Avatar of HalfOfLancelot
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1104 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. HalfOfLancelot 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Take time out of your life to find something to laugh about and smile at least once a day.
6 yrs ago
Netflix is to blame for the sudden resurgence of my animu phase. >:c It was supposed to be background noise, but then I went and got invested... twice in a row.
6 yrs ago
What techniques do you use to open these "pickle jars"? Or is it just raw pickle jar opening strength? (not to be confused with regular strength)
1 like
6 yrs ago
I feel honored to be Miss Capn's Valentine! (/ε\*)
7 yrs ago
What a sick, masochistic lion.


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We've never met, but we're pretty close. I've known her for 3 years, but we've just become friends a year ago!

I've been doing my best to get a few changes and posts here and there today, but it's been hell on my phone. Friend's party, and then family all want my attention. And I just want to drink sparkling wine and quietly die in my room with no human interaction for a week or so.

I'll be sure and poke her sometime tomorrow, though! ;p She might still be busy with some proper New Years day things. I know I have dinner out with my family on the 1st of every year.
Woo! Thankies. Just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the chatter. The OOC is busy! And that's generally a good thing. ;p

I'm friendos with Haggis and I know she's been busy all day. I think she's been spending time with her family, but she's also in Scotland, so she's likely dead asleep, right now. Different time zones are a crAZY LEMME TELL U THAT FROM EXPERIENCE.

OH I forgot about the dorm room too. LOL

Is Dorm 108 available? ;o

Heyo! Is Winston all good to go? ;o
@Ermine I don't even know what discord is. XD

Here! It's a free chat service that's designed specifically for gaming, so it's incredibly light on your computer - doesn't take up much of your CPU, loads easily, and doesn't take hardly any memory at all. (and, unless you do game, no one really uses the voice feature on this guild, anyways; i only do so with really good friends of mine because i hate talking to strangers online)

I would highly recommend it, especially since RPers around here tend to be a bit Discord crazy. ;p

Alrighty! I threw in a few tidbits at the end of his appearance. ^^

Also, if it's any consolation, my dude, all of my characters are gay dudes. I'm literally the most homosexual you can get (that's a lie. i may watch RuPaul's but I'm far from West Hollywood and more just a gay nerd who likes gay stuff on the internet; i'm a laidback gay)

(now to quietly cry my tears into this wine as i get dragged back to the festivities)

after 32 long grueling days of hard work i have completed my child.


Will totes get to working on one!

<Snipped quote by HalfOfLancelot>

i'm gonna sink your boat

you can't sink the titanic bro

hello the gay is here. time to set sail *choo choo*
Interested (maybe!)

I'll follow suit and throw in some interest.
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