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Yeah, it might have been a slightly awkward time to launch, but things should quiet down, I hope.

I've started working on a Georgia post, which is shaping up to be longer than my intro post, so whoops.
One singular bump to announce that the full thread is open here!

And we are still very much open to new characters.
@Expendable Stanley is good! I really enjoy the idea that gargoyles just kind of crop up on rooftops with enough magic associated with them. As a result, both libraries and churches are common birth places.

I'll add him to my relationship sheet, but just to say that Georgia is firmly unable to see him.

Is SEP a Hitchhiker's Guide reference?

We need to talk briefly about the telepathy, because this is something I wanted to touch on, but haven't gotten around to.

Magic that affects the minds of others has a lot of baggage around it, and many people consider it inherently "dark". Reading minds is an incredible invasion of privacy, obviously. But even sending telepathic messages can range from being considered very rude, to being considered a form of violence. The severity varies both on the exact nature and context of the contact, and personal opinion. Obviously there's a question of informed consent which can change the perception a great deal as well.

Of course, some magical creatures have such abilities natively, and how they are viewed varies in much the same way as humans using mind magic. Additionally, when it is a natural ability, there are going to be people who feel uncomfortable or even fearful around creatures like this. There are also people who are more understanding, and will be more patient(if somewhat on guard) about it.

In no way at all am I telling you not to include this in the character, but I want you to understand that it's a really touchy subject before you write scenes with the character. Because that's something that Stanley would certainly understand about the people around him.

Hey hey! Sorry for the delay - I've been sick, like I said. Aoife's sheet is up, along with her relationships.

No worries, I'm not stressing about pacing here. And honestly, I had some delays myself.

@Expendable@naomimyselfandi@shagranoz@Fading Memory@kalanggam@Fabricant451@Crimson Flame

The full thread is now here!

Any character that has been approved, you may post it directly to the characters tab. Expendable, I apologize, I haven't read your new sheet yet, you may repost it in the ooc if you like, but it's not necessary, I will read it shortly.

There's a first post, it's move-out week for the college, and a day that was expected to be sunny and warm has suddenly become a bad storm.
Wednesday, June 8th, 2:30 PM

In the early part of the afternoon, the sun shone merrily over the town of Sanctuary Hills.The day was warm, but with a nice breeze to help dry the sweat off of one’s brow, and keep them cool. People seemed too optimistic to credit the dark clouds to the west.

Summer is a favorite time of year for many residents of Sanctuary Hills. School is out, the town is less crowded without as many college students milling around. Even today, though, there were still some students lugging their worldly belongings from one of the dorms to the parking lot at Brooke Hall. And a handful had sought lodging in town, either for summer classes, or to work a summer job and stay nearby.
The library was still open, though a missive had been sent to all students that if they did not manually renew any checked-out books, they would be summoned back to the school on Friday, regardless of how long they had on their loan.

Many restaurants in Town Square had set tables out in front, to take advantage of the fair weather. Some reached all the way onto the brick of the square itself. The crowd amongst them consisted of townies, as well as some students and even a few parents who were in town to drive their children home from college.

Sanctuary Thrills had its summer discount in effect, which was coaxing a little more custom. All of the rides were open today, without an “out of order” sign in sight. The Ursa Major was roaring along at regular intervals, punctuated by the screams of its riders, and a handful of vendors cried their wares over the din.

But weather in the summer can be fickle, and before anyone could credit it, a thick layer of clouds covered the town, and disgorged its payload of rain. It seemed that not even the local weather channels had predicted that the rain clouds would move this direction, although not everyone was taken completely by surprise. Anyone tuned to 101.1 got about twenty minutes of advance warning, as “I Swear” by All-4-One was interrupted by the mysterious DJ Aaron(Erin?), who simply advised their listeners to “Fetch you an umbrella,” before resuming regularly scheduled programming.
June, 1994. Sanctuary Hills, Virginia. A small college town, isolated up in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

At this time the roleplay is open to new players! If you’re interested in joining, please post your character in the OOC thread for approval first.

Welcome! This is a slice of life roleplay that takes place in a small college town in a world where magic exists. The narrative is meant to be character driven, and generally low stakes. There might be some adventure and/or peril, but it will not be the norm, and will not be the focus. Mostly this is about a loose group of friends and acquaintances getting into shenanigans over the summer. Magic is commonplace, as mundane as electricity in this world. So while some characters may be studying magic, it’s really just window dressing on a roleplay about the everyday problems of a handful of college aged kids.

Regarding posting standards and pacing:
I have no requirements for post length, as long as grammar and spelling are reasonable, and the post makes narrative sense. Sometimes short posts are called for, and sometimes long posts are inappropriate. Just make sure that it's furthering the story.

I don't usually have a posting order, just try not to post back to back. I'd like to see everyone post about once a week, but if we get in a groove and go faster, that's fine. Let us know if there's a delay, or if you need us to skip you or auto-pilot your character.

Regarding rules: I'm pretty casual, so follow site rules, be respectful, and we should be fine. If I ask for something to be changed, I'll usually allow you to argue your case, but reserve the right to make all final decisions.

This RP is meant to be inclusive, and the one thing I will not tolerate is disrespect toward your fellow players.

Would it be possible to write up a professor? I've got an idea for a very old undead necromancy teacher- when she says she remembers riding a mammoth to school, she ain't joking.

I don't have a problem with it on its surface, but Naomi brings up a good point in that they just wouldn't be a good fit for the roleplay.
It takes place over the summer, so there's only a few students even in class, and half of the cast aren't even students.

I also think something that old probably isn't possible. Or, if something that old still existed, it would be very confused and forgetful. I've established that ghosts aren't very good at remaining connected to the material plane, and I think the same applies for most forms of undead.

Anyhow, sorry for a brief absence, I got a little busy over the last few days. I don't have a revised ETA yet, but I'm hoping for it to be soon.
Here's my own relationship proposal sheet. I liked Fading's idea of heading it with a short blurb that applies to basically everyone, so I did that to.

I'm trying to work on an opening post so that we can start the roleplay proper! I'm still hoping to have this done today, but do bear with me if it does not go to plan.

<Snipped quote by Gisk>

It's on YouTube. Sorry about the long songs. She picked up a couple of CD's, the Eurythmics 1984 album was in a sale bin, Tubular Bells was on the Pure Moods CD.

Oh, I mean I can totally find the song in general, I mean on spotify where I was making the playlist. And that's okay, it's not a problem, I'm just letting you know why those weren't added.

I have completed(until I add more to it) my own CS, below. I expect to launch the roleplay proper tomorrow(slight possibility it will be today, but I can't guarantee that).

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