Avatar of Gnar The Missing Link
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aetas? Something along that line.
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 430 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Gnar The Missing Link 10 yrs ago


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Hmmm... In that case, I suppose that is fine then. If it works like that, then he's acceptable.

@Gnar The Missing Link

I'm done, the communication is non-existent here.

If you read my posts, you would have seen that he was accepted.

Sorry that I was held up today and wasn't able to get a post in until now since I had a doctor's appointment and other various things going on, but if you truly wish to drop out, then I understand and I wish you a good day.

Edit: Thank you @Ashifili for that wonderful Team post compilation! I am going to go ahead and add that to OP~!
Within The Valleys on Lovos

Freedom of flight and the ability to feel the wind against its body again was all that the mighty Lovos could think of as it roared aloud, breaking the clouds as he soared and flew high into the skies. The wondrous feeling of it all excited the dragon more than ever as he practically ignored the tiny specks of dust on his back.

Though, uncertainty quickly came to its mind: he was sure he could no longer think or feel; that his mind was gone and his brain was no longer of any use. Yet, the magic he felt and strange speckle of dusts that he felt slowly crawl up and slide back down his large body told him that something was the cause of this. Something or someone was the cause of restoring the sanity of long lost dragon to its rightful state.

How could he return this kindness... this gift of life that he had thought once extinguished? Thinking carefully, an idea came to mind.

Almost immediately, Lovos lifted his body up before diving swiftly downwards. The spot where he felt the magic before; those pesky speckles of dusts... he knew where they were, and he simply had to meet them himself. They were not far from his head being at the center of his body, and with his quick movement, he simply flapped his wings backwards and lifted them up upon his head where there were tufts of hair that they could easily grab upon and climb around if they so needed to.

Were they to land safely, they would soon find themselves near the center of Lovos' Head.

From here, they could go towards the Dragon's enlarged eye seeking an audience, the ear to speak to it, or even towards its horn where there seemed to be a hole drilled in. What they wanted to do now would be completely up to them, although it was clear the dragon sought their attention.

Within the Forests on Gorlock

The creature simply looked at Tamaki's offering before smelling it with wonder, and ate a bit of the vegetables before smiling warmly at the cheerful girl. He understood her request quite well and he thought best on how to explain the situation to her. If there were humans with such oddities to them, then surely this was to be 'his' doing.

Walking towards Tamaki, the great creature's eyes flashed multiple colors as its irises began to flare up, before it promptly pressed its forehead against Tamaki's.

Then, she would have seen it through visions-

Gorlock and his entirety, the large primordial Titan of the Land walking and trailing proudly across the land. Before the scene seemed to have zoomed out and shown the entire world of Aurora before her eyes. A beautiful landscape unlike anything else, with all kinds of climates and places being seen far from above, only for the image to change once more like a slideshow. An image of a white robed man taking care of a younger version of the creature before her, before the image focused solely on the young man; indicating that this man was both this creature's caretaker and was possibly the one who may have brought them into this world. Then the scenes flashed backwards to Gorlock and then back to their current location, before the creature finally broke the trance.

What seemed like minutes in fact took only seconds to perform, and hopefully what the creature wanted to tell had been told; that they were on the back of a massive creature in a new world, and that it was possibly his caretaker who had brought them here.

Smiling at Tamaki once more, the creature took a nibble from her bento before looking towards Fiona... watching as multiple squirrels and birds began to assault her by giving her various different nuts and little flowers of the sorts as gifts, sensing her kindred spirit. It would have seemed that nature itself has already taken a liking to her without his interference.

Nonetheless, it was clear that the group of girls were welcome to stay until they sorted things out or decided what to do next... although, the distant noises of what could be a 'jet' can be slightly heard...

Within the Mountains on Kormog

Despite the idea of refreshing water hitting against you, the cold stream immediately rams against you and quite literally knocks the wind out of you all- pressing and pushing against you for a good minute or two until finally settling down.

Now fully soaked, you can hear the sizzling sounds of things crackling and being molded together... and upon looking back you can see that practically everything is smoldering black with various red streaks everywhere. Even the molten lava-like insects are stuck in place and unable to move, and the lava below looks now as if it could lead towards some hidden areas.

There's quite a few options now that you're not all hot and dry... being able to now look around more safely or even go through the gates that are not firmly open wide.

However, you can now hear the faint sounds of 'something' hitting against the rocks; a miner, perhaps? Could it be the source of the voice or perhaps some unknown dangers?

Looking around, you can also see that there's a ladder of sorts upon going passed the gate leading up and to god knows where, along with voices coming from above and the sound of distant footsteps.

The decisions are yours to make...

Kael’valtar, The City of Soaring Hopes

Almost immediately as you all begin to wonder about outside a bit, an elf robed in red suddenly appears and places a hand upon Mana's shoulder, before glaring intensely at you all with his amber eyes. Just staring at him and being in his presence you can feel something emanating from this elven man; sheer and raw magical power. He clearly knows that something is up with you three, and that you are not of this city.

"I see, so this is Cherin's doing. For there to be humans again... how absurd," speaks the Elf with a sharp tongue and as he places a hand on her chin, turning her head side to side with an observatory eye while glancing over Mana, almost as if she was some sort of rarity. "Feminine features, long green hair... Could easily be mistaken for a boy- yet you are without a doubt a girl. You," the Elf then turn towards both Joel and Darius, smacking the former on the chest while gripping the latter by the chin and examining him the same as he did with Mana, "yes, you're both male and human as well... Though, you're all too young- far too young, to be precise. Why would Cherin resort to summoning children of all things? We needed heroes, not infants who can barely walk or understand things."

Sighing, the Elf retracted his hands and snapped his fingers... before cloaks of sorts appeared out of thin air.

"No matter, take this you three and meet me at the castle over yonder," he muttered as he handed them the robes and pointed towards the castle with exquisite architect. "Cherin has his ways of doing things, and I'll trust him... however, if you wish to gain allies you will need to prove yourselves. If you can get into that castle and find my workshop without getting caught, then I'll assist you."

With those words, the Elf walked calmly towards the castle without another sound... however, Mana would find that the Elf had slipped a note and a key within her robe, reading "The Shadows are your friend, girl", while Joel would find a locket suddenly around his neck from where the Elf had tapped his chest, and Darius would find earrings shaped like the sun suddenly over his ears.

It would seem as if the Elf has left you with some strange gifts...

Halls of the Fallen Saints

"Scientists among... Dwarves..."

A slight whisper filled Valair's head as he pressed his hand against the statue of the boy wearing a hat.

"Place my friends... and I... based upon... numbers... in... order..."

The voice sounded like a young boy, and suddenly the very image of the statue started to appear by the chart.

With a camera in hand, the essence of the young lad smiled cheerfully as he stood next to Rena, before pointing at one of the elemental fillings... but instead at the number above it. He pointed slowly, allowing Rena to follow along with her own hand and touch the same element fillings as him to see what elements the numbers belonged to: first at the number above Silver, then above iron, then zinc, then boron, then cobalt, and lastly titanium.

Retracting his hand, Valair could hear the boy's voice in his head once more as he smiled at him.

"Place them all... in proper order... then my sigil... on door..."

With that, the young boy raised his camera and took a picture... only to disappear as the flash illuminated the room.
There is no 'good eye'. Zombehs just has a very intimate relationship with Click.

<Snipped quote by Ashifili>

Apparently, given how our characters have ended up grouped together in RPs.

This is sounding creepy and I am all for it.

Edit: Also, made my GM Post and gave some more hints for the puzzle- this time a bit more direct. Along with making things a tad more interesting for everyone to have some free reign for a bit because freedom is nice.
Since somebody just went bye-bye, would there be space for one more? :3

In fact... I think there is actually.

If Whitepulse is still here, I'll have Aarne join Team <Insert Name>.

Leaving another spot open that has to be filled in Team Taxpayers.

So, yes, we do have a spot open at the moment.
Here's ther current groups, and the characters that are in them. I've also added this to to OP for simplicity's sake as well.

Character Group/Teams

Erich Cline, Tsutsuji Tsubaki, Kevin Hawk - Team Space Jam

Jynmi (MIA), Free, Dominic Harris - Team <Insert Name>

Tsukino Rin, Mabel Ruline, Kyōkai Hana - Team B

Fiona Swanhilde, Tamaki Asagami, Chloe Richards - Team GUTS!

Shill, Arimax "Max" Johnson, Filip De Veen - Team Attack On Woolie

Darius Jacks, Joel Johnson, Mana Nagata - Team Eclipse

Valair Androda, Rena Smith, - Team Taxpayers
@Guilty Spark

Fair enough, though being rude and getting heated over one remark about things doesn't tend to make one friends, and I apologize for my ineptitude to satisfy you and your specific needs since I have to reply to everyone in the IC besides your own group.

Nonetheless, I hope you have a good day.
<Snipped quote by Gnar The Missing Link>

Sorry for another question but just to clarify, but what numbers?

Would they be Hydrogen to Carbon Aurora equivalents as in the first to sixth elements on Earth's periodic table?

Or are do the symbols coincide with the elements of the statues and sigils?

I'm tempted to draw a map here or just tell you how to solve the freaking puzzle...

You know how on the periodic table the first six elements are labeled element number 1, element number 2, etc., right? Well, the Aurora chart isn't written in English, nor is the numerical system the same- however, with Rena's power and her hopeful knowledge of the Periodic Table, she can look at the numerical-like symbol over Hydrogen, look on the floor, and cross reference it with our own Periodic table and figure out "Oh, hey... wait, this looks just like a periodic table! Wait a second, then that means that this is this world's numeric symbol for 1!" and she could do this for the other five symbols... figuring out that they're the numbers 2,3,4,5, and 6.

There's six sigils (and only one of them works on the door), and six places on the floor where the statues are supposed to go, ordered from 1 to 6... kinda seems like it's going from least to greatest... and there are also six statues, each being a different element with a different numerical value on the Periodic Chart.

Like, I feel like you guys are making this WAY harder than it has to be. >_>


I'll have a GM Post tonight for sure since today has been hectic, sorry for the delay everyone! Look forward to some interesting stuff!
A hint is a hint! >:L

If you want to take it sarcastically that is your own fault!
@Gnar The Missing Link Just to make sure, is there anything about the room (door, statues, etc) which our characters would be able to see, but that you haven't described yet?

Hmmm... The only thing that I can think of, is that there is a slot for the sigils on the door, but only one of them is the right one. To figure out which one is the right one, you will need Valair's power- Soul Anchor. As a big tip, I suggest using your power on the statues, since one of them actually has the faint essences of a Saint... and that this puzzle was made by one of them.

There's symbols on the floor in front of the statues as well, that if you compare to the first six center elements in the Aurora periodic table on the wall with Rena's power, and if you were to compare them to our own periodic table, you can figure out are actually numbers ranging from 1 to 6.

@Gnar The Missing Link

Apologizes for all the questions, but we here at Team Taxpayers are really hard at work to crack this puzzle. Anyway when Rena examines to sigils would they be the same elements as the statues, that is assuming I'm right by thinking the sigils themselves are made from a single element like that?

Yup! There are six sigils in total, and they match the six statue elements. Although, only one is the correct one that will activate the door and allow it to work while the others wont do anything. Once the statues are in their proper positions, the door will be filled with magic and allow people to pass through it.

You need to use all of your powers to solve this puzzle efficiently.

By using and comparing the Aurora Periodic Table to our own (Rena), you should be able to figure out the order that they statues are meant to go in ('Glaive'). Just think very carefully how the periodic table is organized. In order to figure out which sigil is the right one, you may need to transfer some life essence into the statues to see which of the Sigils actually works with the Gate (Valair), since the Saint who made this puzzle placed their own life essence into their own statue- which will will refuse to allow any kind of life essence to be imbued within it.

Though, when you think about it, everything so far as been rather 'Earth'-ly, don't you think? If I recall... wasn't there a Saint of the Earth?

I'll just leave my most useful hint here: Perhaps Valair should use his power on the most normal-looking of the statues to find which Sigil is correct.

These are some really big hints I'm dropping here, so I hope this is enough. Anymore, and I might start taking away from the rewards. >_>
I've sent you a PM on some stuff. Just read that and you'll be good to go~!
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