Avatar of HylianRose


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Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
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nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

I believe that I have filled out everything.

Updated all to Journeyman or lower levels.

Looks fantastic! Consider him accepted.

@Crusader Lord

Sounds interesting! Can't wait to read~

I think I'm going for a runefencer route, so probably gonna combine nordic runes with either italian or spanish swordfighting... or both... and probably add in more since the guys writing italian and spanish swordfighting manuals were actual lunatics...

the stuff La Verdadera Destreza made or the stuff fiore di batagglia made were kinda wild.

I can probably also drag in numerology, thinking about it.

I like your fancy words, little man. Lol. Jokes aside, the idea of runefencing is really intriguing. I'm eager to see what you mean by that!


I'm excited to see it!

@Fading Memory

Take your time friend! Good things take time and I'm not in any sort of rush. While I'd love to go ahead and get this going, I'd also rather spend the time making sure we have a good cast and connections between those characters.

This looks interesting. Do you all have world building down? What are the limitations of magic? I did see it mentioned that it was spells and such like from 5th edition. Someone had also mentioned that the gods could be powerful mages. Sounds like Mage: The Awakening or Ascension. We did try doing some custom stuff to our game like adding the zodiac as gods chosen. If the gods are a thing are consolation other god like entities? Is this a specific pantheon or mixed?

Sorry for all the questions. I will probably read along with this one. If you would like help creating teachers and other students/families please let me know.

Don't apologies for questions! I'm happy you're interested enough to ask them! I haven't considered too deeply the limitations of magic. I was hoping we could just sort of do what feels right story-wise. But I am following DnD 5e ideas so to speak for the actual magic. I could, alternatively use rules like Fire Emblem where literally all the character needs is the spell book and possibly some components or maybe the spell book has limited uses? I just wouldn't be sure how that would work realistically? Hmm...

I'd be interested to hear your take on how magic should be handled! I just don't want to get bogged down in all the nitty gritty details that we miss the "cool/fun" factor of our story.


A Duke's daughter sounds fantastic! Feel free to drum up a knight as well if you'd like, but just know that we may not ask everyone to double up, only if needed.

@Crusader Lord @Izurich

Part of the background lore I'd been designing involved Germany being invaded and occupied by Poland (mainly because that amused me and I'm not a history person). If you, as the person running the princess of Germany don't mind that, I can keep going with it. Otherwise, I can choose another set of countries to do silly things with.

Hm, thinking it over, I actually probably don't have the time to do this RP after all. Dangerous thing to be juggling so much when I need to be job hunting instead.

Good luck with it though, y'all!

That is absolutely fair! Proud of you for realizing that. Best of luck on that job hunt, I know from experience how much that sucks ass. If you ever find yourself with more time, and hopefully a job, please know that you're always welcome to join us!

@HylianRose My Knight's CS is up for review!

For the benefit of everyone, I wish to reiterate that he's an optional PC, only to be made official if there's a need for us to double up. If there's not, then Millie will be my (only) PC.

I will look him over later if I have time since he's a secondary PC. Might still use him as an NPC even if we all only need to make one, if that makes sense.


Okay, I think I responded to most everyone. Again, if you have ideas for plot, our magic system, etc and would like to write up a section for it, you will be credited for that work in the OP! We are creating this story collaboratively. I'm just the one who makes the final decision because.. well.. because I suppose that makes the most sense. Lol.
The teachers just end up partnering Millie with Alfi because he can't see and he can totally ZONE anyone out.

Can't accidentally enchant him with her eyes because he can't see them. Gxhhchb LOL
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

I understand and I'll update the level of the skills/talents, that is no bother. I'll have them all capped at journeyman or lower.

I'll add a note to the CS section about that tomorrow. Thanks for being understanding!
I believe that I have filled out everything.

Home for the day so I likely won't look at this in depth until tomorrow but wanted to let you know as it my immediate concern. The skills are mostly expert or master, which I absolutely expect from a 4th year or teacher, but not something I expect from a 1st year. I would say he can have max skills at journey but no higher currently. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. A character who is already a master or expert at something has no where to improve. I'd consider looking at that again.

I do like the talent, but I'll look at that in more depth tomorrow and might have more feedback at that point.

@Crusader Lord

Glad to have you!
Actually, since we got magic and mages running around, do monsters and supernatural beings exist? Do gods? Etc.

Yes, however they are not believed to be real. Or at least are so rare that they aren't believed to be real. I do have plans for some magic beings/beasties to show up in the plot.

If you guys think it would be more fun to have the supernatural more present and less myth, we can do that too! But at present the plan is for them to be incredibly rare and unheard of. Which, I think makes for more mystery and intrigue surrounding them.
Looking through the thread, I’m not actually seeing much in the way of mechanics or lore for how magic generally functions. Is there stuff that just hasn’t been added yet, or is it a sort of thing of “do whatever so long as it makes sense”?

Mostly just do whatever as long as it makes sense. I'm generally going to be following the same kind of mechanics that DnD 5e would follow, but I don't want our story to get bogged down in deep mechanics. Magic comes from books, innate talent for it, and the spells themselves. But if you want to splash in some other stuff like the enchantment magic
the 1-2 characters actually from a country with nobility: I heard the queen is sick and there's an uprising in x town.

The Americans: ...what a shame.
Also, if anyone has any ideas for drama related to countries, please, please send me those. I'm rather shit at government related dramas and intrigue and could use the help in fleshing out some of the subplots that might be happening in the background.
Added classes and clubs! I've also started putting together some lore ideas and a direction to sort of take things. I'm going to fill out the starting rumor/plot hook in the IC thread if you'd like to take a look there. It is still subject to change pending plot hook ideas that come from characters and their relationships as they are created.

I'm actually quite excited to see how your characters handle some of this plot! <3

- LOVE the art you chose.
- that full title is hilariously a mouth full and I love it.
- Strengths/Weaknesses - I think these are fine as is as long as her Stubbornness gets her into trouble. I.E. She's too stubborn to admit that that scary dark forest is too much for her so she goes in anyway and then screams for help when it's too much.
- Skills - Being a first year 15 year old, I imagine the skills would be a bit more heavier on the novice side of things. However, with her upbringing much of the skills that she has make sense for her to have. So I think they're fine. Just be mindful that if you start too high, there's not much room for growth. I'd be interested to know what direction you see her Character growth going.
- Power - I LOVE the power, and I like the built in weakness it has. My only concern plot wise is with her enchantment skill, actually. I think I'm going to allow it, but my reasoning is because I think that if she uses it on someone, she will lose reputation with them and will find it hard to make and keep friends if they find out she's been enchanting them. She'll also likely deal with some self-doubt in wondering if people liking her is her magic or herself. So as long as you discuss with any writer she might use the power on before doing so, I'm fine with it. For example, Karmilla wants Character A to do her a favor, she needs some intel from Character B. But she knows Character A would never get it for her without a little persuasion. You'd need to discuss with at least the writer of Character A how their character would react to being enchanted and if they even could be. Maybe they have a very strong will.
Adolescence - Idk why this made me laugh so much, but it did.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding my feedback, if you're in agreeance, then consider her accepted.

@The Savant

I'm excited to see them!

Edit: Also, idk why but this has given me the idea to use Fire Emblem characters for rando one-off npcs. Lol.
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