Avatar of GlitchyBugger
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 102 (0.03 / day)
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    1. GlitchyBugger 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current How metal would it be if I said that I was ironically saying Irony is extremely metal this whole time? I think it would be an unparalleled level of metal, myself.
6 yrs ago
Irony continues to be extremely metal and in space everyone can hear you scream: This and more tonight at 25:74PM on your local CRT Television.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Day 126.5: No one has suspected that irony might not be extremely metal, will make contact again when the situation changes.
7 yrs ago
Breaking News: Irony hasn't stopped being extremely metal.
7 yrs ago
Will irony ever NOT be extremely metal?


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Hime Yuki

@Pirouette @Savato @BladeSS4 @Odin

The idea had been flawless, had it not been for Hime taking a violent initiative to draw the attention of the clones, and soon the Yuki found herself tumbling and slamming ungracefully into the wall as a result of her actions. Hime coughed and spluttered briefly at this point as she steadily regained her breath. "Full speed fairy failed... Oww....." She grumbled once she finally got back up to her feet.

It was only now that she took note of the fact that the two clones didn't act until she started attacking. "Maybe we're meant to just play nice and walk past them... Mum always said violence makes more violence, so that could be the lesson here, right?" It seemed fairly simple to Hime now and she got herself ready to step out onto the field again. This time when she'd step out, once the other three were ready to either go or wait to see what happened to the ice kunoichi this time, she'd just plan to walk right past the two clones. Maybe even humming a cheerful little tune as she did so.

Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @Syn @BladeX

For our lost ally, Smite the King of the Deep!

The plan of action went all too well for it to be the truth of the situation, that they could so simply obtain their desired scroll like this? It was too good to be true, right?

Koma didn't want to be proven right, not by the carnage left behind from Bumu's area-wide destruction, nor by the shattered pillar that once held the scroll they were after. And especially not by the disgusting visage of the real denizens of the deep, half-rotten corpses of those who drowned and died long ago, the beauty of the deep warping into it's true form to show them that everything they had seen had been a lie.

The kindly Naiads that had guided them down here, the mermen, the queen. All of it disgusting abominations that no doubt fed on the weak of the ocean and those whom drowned down here, had these things showed their true colours at first then no doubt herself and the others would've been part of their meal too. The most terrifying fact of all was that they were once more short on breath and now had goodness knows how many things to fight, including their king, whom had already slain the fourth member of their team that they hadn't actually seen earlier.

We didn't even try looking for him... That HAS to be a trick to make us think it's him, I didn't even see him in the room when we started the trial! Koma tried to rationalise to herself, how ineffective that reassurance was soon showed through with her next actions.

Koma had little care for the breathing apparatus that offered her a chance to breathe, she cast her own aside and drew from her bow, the frame of it flaring into life and arching out in a net-like formation, prepared for when she fired. Had she been able to breathe she would've screamed bloody murder at the king as she let her arrow loose, it would fly with little resistance due to the sheer force behind it, almost blowing Koma back were it not for the net formation of the frame to keep herself in place by catching on the water around her.

Should it hit, which by all things benevolent and holy she hoped it did, the 20 metre sphere of lightning chakra that exploded outward of the point of impact would blow anything and everything nearby into the highest of heavens or the deepest of hells. Even if he'd gotten out of the way of the initial impact the explosion would undoubtedly hit him, especially when you accounted for the conductive properties of the water around him, right?

All Koma could hope was that it would hit, even as she readied herself to begin firing more arrows, fighting through the colossal drain on her chakra reserves that the annihilation bolt took. It was costly, but in most cases, such a technique was a sure-kill shot, moreso when water was involved.

But she didn't wait for the destruction to settle, no, she began to charge and let loose all the lightning arrows she could in the direction of where the king had been. She couldn't just stop to see if it hit, she had to make sure that he wasn't getting back up, even if her first shot killed him.
Hime Yuki

@Pirouette @Savato @BladeSS4 @Odin

The heinously loud ticking was probably the only thing that was getting on Hime's nerves as they awaited their fate for deciding to stick together as a team. But it paid off no matter how annoying the ticking had been as they discovered that both doors had been traps, wasn't it a good thing that this team was so clever? So clever that as soon as they were faced with their second challenge, the other three seemed to be so on the ball with what to do that they didn't really need to stop and make a plan, it was right to the action as Rumia and Kyoka joined forces in some kinda interestingly weird way.

The goal was simple though, get to the scroll and grab it... And try not to be beaten up by the Hokage clones. Without any hesitation though Hime triggered her fairy mode and little crystalline ice wings sprouted from her back, giving her just enough lift to skim off of the frost building up around her feet and she took a deeeeeeeeeeeep breath before bellowing at the top of her lungs.


Hime's battle-cry was questionable to say the least as she took off to the right-hand side of the two clones, clutching a fistful of tags and throwing them at the pair to first see what they would do with such a smattering of unknown tags dispersed around them as Hime aimed to dash right past them and gained momentum. The self-proclaimed "fairy" was prepared to activate the tags if either of the clones found themselves to be above one of the tags, which would create a sudden pillar of ice to sprout from beneath them, it was good for either deterring enemies or flinging them up into the air if the hit landed.
Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @Syn @BladeX

This... was not quite the situation that Koma had expected from Bumu's initial introduction, nor from her own silence as she waited for the queen to continue to talk. It could be completely expected from Kaba's outburst though, and now it was either going to need an attempt at damage control or a display of force to stop what could be considered their imminent demise.

It was admittedly difficult to drop down into a bowing position whilst in the water, but Koma managed it more or less. It may have been too late, but how were they to know if they didn't try at least? "Y-Your Highness! Please overlook our insult just this once, we've never encountered royalty before and didn't know how to properly act, nor did we know we would be sent here through the trial we chose to face. I-I b-beg that you give us a second chance, if we again fail to treat you with the respect you are deserving then... I... offer myself to you as collateral. We don't wish to worsen relations between your land and ours."

Whether things remained as they were or calmed down laid on whether the queen of the deep would accept a deal such as this, Koma loathed to admit it to herself, but she was already prepared for this to fail as well. Still in her bowed position, all but curled up like a ball really, Koma's hand was wrapped around the bowgrip in her pouch. If there was a benevolent being up above that was watching them, she could only try to pray to it that things would not worsen from here.

And if it did, she already had a plan in mind, at the very least....

Unfortunately Koma's words didn't seem to reach the aquatic royal, despite how ready she was for engaging in hostilities, she loathed to do it in what was considered a holy place of sorts.

The kunoichi quickly started to swim upwards as far as she could, grabbing and tugging on Kaba's sleeve and tugging so she could direct him to swim upwards alongside her. During her ascent to the "roof" of this undersea domain, Koma held one hand out to her side after forming seals and seemingly dragging another reality into view, converting the visual landscape of the interior into a murky and clouded expanse of water as she and Kaba would disappear into one such cloud of murky water to hide within, provided they hadn't been followed. She had no idea if the abyssal queen was clued in on how genjutsus worked, but this was better than nothing for the time being as she pushed Kaba in the direction of the pillar that housed the scroll. "Keep swimming that way and go for the scroll, I'll give you some cover from here."

The genjutsu, demonic false illusions, had been crafted with the intention of reaching the scroll without being spotted too soon with most of the clouded water brewing a small ways higher than the scroll, but covering a large enough area to grant them the chance to get into such a hiding spot.

Koma's bow was at the ready to fire as she'd come back out of the cloud and begin to obscure herself some by channelling chakra through her camo-cloak, giving herself a translucent appearance and making herself harder to actually see.
Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @Syn @BladeX

Descending and Drowning.

With Bumu clinging to her cloak for dear life and Kaba following her swimming pace, Koma kept her gaze focused below them, peering into the inky depths of the ocean that refused to let them escape. She had no idea how long she'd been trying to swim for but it was feeling more and more futile the longer she swam. Her muscles arched from over-use, her joints stiffened as she continued to exert herself, her eyes stung from the constant exposure to the water and finally... She ran out of what little air she had left when she began her descent and panic spread through her mind, an exam wasn't supposed to be deadly, this had to be some kind of messed up genjutsu that was only making them think this was happening, it had to be!

Koma was wrought from her mental ravings before she got too enamoured with them by the sight of something moving in the depths, but the young kunoichi couldn't hold on any longer and she too succumbed to her body's desire to try and breathe, taking in anything but the oxygen she needed to keep going. In that moment where the world began to darken the things she'd seen in the deep closed in and did... something.

The next thing she remembered was gasping and soon breathing once more, still submerged yet somehow not drowning this time whilst human-esque figures began to dance, play and swim around her, giggling and laughing amongst themselves all the while. Calling the beings beautiful was both a compliment and an insult, there probably wasn't a way for her to really define their appearance compared to humans anyway.
The girl couldn't understand the cause for their joy and began to paddle herself in an attempt to shrink away from the affectionate maids of the ocean, but before she could actually do that many hands grabbed hers and the trio were guided deeper into the water, Koma red in the face at the exaggerated attention she was getting from them.

What made this situation even more absurd was the sensation of growing webbing over her body, no doubt to allow her to swim in these waters with ease, but she never remembered being able to change like this so it had to be either an effect that they had on her and the others or something in the water itself.
But again, any thought about such matters was whisked away as she laid eyes upon the underwater palace that merfolk seemed to be coming in and out of without concern, again it was a beauty that Koma didn't have human words for. For a time she forgot to shut off her eagle eye technique, surveying every visible surface of the building as she soon heard Bumu manage to speak up, prompting her to de-activate her technique and look to the foxish ninja.

Koma took a moment herself re-developing the ability to speak as well, but voiced her opinion shortly afterwards. "I... Think it's a home for the denizens of this ocean, and the water scroll." She began swimming towards the entrance without another word, she'd had her fill of wonder, marvel and terror by now. Koma just wanted to get back to the relative normality of the shinobi world after all this over-exposure to interaction and unpredictability.
Hime Yuki

@Pirouette @Savato @BladeSS4 @Odin

With all the talking going on, Hime barely noticed the ticking from the corner of the room, it wasn't prominent enough for her to really look for the source though, so she simply carried on as she was, happily waiting to see what would happen after having already volunteered as a sacrifice for the test.

Kyoka, having dragged Rumia and Tashiro over to Hime herself to get them all to sit down, began talking about the idea she had over what was going on. It sounded really familiar, like something Hime had said herself, if only in a different accent, but she didn't really linger on that, she liked the idea of sticking around without sacrificing one another for the sake of passing. And if the thought was right, that would mean that Kyoka and Rumia would be able to come back next time the test is on so she could hang out with them again. Not that they'd hung out yet, but they totally would be later, Hime was sure of it!

"I like the way you're thinking, Kyo-Kyo, you took the words right out of my mouth!" She chimed in agreement, then taking notice of the camera as Rumia looked at the camera and threatened whomever was watching them from behind it. "Yeah, we'll show you what-for all-together like a good team should!" Of course the bubbly woman was likely less intimidating than the ginger redneck, but it was the thought that counted, right?

Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @Syn @BladeX

The plan seemed to be going far better than Koma had originally thought it would, being fired through water that didn't seem to want to stop them no matter how fast they went as if it wasn't real water... Granted that much was obvious from the fact that it had been eroding the oil and the barrier at such an extreme pace.

As they breached the lack-of-surface and found themselves being plunged deeper into an abyss identical to the one they just escaped from, Koma was lost for thought on just what was going on. In a mad dash for sighting something out of the ordinary she activated her eagle-eye technique, but aside from the darkening depths of the ocean, and her current team-mates nearby, she couldn't see anything more than just... More water, holding her breath wasn't going to achieve much with so little to go on but she kept it held as long as she could after returning to her normal field of vision to assess her immediate surroundings.

Koma tucked her bow-grip away safely seeing as it wasn't needed now and began swimming over towards the floundering Bumu to lend aid with the whole inability to swim debacle as the... person seemingly began to furiously paddle with their arms and legs to go further down.

Well it was an idea at least. Instead of letting the ineffectual paddling go on though, which was in turn wasting the precious oxygen the nin had left, Koma swam over and gestured for them to grab the mesh of her cloak by tugging on it and pointing at Bumu. It seemed like Kaba, their other team member was capable of swimming normally at least, so she wouldn't have to pull him along too. Re-activating her eagle-eye technique, so she could have a better sight on whatever was down in the depths, Koma began to swim downwards as well.

All she could hope for is that there was actually something in the abyss aside from more water and their demise. The differences of this situation compared to being in an actual ocean gave her the impression that it was acting akin to a genjutsu, nothing else would be able to act this way if it weren't influenced by an illusion of some sort.
Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @BladeX @Syn

One of the many things Koma was good at was holding her breath, hopefully a trait that these two were somewhat versed in as well because it would be essential once they began their escape. Koma looked up at the oil-coated ceiling to see that it was eroding far quicker than anyone could anticipate, having maybe bought them a minute before the barrier stopped the rest of the water from flooding around them. [color=drb887]"Exactly, the wind should, in tandem with those explosive tags... Fire us up through the ceiling and to the surface."[/color]

Koma was already building up a reserve of wind chakra as she prepared to let loose the gust of wind from her immense breakthrough technique. "On my mark..." As she spoke the screech of room around them briefly startled her, but she maintained her control of her chakra, by now Kaba had created the secondary barrier to act as their impromptu life-pod and the tags were littering the floor of the first barrier.

"Hold your breath for as long as you can and when the barrier breaks try to resurface as soon as possible. You two had the water-walking chakra control training, right?" They didn't get time to answer, now was not the time for any more chit-chat, Koma tightly clung to her bow-grip just in case she had to make use of it whilst under the water. "BRACE FOR IMPACT AND FIRE." Provided the other two timed their own actions right, Koma released the gust of wind to be funnelled out of a hole in the base of the barrier to act as their propellant to help put enough distance (and water) between them and the explosive tags before they went off too.

Hopefully all of this effort would fire them at least out of their sinking prison, if not... Well that's why she had her bow-grip handy, just in case they would need a bit more of a bang to get a bit further up.
Koma Hitsugi

@Reflection @BladeX @Syn

Before she knew it, Koma had been grabbed and pulled off towards a group by some stranger she hadn't noticed... Mostly because whomever it was happened to be behind her, she let out a muted cry of surprise and confusion before she managed to gather her bearings, but then confusion overwhelmed her again as her and the team she'd been pulled into were transported.

There was nothing more that she could be other than the personification of bewilderment until she heard the dripping and looked up to see that both of her new companions had taken the initiative in terms of trying to prevent the leak from worsening... Delaying the inevitable, but it was a good way to give them some time to think, for sure. Koma rapidly tapped her tample a few times as she begun to think. "There's no... clear way to do this, really. We've got to find the water scroll and we have not idea just how large the expanse of water is outside of the Room, right?"

She looked to the leak at the top, then at the door as it began to leak too. "You two can swim, right? I believe it will either be on an island somewhere on the surface or in fact the source of the water itself, maybe from above... Maybe from below. All we can do is let the water in and work with what we've got from there." It wasn't helpful advice, but it was certainly the simplest way to figure out just where they had to go. Seconds later she looked to Kaba and pointed at his barrier. "Wait... Can you make specific shapes with your barriers? I might have an idea of how to quickly get to the surface if you can, you'll just need to be okay with a bit of a breeze. From there once we're on the surface we'll just need to control our chakra well enough depending on the weather out there to walk on the surface."

Koma wasn't sure about her idea, in all honesty, but it was better than nothing... It was either stay in here and drown once the water destroyed the room, or go with a half-baked plan and have a shot at getting out of there, right?
Hime Yuki

Hime was surprised, yet also giddy with excitement as she was welcomed onto the team and given another hug, this time by the adventurously degenerate blonde, Kyoka. Admittedly the Yuki wasn't smart and she knew what Kyoka was up to with her hips and hands, but that didn't mean she would stop her, it wasn't like it was a bad thing after all, right? In other news Kyoka would've found Hime to be quite a soft young woman, much to her pleasure or displeasure.
People showed their feelings in different ways anyway, so who was Hime to tell Kyoka how to show her excitement? Instead Hime elicited a small giggle and wrapped her arms around the girl as well to return the gesture, minus the groping and grinding. "Family? I like it!" She chimed afterwards.

As soon as that was said, Hime having missed the fact that another had joined the team whilst she was distracted by an enthusiastic Kyoka, they were transported to a serene, white room and the conditions of the test were explained to them. "I never worry, Kyo-Kyo. It wouldn't be a very Yuki thing for me to worry, you know!" The ditz bragged, puffing her chest out with pride once more after being freed from Kyoka's grasp.

Rumia clearly knew what she was going to do, all things considered, and so did Hime. Though of course with Rumia being the first to act Hime would first watch her move and soon voice a concern that maybe everything wasn't as it seemed. "Well! Whether or not it is, I'm okay with waiting until next time to try for Jonin, I'll get there anyway so what's another year until the next exam, right? Then I have time to practise and you guys can come and watch Hime be even better than before! What do you think?"
By the time she'd finished talking Hime had placed herself by the "sacrifice" door. "Maybe, if we listen to the voice up there, we'll pass as a team by following instructions. Who knows, it could be trying to play us against each other by saying the people who sacrifice themselves fail to make us fight over who goes through the doors, that kind of in-fighting isn't acceptable for shinobi teams, right? We go as a team, pass as a team or fail as a team, that's how it's worked as far as I know."
Hime Yuki

Now, Hime had no idea what "Dills my pickles" meant, but she was sure it was a good thing based on Rumia's reaction and subsequent draping of an arm around her shoulder as she prepared to take a picture of the three of them while Kurin was all but completely ignored by the ginger girl. In the mean time she, unaware of the perverse nature of the two cousins and the expressions they would make, pursed her lips as if ready to kiss the camera as Rumia took a picture of the three of them.

"You should worry less about it, Ku-Ku, I know what I'm doing." She said dismissively before Kurin left to arrange what team he was going to be in after the Hokage explained what the first phase of the test would consist of. Choose a scroll and complete a challenge? That sounded far too easy, was it even really going to be a challenge for them to become jonin like this? Not that she was too bothered about it anyway, but it didn't sound like much.

"The special one? Sure, I'll tag along!" She was very quick and very eager to go along with her new friend's idea, looking excited about getting to work with the two of them and bouncing on the spot somewhat as she seemed to build up even more enthusiasm.

Koma Hitsugi

Koma found herself caught off-guard and let out a small squeak-like sound as Ai spoke to her, simply giving a flustered nod and muttering. "Well... I wanted to take a look around first." Before the Hokage's explanation began.
The man was incredibly imposing as he gave his speech and told them of the rules of the tests, so much so that Koma found herself starting to try and hide herself a bit more with the mesh cloak around her shoulders, to little avail. What really brought her the most uncertainty and anxiety about it was that they had to group up into teams to complete the first phase of the tests, something that Koma wasn't good at admittedly, but she was better at that than at fighting other shinobi, so she'd have to try and find some others to group up with.

The quiet girl turned to see if Ai was still there, hoping to ask a somewhat familiar face if she could work with them but she'd already gone off to form her team... With one option already gone Koma began to look around from where she stood, somewhat nervous over her situation at the moment. What if she wasn't able to join one of the six teams because they were all full? Would she then have to take part in the combat tests instead? That didn't sound fair or fun at all, really.

But she wasn't any good at taking the initiative when it came to interacting with others, so she mostly stood there like a deer in headlights as she tried to spot someone who looked like a good potential team-mate.
Hime Yuki

It hadn't been long at all in the stadium before Hime found herself being spoken to by a ginger girl with an odd accent and her cousin, going by the other girl's similarly accented speech. Even Kurin was adding himself to this conversation by trying to tell off the ginger girl. The sudden arrival of people to talk to brought an almost literal sparkle to Hime's eyes, she had no idea who these two were, aside from their names, but that didn't stop her from giving a quick bow of her head. "Oh, it's great to meet you both! I'm Hime Yuki, the shiniest snowflake in all of Konoha, I assure you! Hey, I should hug you both to say hello, can I?"

As she was talking the updraft caused by Shizuka's arrival disturbed her clothing and hair and showing a bit more than most would like to display in public... they were as white as snow. Though she barely noticed it all that much aside from having to brush some hair from her face and patting herself down a little to brush off the dust blown up from the stadium's floor, she didn't even huff in complaint!

After this she turned her beaming smile to Kurin and chimed, still listening to the two cousins in case they let her hug them. "Don't worry about it, Ku-Ku, it's just one drink! And who knows, maybe it's how Rumi does her kunoichi stuff?" It wasn't the first time she'd called Kurin "Ku-Ku" before, but it wasn't used commonly enough that he'd be used to it, it was more of a nickname for him that was used when Hime felt like it. In tandem with her words, she puffed her chest out at him with pride and reached out to pat Kurin on the shoulder.
"I bet you didn't think of that, huh? Well don't worry Ku-Ku, that's why I'm here to do the thinking for you! There's no harm in letting Rumi finish it anyway, especially if she likes it, right?"
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