Avatar of Genkai


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Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
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Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
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Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
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In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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Those blond rascals...can't no to them.

Gotta pump up your intro skills bro. I'll get the intro up once I'm done with Sapphire. I should probably start Sapphire. So behind on posts for RP and school. Better than doing nothing lol
Ditto~ In terms of when we're starting, we're making our males old friends and our females acquaintances at best yes? Did we want to start at the start of their final year in school? Like in the beginning of fall? Did we want to go over any class schedule or anything?
No problem. If you need winning lotto numbers, I got you covered too.

It would be nice to add pictures of them as they age, or little quirks. I think expanding a CS can be useful and with slice of life, you know people and personalities will end up changing over time.
Naah you don't make sigh in disappointment lol

Though Asami is totes sighing in disappointment, which is a bit of an understatement. Kurama needs to school Mako in how romance works. Kissing other women? Not favorable.
I think Koenma wouldn't take much pleading. He's not heartless. Plus I think Botan would give Koenma enough shit to make him do it either way. Koenma and Kurama seem to respect one another and when Shiori is taken away, it'll be a big blow for the plot and relationships. Kurama trusted Koenma but the guards were no match for Goshikuru, dun dun dun.
I could start us off with option one. Somehow in the background, Ino and Naruto will totally happen and it'll be Sakura's turn to give Ino a smug look. It must happen.
I'm secretly from the future where is your birthday, it's gonna be a great one this year.

Exactly, sometimes a CS looks different compared to what happens in the story. I like being able to refer back to bits of detail in a CS but I'd rather be able to find it in the IC where it has context and purpose.
Awww no don't worry, your posts always rock. No need to return 'favor' or anything. :3
What if there's some kind of plant that could ward off basic demons or send some kind of signal to Kurama? I'm sure Koenma could help lend surveillance as needed as it's clear the situation is growing?
Yep, so many options.

1. Shikamaru catches Sakura on her way to work at the hospital and they walk and talk on the way. Ino manages to catch Shikamaru and Sakura from the window?

2. Sakura is heading home after a long day of physical training and medical training, Shikamaru could be waiting outside the hospital or by her home.

3. It's the weekend, she's off and Ino is working, thus a perfect time to pay Sakura a visit, gets suckered into staying over for lunch or something.

Choices choices...thoughts? On one hand, Ino spotting them now wouldn't be too weird, it might be what Shikamaru wants, to kinda drive Ino crazy. Or he wants it to be seriously established in secret and to have Ino find out after the fact they're now dating.
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