Avatar of Expllo


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3 mos ago
Current I like that girl too much I wish I never met her
6 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
7 yrs ago
run my feelings over w/ ur car
1 like
8 yrs ago
Hope you're having a nice day...
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self


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I viewed your profile on accident

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Also, do you think my powers are too weak, especially in comparison to my half brother's?

If you're referring to my character, Cole, then I'll inform you that his abilities are heavily watered down. So in terms of strength of the abilities, his are probably weaker. Though Cole is dangerous by the way he uses his abilities, not the strength of them (Just in case anyone reads this and gets any funny ideas <_______>)
@RumikoOhara Of course. If only she was legal, then it'd be a good day ;p
I will interact with anyone 8D
I should probably post something since technically Cole is free...
There are countless amounts of torture in Tartarus, but they are noting compared to the twelve minutes of listening to the pina colada song on loop

Justin Beiber - Baby
Coming back from that pad like
Pads tend to wonk out quite a bit. They just need a bit of time before they're good again ;p
@NarcissisticPotato Holy fuck does that sound annoying xD
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