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    1. gamer5910 10 yrs ago


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You know, gamer, this does kinda beg the question: why let in a bunch of (sort of) untrained superhumans into a base, unsupervised and unfamiliar with the location? That's pretty much asking for the place to be destroyed within the next 5 minutes. :P

Point taken but I did state in the first post when everyone got to the base Superboy, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian would show up. Plus just like the first Young Justice the team will be watched by a League member at Mount Justice... But I haven't decided which member would be the one to watch the team.
@Weird Tales So is he like a smaller Hulk?

Chris was in the mission room trying to program the new Young Justice members into the security system's main frame. While at the same time making sure all the other functions of the HQ were working properly. Chris was always on the move going into team member after team member rooms making sure they had power, the thermostat worked, and nothing was misplaced. He did basically the same with all places in the HQ and was back in the mission room now with focus on the security system. His work was interupted when one of the zeta beam transporters started up and the computer voice read of it was Batman.

"Batman what brings you here?" Chris said and was quickly answered when a girl spoke up and said.

"Hello, I'm your new live-in demon. You can call me Exile or Cora. Or if you really want you can call me your new slave."

Chris was kinda dumb struck at the last part "N-No that won't be necessary. How about I just call Cora or Exile, but first before I show you the HQ I think we should let the others in." As Chris said that he hit enter and now all the new Young Justice members were programmed in and will be recognized by the HQ .

Outside The HQ

Outside the front entrance where everyone was gathered a strange computer voice spoke up "Recognized next Young Justice... Welcome to your new home." After that the front entrance finally began to open up allowing all the new members to walk inside to where Chris and Cora were.
@Scarifar@Weird Tales@spacecakes@pockets@Saarebas@Mr_pink
I don't think he mentioned any rules about posting. Unless i missed it, then oops.

Just take in count any one else's posts that involve your character and try to respond to them.
@gamer5910 hope my character is acceptable.

Name - Ryan Murphy

Alias - Singularity

Age - 28

Appearance -

Personality - Intelligent, hot headed, prone to jumping in without looking. He does try to observe a situation before diving in but frequently his temper or impatience will outpace his caution.

Gear (optional) - Two kuhkri kept sheathed in special scabbards sewn into the back of his jacket. Zippo lighter. Rolling tobacco. Antique pocket watch.

Power/ability - Ryan can manipulate gravity. Turn it off, change its directional orientation, increase our, decrease it, etc. By touching something he can negate an objects gravitational pull, allowing him to simulate super strength. He can also imitate abilities like flight, telekinesis or magnetokinesis. He can also see gravity, the pull, strength, and direction.

Weakness - He's no stronger or tougher than a regular human. So if anything skips through his powers he's just as likely to get knocked out as the next guy. Hence he's constantly on alert and trains in martial arts and works out frequently.

Bio - Ryan was born in Dublin, Ireland and lived there until he was six when his parents emigrated to the states. He liked living in America and today enjoys a dual citizenship but he worked very hard to retain his accent. He learned early on that a lot of the girls he met liked his accent and in his high school years he used it to great effect, eventually landing him in some serious trouble with one of the cheerleaders football player boyfriend.

Half the team jumped him one day dragging him into the empty gym and when they started punching him he felt a pressure burst through his skin and the next thing he new everyone but himself was floating in the air, along with all the equipment within 30 feet of where he stood. In a panic, he ran away, leaving them floating there.

He didn't go home, afraid of what was going to happen. The next day he heard that the players had all fallen to the ground after he left but they identified him and police were looking for him for "attacking innocent students"

The next decade of his life was spent traveling from place to place, learning to use his abilities as best he could. Eventually he was contacted in regards to the new Young Justice, which brings us to today and the start of putting his abilities to good use.

Notes - Speaks with a thick Irish accent and has a tendency to sing random Irish folk songs, especially when he's been drinking.

Accepted! You sir/Madam may move your character to the glorious character tab.
Mount Justice once the first headquarters for the Justice League, then the original Young Justice team had it as a headquarters, and now it was time for the next Young Justice team to take it as there headquarters. Chris was standing at the base of the mountain a few hours before any of the new team members were suppose to arrive. While waiting for the front entrance to open up he took in the scenery that the forest around the front had to offer. The sun hung high in the sky which casted tons of beautiful shadows into the forest, the sound of birds chriping and flying around filled the air, the soft breeze of the wind rustling the leaves and bushes, and the sound of the ocean of in the distance it was faint yet you knew it was there. A few minutes had gone by and the front entrance began to open up and letting Chris see who he was waiting for. He couldn't believe it who was standing in front of him. It was Robin and Aqualad who he one day wanted to meet in person for his own various reasons. They waved him in for the tour was about to start.

The three of them made their way to the mission room where the tour will start Aqualad took over the beginning of the tour. "Here is the mission room all debriefing, mission tasks, training, and League video calls will take place. As you see we have two zeta beam transporters these will be one of your main ways of transport till we can get you a cruiser. Moving on we have the hanger which would house your cruiser which we still need but you can store many other modes of transport here. As you see it opens up to the ocean which means it has possibility, so you can do what you wish with that information. Now let's move on to the more living type sections of this base shall we." They moved on to the lounge/kitchen next "Here we have the lounge where you can hangout, eat, watch TV, or sleep like Wally has done before. Over there we have the kitchen which has been fully stock to everyone's pleasing just so you wouldn't go hungry. Down that hall over there are the rooms which have already been filled with everyone else's belongings they wish to have here. Such as clothes, room decorations, personal devices, and each room has there own TV but they are of course not as big as the on in the lounge. And down the other hallway we have the Locker Room, Workout Room, and Shower Room. Before you ask out of those three rooms only the workout room is coed." Aquadlad explained then quickly remembered that he forgot another part about this area. "Across from the lounge in that space over there is what used to be Wally's/our team's trophy/Souvenir Room, but now it's your team's so bring back some great ones from your missions to come." After that they moved back to the mission room.

"Now that you've seen the rooms and locations of Mount Justice I want you to know that some rooms are still going under re-construction. Which means they will eventually be open to you and your team these rooms are the Medical Bay, the Library, and the Grotto." Robin explained as he reached into hi pocket and pulled out a folded paper and gave it to Chris. "This is a few things you might want to look at sometime soon." Robin gazed around for a few seconds "Well I hope you and your team enjoy this place as much as we did, and we'll send Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kidflash to great you when the other members come by." he said while him and Aquadlad made their way to the zeta beam transporters, and soon walked through them sending them who knows where.

Chris was amazed by all this but quickly got to work, and started with that folded paper Robin gave him. "Let's see here..." Chris said to himself as he began to read the paper.

"Pointers of Being Leader" by Robin

1. If they are under eighteen and can leave the HQ "freely" then they should most likely attend the local school.
2. Do not draw attention to this mountain remember the League change places because it was infiltrated.
3. When in combat keep team organized and no matter what civilian safety is more important then a fight.
4. Even leaders need help don't be the tough guy always work as a team that's what being a leader is about.
5. The first mission is always the hardest.

"Thanks Robin." Chris said folding the paper back up and putting it into his pocket. After that he got back to work and started to program computers and such before the new team arrives.
Well after nine years in development I hope it was worth the wait? I would like to present Half-Life 3 The First IC Post.
Any chance of the IC being up in the next hour? I'll be gone for a few hours if not.

I'm working on the first Ic post as we speak. *typing intensifies!!!*
@Zerofighter hasn't really done anything after posting up his character. I haven't even see him lurking around the thread. He hasn't even answered my question regarding the alias Brainiac. Wonder what he's up to...

I pm'd him earlier when I was drafting my characters and he responded I bet he's just waiting for the IC to start. Which will be with the next 30 minutes or so because my decision has finally been made.

Edit: I'll have to extend that time but I will not sleep till that IC is up!
<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

So... hws my char? I know the bio is a bit weak, but I'm not good at those, lol.

I'm still looking over it and i'm hoping the co-gm can assist me with it.
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