Avatar of fattwan
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Oresama
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 35 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. fattwan 10 yrs ago


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Truth. Doesn't matter now, already got my character sheets done. Posting them once I get the characters finished up.
So 2 more characters for other villages and my Konoha genin can be reviewed? *face palm* No problem, mate. I love creating characters but I hate the other villages in the Naruverse. I'll give it a shot though. Let me see what I can do.

Name: Shizumi Uchiha [Ao]
Nickname/Alias: Umi
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 14 (April 3rd)
Age Appearance: 15
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parents: Shizuo & Umi Uchiha
Length and build 5'4/Athletic
Weight 105
Favorite weather and season Hot & Sunny/Summer

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure

Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Katon


Personality: Shizumi has always been quite the cocky kid. You would expect this from a kid that tended to get anything he could possibly ask for within reasonable standards. He's always shown great pride and unmeasured amount of appreciation for the things he has in his life. Needless to say, Shizumi can be quite the brat given his "momma's boy" upbringing. No matter the tone, Shizumi maintains a genuine smile and a golden heart of fire. He's grown to be quite the scrapper and Konoha's star shit-talker. There's nothing more exciting than a fiery competition as far as Shizumi knows. 99.99% percent of the day is spent talking on and on about nothing. The kid's a talker and he ain't changing it for no one. Great conversation and honest friends are worth more than anything to him. He's known to be a hard-worker. If the kid ain't training to be better, he's running his mouth and vice-versa. He's also known to have quite the "green-thumb". You can surely catch him helping his mother around her garden on any day.

History: Shizumi is a natural born citizen of Konohagakure. Shizumi's mother was a mere housewife, raising Shizumi, cooking meals and cleaning. His father, on the other hand, was a respected shinobi under the 3rd Hokage's rule. He was rarely deployed on face-to-face attack centered missions. He instead specialized in the field of Espionage on behalf of the Hokage. Uncovering the intelligence of other villages was his sole purpose. When he got word from his wife that they'd be having a son, he rightfully resigned from his position in order to settle into the life of a father. Upon resigning, Shizumi's father opened a Floral Shop for the villagers. He felt this would be a giving way to settle down, yet still provide something for the village. He also went as far as changing the surname of his family to further the discretion of their existence. From Uchiha to Ao, Shizumi's father used white lies to cloak his family and himself from looming danger. Shizumi and his mother were told not to speak of his past work in order to protect their identities. Just as his father did, Shizumi came of age and began to help around the shop when he could. Menial tasks here and there, also learning to plant and harvest flowers from his mother. Shizumi knew of his father's hard work and would sneak into his father's office from time to time, reading over letters from the Hokage and other Captains. His mine would turn constantly, wondering why his father was so nonchalant about his works. Shizumi felt that being rewarded for such work was to be expected. He never expressed his thoughts on what he would see and he see. He instead took it in stride and developed a philosophy for himself. "Be the best and let the world know. They'll have no choice but to believe it." This could be harmful to him in his later years but nonetheless, he had his pride and he had inspiration from his father's past work.

Theme Song: [urll=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtqR4hF71pM]![/url]



  • Strength beyond what's expected of a child his age, still reasonable for a Genin.

  • Incredibly tough.

  • Skilled in Taijutsu. Uses a wrestling like style.

Special Traits

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan
Clan: Uchiha


Custom Jutsu

I'm posting this out of joy. Ever since the people behind Kill La Kill showed Kaneo Takarada to the world, he became one of my favorite characters in my history of watching anime. I don't know if t's because he acts like me a lot if it's because his character design is just straight up amazing with the zeni grill and the mink LOL Anyways, after those 2 episodes in Osaka where Lady Sastuki & the 4 came to try and finish Takarada and his people, I thought we'd never see him again so I spent my time off work complaining on Kill La Kill threads and stuff about never being able to see Takarada in animation again. Sure enough, I got on my PS4 to watch the 20th episode on Crunchyroll and 10 minutes in, THEY GIVE US MORE KANEO TAKARADA! DO YOU LOVE YOUR FANS THAT MUCH, TRIGGER!? *faints* *recovers from fainting* Also, I swear Gamagoori is in love with Mako LOL
This. I am interested in this.
In testing 10 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
[CENTER][SIZE="7"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Naruto: A New Tale [/FONT][/SIZE]
Char Drop || Mission Board
Head GMs: Me

[hider=The Rules & Regulations]
If you have ANY questions, feel free to PM a GM.
Keep things mature. No arguing over foolishness. Friendly debating is acceptable.
As far as creation of characters goes, everyone's 1st CS must be a Genin. IT'S THE RULES
If you want a 2nd CS of higher rank, PM a GM a "Demo Post" exercising you skill in writing & we'll make the decision.
[*]We will be starting with 2 villages for the time being. Iwa & Kiri! Feel free to make your CS from another village as long as they reside in either Iwa or Kiri!
NEVER SUBMIT A CS on the OOC. It's for discussion among players! We'll have a link to the CS Dump! From there we will accept or decline.
None of the obvious (Godly CS, Autohit, Short Posts)
There WILL be a limit on Uchiha & Uzumaki CS!
Kekkai Genkai will be reviewed & accepted or declined by me or Dev.
Romance is fine. Keep it PG-13. NC-17 is pushing it (lol)
At the end of your CS put "Law Abiding Citizen" so I know you read the rules
[hider=Character Sheet]Name:
Age Appearance:




Chakra Nature:




Theme Song:
[spoiler][yt]URL HERE[/yt][/spoiler]


Name of Weapon or Item:


Appearance: [Spoiler][/spoiler]


Name of Weapon or Item:


Appearance: [Spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

Special Traits
(Place unique traits like "High Chakra levels" or "multiple limbs" here. If it isn't here it won't be counted, even if you come from the Uzumaki clan, high chakra won't be accepted unless here.)

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:



[hider=Canon Jutsu]

[hider=Custom Jutsu]
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:

Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large, colossal. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)
History: (Optional)

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The Fourth Shinobi World War ended with the defeat of Tobi & the annihilation of the Akatsuki.
Thought the alliance between many of the villages ended with the war, the general feeling of friendship & camaraderie remained for years to come.
Generations passed and the villages rebuilt, grew and advanced into a new era.
It was known as "The Golden Years", a time of prosperity, health, love and fortune.
But as the time passed, bitter relationships formed once again, and though none of the villages were willing to push each other to the brink of war, any alliances that were formed during the Fourth War ended.
Now, decades after the broken alliances, the Daimyo are fed up. Resources are becoming scarce, and rumors of rebellion are circulating the lands.
Some have taken measures already, invading small, surrounding lands & conquering them.
Others, however, refuse to bend to the will of the people and are relying on the villages to maintain the security of their nations.
Village leaders are under talks with their Daimyo as to the next step, but everyone knows these are the first steps to war - a war for resources, power, stability, much like the Second Shinobi World War.
The villages and it's people are preparing for the worst as Imperial armies are beginning to be formed.
The fate of the villages have yet to be determined, but the new generation of Kage may have to fight to maintain the peace amongst the countries and the Daimyo.
Where will you stand? What mark will you make on history?[/FONT]

I didn't know the OOC was up I'll be posting my character to be reviewed tonight. I'd do it now but I just ate and I'm feeling really lazy.
So many interested players
Still interested.
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