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    1. fluorescent 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current whoa
8 yrs ago
@Guess Who you're a lifesaver. i just looked it up and i think bread can be brought on planes, and life is good again. bless you.
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8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
i bought a fucking loaf of bread today, and i was super excited about it and everything. then i fucking realized that my girlfriend and i are going on vacation in two days so WHO'S GONNA EAT THE BREAD
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8 yrs ago
@Nevix it seems that way. normally it's all cool and i love this place too, but sometimes something peeves me off, yknow? s'all good though, i'll get over it in like five minutes and be back to lovin.
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Call me Flo if fluorescent's too much! (I've also been called Flur, which is cool, too!) If it's Bioware-related, space-related, or hella gay, I probably love it. I'm also basically an Elementary fanatic at this point, and for some reason I have a thing for basketball.

I'm pansexual and agender; feel free to ask me about it, as I'm open to discussing my gender identity and sexual orientation, but don't be a dick. I'm here to enjoy myself, not to field rude questions. Anyways, that means I would like it if you referred to me with they/them pronouns. If that bothers or upsets you, don't refer to me at all.

But at the end of the day, I'm just here to have a good time! I love writing and it's something I've been doing on the side for the last six or seven years, and I've even taken a couple classes focused on writing in college. So let's get to it, then!

Most Recent Posts

@Morose Oooh, I see! I'll be getting to work on a CS, then, once I catch up to speed here.
@Morose Vacancies, you say? How vacant exactly are these vacancies?
@FantasyChic That's me! There's nothing contradictory between our character sheets, if that's what you're asking. Feel free to PM me if it's not, though!
@Lady Amalthea I DID IT. No guilt trips for me!

Corrina Sorovia

Location: The Raven, Main Hold

Corrina sat tight as Kayala spoke, piecing together what she understood in an attempt to being the groundwork of a game plan. It was not as easy as she would have preferred, what with the noise on the Raven, but such was the way of life on the ship. She had become accustomed to working in noisy environments, and in a way, Corrina almost appreciated it. It reminded her of the camaraderie of being young and part of a crew. "I see. Much the same as my experience with the Hutts on Nar Shaddaa, then," Corrina mused, crossing her arms and folding her legs. [color=royalblue]"I'm sure the captain will give the crew a proper briefing on the mission sooner or later. Should he still be the captain by the time we arrive to Tatooine, that is." Corrina smirked, turning her head as Stehrr marched in grumpily. "What did you give Stehrr, by the way? I can't figure out if he's upset or overjoyed."

Before Kayala could give a proper response, Sutton joined the group in the main hold. Corrina smiled warmly at the girl; Sutton may be shifty and more of an unknown than Corrina would like, but it's not like she was about to confront Sutton without some harder evidence. "I'm as ready as I can be. It will be better when the crew gets to sit down as a whole and discuss our mission in greater detail, but that will come in due time. For now, we should tend to the problems with the ship. If I can assist at all, please, let me know," Corrina nodded at Sutton graciously. The crew typically liked to handle problems without involving Corrina, but she always placed the offer on the table. At the very least, Corrina would be good at holding hydrospanners or... whatever tools people used to fix starships, while the crew figured it out.

Shira Jen

Location: The Vindicator, Bridge

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod" was about all Shira could manage to get out of her mouth as Jaina pulled her in for a hug. By the time she recovered from such a traumatizing moment, Jaina had run off, hopefully to terrorize the complete opposite side of the ship. That headache she had desperately been trying to avoid had developed, anyways, so all hope was lost. Shira held her head in her hands, grateful that Morgbra had managed to pull Jaina away from the bridge, but resentful that he had come to the rescue far too late. Shira walked to the controls, hoping to purge any traces of Jaina's music from the system.

"Hey, uh... you should probably get out of there. Commodore's coming quick," one of the men stationed on the bridge called out. Shira almost felt sorry for the guy, but then Shira never actually felt sorry for anyone. She hurried from the controls, making her own way off the bridge.

She passed through the door just as the Commodore rounded the final corner into view. Shira gave a dramatic bow as a welcome. "Your kingdom is largely as you left it, Commodore Cartchri. Jaina continues to ravage the ship, Morgbra continues to be the only one able to stop her when you're gone, and I have a headache. Please tell me you've got good news, ma'am, like, maybe I get to blow some stuff up with the proton torpedoes today," Shira said as she rose from her bow.
@alexfangtalon Someone pulled that once at my high school. It goes under the actual seat part and over the bowl. So... yeah. Unless you're looking for it, it goes unnoticed until it's too late.
There's no reason to nitpick, at this point. We're clear on how we should move forward from here on out: if one of our characters is going to do something ridiculously out of line, whether it's for a joke or not, we should notify everyone else. The problem is resolved, let's move on, yeah?
If we're gonna have bullies that talk shit but can't follow through, that should probably be made clear to us somehow. The characters won't know, but it would be nice if we, as the players, know that someone's not gonna pull some shit.

Dark humor is good when it's warranted and when the setting is developed for dark humor. A high school RP with mostly serious characters and one guy trying to beat people up with a shovel is not the setting for it.

edit: Also, I have some things to get done first, but I'll get a post up at some point tonight!
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