Avatar of FaePrincess
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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    1. FaePrincess 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Believe in the magic from the fairies above, they dance on the flowers and sing the songs of love.


Hi I'm Fae!! I'm female, 23 years old and I'm Bisexual. I've been on haitus for about 2 years from the roleplaying community and I'd really love to get back into it. I do happen to be a little rusty but it should come back to me pretty easily. :)

Ancient times
Medieval times
Harry Potter
Hunger games
The 100
Lord of the Rings
There's some of my favorites and I'll probably add on as I think of things.

Most Recent Posts

Hi I'm Fae!! I'm female, 23 years old and I'm Bisexual. I've been on haitus for about 2 years from the roleplaying community and I'd really love to get back into it. I do happen to be a little rusty but it should come back to me pretty easily. :)

Ancient times
Medieval times
Harry Potter
Hunger games
The 100
Lord of the Rings

There's some of my favorites and I'll probably add on as I think of things.
Name: Fae Riley

Age: 19

Socioeconomic Level as a child: Working Class

Socioeconomic Level as an adult: Prisoner

Talents/Skills: Herbalism, Healing

Reason arrested: She was using the plants to help people on the ship unauthorized

Parents (describe relationship):
Mother: Hannah Riley, died while giving birth.
Father: Lucas Riley, He was a peaceful man who taught Fae everything she knows about plants and healing. They had a great relationship sharing everything about their life. He taught her to feel and share her emotions, to process the things that happened in her life in a healthy way.

Relationship skills: She is an open and caring person. She is loyal and honest with those she loves.

Height: 5ft2

Weight: 115lbs

Race: Irish

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Red

Glasses or contact lenses: None

Skin color: Pale

Distinguishing features: Freckles

How does he/she dress: She likes things that flow and have color.

Mannerisms: She braids strands of her hair when thinking, nervous or worried.

Hobbies: Anything and everything dealing with plants.

Favorite Sayings:
“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.” 

"There is no forgiveness in nature."

Disabilities: None

Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Boho

Greatest flaw: Wears her heart on her sleeve

Best quality: Her greatest flaw happens to be her best quality. Honesty.

Educational Background: School and her father

Intelligence Level: High school level in everything but Herbalism.

Any Mental Illnesses: None

Strengths: Optimistic, Caring, Adventurous, Friendly, Patient, Open, Creative, Intelligent, Straightforward
Weaknesses: Moody, Stubborn, Reckless, Naïve, Shy

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert

What does the character want out of life: Peace and to help people

What motivates this character: Her feelings for others

What frightens this character: Loss, pain.

What are the character's spiritual beliefs: She believes in energy. That everything has energy and that it should always be respected because in her eyes energy is life(Souls)

Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life: It drives her respect for the world and people but other than that she usually doesn't think on it much.

Hi there everyone I'm Fae!!! I just joined this site today, I've been on a hiatus for about a year or so and really want to jump back in to the roleplaying world. That being said I am a little rusty so if you don't mind putting up with that I'll get to my idea. I would really love to do a group roleplay set in the world of The 100, meaning if I get enough interest we could start with all of us being on the drop ship and going from there. However I'm not sure how popular it will be here so I have a few other ideas if anyone is interested in doing 1X1. Just to give you an idea I'll post my character underneath this.
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