Avatar of Fillet
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 342 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Fillet 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current N/A
9 yrs ago
I'm like Nemo's dad when I'm trying to write and Dory's song is my motivation.
9 yrs ago
Back. Will try to finish RPs.
9 yrs ago



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@Ferris Post whenever you're ready :)
Yup they're definitely worth sorting through the junk. I've got three players playing in different standards and genres and they've been extremely patient with me. They don't drop games either. They've restored my faith in humanity. I can't say this for the group rps I've been in or the gazillion 1x1 I tried. Don't give up, good players are precious.
@WilsonTurner I'm full, thanks. Watching this tho.
When one door closes, another opens. We might have an app for the replacement. :D
Just a thought: maybe we should divide the forum into

Flaky - if you are interested in start up and enjoy posting for the moment
Somewhat Committed - if you want more development in your roleplay for the foreseeable future
Totally Commited - you will only drop an RP if you get hit by a bus and your hands are broken

with filter tags for Free, Casual and Advanced.
I just find it very hard to believe that out of the half dozen or more ads I have floating around coupled with the amount of activity on all these sites that not one person is interested.

It simply doesn't add up.

I found what worked for me was instead of passively waiting for people to come to me, and I felt dejected, I went around looking for people who seemed like we'd be a good fit. I PM-ed plenty and most of them were rude (read: they didn't bother to reply or the RP died after the CS start), but finally, I've found three who play to my standards and it's great. It's worth having the patience for the search.
Then again, her character was basically a self-insert, so the self-wanking wasn't all that unexpected.

I was in random threads in the Advanced and Casual sections and I was surprised to see some RPers said that their characters were pretty much themselves (with different names and other basic unimportant details). What's funny was when other RPers pointed out how these Gary/Mary Sues were too problematic, unrealistic, etc etc, the Gary/Mary retorted that since the chars were based on themselves, they couldn't possibly be unrealistic.

The ambient temperature feels like it is maintained on a steady point in every direction. The cacophony of forest noises sounds like static that washes away any discernible difference in the environment. Under the shade of the interwoven canopy, I open my eyes to better gauge where I am: I squint and blink hard and quickly surrender the use of my sight. Everything still reflects intense painful light so that I can hardly make out an outline. I don’t know how long I have been walking, crawling, making my way forward to hide from the sun - or have I been travelling in circles like a trapped animal who is uselessly exhausting itself to death? Every move I make feels leaden and unwanted; my body is admitting defeat. The coppery taste of blood stains my mouth; I have been biting the inside of my lip to force focus.

Hope springs in me suddenly. There is a flare in temperature behind me. It is higher than what I know to be normal for a human. Her scent is unusual, it smells like corn chips, and what should be an enticing honeyed sweetness, a wild gamey taste emanates from her warm, life-giving blood. I salivate and pull back the strong instinct to turn around and rush in to pounce on her. She makes no sound in stalking me besides her heartbeat. My guess is she is either a native to the woods or a skilled huntsman. She doesn’t scare me. I cannot outrun her but I may be able to outwit her.

I pretend to take no notice of her and deliberately take a winding path. She follows at a distance and I become sure that she finds some sort of value in me, perhaps as a prey, ritualistic sacrifice, or pure sport. I decide to take a risk and force her to help me. If she doesn’t, and as I burn, she may lose interest in a fried wisp of a man and I will have one less danger to worry about. The cost is high, I can easily lose my life, but I have been wasting it away for naught and there is little time left.

We come to an clearing that I have been avoiding and bears the full brunt of the sun. I do not change my course this time. The heat is overwhelming as I near; panic rises and I struggle to walk to my doom. I am about to enter it when she bursts out in front of me with an astonishing speed that isn’t humanly possible. Something sharp points into my chest that I assume is her weapon.

“Stop, please,” the woman says, sounding almost pleading, her words punctuate as if the language is unfamiliar to her. “Sun. There’s sun.”

She knows it can kill me. She knows the reason why. Unbridled, as if it’s a question that’s been waiting to be asked, the answer comes surprising me: I am a vampire. A piece of the puzzle clicks into place and another neatly follows suit after the series of clues I have noticed: she is a werewolf. The two important pieces of information feel wrong like lies, like they don’t fit into the natural order of the world we're in, yet I cannot remember my life before the moment now, and we, as these creatures, are paradoxically what I know to be true.

I bank on the kindness she has shown me. “I need shelter,” my raw voice manages to croak out. “I can trade.” I don’t know what I can use to bargain but the proposition buys me time and the chance to recover if accepted.
Another thing is when I see an RPer post a CS, then follow the feedback by the GM (which is a combination of critique, gratitude, and questions) in a very positive manner, and then the RPer throws a fit on how unfair/biased/etc. their criticisms were. I mean, you're going into their RP where they have clear-cut rules, even if they're still being developed. To be so close-minded and unwilling to compromise with the GM in a mature and level way is as fascinating as it is irritating.

Related: I think many RPers have an assumption that submitting a CS guarantees a spot in the game, never mind their writing styles or what their attitudes are like OOC, if they will fit in with the other players in a team.

I'm taking of making a char. Maybe a rival down lines. Any ideas?

Down the line maybe, for now let's get things rolling and developed and concluded. :)
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