Avatar of Gardevoiran


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

Well, that was certainly a way to end things. Nevermind the fact that her attempts seemed to be futile in defending the core, though something told her this wasn't a complete waste of her energy. After all, her barriers had to have taken some of the edge off from the absolute and total destruction of the core if there weren't any of those Demitroops swarming her. Akiko breathed a sigh of relief, floating through the murky blackness of the void. The Tower was likely restructuring itself or something, she wasn't too terribly sure, but she could afford a moment to rest, especially since her hands were bleeding from the impacts of her Stand against everything that Nephuna was throwing at the core.

While most of the party was dropped off at this new floor, Akiko was on her lonesome initially. A waivering thought, but something told her it was due to her absence from the rest of her group. Not that she minded, she needed space from all the chaos to think and work through some of those weird emotions she was feeling. No doubt she'd be reunited with the rest of her crew soon enough, but for now she needed to take in the world around her, and it wasn't anything she was expecting from this Tower. Hell, there weren't any visions of the looping infinity that allowed her to gaze around time itself. For all she knew, this was her first arrival in a completely new plane.

"Ghh..." Right, the blood. She clenched her Red Relic tightly and slowly started to heal at a faster pace. Nothing would be immediate, but at least she wouldn't be leaking blood everywhere. Now... where was she, anyway?

She was exactly where she was meant to be. Open air solidified behind her until solid ground touched her back. The blaring sounds and glaring lights of a chaotic casino buzzed overhead. And yet, the rest of her "companions" were nowhere to be found. While they may have landed in the same Floor(?), Akiko would inevitably find herself still isolated. Alone. Perhaps she deserved some part of that. Kanbaru wasn't even around let alone anyone else. Instead, the jolting clink clank of slot machines and rolling coins hissed near her head, threatening to drown out any thought or self-inflection. Indeed, this was where she was meant to belong. Several high rolling tables adorned the colorfully bright area she landed in with patrons of all sizes and shapes accompanied by bunny girls. Sometimes figurative, often literal.

Akiko frowned in annoyance. She supposed asking for peace and quiet was a little too much given the recent sways of this Tower. Still, she figured at least nobody was talking to her, so that was at least a minor plus. The cat climbed up to her feet and dusted herself off, her ears twitching at the sounds and her tails swishing back to their normal facade. Soon enough, the world started to become populated once again with different figures and shadows, which definitely meant she'd been there before, once upon a time. Guess that meant she wasn't in the clear just yet, though it at least let her keep her head screwed on.

Still, none of the other hers were walking from her direction. Something was different about this time, no doubt. Akiko mulled over the idea for a moment to rejoin the crowds of hers before she stretched her arms up, then out, then back to her side, and started to walk in a different direction than her past selves. "A casino. Interesting place for the next major issue to come our way. Good thing there's not anyone chasing me this time to try and remove my head."

She stopped moving for a second. "... who am I kidding, someone's gonna appear and want to skin me for a new carpet. It always happens."

The crowd moved and swayed to Akiko's movement and direction. But if they held her any mind or attention they didn't show it or give her their time. The lights narrowed and thinned, circling on the path in front of her as if guiding her through the twists and turns of this seemingly endless party. Soon the crowd swayed more, bumps and shoves meant to rock Akiko about even as the pathway in front of her became thinner and thinner. Only at the end was her destination revealed; a table, much like the others surrounding it. While those around her were filled with guests and patrons gambling their lives away, sometimes figuratively, often literally, the one before her was empty. Vacant but inviting. There wasn't even a pair of dice to mess around with to pass the time, let alone a deck of cards.

The crowds seemed to thin around this table, allowing the cat a moment to breathe. The air was thick with the smells of luck and greed, but this offered some sort of reprieve from the chaos. The chairs were empty, nobody around to offer a wager or chance a game. Naturally, this was a suspicious circumstance, but at this point Akiko took it, sitting down at the table for a moment before manifesting her Stand and looking down at herself. [You look like you've been beaten up and mugged.]

"Yeah, I suppose a change of clothes is in order..." Within an instant, Akiko's dress changed to a more... befitting guise of formalwear. Something a high roller to some of these tables might chance wearing, if for intimidation and not for luck. She adjusted her collar and scratched at her ears before she breathed a sigh of relief. After the Abyss, this air was a pleasant change after all.

"Hello again, Akiko."

The voice came directly in front of her, from a patron who wasn't there before. And yet, there he was, sitting as if he'd been waiting for the cat all this time. His face was obscured in more ways than one, if not by the cards he held in front of him then by the mask that adorned his trademark. All the same, the Jester parted his cards to peer directly at the girl from the other side of the table. If Castle's presence suprised him, he didn't show it. Instead he acknowledged the spectral being, watching it as clear as day with no waver.

"It's been a while. We haven't spoken since....the Shattering Floor. That's right."

She raised an eyebrow towards the masked man as he appeared and started to chat with her. "Ah yes, it's been quite some time. I don't believe I ever got a name or a moniker for you, though." She leaned forward on the table, resting an arm on it and smirking towards the man. "I assume you're this 'Jester' that I've heard so much about from so many different sources. Or, at least, one of them, since Kanbaru's not anywhere near you, meaning you're unlikely to be her JSTR."

Akiko leaned back as Castle shrunk to a more catlike form, taking position on the table in front of it's user. "To what do I owe this interaction? Nobody's stolen an heirloom, after all."

"Old friends are supposed to recount their tales to each other and give warm thanks to their presence. Is that not a bond we share?" Even as they were spoken the Jester's words came out hollow and empty, as if some mimicry of a creature tried to replicate what passed as speech. Or maybe he just didn't care. "The JSTR inside Kanbaru is very much like me. You can say it's a copy, living data not unlike the Tower's denizens you've so encountered all this time. Hosting it makes Kanbaru unique. The same uniqueness I once piqued in you."

The Jester placed his cards down, revealing them to be as blank as his mask. A gloved hand outstretched to rub along Castle's back. His motions seemed to betray he had experience with animals before. Curious indeed. "I came simply to observe you. You've continued to become interesting. Kanbaru speaks about you, whether she knows it or not."

"Bad things, I assume," Akiko chuckled, hiding the shiver she felt along her spine as her Stand was touched. "But hey, I hope I've been putting on quite the show. It's kind of hard to stand out from the crowd when you have someone as destructive as Kanbaru, resilient as Riku, and troublesome as Katie." Her eyes glanced over the blank slates of cards that laid in front of her, oddly raising her interest in them further, though not taking her complete attention. "Alas, I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself. I can't believe you'd take an interest in me of all people here, though. Can't say I've really done much around here other than... my sister would say I'm gaslight, gatekeep, and girlbossing, I believe."

She leaned in. "What's new with you? I'm sure that there's a sense of one-sidedness to this conversation, anyway, if you know things from Kanbaru or the copy she's hosting."

The Jester was silent as Akiko spoke, letting the cat say what she would. When he responded it was with another question, forming as, "What do you want Akiko. Why did you come into the Tower." He stroked Castle's head a few more times before holding his hand over the cards once again. A flick of his hand had them cuffed and flipping against each other in an almost hypnotic fashion. "You reach the top, you find the Throne. You choose to start back at the bottom. Why do you keep coming back. What is it you're looking for. What is it you need." The Jester stared unblinking and it was as if the whole of the chaotic world around them moved in slow motion, silent. All that mattered was their discussion.

"I wish I could tell you the answer to why I start at the bottom," Akiko blunted. "There's something interesting going on in this Tower. I've become... aware of something in this Tower. Every time I get closer to the top, something happens, and everything seems to reset for some reason or other. I'm able to see every single step, every action, everything done in the past resets of this Tower, and yet... I can't remember what happens when the world resets itself." She paused to think about where to continue.

"In the Abyss, there was a brief stint where I encountered some kind of cat being. Spoke like a robot, but for a while it was Katie. It knew I could see the worlds that have happened, and I could remember every time I had kissed and killed Katie, but I could never remember what happened when I met the short end of the fight."

She stopped to look up at him. "I came to the Tower to become a queen, led by royal knights, but every time the crown is in my grasp... it slips through my fingers." Akiko let it sink in. "Crazy, right?"

"How interesting."

The Jester's cards sifted and shuffled. He removed his hand and they continued moving on their own, guided by the hands of fate. Whether it was literal or figurative, who could say for sure. What mattered were Akiko's words. The Jester regarded them as he did all things and soon she was finished, as if lost in her own mind. As if she didn't know what she wanted anymore or for herself. All the same, she gave an answer, the same one she gave before to the masked man. "Interesting indeed."

The cards moved all the same. "You can see everything and yet you cannot remember it. You can see into people's memories and yet you cannot grasp their hearts or their desires. For your entire time in the Tower, you've only ever watched and waited. Action has been your consequence and you've paid for it, bled for it." The Jester tilted his head like a cat mirroring its owner's motions. "These do not sound like the rousings of a queen. You sound more like an observer to me Akiko."

One of the cards flipped over to reveal the gazing sigil of an eye that stared back at Akiko.

"Things have changed. I can remember what happens around every time, and leading up to it I can also vaguely see, but my sight only extends beyond what happens where I can see. It's the end that I can't recall, almost like it's rewritten every time."

She did listen to the words of the Jester. "I suppose you're not incorrect. Despite finally taking charge for the last little bit, I don't think the active role suits me more than the passive. Working from the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment." She smiled.

"So, what's the next wisdom you're going to impart? The second card in this menage-a-trois?"

"Someone like Kanbaru is more fitting to be active. You seem close to her," the Jester mused. "Someone like her is more fitted to take action and work as the helm, as the tool needed to achieve what can't be realized. What do you think of her." The Jester's second card flipped endlessly. It revealed nothing more but blank sides as it did. "Would you like to know more about her. Would you like to know more with her. You two share a similar sort of ambition that guides your actions. Only, there is a difference. You can never truly become her friend. A barrier is erected between you, and one that isn't so easily shaken. Would you like to loosen those walls."

"Kanbaru's... god, the things I could say. She's headstrong, fast, incredibly admirable, but I know the wedge between us is very real. I want to know more about how she feels, I want her to know how I feel, but... though I've been clouded with so many new thoughts about so many new things, it's hell. I'm not used to it."

[Not at all.] Castle piped up. [She would like to know how to mend this relationship.]

"I assume it involves the odd feelings I have for Riku and Katie that float around in here." She motioned towards her cat, probably getting at something about her soul.

"Would you like to loosen those walls," the Jester repeated. He stared down Akiko as if looking right through her. "Kanbaru follows a different path, one that will never align with you. And yet, even this can be remedied with the right commitment and decision. All that need be answered is simply siding with us." The second card revealed its front, bearing a strange symbol that began to cause a low migraine to Akiko's head the more she stared at it. "You want to become closer to her? You can. You want to see the ending? You will. But all of this and more is only possible through one route. Aren't you tired of being alone?"

Akiko stared at the card, eventually having to close her eyes and hold her head for a moment. What the hell was that about? It was a tricky situation to wrap her head around, and something about this told her that she wasn't exactly going to get everything as clear cut as this guy was making it sound. Yet... it was an interesting thing.

Then he said the thing about her being alone, and she furrowed her brow. That was a sore wound. She'd spent her whole life being alone, not that anyone ever cared enough about her enough to ask if she wanted someone to talk with her. Yeah, Akiko was alone, and she was tired of it, but it was also all she ever knew. She wanted a change of pace, she wanted that companionship she couldn't do on her own, even with this weird Stand of hers.

"What am I agreeing to." She asked bluntly. "I keep hearing this talk of Jesters and things that nobody would explain to me when I ask, so please, grant me some sort of knowledge on what I'd be agreeing to."

The Jester's gaze glinted at her frown as if satisfied. "You will become just like Kanbaru. Free of all limits and restraints, free to do as you please, free to observe all that you want. All manner of knowledge may be revealed to you if you desire, your proper place in events as a true queen. Above all else, you will rule alongside her." The Jester's voice peaked through into Akiko's head to fully gain her attention. Whether it was by him or some trick of the mind, it was hard to say. "That is, so long as you ascertain to our goals; my goals. The Court and Unilysts have no bearing on you or concept. These are alien ideals to you. We are above these ideals and strive for something greater. It is for this goal why that being attacked you. The Demitroop."

The final card inverted itself and revealed to Akiko the same eye as before; only now it was adorned with a crown over it. "Our goals are simple. We only seek to recover the divinity once granted to mortals. We seek to bring about assimilation towards it, to blend the lines between mortal and divine. And we have seen it is possible. So have you through Nephuna." The Jester paused.

"In a way, we seek to observe."

"The divinity once granted to mortals? An inherent divinity or an earned one?" Akiko looked at him for a moment, staring at his cards and glancing up and down at him. It was a peculiar offer, and one that she'd never have imagined to be having in a nigh-infinite casino. It was a lot to take in, and an interesting offer indeed. One that she was very cautious towards, but... she felt some sort of purpose to it. She played an observing role rather well within the Tower, after all. It was quite a role to play, but someone had to play it.

Castle stared up at it's user, blinking in the light of the room before returning to the Jester. Castle seemed fine with it, but then again... the ghost was her soul anyway.

"... fine" She answered curtly. "I don't want a weird observing ghost following me around though, I already have one of those. If you need me to tell you what I've seen, I'll tell you myself. Over coffee." She smiled, crossing her legs over eachother. "I like mine with milk~."

The deed was done then. The Jester's crimson eye met Akiko's own sights and a familiar sensation washed over her. It was the same feeling of her own abilities, though whether the Jester read her memories or not was hard to say. It didn't feel like it, not when a growing pain started to grow and fester in the cat's head. It grew and sprouted, changed and tore apart until all that was in sight was the Jester's offered hand, extended like a saving grace in a maelstrom of conflict. And when Akiko finally took it, the pain was gone, faded completely.

"It is done," the Jester said. "No one forced this on you. No one dictated this path. You chose for yourself to become...let's call it a Jester," he mused. "You're closer than ever to Kanbaru now. You walk the same paths. And now you will know all there is to know." Indeed she would, information slowly processing to the newly christened Jester. Secrets of the Tower's existence, past encounters with Riku, and quite the knowledge on Katie; though of this, it was to be assumed Akiko already knew. Indeed, even Nephuna's seemingly random manifestation had purpose and, now, clarity to the cat.

It was... surprisingly interesting to see the worlds unfold around her. The many paths, trials, tribulations, the reasons and the methods to everyone's madness, it unfolded right in front of Akiko, and for a moment, she was unable to move to react to anything. Her stand even demanifested for a moment to adapt to these new changes. It was... quite the change. It was insane to think about, but for Akiko, this felt like a new situation. Not only that, but a way to get closer to Kanbaru was quite a bonus indeed.

"Eh, I feel like Jester doesn't exactly fit exactly." Akiko joked. "Maybe there's a better title for the role that I play in this grand plan of yours?" Her eyes started to shift in color before they faded into a shining red, similar to the Jester's own. A reflection of her changes, maybe, but who was to say for sure.

"Perhaps that's something to discuss with Kanbaru. As soon as you find her."

The Jester motioned towards the cacophony of scenery around them, a reminder of just where they were. Locating the whale was difficult but no longer impossible now with Akiko's newfound ascension. No sooner did she break eye contact with the masked man was he gone and out of sight like a ghost. "We'll keep in touch," came his voice in her head, leaving her to her devices and with only one piece of advice to follow.

"Try not to encourage Harley."

"Who's Harle- aaand he's go-wait a second, I know things now." Akiko looked around the table for a moment before she looked amidst the chaos of the hustle and bustle, but something was... different. As she gazed, she could see herself move on a path that she knew was the right direction. It was quite a change of pace, but maybe she could make things work much better as they stood.

Castle manifested beside her again. [That was quite an interaction. Do you think it was a beneficial one for you?]

"I don't know to be sure, but I think this might be the start of something very good... or horrible." She looked around once again before standing up and leaving the table, keeping an eye around her for her group as she slowly made her way.

[Who is Harley, anyway?]

"Something tells me she's intertwined with the Jesters as a whole. I'm unsure, but we're bound to meet her soon enough. It's always how it goes."

Her gambit was working, or at least it seemed to have had an effect. She glanced back from the core of the Tower as she looked at the actual fight and what a clusterfuck it was becoming. Spears were everywhere, the world was shattering, and between Thomas and Kanbaru, they had their work cut out for them. It was a lot to bear, but with how things were going, it seemed like they were managing to win here? Maybe not, but she had other problems on her plate to deal with-aaand Riku just snapped awake.

"Glad to hear you're awake." Maybe there was a tinge of sarcasm there, but for the most part it seemed like a genuine comment. "And they just did. A lot's happened since you were out. I think I even saw Katie here somewhere, but that's besides the point." Akiko looked over her shoulder at Riku. "I need you to do something here, or else we're all basically dead. No bullshit, just dead."

As the strength from Kanbaru flowed into Akiko, the shores of the hellish data landscape, Akiko's Serei would fizzle and start to dissipate once again. "Akiko~! We'll help you~!" "Not like we have much of a choice anyway..."

"I've gotta get closer to that core, keep the defense up so we don't completely die, but Nephuna has to go down. I'll throw you over there, and you need to hit her. Hard." Akiko put her arrow away as she started to float through the empty data like it was space. "And... don't die this time." With an odd amount of hope in her voice, Akiko pulled Riku over her shoulder and held her in a launching position, Castle helping to send Riku flying through the void, on a direct course to collide with Nephuna. The rest was up to Riku.

Akiko pulled the familiar Red Relic from her pocket as she started to pull herself through the void, closer to the core. [You care about her.]

"And Kanbaru, and Katie - hell, maybe even Runa. It's a mess, but none of that will matter if we die here!" Akiko felt a sort of power grow in her from a proximity to the core of the tower. It was... similar to something else she felt, a while ago, but she figured that the data in this place weighed similarly in the grand scheme. Regardless, her barriers became much, much stronger. Soon enough the core was strongly protected by the barriers, and in the gleaming lights of the battlefield breaking around them, some could faintly see other Akikos behind the barriers, each with their own stand, starting to fight back against the rising pressure. It was likely only due to the proximity of a core like this, in a situation like this, that allowed Akiko to harness similar abilities to Nephuna, but her defense was much stronger.

Maybe it'd be enough to keep the floor from complete destruction...

The queen stepped forward to the side of Thomas, recognizing his Golden Eyes. Something about this world told her that they were a manifestation of not only true power, but true destruction. A perfection, of sorts, of that. However he managed to obtain that, she wasn't sure, but it was indicative of something special. How... interesting. "Interesting... eh?"" and just like that, before a monologue could happen, Akiko's attention was taken completely by Nephetos and Runa. The former was dying, and the latter was holding the former.

And as the blood from Riku washed onto Akiko's back, Nephuna appeared. The fusion between two forms of the blasted code in this Godless Tower, which was crumbling apart bit by bit as this battlefield was formed. Even Katie was back, albeit hardly anything more than dead weight.

As the world reached a violent stillness, in a brief moment, Akiko realized. This was the real battle.

"So this is how it is." Beings she was unfamiliar with spotted up around the arena. Erika, Esa, and Marianne. In short bursts she flashed through each of the new arrivals, learning their pasts with her eyes as Castle manifested on full display for practically everyone to see at this point, be it through Kanbaru's JSTR, Nephuna's special eyes, Thomas's Golden Eyes, and the newly arrived Vassals' sense of strength.

"We've got our work cut out for us." Hellsword moved forward out of nothing, and alongside him did Akiko's Lorelai. "Indeed. There's a lot of faces for the Queen to have to contend with, but none are as menacing as that... thing." As the spears emerged from the glitches, two of them were deflected from Akiko, who sat brooding as usual with Riku on her back.

"We'll keep you safe, but I highly suggest you should start doing something!" Lorelai turned to Akiko, who had her eyes locked onto the sight of something in the distance. Sure, the group could stand and fight the actual demon here, but Akiko knew that it was hardly a task worthwhile. If anything, it'd serve as the distraction from the actual threat.

She turned towards Hellsword. "I need you to get me closer to that core."

"Are you insane? You'd be fighting a losing battle!" Hellsword lost it's cool for a moment, chastising Akiko before the sudden realization. She probably was, but she could also loosely read the code of this world, and nobody else was on the defense. Hellsword groaned, but extended out several vines to lift Akiko and start moving her through what lied beyond the shattered Abyss. As the queen neared closer and closer to the shattering world, she felt something itch from her pocket. Though she couldn't check it with her as she was, given she was still holding Riku, Castle and Akiko both knew what it was.

[ The arrow is calling to us. Beckoning for us to use it. ]

A tentacle of Akiko unwrapped and held it in front of her. "Perhaps even in a world like this, the arrow holds more power than we know."

Over near the core of the Tower, as the Nephuna's took turns attacking it and shaking the world to it's very core, they would notice that the code started to rematerialize. Not perfectly, definitely done by an amateur, but the foundations of the code was solid enough to start blocking hits. From the familiar stardrop design, the same that matched a certain cat's brooch, it was clear who was starting to defend, though her attempts were merely postponing the inevitable for the current moment.

Back over to her serei, however...

"Look at my mistress! She's putting herself on the line to make sure the others can fight and win! How selfless of a queen indeed!"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Surely you don't hold doubt in her, Abigail?"

"Don't call me that."

"Hey! Hey now! That's literally the exact opposite of wha-" aaand the point was moot since she was now dead. Great. Should have figured from the dozens of timelines that Riku would still opt for a peaceful conclusion, but there was something in Akiko that knew better. That knew that Riku might go for something that would crack through the Abyss. Alas, as the dog fell towards the ground, Akiko slapped her hand against her forehead.

[That's not what you were hoping for, I suppose.] "Yeah, no shit. Thankfully, we might still be able to pull something out here."

As the dragon roared and thrashed, managing to shake Thomas and Akiko off, Akiko's arms stretched into the large wings of a vulture, and she quickly managed to right herself before she started to glide towards the ground. The perks of being a shapeshifter knew no bounds, and with the dragon imploding in on itself, it left Akiko in silent contemplation for a moment.

As she landed near Thomas and Riku, she found herself walking through the blackened fire with... intention. She stepped towards the duo, her steps somehow piercing through the crackling fire and dust starting to fall around the world. The world was starting to crumble, no doubt due in part to some extension on forces largely unseen except for a battlefield that she had seen once before. She suspected this was Runa's doing, but she was uncaring at the moment.

Instead, she mused.

"But who are we to mess with the throes of time? Madmen? Mortals? Misaligned misanthropes? The world around us crumbles within a roaring fight, the data of this very world struggling to keep up with the force of the individuals around us. Who are we but Nobodies, reaching out to try and become Somebodies?" She stood over Thomas and Riku, a grim smile over her face. The plan had succeeded, it just took a different route than normal.

She bent down to Thomas, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently taking Riku from his grasp. "She'll be back. Try as some might, she'll come back." Akiko laid Riku out on the ground, letting the air cover her and giving Thomas some distance, but she stepped closer, hovering her foot above Riku's lifeless body. Her eyes were flashing crimson, as if she was reading the outcomes before they happened.

She snapped back from zoning out, but she kept her eyes on Riku, pulling her foot back before she made a decision she wouldn't come to enjoy. Something about the outcomes there... didn't seem enjoyable. She wiped the tears from her eyes all the same, though.

"Make no mistake, Thomas. Riku's an idiot." Akiko's voice was blunt, her tone nonchalant. "But it's better that you two are alive for now..." She paused at that statement. "... you one? Eh, she'll get back up. For now, we should regroup with the others."

Akiko bent over and lifted Riku up onto her back, struggling a little bit initially but seeming like she could handle it. "Don't worry about me. Go find Kanbaru and the others. This place is going to come down and we need to be ready when it does."

Castle manifested overtop Akiko and Riku. [You're not sure if Runa's visions and the sudden enlightenment are helping, now, correct?]

"Yeah, but across everything I've never been this... disorganized." Akiko didn't care if Thomas was listening to her ramble, she needed to talk this out for her own sake. "Something's different. I don't know if that's good or bad, though."

[Perhaps time will tell. It's about the only thing you can do right now, anyway.]

Over on the other side of the arena, where Kanbaru and Hellsword were standing, Hellsword mused to the two. "We're not going to act like we know what to expect from you Jesters, but I will say that she's unpredictable." The world continued to crumble, with rows and patches of fungi being the only solid ground in the entire area. Hellsword made sure to keep their web up so they could reunite with the rest of the group, not that they had any issues. "Serei tend to know their masters pretty well, and she's a whole other beast entirely. The only one who's managed closeness so far have been you and Lorelai, but even the knight was hesitant when the illusions of this world failed on Akiko. She changed, and we don't know if it was for the better or worse."

They turned to Kanbaru. "Be careful, Kanbaru. You might be a Jester, but I don't think she cares for labels." With that, Hellsword gave a tip of their hat, and fizzled away to return to Akiko.

"Really, Kanbaru?" Akiko asked, not feigning any sort of fake joy or laughter, just speaking with pure disdain. "Are you really doing this right now?" She took a step closer to Kanbaru, with full intent to let her have it, but she held her tongue and instead relaxed. Coincidentally, as she relaxed, a red flash of her eye indicated something... new.

"Bluey, respectfully, I think you're ignoring the... ahem, dragon in the room." Akiko motioned her bloody and bruised hands towards the giant dragon made of darkness in the room. "Keeping the princess alive, despite any of your objections, is ideal for right now. Unless, of course you may be... jealous?" She let out a tiny smirk, Castle slamming through another fireball as the barrier held strong.

"And here I thought that you weren't capable of being jealous of the princess! Ohoho, how rich!" Akiko's hand curled smugly over her mouth, Hellsword turning to witness the full smugness with a shake of their head. "Though, maybe my heart can be so easily won. After all, her words, foolish as we both thought, do seem to be working to our benefit." She turned to look at the dragon's struggling. Most people around here wouldn't think twice about Akiko's musings, but Kanbaru had the disadvantage of daring to come close to the cat's circle of influence.

"Well, I'm afraid I must be off! It'd be bad politics if a queen were to let a princess die, after all, regardless of the ears decorating her head!" Castle grabbed Akiko by the waist as she waved to Kanbaru, the queen taunting the whale into action as she was quite literally thrown into the fray, herself bulleting through the air and landing next to Riku on the monster's back.

"Heeey Riku~." Akiko started, her legs turning into tendrils to latch onto this monster with. "I know you reeeally care about Katie, but this monster isn't her anymore, and the only way we're getting out is getting this thing to destroy the Abyss. But, if it makes you feel better..." Akiko leaned over to Riku, almost tenderly so. "There will be one chance to pluck Katie out from this thing and separate her from it as it explodes." Castle began to slam it's claws into the dragon, drawing impressive amounts of damage from it's form as Akiko continued to chat. "I'll let you know when, but for now, you dying isn't going to help anyone, much less me. So... whatever power you can unleash on this beast, please, do it. So we can all get out of here."

Hellsword, meanwhile, kept themself near Kanbaru with the barrier sill up. They looked over at the whale for a moment before making a simple statement. "Bold choice, caring for that one. Far bolder to disagree, since she's seen through countless futures by this point."

They too started to work their magic as the abyss started to quake with some other presence. As if, somehow following behind them, the blue fungus that infected the crabs from the previous encounter started to sprout nearby, growing like a blanket of moss and mold throughout the battleground. It'd take a little time, but soon enough this monster would start feeling the influence as well. Maybe not overwhelmingly, but it'd hopefully at least contribute to the battle efforts to rile this monster up, maybe even destroy it.

"Do us all a favor, Kanbaru. Put aside your Jester and realize she has a plan, yeah? She was doing what she always does - biding her time."

"It's simple, Thomas. We need to kill it."

She turned towards Riku momentarily as she snapped back from Kanbaru's comments. "Talking here isn't going to work. You've tried a couple of times before, it's never worked..." She glanced back at the dragon for a couple of seconds before she hesitated. That was Katie, whether Akiko wanted to admit it or not. Call her crazy for actually growing a heart, but... Katie meant something to Riku. Maybe it was the multiple times prying at her, but as rocks came crashing down onto the group they shattered over Riku and (the soon-to-be-moving) Thomas, Castle having stepped in.

"... but if you want to try again, I'll stay by you." Akiko nodded to Riku, taking a fighting position and staring at the monster. Never did she imagine that she'd be playing the role she craved, but here she was. A future queen fighting for a past princess. The irony was thick enough to stab.

Akiko's words had landed, but the group's actions worked before she could. Her eyes were flashing a myriad of colors, Castle standing at the ready as Akiko moved before she thought. They'd had a similar fight before this in another loop, they could do it again. The issue was how big this monster was, but the adage from ages ago gave Akiko the hope she needed. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, of course.

Runa and Nephy sat brooding, Kanbaru was watching the crew perform, Thomas had already jumped into action, and Riku was going to try and talk to it. The dragon still rushed for the group and it make Akiko need to act. With a flash of green and red, Castle emerged and chimed with its rush, uncaring of who heard or saw. "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" It beat against the ground, the world starting to shatter and restructure itself as if it had always been something else - a roof, catching a few of the meteoric projectiles and Castle's fist even smashing through a couple of them itself! Of course, it wasn't a perfect fit, Hellsword stepping in to provide support and piece everything together with bones and fungus, but it held up as more and more fire crashed into it.

"If you're going to reason with it, Riku, now would be a good time to start!" Akiko shook the blood off her hands, ignoring the wounds and lacerations that resulted in punching through stone. Hellsword felt the need to chime in.

"Why are we not assaulting it? Why aren't you and your stand attempting to break its jaws?"

"Well I didn't see growing a conscience in my future, Hellsword, now keep the barrier up!" Akiko's fists sputtered more blood as Castle pushed its range, taking out more fireballs but being unable to pursue further. Seems its range was capped at 7 meters maximum. An odd number, but Akiko never really contemplated how far Castle could go out.

"Grrhhh... son of a-GHRAHH!"

The blood was pooling harder from her side, but thankfully she had an edge on this situation. The bright red glow in her hand brought the blood flow to a halt, the wound clotting and scabbing before she fixed her outfit. To the onlooking Lorelai and Hellsword, Akiko looked like shit, but it was slowly being fixed. "We admit, you have looked much better before." Hellsword was the first to comment on the state of affairs, noticing a rather timid Lorelai not wanting to speak up on the matter. The cat shrugged it off though, standing rather weakly as her eyes flashed and shimmered about. "And we also admit, you're acting rather manic."

"The entwined souls are correct. Akiko, you don't look so well. And... you're younger?" Lorelai noticed the finer details there with Akiko's body. Seems even though the illusion had worn off, Akiko had reversed the time. Just a little bit, not too much, but it oddly fit her. "What happened? What happened in that brief darkness?"

The cat stepped over to the edge she landed on. There was a stint of black, but she hadn't expected this to happen. This didn't appear in her visions, this was something new entirely. At least, it was new now. Something she was afraid of, sure, but at least she could focus on it now. Maybe not in any of the loops, but she did pick up a thing or two from Runa.

"We don't have to go down there. We can stay up here, let you rest." Lorelai stepped over and offered a shoulder for the cat to rest against, if only for a moment. She was concerned, far more than she had been before, even when Akiko was moments away from getting strangled by Ami and Riku.

But. The cat knew better. "No. We need to get in there. A queen protects her subjects, that's how it should be." Castle manifested behind her once again, full ghost form, just staring down with it's user. "You guys better be ready. I can't imagine this is gonna be an easy fight."

Within an instant, Castle flung its owner, Hellsword and Lorelai left looking at eachother before they shrugged and dissipated, returning to cards once again in Akiko's possession.

A couple of feet away from Nephetos, Runa, and Kanbaru, the cat landed with a resounding thud. She stretched her arms out and flashed her eyes at the ghost before she looked at the rest of the combatants. She eyed them up and down, trying to figure out what pieces of the puzzle they fit into. Trying to decipher their pasts once more, but with an added edge. After a moment, she spoke looking at Kanbaru.

"Katie's sick, she's got some kind of affliction that modern medicine doesn't work with." She stepped forward, her attention turned to stare at the monster they were about to face down, looking for some story or edge she could get. "Hopefully that's the sort of haunting that you were looking for."

Castle manifested, hovering on Kanbaru's shoulder before nuzzling the whale. Maybe she'd get the memo.

"Listen up. That monster was Katie, it's not anymore. There's a chance that she could be fractured from it again, but that's not priority one. Priority one is making sure everyone here gets out alive." It wasn't often that the cat took charge like this, but the haze of the infinite caused her to realize. There was a way out of this. For everyone.

She flicked her head towards Runa and Nephetos. "You two, stick with Kanbaru and keep that thing at bay. Runa, if you see an opportunity to get in there, seize it." Akiko's eyes flickered, as if she was doing the same thing. "I'm going to Riku and Thomas. I'll keep them safe while trying to figure the same out."

She nodded to them. "Don't ask questions. Save us the precious time we'll have." And with that, the cat made a mad dash towards Riku and Thomas. She knew the other three would be fine, it was the new ones she was still trying to decipher.

"Oh, it's you." Akiko's immediate words were tinged with a sense of... relief, at first, before Katie began, but there were... things that she picked up on. A number of things. Sure, the tone was filled with a raw sense of disgust and hatred, but Akiko was hardly bothered. In fact, Akiko welcomed the hostility with a sickening smile on her face. And although the constant pleas of Akiko leaving was the obvious path this Tower wanted her to go through, she simply walked over to the desk Katie sat on and smiled.

"So I'm still here. In the Tower?" her voice was monotonous, not tainted with any sort of satisfaction or fear, rather just blanket annoyance. "Fantastic, so this is just an illusion. One meant to pry at me and get me to give in." The teen pulled her backpack up beside her, pulling a small item out of it. A small plushie, that of a purple cat. She gently stroked it's cheek before continuing her musings. "Just one issue with that, and this whole plan of trying to get me to crumble. I know what the end of this trick is, and I've heard everything you've said before."

Akiko didn't move, simply stared at the door and at Katie. "I was basically raised in an asylum for my apathy - my inherent desire to not care about others. People called me sociopathic, psychopathic, and the whole time I just never understood what they meant by that. I've had caretakers say the exact same thing as you, and I've found a way to go against everything." Akiko offered a nonchalant smile. "Who knows? Had I a circumstance similar to Kanbaru or Ami, maybe I'd have been a dark magical girl. Just. Like. Them." Akiko's words carried weight, each one feeling like it had a respectable heft behind it. "And sure, maybe nobody wants me here, but I'll tell you, that just makes it all the better for me." She laughed a little under her breath.

"Because I'm here now, and I plan on making it most everyone else's problem." That voice was different, almost as if the world was crumbling around her. As if she was trying to take the reigns. After all, with her certain set of powers, she'd been able to read into the future and pasts of others, and slowly but surely she'd been starting to see through her own realities as well. This world she was in felt hardly more than words on a page, and she was getting ever so close into reading between the lines. Honestly, she was starting to notice a couple of patterns.

"I might not throw my own punches. I might not play the same game as you all. I might be different, and wrong, and nobody might want me here. But I'm not afraid of you."

"Or Ami."

"Or Riku. Or Thomas. Or Rose. Or Kanbaru. Or anyone." She smiled, crossing her legs over eachother and simply watching Katie's every movement, her cat plushie sitting on her lap with its eyes trained as well.

"It's getting late. Maybe you should leave the new queen to her business?" She smirked. "After all, I'm building a new regime here. Sure, Rome wasn't built in a day, but that doesn't mean I can't try."

The world was starting to attack the group, and Akiko could feel the pressure. The world felt like it was starting to fall apart, even, though it was a lot more real than Akiko had ever felt before. But it wasn't like she could focus in on anything about that, the sounds of her group were ringing in her ears. [ I hope this means you're starting to care about others. ] Castle remarked, manifesting behind Akiko as she turned to look at the others.

"Kanbaru! Riku! Snap out of it, it's just a-" but before she could finish her sentence, the world shifted to a different reality. One where she was younger, though not by much, and the world around her was much different. A high school courtyard, maintained likely by some gardening club, her cards and tools gone, even Castle having been robbed. Her world was stolen, but something about this reality felt... off. She wasn't sure what exactly tipped her off, but between having a bachelors while attending a high school and knowing she recognized none of this landscape, she could piece it together. This was an illusion, no matter how real it felt, and being on her own sucked, but she'd done this before. She'd do it again.

Thankfully this time, if this architecture was to be remembered, it was Miso High. That meant she had an edge here, given what the Tower experiences taught her.

"Is she okay?" "There's that new girl again..." "Should we get a teacher? She doesn't look so good..." "What's her problem?"

The other students gossiped as Akiko raced through the halls of the school. The Abyss could try a lot of things on her, the monotony of normal life, the loss of those who finally cared for her as she was, but there was something it couldn't take away. Reality had reports of weird things, and given the pasts that she gazed into, she knew there was one place that stemmed a lot of things, nothing by which was normal.

The Detention Club. Hell, maybe she'd find Kanbaru there. Would be nice to see a friendly face in this school, real or not.

[ Akiko ]


[ Akiko, wake up. ]

Five more minutes...

"Okay, she's not waking up, so..."

... whuh?!

Akiko woke up with a stir, looking down to see none other than Lorelai picking up the cat over her shoulder and starting to carry her off towards the darkness of the Abyss. "Okay, okay! I'm up! Jeez, you guys can't let a cat sleep for a little longer?"

Lorelai placed the scheming cat down gently as Castle remanifested behind the two. "I apologize, but the situation has grown more dire than last night. We ought to be moving." She paused for a minute before leaning down and gently grabbing the cat's chin. "After all, I'd be a shameful knight if I didn't protect my queen, wouldn't I?"

"Heheh, yeah." Akiko smiled, stretching for a second before looking around the corner at the rest of the group. She chose to stay behind a wall for the night so nobody saw her, but she'd prefer to keep her impression up-"Who the hell is that." Her eyes locked onto the cat barbarian across the other side of the group, next to Kanbaru. Lorelai peeked around the corner as well to get a glimpse.

"Another... alluring traveler arriving, assumedly to travel with your group. Why do you ask?" Lorelai fawned and inquired before she raised an eyebrow. "It couldn't be that you're jealous, are you?"

"No, of course not. Why would I be jealous." Akiko scoffed as Castle floated over beside her. She wasn't jealous, she just didn't like the vibe of another cat being around here. It was messing with her radar.

"My Akiko? Jealous of another cat around here? My my, how interesting! And here I thought the queen was above these feel-" Lorelai was cut off mid sentence by Akiko reabsorbing the card and stuffing it into her dress. "I'm not jealous since I only love you Lorelai, but sometimes you definitely push it." The two would have some real alone time later, both to discuss this and also scheme.

Akiko stepped out from behind the wall and rejoined the group, stepping to Kanbaru and the new barbarian girl. "Oi, bluey. Awfully quick at wanting to make new friends, aren't we?" She looked at the whale with a bit of concern before eyeing at the cat barbarian. "Don't believe we've met before, stranger, but I think we'll have to wait on that for just a second..." Akiko's tails flashed through the air in a similar fashion to Runa's previous exploits of time as the demon approached the group and spoke about the presence approaching. Just in time, too, meant Akiko could actually act here instead of waiting on the others to speak up.

"What she said. Come on, Kanbaru, let's get moving." Akiko grabbed the whale's wrist and started to pull her away from both the barbarian and the encroaching storm. Castle, in cat form, leapt onto the whale's shoulder and just stared at her with intrigue. What was it about this girl that made it's master so enticed?

Runa approached Akiko with a warning of the predictions, and Akiko nodded. "Noted, but if I'm to be honest, I don't think we really need to predict where it's going. Looks like it's on a pretty straightforward path." They'll just have to keep themselves ahead of the cloud, and thankfully Akiko could figure out just where to go, converging onto the same tunnel as everyone else (hopefully still holding onto Kanbaru). It was then her eyes settled onto Thomas.

How... interesting. Seeing Thomas made her think of how he and Riku had been getting closer and closer together. Almost made her think he was going for her royalty, too. Actually... if Akiko was going to be a queen, then getting into a relationship with a princess, even if she was scorned... noted.
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