Avatar of GamerXZ
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 499 (0.15 / day)
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    1. GamerXZ 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current So, how many of you are willing to learn the power to believe in yourselves? XD
7 yrs ago
I think I'm cursed. Seriously, it seems like when I join an RP I really wanna get into and enjoy, 9 times out of 10, said RP grinds to a near halt and what not.
8 yrs ago
Just came back from watching Moana. Man, what an amazing movie. Seriously, if any of you get the chance to see it, do so. You won't regret it XD
8 yrs ago
Finally got to see The Book Of Life last night. Gotta say, it was really flipping good XD


Gamer here. Nobody special, just someone making his way through life one day at a time, working towards
a brighter future. I'm looking for roleplays that have more of a Supernatural vibe to them, or Urban Fantasy,
something involving Super Powers, or even something Anime-Inspired. Any of these will do.

My Skype name is the same as on here. As for other interesting things? Well...Cracker Chips are actually quite
delicious XD

I'm something of an Otaku so I'm a fan of shows like Kamen Rider, GARO, Pretty Cure (or Magical Girl Shows in general),
Ultraman, and what not.

Will probably update this when I got more to talk about.

Most Recent Posts

"Is that so?" Alan raised an eyebrow at hearing this news about a head injury. Granted, he might've been too quick to notice anything but he hadn't seen something like that himself. The fact that she didn't want to call the police to report the attack was also more than a little suspicious...and worrying.

However, he knew better than to push the issue right now. The poor girl was clearly shaken up and scared, so the last thing she needed was to be drilled with questions. As such, he simply shook his head and tried to smile,"Well, if I saw one of my valued customers unhappy in front of me and I didn't do anything, I'd be pretty terrible at my job, wouldn't I?" He finished bandaging the burns, "There. I'm no doctor but I'd suggest you steer clear of any heavy lifting for a while,"

He then proceeded to head to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of water for his guest,"Here. Drink up," He took a seat in the other chair and flipped on the television, surfing through channels though it seemed like every other one had some sort of segment about the bomb attack. Alan automatically switched the channel when those came up as this was the last thing he or anyone else needed to be reminded of right now.

With a sigh, Alan turned to address his guest, "Lindy...I know you said you didn't want any cops involved but...do you at least want to go to the hospital? Like I said, I'm no doctor, so a real one might be able to help you more. Also, don't worry about my Mom. She'll take us.." He gestured to her sleeping form, "Trust me. We explain the situation and she'll get us there in ten minutes or less."
"I live around here but that's not important right now," Alan bent down to Lindy's level and opened up the kit. Now that he was closer, he could see her injuries were even worse than he expected. He swore to himself that whoever did this was going to pay...just as soon as he took care of the poor girl before him.

Alan had taken some First Aid classes during high school so he had some idea as to what to do, but needed her permission first,"I know how to help but I need to get you some ice first. Can you walk?"

She nodded and took his offered hand before being guided into the apartment where she could sit down. Alan silently thanked his lucky stars that his Mom was asleep right now as, even though he loved her dearly, if she saw Lindy's situation she'd likely throw a fit.

As he went about his train of thought, he fetched a bag of ice from the freezer and handed it over before checking the burn and going about the procedure to treat it, including the ointments and bandages. "Lindy...I know you're hurt but did you get a good look at who did this to you? I got a phone here if you want to call the police."
Alan Walker would be lying if he said his life had been an easy one.

Now, he wasn't ignorant enough to think he had it worse than countless other people in the world. After all, he had a Mom who loved and cared about him with all her heart, a nice home, food on the table, and he had a job he actually enjoyed. That said, the road to get here had been less than ideal, thanks in no small part to a certain deadbeat father.

However, in recent times, things looked to be finally going their way and the future was looking brighter...so why was he currently lying in a hospital bed?

Oh right, the university... Alan sighed as he stared up at the ceiling and let his memories come back. This whole situation had started out so innocently too. He'd set up shop outside of one of the local universities, hoping to make a quick buck and then treat his Mom to dinner to help her unwind after working so hard at her new job.

However, that's when he saw the people running and before he had a chance to find out what was going on, that wall of colored mist had totally engulfed him. Almost immediately, he fell faint and collapsed to the ground coughing and hacking up blood. The last thing he remembered before everything went black were men in hazmat suits approaching him with at least one saying something to him. It came out kinda muffled but it sounded like the man was trying to reassure him that everything would be ok....

What a load of fertilizer that promise turned out to be.

The next few days were anything but "ok" unless your definition of it was drifting in and out of consciousness constantly, coughing up blood and mucus, having parts of your body flare up like they had touched the surface of a hot stove, and a dozen other things that were better off not being described here. Long story short, it was a truly miserable time, with the only thing getting him through was the thought of seeing his Mom one more time.

That's when things got...strange. Just when it felt like he had reached his limits...the misery stopped and he felt...fine. Better than fine actually. He glanced around the room only to realize something very important:

His glasses were gone...and yet he had perfect vision.

However, the changes to him didn't end at just that.

Over the next couple of days, a number of things became clear to him: He was much stronger than what he was before as became evident when he was finally allowed to watch some television and he wanted to change the channel...only to end up snapping the remote like it was a twig.

Not only that, but he found he healed faster than normal as while in the middle of eating some crummy hospital food he somehow managed to accidentally cut himself a little with the silverware. Before he could panic and call someone, the cut closed itself up. Naturally, he was more than a little freaked out by this.

But perhaps the most startling thing to happen was what started happening to his own biology. At one point, he was just lying down, pondering over the idea of having bigger muscles...and suddenly, he felt wriggling beneath his skin. Startled, he would look down at his forearm to see it beginning to pulsate and quiver before bulking up a little. Overcome with shock, the new muscles receded.

After what felt like forever, he was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to leave to the hysterical arms of his Mom. All the way back to their apartment she fretted over him and cursed out the hospital staff for not even letting her know what was going on.

Once he got back, he was finally able to get a proper shower and some food in his system that wasn't hospital food before finally getting the chance to lay down on a real bed. Needless to say, he was out like a light...

Alan's sleep was interrupted by hearing his Mom shouting, "My son and I have just been put through the most hellish three days of our lives and you want to question him??!"

The young man crept out of his room and took a peek to see his Mom arguing with what looked to be a pair of men in police uniforms, and judging by their faces, they were clearly uneasy at being put on the spot, "M-Miss Walker...we know you're going through a difficult time and we apologize, but we believe your son maybe able to help us in our investigation. We just want to ask a few qu-"

"Save your questions for someone who cares and get lost!" With that, his Mom slammed the door shut and locked it before storming over to their couch and putting her face in her hands.

Seeing this, Alan quietly moved to the kitchen and put on the stove. In a matter of minutes, he had some green tea and cookies ready, "Here. Figured you could use this." He set the tray and drink down before his Mom.

This broke her out of her stupor, "Oh, Alan...you shouldn't have," He handed her a tissue which she thanked him for before wiping her tears and picking up the mug, letting the aroma stabilize her. After a quick sip, she sighed, "...This isn't right. I should be the one taking care of you."

At this, the young lad just shrugged,"Mom, this isn't anything new. We've always taken care of each other."

"I know, I know," His Mom managed a small giggle despite the circumstances as she sipped some more tea,"It's just...a part of me was actually starting to think I wouldn't see you again, and then those police starting coming around, asking all their questions and then I started hearing the news and..."

Alan put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "It's ok...I'm here now. I'm fine, see?" Of course, that was up for debate but he didn't need to worry her more than she already had been.

Miss Walker slowly nodded her head and seemed to settle down a little,"You're right. I...I gotta pull myself together. Listen, if you want to go back to sleep, go ahead. I'll be alright now."

He shook his head,"Eh, to be honest, I got plenty of rest. What about you? You gotten any rest lately?" She didn't say anything right away so the young man took a closer look and saw the first signs of bags forming under her eyes, "...You haven't, have you?" She shook her head,"Alright...lay down and get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

"What you saying? I'm fi-" She stopped herself as she suddenly yawned,"On second thought...maybe a quick nap is just what I need..." He fetched her a pillow and blanket and before long, she was out cold on the couch.

Alan watched her sleeping with a smile before taking a seat by the window and watching the street outside. The few glimpses he'd seen of the news showed that things weren't exactly great on the outside. People were letting fear and paranoia consume them, the police said they were trying to catch the culprits but it was clear to anyone with two brain cells it was mostly just lip service.

He looked down at his hand as he felt it quivering once more. He had actual powers now, like a superhero, so that meant he could do something...right?

Suddenly, he heard heavy breathing and looked out to see a familiar figure stumbling her way along the street, "Lindy!!" He rushed to the bathroom and got out the First Aid Kit before rushing out the door...
Alan Walker And Alexander Lee

Xander checked the hallway really quick before forcing the tall cabinet open and starting to dig through it. It took a bit, but he eventually found some clean scrubs. “Do you want the set with a shirt or the one without one?” the Asian teen offered as he held up a full set a light blue scrubs and just a pair of black scrub pants.

Alan glanced between the two outfits, recalling how he’d caught Xander several times doing training in just a pair of pants. As such, he gestured to the one with the shirt.

Xander nodded and tossed the full set at Alan. With that he began to put the black pants on, accidentally ripping the hospital gown that he was wearing the process.

His cheeks flushing red at the sight of Xander’s muscles, Alan turned away and took off his gown, blinking in surprise at his own toned physique. He knew that he wasn’t obese or even that blocky but he was certainly no bodybuilder, yet compared to the old him he was looking fairly ripped.

Filing that info away for later, Alan quickly changed into proper attire before poking his head out the door, “Ok, now for the tricky part: Actually getting out of here.”

Xander poked his head out with Alan, soon spotting the melted footprints on the floor “Fuck, I’m going to need to stay calm“ he sighed. From there he quickly noticed that the hallway was finally empty. “Good, the coast is clear” he nodded to the baker.

The martial artist than turned to Alan, motioning him to follow before tiptoeing out the door. “Now which way do we go?” he whispered to the shorter man.

“No idea,” Alan admitted as he also tiptoed out, “But people need to be getting in and out of here somehow…” He then spotted a vent cover, “Hang on…”

He crept over and pried it off with his bare hands, staring in shock at his own physical strength, “Whoa…” Shaking his head, he motioned to Xander, “Come on, before anyone comes to check.”

Xander squeezed his way into the vent, he just barely fit within the space. Being six foot two made it very hard for him to get inside of the tight pathway. He moved in a little bit more than enough for Alan to get in too.

Xander heated up a bit more, the steam giving the baker a silent signal to follow. With that he began to keep going further in.

Alan saw the signal and slipped into the vent as well, putting the vent cover back in such a way it wouldn’t be immediately obvious it had been tampered with. Not even a few seconds after he finished, a pair of feet walked by, causing him to wince and hold his breath…

Thankfully, the feet didn’t stop moving and he breathed a small sigh of relief. He then turned to Xander and made the gesture for them to keep moving. At one point during their crawling though, they’d come across a grate in the bottom of the shaft and voices could be heard below.

“So, how’s it looking so far, doctor?” One of the nurses asked.

The doctor sighed and shook his head, “We’ve done what we can but by the looks of it, at least 40% of the patients we got here will be dead in a matter of weeks, if not sooner.”

If the nurse was shaken by the news, she was doing a good job of not showing it, “Have you noticed anything..unusual about the patients? Any of them displayed like mutations of some kind?”

The doctor went through his papers for a moment, “Hmm...actually, we have noticed certain cases where the patients’ bodies have gone through a period of what looked like radiation sickness...only for the signs to vanish in a matter of days. We did have two cases of particular interest: One is an Alexander Lee whose displayed periods of vastly heightened body heat and a Alan Walker whose skin and eye color has displayed periods of rapid color change…”

At this news, Alan froze like a statue...

“Fuck, we need to get out of here yesterday...!” Xander muttered as he turned to Alan. With that he began to go through the vents as fast as he could without making a sound. Eventually in his panic he led the baker to a dead end, but the good news is they were near the fire escape.

The martial artist then punched the vent, opening them to the fire escape on the outside of the building. “Shweet!” he grinned before starting to climb out of the hospital and into the rain.

Alan could only follow along in silence, pondering to himself just how deep his particular changes went. However, his spirits were lifted when he climbed out to the fire escape and ended up in the rain. He opened his mouth and let the rain land on his tongue, “Ahhh..my friend, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to be outdoors…"

He let the cool, soothing rain fall on him, even going so far as to use some handfuls to wash his face. For a moment, he felt totally at peace…

Except that didn’t last as Alan knew they still had a way's to go before they were truly free,"Let's book it while we still got the chance."

Xander began to quickly run down the fire escape, being on the third floor made their path difficult. In his panic his body began to heat up causing steam to come off of him and parts of the metal that he touched to melt a little.

Once he was close to the ground he leaped across the street, coming dangerously close to getting hit by a car. The martial artist just kept running, making his way down to Chinatown.

They had ran for about a couple of dozen blocks before he felt the need to take a breath. He turned to the baker “Just a little bit further and we’ll be almost to my home” he panted with his hands on his knees and steam coming off of his bare flesh.

Alan said nothing and kept pace with his friend, somehow doing so despite the fact the martial artist was in far better shape than he was.

Unable to take anymore, he turned and puked at the street corner…

After he finally managed to catch his breath, Xander began to slowly climb on top of the bridge in front of them that had Chinatown on the other side.

It took Alan a few moments to compose himself before following along though he did so at a more even pace in a effort to conserve his strength.

At one point, he had to ask, “So...you’re sure your folks won’t mind us crashing at your place for a bit?”

“I’ve lived alone in my uncle’s old loft for the last couple of years” Xander informed honestly with a sullen sigh as he crawled across the top of the bridge. He had to do so on all fours as not to risk falling into the river below. Once they made it to the other side the martial artist jumped over, barely grabbing onto the fire escape of the closest building.

“Come on, just a couple more blocks” the martial artist instructed as he began to climb up onto the roof. With that he ran across the roof top and sprung onto the next.

Alan watched Xander take off and start parkouring, to which he shook his head, “Yeah, I think I’ll stay do-” He stopped at seeing police cars pass by right below him, “On second thought, your way looks better.”

With that, he proceeded to also climb along the bridge, finding it to be surprisingly easy, which he chalked up to yet another feature of his new physiology. He kept pace with his friend, even managing to do a running jump to reach the fire escape. He repeated Xander’s actions and before long had caught up to him.

“Ok, this is just me but I’m pretty sure there is no way I should’ve been capable of doing all that under normal circumstances…” Alan admitted after he was done.

“I have never done this before myself” Xander admitted as he looked around really quick before jumping across to the next roof. He continued to run and jump from rooftop to rooftop for about three more blocks.

Finally the martial artist stopped to catch his breath. “You see that old dojo with that partially burnt out neon sign just across the street?” he asked with a tired sigh.

The baker looked at him with a raised eyebrow as if to say “Really?” before shrugging and following his lead. Once Xander pointed out the building, he nodded, “Yep. I guess that’s your house?”

“Yup, I hope Loki didn’t miss me too much” Xander chuckled before walking over closer to the corner of the roof. With that he jumped across, skidding across the roof before grabbing onto the edge. From there he stood up and motioned for Alan to follow.

“This dude is gonna be the death of me someday…” Alan thought to himself as he repeated what he’d just seen.

With that Xander opened the hatch in the glass over his loft before climbing in. “Come on in, there is a cot down stairs if you want to stay the night” he offered before adding “I have some leftover Chinese food in the fridge if you want some dinner”. From there a black Maine Coon kitten jumped onto his shoulders “I missed you too, Loki” the martial artist smirked.

“Thanks. Anywhere is better than that hospital…” Suddenly, Alan spotted Loki and squealed, “Oh my gosh, what a fluffy kitty! Can I pet the kitty cat, please?”

“That is up to him, but you can try” Xander informed honestly as he grabbed some fried rice and orange chicken out of the fridge. With that he grabbed a couple of paper plates and chopsticks. “Do you know how to use chopsticks?” the martial artist asked curiously as he opened up his microwave.

“You’re a big ball of fluff, you know that?” Alan squealed while holding Loki, “Who’s a super fluffy kitty cat? You are! Yes you are!” He scratched Loki behind the ear.

With that Xander reheated dinner for Alan and himself, handing each of them a pair of chopsticks.
A Jojo RP sounds right up my alley. Just a couple questions: What year does this take place in? Also, I got several ideas for Stand Powers so think you guys can help me narrow them down, please?
Alan Walker And Alexander "Xander" Lee

Alan wasn’t sure how long he lied there for, but eventually, he pushed himself to do something. He glanced side-to-side to make sure he was alone before pulling the tubes and needles out of him and sitting upwards. Seeing that all his items had been taken from him, he sighed. I need to find a phone. Mom’s likely worried sick about me…

He started limping his way out of the room and down the hallway. As one might expect after a bio-weapon being unleashed, the place was like a madhouse with doctors and nurses moving from one part of the hospital to the other. Not helping was the occasional wails of pain and sorrow that could be heard in the distance.

To help calm his nerves, he stopped to grab a cup of water from a conveniently-placed pitcher then took a seat on a bench.

Xander was just about bored out of his mind so he got up to go stretch his legs, maybe he should try to apologize to the nurse who he had puked on. If he could find her that is, his vision was blurry in that moment that he couldn’t really make out her face, only that she was a redhead. He slowly began to rip tubes and such off of him so that he could get up, not really noticing the plastic melting slightly in his grip.

With that the six foot two martial artist began to slowly stumble through the halls, his vision still not fully clear and his ears ringing a bit so he did not sense the chaos around him. First things first, he needed something to drink, so when he spotted some water he shakily poured himself a cup and sat down.

Every few minutes he would accidentally spill a drop or two on his flesh causing steam to come off of him.

When Xander took a seat next to him, it took Alan a few moments to recall where he’d seen him before but soon, his memories fully returned and he blinked in surprise, “Xander? Is that you? You got caught in that weird mist too?” He had yet to notice the steam coming off the martial artist.

It took a moment before Xander’s ears to stop ringing, but right after they did he recognized a semi-familiar voice speak his name. “Oh, yeah I was in the middle of a math test when the bomb went off” he sighed honestly before adding “At least my professor can’t fail me because he died in the blast” the young man chuckled rather nervously.

However, Alan didn’t find it very funny, as evident by the frown on his face, “Dude...too soon, don’t you think?”

Xander downed his water and got some more before shaking his head. “Alan?” he asked as his vision finally finished clearing up.

“Yeah, it’s me,” The baker-in-training confirmed before downing some of his water, “I was on campus selling some of my baked goods so I could make money to take my Mom out for a nice dinner. Guess that’s not happening anytime soon now…”

“I’m sorry to hear that, according to the news report the bomb went off in the science building so I was a couple dozen feet away from ground zero.” Xander sighed honestly, knowing full well that everybody who had a STEM class that morning was likely dead, except for him. His hands weren’t shaking as much now, but right before they stopped he watched some steam come off of his left knee.

Alan took notice of the steam but didn’t say anything for the moment, instead just opting to get up long enough to grab the whole pitcher and bring it back, “...And you wanna know the part that really sucks? The cops in this city are likely never getting to the bottom of it. Oh, they’ll spend a few months or so making it look like they’re doing stuff, finding persons of interest, saying some flowery words to the press…”

He filled his cup again before handing the pitcher over, “But sooner or later, they’ll bury the whole case.”

“Yeah...just like they did with my uncle’s murder…!” Xander muttered under his breath. With that he crushed the paper cup in his hand, accidentally burning it down to ash, before getting up. “I haven’t trusted cops since high school.” he shook his head before finally looking back to Alan.

His sudden burst of rage caused his temperature to spike, which made the linoleum at his feet melt slightly. “Anyway, why don’t you take your mom to Lucky Star when we finally get out of this place?” the tall young man offered with a sigh.

“Sounds like we’re both in the same boat,” Alan pointed out as he tossed his cup into a nearby trash bin before glancing at Xander, managing a small smile, “I think my Mom would like that very much. You know, just a week ago she was asking how do you get those chow mein noodles to taste so good.”

“I know the secret to that, but I will only tell you if you promise to never to tell anybody” Xander informed with a sly smirk “My grandmother wants it to stay a family secret”. He then gave a bit of the shifty eyes before saying “I’ll make a single exception for you mom, but that’s it.”

Despite their current situation, Alan managed a small chuckle,”We get out of here alive, I’ll be sure to let her know...but something tells me she’ll say no as I’m pretty sure neither of us wants you to get in trouble with your grandmother. Speaking of which…”

The young man put a finger to his mouth for silence before glancing down the hall, seeing what looked to be the nurses that frequented his room talking to a couple of the doctors. For some reason, the hairs on his skin were tingling, “Follow me, it’s not safe to talk here anymore…”

Alan stood up and headed to a nearby vacant office before beckoning to the martial artist to join him.

Xander silently nodded and followed Alan down the hall to the empty office. He did not know where they were going, but easily understood that anywhere is better than being out in the open right now. Being much calmer now, his footsteps did not leave scorch mark behind.

After they were inside, Alan would lock the door and let out a breath, “Ok, I don’t know if there’s cameras here but either way we don’t have a lot of time so I’m just gonna come out and say it…” He eyed the martial artist warily, “You and me...that bomb...I think it did something to us.”

Xander’s eyes widened a bit at that statement before something finally clicked. Out of habit he then snapped his fingers, but this time when he did it his thumb caught fire. “Um...Is this what you are talking about?” he asked in shock as he watched the flame emanating from his thumb burn, though it did not hurt him at all.

Upon seeing this, the baker clapped and pointed with both index fingers, “Exactly that! Yes!” He began pacing back and forth me, “As for me, I spent the last three years needing prescription glasses then suddenly I wake up this morning and find I got perfect vision! That doesn’t happen to just anybody!!”

Knowing he was getting carried away, he stopped and took a deep breath, “And back there...I saw the nurses that frequent my room talking to the doctors and I felt the hairs on my arm standing up. It was almost like...I don’t know, a warning siren of sorts. That something bad was coming....”

“I felt that too, but I thought I might be crazy so I didn’t know if I should act on it or anything,” Xander agreed solemnly just before finally getting the flame of his thumb to go out. With that he looked out the windows of the dark room they were in together really quickly and let out a sigh of relief. “It looks like the coast is clear now, we should get back to our rooms."

However, Alan shook his head, “Bad idea. Sooner or later, something's gonna happen that'll let everyone know we got these abilities and when that happens...I don't know about you, but my chances of seeing my Mom again are gonna drop sharply...”

“Alright, we head back to my place and hideout until its safe” Xander suggested with a knowing grin before taking another sneaky look out the window “The question is, how do we get out of here unnoticed?"

“One step at a time, my good friend,” Alan said with a smirk, “First thing’s first...we need some clothes as I’m not gonna be caught in public wearing this…”
Alan Walker would be lying if he said his life had been an easy one.

Now, he wasn't ignorant enough to think he had it worse than countless other people in the world. After all, he had a Mom who loved and cared about him with all her heart, a nice home, food on the table, and he had a job he actually enjoyed. That said, the road to get here had been less than ideal, thanks in no small part to a certain deadbeat father.

However, in recent times, things looked to be finally going their way and the future was looking brighter...so why was he currently lying in a hospital bed?

Oh right, the university... Alan sighed as he stared up at the ceiling and let his memories come back. This whole situation had started out so innocently too. He'd set up shop outside of one of the local universities, hoping to make a quick buck and then treat his Mom to dinner to help her unwind after working so hard at her new job.

However, that's when he saw the people running and before he had a chance to find out what was going on, that wall of colored mist had totally engulfed him. Almost immediately, he fell faint and collapsed to the ground coughing and hacking up blood. The last thing he remembered before everything went black were men in hazmat suits approaching him with at least one saying something to him. It came out kinda muffled but it sounded like the man was trying to reassure him that everything would be ok....

What a load of fertilizer that promise turned out to be.

The next few days were anything but "ok" unless your definition of it was drifting in and out of consciousness constantly, coughing up blood and mucus, having parts of your body flare up like they had touched the surface of a hot stove, and a dozen other things that were better off not being described here. Long story short, it was a truly miserable time, with the only thing getting him through was the thought of seeing his Mom one more time.

That's when things got...strange. Just when it felt like he had reached his limits...the misery stopped and he felt...fine. Better than fine actually. He glanced around the room only to realize something very important:

His glasses were gone...and yet he had perfect vision.

All right, let’s take it from the top, one more time…

What’s your name?
Alan Walker

How old are you?
19. I'm kinda in that weird time where you're no longer a kid but not quite an adult yet.

What do you look like?

What did you do before the Recluse incident?
I'll do my best not to sound like a whiner or that I'm milking sympathy but I'd be lying if I said life has been easy for me and my Mom. You see, when I was a kid, my Dad walked out the door on me and her and we never saw or heard from him again. No phone calls, no birthday cards, not even a paycheck for child care. Needless to say, I've never quite forgiven him.

Anyways, this forced my Mom to work some less-than-ideal jobs to make ends meet, not helped by the fact she herself had grown up in a rather dysfunctional family so outside help was a bit limited. I did my part to help, like working hard in school and learning to do certain menial tasks like cleaning and doing the dishes so she didn't have to do them the days she came home exhausted.

However, I'd be lying if I said I was some shining paragon as I did do some things I'm not entirely proud of. Like one time, a mugger tried to steal my mom's wallet and when he laid his hands on her...I snapped and broke his jaw with a few solid punches. The police said the only reason I wasn't doing juvie was cause the guy was a repeat offender and couldn't afford a lawyer.

That said, word of these situations got out and...let's just say I didn't have too many friends growing up and leave it at that.

Around the time of my high-school graduation though things were finally looking up. By some miracle, my Mom got a job in New York and we moved there to start over. It was quite a change but I like to think I handled it well enough.

However, that's when the Recluse Incident happened...

What happened after the incident?
Well, I recall falling very sick and waking up in the hospital several days later. Surprisingly, I didn't feel sick anymore. If anything, I felt...fine. Better than fine actually. I felt...powerful. I quickly realized I had perfect vision too, among other...benefits.

Somehow, I had managed the impossible...and gained actual superpowers.

Super Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Durability: 10
Regeneration: 15
Spider-Sense: 15
Mutation: 40
Bio-Feedback: Alan has total control of his body and its functions, all the way down to the cellular level. Although he is only just starting to grasp how it works, it's clear it has a lot of untapped potential. He can control his metabolism his own heartbeat, purge poisons and toxins from his system, numb his pain receptors, boost his self-healing and even alter his appearance to a degree.

Do you believe in aliens?
I love Sci-fi and we do live in but one tiny corner of a seemingly infinite cosmos. As such, I think it's ignorant of us to think we're the only intelligent life-forms in existence.

What are your goals for the future?
I've always wanted to be a superhero so I'm finally getting the chance to live the dream. Gonna use my new powers to try and find who set up that bomb and why. That said, I do also want to find my father and get some answers out of him...by force if I have to.
You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?
I've only lived here a few months or so but I gotta say it's pretty nice so far. It definitely could do with some "cleaning up" here and there but I can think of much worse places to live.

How much technology do you use on a daily basis?
A fair amount. I try not to take it to a crazy extent but I do sometimes find people are more reasonable and open-minded in the online world than those you find in the real world.

What do you like?
-My Mom
-Cooking (I find this and Cleaning surprisingly calming)

What do you dislike?
-My deadbeat father
-Jokes In Poor Taste
-Tapioca Pudding
-The very concept of being "the best at any cost"

Do you think true evil exists?
I do. Although I'm aware that the line between right and wrong isn't always a clear one, there are certain things in this world that are so horrific they can only be the product of someone who only lives to make others suffer.
What’s your favorite color?
Blue. Not sure why you needed to know that but there ya go.

Favorite song?
Will Figure This Out Later.

Anything else to add?
I sometimes like to make little arts and crafts and sell them on the street corner. People also say I bake a mean batch of brownies too. Thinking of running my own bakery.

What are your thoughts on these people?

Alexander "Xander" Lee: Eaten at his grandparents chinese place a few times. It's good food and Xander seems like a decent guy. I wonder if I should ask him for a few self-defense lessons...

Lindy Audrum: Not gonna lie, that girl scares me sometimes. Seriously, she looks like she could make my head explode like a grape. That said, her frequent stops to pick up goodies has led me to realize she's a good person who appreciates tasty treats.

Just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
All right, let’s take it from the top, one more time…

What’s your name?
Alan Walker

How old are you?
19. I'm kinda in that weird time where you're no longer a kid but not quite an adult yet.

What do you look like?

What did you do before the Recluse incident?
I'll do my best not to sound like a whiner or that I'm milking sympathy but I'd be lying if I said life has been easy for me and my Mom. You see, when I was a kid, my Dad walked out the door on me and her and we never saw or heard from him again. No phone calls, no birthday cards, not even a paycheck for child care. Needless to say, I've never quite forgiven him.

Anyways, this forced my Mom to work some less-than-ideal jobs to make ends meet, not helped by the fact she herself had grown up in a rather dysfunctional family so outside help was a bit limited. I did my part to help, like working hard in school and learning to do certain menial tasks like cleaning and doing the dishes so she didn't have to do them the days she came home exhausted.

However, I'd be lying if I said I was some shining paragon as I did do some things I'm not entirely proud of. Like one time, a mugger tried to steal my mom's wallet and when he laid his hands on her...I snapped and broke his jaw with a few solid punches. The police said the only reason I wasn't doing juvie was cause the guy was a repeat offender and couldn't afford a lawyer.

That said, word of these situations got out and...let's just say I didn't have too many friends growing up and leave it at that.

Around the time of my high-school graduation though things were finally looking up. By some miracle, my Mom got a job in New York and we moved there to start over. It was quite a change but I like to think I handled it well enough.

However, that's when the Recluse Incident happened...

What happened after the incident?
Well, I recall falling very sick and waking up in the hospital several days later. Surprisingly, I didn't feel sick anymore. If anything, I felt...fine. Better than fine actually. I felt...powerful. I quickly realized I had perfect vision too, among other...benefits.

Somehow, I had managed the impossible...and gained actual superpowers.

Super Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Durability: 10
Regeneration: 15
Spider-Sense: 15
Mutation: 40
Bio-Feedback: Alan has total control of his body and its functions, all the way down to the cellular level. Although he is only just starting to grasp how it works, it's clear it has a lot of untapped potential. He can control his metabolism his own heartbeat, purge poisons and toxins from his system, numb his pain receptors, boost his self-healing and even alter his appearance to a degree.

Do you believe in aliens?
I love Sci-fi and we do live in but one tiny corner of a seemingly infinite cosmos. As such, I think it's ignorant of us to think we're the only intelligent life-forms in existence.

What are your goals for the future?
I've always wanted to be a superhero so I'm finally getting the chance to live the dream. Gonna use my new powers to try and find who set up that bomb and why. That said, I do also want to find my father and get some answers out of him...by force if I have to.
You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?
I've only lived here a few months or so but I gotta say it's pretty nice so far. It definitely could do with some "cleaning up" here and there but I can think of much worse places to live.

How much technology do you use on a daily basis?
A fair amount. I try not to take it to a crazy extent but I do sometimes find people are more reasonable and open-minded in the online world than those you find in the real world.

What do you like?
-My Mom
-Cooking (I find this and Cleaning surprisingly calming)

What do you dislike?
-My deadbeat father
-Jokes In Poor Taste
-Tapioca Pudding
-The very concept of being "the best at any cost"

Do you think true evil exists?
I do. Although I'm aware that the line between right and wrong isn't always a clear one, there are certain things in this world that are so horrific they can only be the product of someone who only lives to make others suffer.
What’s your favorite color?
Blue. Not sure why you needed to know that but there ya go.

Favorite song?
Will Figure This Out Later.

Anything else to add?
I sometimes like to make little arts and crafts and sell them on the street corner. People also say I bake a mean batch of brownies too. Thinking of running my own bakery.

What are your thoughts on these people?

Alexander "Xander" Lee: Eaten at his grandparents chinese place a few times. It's good food and Xander seems like a decent guy. I wonder if I should ask him for a few self-defense lessons...

Lindy Audrum: Not gonna lie, that girl scares me sometimes. Seriously, she looks like she could make my head explode like a grape. That said, her frequent stops to pick up goodies has led me to realize she's a good person who appreciates tasty treats.

Just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Cool. Thanks.
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