Avatar of Fever Dream


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3 mos ago
Current But it's fair to me for them to make up that lie after what *I* have been through, right? That's fair game, because of an opinion? If you want to continue to defend them, do so elsewhere I'm done here
3 mos ago
I corrected you. I stated it wasn't for the attention, maybe get a hot debate going. But continuously making shit up about me IS going to make me mad.
3 mos ago
@Baphomini you want to know the funny thing? I am not RPing at the moment. Not even via PMs. But I don't like anime, worst crime in history.
3 mos ago
No sweetie, my status was simply "anime is overrated". The shitstorm that followed was y'all throwing accusations around. Let's not get it confused.
3 mos ago
I need therapy, not the idiot making up I'm RPing a rapist? Sure.


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The vehicle was placed in park, and Amira messed around with the screen momentarily. She had time before Damien showed up; his text message from a couple of minutes earlier let her know he would be around 15 minutes late. In the background, In the Air Tonight played from the speakers as covered by Kelly Sweet. Once her hands were free, she reached for the stainless steel bottle on the cup holder filled to the brim with orange and pineapple juice. She'd already had her bagel back home before she left, but now she was thirsty.

Tap tap tap

The sound from the window directly next to her startled the young girl. She quickly looked to the side, noticing a police uniform before recognizing the man in it.

"Carl! You scared me half to death!" she greeted him after lowering the window.

He laughed in response, leaning his arm on the doorframe. "Well, your car ain't hard to miss around here. You tutoring again?"

"Yeah. Trust me, I'd be at home otherwise."

"Speaking of, tell your parents they still owe Linda and I that dinner."

"Glad she's recovering quickly. Little Robert must be anxious for her to get home."

"Oh, you've no idea."

The man went on, telling her about his temporary arrangements at home while his wife was in the hospital recovering from an accident. From the sounds of it, he was having some difficulties raising their son on his own. Amira noticed the tiredness in his eyes, and she couldn't help but feel bad for the man. No one deserved to have their partner be on the brink of death over some carelessness driving, but unfortunately that's what had happened to Carl and his wife. Though on a positive note, she was recovering quite nicely.

"Sorry, I tend to ramble on these days to anyone that'll listen. I'll let you get to your studies." He slapped the roof of her car twice before walking off to his patrol vehicle which she saw parked some distance away.

"See you later."

Amira finally took a sip of juice before turning off her car and gathering her belongings to go into the library.

Amira Kothari aka "Amy" or "The Brit"


Place of Residence
242 Everbrook Circle

Personality Traits
One has to spend just half an hour with Amy to see that she is the typical "good girl" type. Amazing grades, respectful, and always does her best to avoid any sort of confrontation. Growing up, Amy was disciplined as a young child, and thus she's knowledgeable enough to know when there's trouble and more importantly, how to avoid it. As an only child, her parents made sure she wasn't the least bit spoiled unless she deserved to be.

Amy loves to have a good time around her close group of friends. They will sometimes encourage her to drink or do whatever any teenager in a small town usually does to occupy time, but she always turns them down. They don't treat her any differently nor does the relationship with one another changes. Around strangers, however, Amy usually listens more so than she speaks. She's a bit shy around people she doesn't know very well and it takes some time for her to open up to them.

With that said, the girl does have her flaws. She naturally sees the good in people which leads her to misjudge their true intentions. She's gotten in trouble a few times as she's been suckered into being part of minor illegal activities due to her naivety, and that's something she knows she has to work on.

Family History/Backstory
Amy and her parents moved to town from London a few years ago to care for her grandmother's health. She has a couple of family members from her mother's side living in Everbrook. Her father, on the other hand, was raised in England and has most of his family there or back in India. Due to her loved ones being spread out throughout the globe, Amy has had a chance to travel quite a bit despite her young age. Money isn't an issue as Amy's father is a surgeon and her mother's an attorney.

Despite being able to buy practically anything she wants, Amy much prefers to spend money on activities as well as her hobbies. She loves music and has a grand piano in one of the rooms in her house which she uses nearly every week both during her private lessons and on her free time. Aside from being able to play the keyboard, Amy also loves to swim. Her home has an indoor pool, and albeit not all that big, she uses it to stay somewhat in shape. She's been told she could try out for the high school team, but she's turned down the offer as she'd much rather focus on her academics.

All in all, Amy doesn't mind the small-town life, but she certainly misses her life in London. She wants to spend the summer there with her aunt, uncle, and cousins. She's definitely excited as they're going to travel to Australia as well for a couple of weeks, the one place she's been wanting to visit but has never had the chance to go to.

Other Info
Some days, Amy tutors after school. She's flexible and she makes home visits, so she has a good clientele. Her Tesla Model 3 is not at all extravagant compared to what some of the kids on her block drive if they're licensed, but her friends who aren't exactly wealthy always love asking her for a ride.
Time to hop on the train. I'll have something either today or tomorrow.
Having a harder time than I thought trying to come up with a song. I know what I'm looking for, but I haven't found it.

EDIT: We can disregard that last statement. I narrowed down my search by a lot this time around and I've found Amy's theme:

Here's to hoping that I explained Amy's background well enough cause that nervousness has crept in lol.

I'm excited for this!
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