Avatar of HylianRose


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Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
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nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

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As a clarity point, do you want our ‘knights’ to be of our same country or are we getting Foreign Exchange’d on this? I’m totally fine either way, I’m just asking to make sure if I start poking people what I’m offering/asking of them since the expressed preference is to ‘try’ and avoid ‘doubling’ on myself.

Hmm, I see what you're saying, but no, I think it's fine to mix countries for the knights. I would think that, on the part of the school, it may be a measure of building relationships between countries in their case? Mostly just trying to avoid backing ourselves into a hole regarding the pairing and what we can and can't do with it.
Alfi: *mid-stab* Oh.. you the new student? welcome!
the America: What. The. Actual-
Alfi: Oi, language!
Also, I'm getting hella Fire Emblem: Three Houses vibes from this, specifically Edelgard. And daaaamn these kids scary.
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

You can use this map as a base to start with, then if you need a country from the yellowed part of the map to be independent (except for Modern-day Germany) simply do so.

Perfect! I'm fine with those being part of the HRE. Let me know if the HRE has any beef with any of the surrounding countries.
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

Oh, Rose, I couldn't find anything much in the IC Tab, nor a zeroth post (the top post without the poster's avatar at the side). This is how it looks on my end: Screenshot

Oh! I didn't know hiding it would hide it for all of you. My bad! Check again, should be there!
Hi, is there room for one more? I like to join this school of unhinged nobles who exploit uses their knights to duel other knights for their entertainment to settle their difference. Seems fun.

As for the courtesy of answering the questions asked(if it's still valid)

Also, i have a few questions:

Let's say i submit an OC knight, does it require me to pair with another player or am i allowed to pair it with my own OC noble?

Does the school allow animal companions with their students (like a dire wolf/or a hunting dog perhaps?)

I'll leave that up to you on whether or not you want to RP your own noble, but the idea is to be paired off with another writer. I certainly won't stop you from RPing with yourself though, I suppose. Lol.

As for animal companions, I imagine it would function the same way as irl schools. If it's a service animal, probably. If not, you're probably less likely to be allowed. If it's an animal that you use in duels, maybe? Like a familiar or something? But something like a large wolf might be kept in the stables or something, if that makes sense?

Also a note; Magical creatures and god DO exist in this world but they are so rare that they are believed to be fake/not real. Which will only make the "finding a unicorn in the woods" even more impactful.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Noted! Nice, alright then. I can see her helping* him become the King of France in the future. I put an asterisk because (pending character development via IC progression) Millie as-is will also use that chance to integrate France as a vassal state, expanding the HRE's grip on Europe even more than it already has,

After all, if the French people are better off under her rule than their corrupt sovereign, then it's her duty to do so. Of course, that's what she'd like to tell herself. From a meta-narrative perspective, I - as her writer - know that she thrives on domination and obedience, the reincarnation of Augustus Caesar or Charlemagne.

But again, pending character development. 😛

Can I ask what countries the HRE currently has under their rule/as vassals? Just to clarify for the narrative so I know how to work through things lore wise as needed.
Highly recommend checking out the Zeroth post on the IC tab to make sure I'm not royally (pun not intended, but I did chuckle) screwing up your character's background in some way. That stuff is still subject to change and just my attempts at giving the world some background noise.
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

Oh damn, should've told me that before I-... nah, nevermind, what has happened has happened. Let's focus on the now.

As things stand, as outlined in her CS, particularly in the personality and history sections, doing that will destroy:
- Millie's background of being the princess of the most prominent country in the European continent.
- Millie's core motivation and goals because it's intrinsically tied to her background.

Obviously, that's not ideal. Though I do agree that such a notion is very hilarious, but perhaps for a different reason than yours, but I'm not going to bother you with it, because...

Ultimately, regardless of my preferences, you have the ultimate authority since you're the GM and this is your world, so if you insist on doing that, then consider Millie cancelled and I'll shift to Maximillian as my primary PC.

Oh, no, not at all. I'm not married to the idea. I can absolutely shift to something else. It's just flavor and not like.. a super important or well thought out plan? Lol. So, no need to cancel her at all! I'm just dumb and didn't realize HRE was Germany. If that tells you anything about how historically naïve I am. I'll make that change and it won't affect much at all!
@The Savant@Izurich

I would go ahead and start drumming ideas for character ideas/connections that might be related to your characters. This could help other writers design characters around those ideas or say "hey, my character could probably do that with yours!"

As an example;

Connections Wanted
- Old Childhood friend who knew Character A back when they were in the institute, someone who knows about his past but likely doesn't know that they're actively trying to hide it.
- A rival from their home town that used to bully them when they were younger.
- A Cousin/Sibling
- Someone that Character A is currently betrothed to via political marriage.

If that's a silly idea and you don't think it would be helpful, please feel free to ignore. That's optional but I think would help others know what you want for your character and the roles that they can potentially fill for them.
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