Avatar of FaithfulMuse


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2 yrs ago
Current After nearly three years, I caught covid.
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3 yrs ago
Someone stole a jar of melatonin from the store that I work at. I hope it keeps them up at night.
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6 yrs ago
Being tiny, curious as hell, cute and incredibly clumsy, I find Meltan surprisingly relatable for a lump of metal with a nut for a head.
6 yrs ago
I didn't know I had a favorite steel-type pokemon until Meltan. Not to be dramatic, but I'd die for that little fella
6 yrs ago
Everyone wants to be special, yet nobody seems to realise that being special isn't always a good thing.


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Bump, looking for partners again!
"I do like to travel, so I suppose my job is what I do for fun." Ryul told Kalram with a chuckle. To the kid, hearing someone say that a job was fun probably sounded lame.
Claire smiled. "Yes, it sounds very nice." She told the cog. It was good to have someone to talk with, even if she had to keep it a secret that the cog was a sentient being.
Claire looked up when she heard a voice, being reminded that her cog was alive and sentient. "Don't be. What happened was an accident, we couldn't have prevented it." She told the cog.
Ryul chuckled, following the boy in a calm, relaxed pace. He was in no hurry, and he'd be fine with going wherever Kalram wanted to go to. That was pretty much the only reason he had agreed to come along, to get relaxed and do the kid a favour.
Claire decided to go to her cog to do some more training, figuring that she'd just visit Blythe later. Her sister might appreciate some rest.
Ryul looked at the boy and nodded."sure, as long as your parents are good with it, I don't see why not." He answered, figuring that it might be nice to have company. He knew that there had been some females from Soren who had asked the same, but one could still come along. And if they preferred to travel with just two, they would have to wait.
Claire nodded, again remaining quiet, just listening to what was being said while Maya talked.
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