not too far down to cause him to black out even though the pain alone almost made him pass out. What caused him to sturr was he could hear the yelping of his comrade. Who was not so lucky in his fall. He quickly discovered from just feel alone that the dire wolf's journey would stop here. Not all the ground was flat but it was bumpy in some areas and Fordes had to pick the one spot with a jagged tip big enough to scewer him. This pained Alex to a large degree. This was not just some animal companion but a member of his family and he was undone by a fall. Alex closed his eyes and removed his bastard sword and slid it into the wolf's chest to end his suffering. Alex then looked around to see if anyone had fallen with him. Strangely there was some light form torches placed along the stone walls that led into the bricked walls of what he believed to be the temple.

The brick wall seemed to have been broken into from something on their side. Likely Vivian's kin for it would be a easier route then on the surface for them. Right now that was not his concern. He had to see if any of his allies followed after him with a fall of their own and if they were okay.
@Lucius Cypher looks like it is just your turn... once you post I will speed things up through those five miles and set us upon the temple.
@rivaan Totally forgot,... but I am waiting on a @Lucius Cypher post and hopefully a @Ryonara post too. If anything I will get a post of us leaving the city and hopefully approaching the temple.

Seeing as our party is bigger I will be splitting the group in one clever way. You guys will love it.
soooooo waiting on those posts.
Progress on my Vivian work... Had a lot more done but after looking at it I didn't like and deleted those parts.

@rivaan@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara

Hows everything going? I got my three days off again. Planning on finishing that Vivian artwork... hope to work on Alex and then Cass...

Hey Ryo,.. we should totally get Catarina sandwiched between two drow lol jk.
@Norschtalen Well I suggest the much better vocalist in your duo, I think you know which one I'm talking about, to basically apologize to the group. Well apologize to Vivian or convince Shayle too.

I mean the others don't rightly care but for the ones that did, it might be best for them to do that.

You know some character development type shit.
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